The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 528: problem occurs

Xiao Han walked over quickly. Li Xiaoya looked very charming, with long maroon hair and delicate facial features. After being moisturized by herself last night, her skin changed from the bleakness of the past, but looked very white and tender.

"Sister, your skin improved all at once?" Xiao Han said in surprise.

After hearing this, Li Xiaoya flushed, and said, "It's not your credit!"

"Haha..." Xiao Han said when he heard it, "Is it right, then I will moisturize you a lot? This is much better than those known as pure natural cosmetics, right?"

"You!" Li Xiaoya's face turned red when she heard that, she said angrily: "Come in for dinner. Stop making trouble."

In the restaurant, the maid has prepared lunch. Last night, Li Xiaoya specifically asked the maid to prepare an old hen stew. This old hen chicken soup uses a good purple casserole, and after a slow simmering one night, it has today's golden color.

On the table, lunch is very rich, Hong Kong style is more, crystal buns, crystal shrimp dumplings, golden quicksand buns...

Very tempting, of course, there are also fritters.

"Sister, do we need so much to eat for the two of us?" Xiao Han exclaimed.

"Eat first." Li Xiaoya said with a smile: "I know you have a large appetite. If you can't finish it, they will eat it. If you can't finish it, throw it away."

"Too wasteful." Xiao Han said in surprise.

"No." Li Xiaoya shook her head and said, "In addition to the two of us, there are three others. You only see one maid now, and one in the kitchen. In addition, one is responsible for the sanitation of the villa and the care of the garden. ."

"Then tell them to eat together." Xiao Han said.

"Master and servant are different." Li Xiaoya shook her head and said, "They will eat after I have finished eating. You can eat first. After eating, we will go for a walk."

Xiao Han hesitated for a while and started to eat and drink.

There are many delicacies on the table, and most importantly, these delicacies are absolutely refreshing. Xiao Han ate two cages of crystal shrimp dumplings one at a time. There was also the quicksandbag, Xiao Han took two of them, and ate two cages at once. Moreover, he ate four deep-fried dough sticks and two large bowls of soy milk.

Li Xiaoya on the opposite side was dumbfounded. She had seen a straw bag, but never seen such a straw bag.

Xiao Han almost ate most of the food alone. He patted his belly and said, "Sister, I...I'm full."

"You..." Li Xiaoya was shocked.

Xiao Han seemed to realize that he had eaten too much. He smiled awkwardly: "I ate more than half of it by myself. Wait a minute...Will they eat without breakfast?"

"Don't worry!" Li Xiaoya smiled: "The kitchen stocks a lot of food. Even if you finish the table, they will cook it again for themselves."

"That's good." Xiao Han nodded when he heard it.

Li Xiaoya ate a little, and immediately put down the tableware in her hand, and said, "I'm full, shall we go for a walk?"

"Okay!" Xiao Han hurriedly put down the chicken soup bowl in his hand.

The two went out holding hands.

The artificial lake is quite large, and the shore is full of weeping willows. The breeze is very comfortable. Li Xiaoya's long skirt was blown by the breeze. The long chestnut hair swayed gently in the breeze.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Sister, are all the people walking here from this villa area?"

"Yes!" Li Xiaoya nodded and said: "They are all people who live here."

"Oh!" Xiao Han nodded slightly and said, "I didn't expect it to be quite crowded."

"It's a rare weekend today, and the weather is so good. Of course everyone took their family and children out for a walk." Li Xiaoya replied.

"Mr. Li!" Suddenly, a man in a black suit came over.

"Mr. Liao?" Li Xiaoya was stunned.

"This is..." Seeing Li Xiaoya and Xiao Han holding hands, the man in the suit was immediately unhappy. He frowned and asked, "Who is this person?"

"My boyfriend." Li Xiaoya replied politely.

"I remember you don't have a boyfriend?" The man surnamed Liao frowned.

"Mr. Liao, do I have a boyfriend that has nothing to do with you." Li Xiaoya smiled politely: "Besides, I'm single. Isn't it normal to find a boyfriend?"

"Didn't you agree to associate with me last time?" The man gritted his teeth and said: " don't count."

"When did I say I want to date you?" Li Xiaoya looked at the man in shock.

"The last time I went to your company to find you!" said the man surnamed Liao hurriedly.

"I just think about it!" Li Xiaoya said helplessly.

"Then how are you thinking?" the man surnamed Liao asked.

"Watch it for yourself!" Li Xiaoya shook Xiao Han's hand and raised her head.

"You!" The man surnamed Liao turned pale with anger. He took a deep breath and said, "Okay, okay..."

After speaking, he turned his head and left.

Xiao Han looked at the other person's back and asked, "Who is this person?"

"A former partner of the company!" Li Xiaoya sighed and said: "Talent, but self-employed. I don't like people with such a personality."

"I also don't think he is a good bird!" Xiao Han replied.

"Really?" Li Xiaoya smiled and said, "However, he did a great favor to our company this time."

"He also lives here?" Xiao Han asked.

"Yes!" Li Xiaoya nodded, and then smiled: "How about it, is there a sense of crisis?"

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded immediately and said: "It seems that I have to move in too."

"Yes!" Li Xiaoya nodded and said: "Why don't you just move to me?"

"Hey, it's okay!" Xiao Han smiled evilly: "I promise you won't be able to go to work every day."

"Ah!" Li Xiaoya's face immediately turned red when she heard it.

Xiao Han's words were so evil, he even said that Li Xiaoya would be unable to work every day. What kind of patience is this.

The two of them were walking along the lake and met many acquaintances. Those who can live in this villa area are basically the elites in the business world. Therefore, it is normal to know each other. After all, these people's social circle is only so big, even if there is no business dealings with each other, they all know each other.

Walked around the artificial lake. The two sat down on the chairs by the lake.

Didn't sit for long.


The phone in Xiao Han's arms vibrated. Moreover, the vibration was loud, and Li Xiaoya hurriedly said: "Xiao Han, your phone rang."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

He took out his mobile phone and found that it was Zhang Feng who called.

Zhang Feng had never used a mobile phone before. Since he was with Xiaohua, he mustered the courage to buy a special smartphone for 888 yuan, then installed a WeChat software, and chatted with Xiaohua on WeChat every day. Just send a message. They entered a period of passion for each other.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked.

"Xiao Han, something happened." Zhang Feng said anxiously on the other end of the phone.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Han stood up and said, "What's wrong?"

"Dagu just received news from Xiaomei that Liu Bin was beaten at the entrance of the School of Business and Commerce." Zhang Feng said hurriedly: "Let's go over and take a look."

"Good." Xiao Han nodded immediately.

"I and Otani will go over first, so hurry up and meet at the gate of the Business Academy!" Zhang Feng said hurriedly: "Hurry up, don't delay."

After hanging up the phone.

"What's the matter? In an emergency?" Li Xiaoya asked.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded, and said, "A brother was beaten at the entrance of the Business School. I want to go over and see."

"Okay, then you go!" Li Xiaoya nodded.

"Okay, then I'll go first." Xiao Han glanced at Li Xiaoya, then turned and left.

Xiao Han had just left two, Li Xiaoya hurriedly said: "The car key is on the cabinet at the entrance. You can drive there."

"Okay!" Xiao Han smiled at Li Xiaoya.

As soon as Xiao Han left, Li Xiaoya returned to the villa. Besides Xiao Han, she had a man to accompany. That is her one-year-old son. There is a servant in the family who takes care of his son. I rarely accompany myself on weekdays, so now I take the time to spend time with my son.

When Xiao Han took the key from the villa, he saw the one-year-old child. Sitting in the stroller, like Li Xiaoya, she has beautiful eyes. A cute baby face, I couldn't help laughing when I saw Xiao Han.

Xiao Han couldn't help but smile. However, there is something in the school, he must rush back immediately.

Driving Li Xiaoya's BMW, Xiao Han swiftly headed towards the Business School.

A lot of people surrounded the entrance of the Business College.

This weekend, Liu Bin specially got a motorcycle to pick up Guan Xiaotong from the Business College. However, when I first received Guan Xiaotong, I met several people. These people were not others, but the bullies of the School of Business.

Xiaobawang has been spying on Guan Xiaotong for a long time, and he has never ended up pursuing her several times. Although I wanted to **** her hard several times, but Xiaobawang wanted to play with feelings and feelings. As everyone knows, Wherever a person like him is qualified to play affection.

Xiaobawang was at the gate of the Business Academy this time and happened to meet Liu Bin who was riding a motorcycle to pick up Guan Xiaotong. Especially when he saw that Guan Xiaotong had actually gotten on Liu Bin's motorcycle, he suddenly became furious. At that time, someone intercepted Liu Bin's motorcycle.

"Boy, you stop!" The two gangsters stopped Liu Bin's motorcycle.

Liu Bin immediately realized that the visitor was unkind. He hurriedly said with a smile: "Man, did you stop the wrong car? I... I don't know you?"


The man in the suspenders slapped him on the spot. Then he said: "Fuck, you don't know us, we can know you!"

"Ah?!" Liu Bin was slapped and immediately stunned.

"Huang Xiaobo, what do you want to do!" Although Liu Bin didn't know Xiaobawang and them, Guan Xiaotong did. She immediately guarded Liu Bin behind her, and then said, "Why are you hitting him."

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