The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 552: God resists killing God

"Get out of the way!" Ye Shisan scolded.

"Yes!" The woman nodded immediately.

Afterwards, several women immediately gave way. Xiao Han walked in front of Ye Shisan, pinched her neck with one hand, and lifted her up into the air. Unexpectedly, Ye Shisan laughed and said in a difficult tone: "Look at your back!"

When Xiao Han heard this, he turned his head and looked over.

In the cage, the aggressive woman had already grabbed Lan Yudie, holding a short knife in her other hand, and the blade was against Lan Yudie's neck. Lan Yudie's face flushed, and a faint voice made from her mouth: "Xiao me..."

Seeing this scene, Xiao Han hurriedly released his hand.

Ye Shisan twisted his neck, and then said: "I said, as long as you join our Nightingale, I promise to let her go and bring you endless glory and wealth, how about?"

"Even if I joined your Nightingale, wouldn't you be afraid that I would regret it?" Xiao Lian laughed.

"Anyone who joins our Nightingale can't go back!" Ye Shisan smiled slightly.

"Why?" Xiao Han asked.

"Go, get it!" Ye Shisan said.

Not long after, the woman took out a transparent bag with some brown powder in it, and then took out a piece of tin foil. Ye Shisan shook some brown powder on the tin foil from inside.

The eyes of the woman on the side lit up.

"Try it!" Ye Shisan turned to look at the woman.

The woman hurriedly caught the tin foil, her hands trembling. She held the tin foil in her left hand and a lighter in her right hand. The flame was roasting under the tin foil. Her nose leaned over and took a bite. Shaking all over, his eyes turned white. Not long after, she took a few more breaths. She seemed to be satisfied. She knelt down in a hurry and shouted: "Boss Ye, my life is yours, I only follow you. You let me go east, I will never go west..."

The woman's spirit seemed to be in a trance.

Ye Shisan on the side said, "Go, until you have dedicated yourself!"

Upon hearing this, the woman took off all her clothes without hesitation. Then he rushed towards the brawny man behind him. When the strong man saw this, like a fighting stallion, the two actually started a fight in this dirty and disgusting place.

"Drugs?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"Yes!" Ye Shisan nodded, and said, "This is the drug in my Nightingale. It is a new type of drug that can't be replaced by any drug."

"Really?" Xiao Han was a little surprised when he heard this, and said, "Is this thing addictive?"

"It's more addictive than ****!" Ye Shisan sneered, and said: "Anyone who has inhaled can't get rid of it in this life, and can only get it from me. So this is why they follow me so much. s reason!"

"Have you taken it for everyone?" Xiao Han was shocked.

"No!" Ye Shisan shook his head and said, "Not everyone is qualified. Only those who I think are useful, I will reward them."

"I don't think it is necessarily?" Xiao Han said disdainfully: "You just want to control others through this drug. If I take this drug today, I am afraid I will never be able to quit this drug in the future. I am obedient to you."

"Haha, you are very smart!" Ye Shisan laughed.

"Don't you want to control me with something like this!" Xiao Lian laughed.

"Are you not afraid of her death?" Ye Shisan asked coldly.

"Fear!" Xiao Han nodded. Suddenly, his eyes became cold, and the whole person quickly rushed towards Ye Shisan.

It was just a blink of an eye, and Ye Shisan was controlled by Xiao Han.

"Xiao Han, you are crazy!" Ye Shisan was a little panicked.

For the first time, she was fearless, because everything was under her control. However, the second time he appeared to be a little panicked. The second time Xiao Han acted so quickly, it showed that he had found the other party's own way. Therefore, she felt she couldn't eat anymore.

"Let her go!" Xiao Lian said with a smile.

"Impossible!" Ye Shisan shook his head.

At this moment, the sturdy woman in the cage grabbed Blue Yudie again, and put a knife on her neck. Blue Rain Butterfly was in pain. Although Xiao Han felt distressed, he knew that this was the only way he could rescue Blue Yudie.

"Then I will kill you today!" Xiao Han gritted his teeth.

"Aren't you afraid of your woman dying here?" Ye Shisan gritted her teeth, her neck was pinched firmly by Xiao Han, without any room to dodge. This also made Ye Thirteen very annoyed and very depressed.

"Humph!" Xiao Lengren snorted and said, "Don't want to use this to scare me. If Lan Yudie dies today, I will not only kill you, but also all your people, your relatives. Don’t run away for any of your friends. In addition, I will kill all of you. Then I will commit suicide. I will go to Huangquan Road to accompany Blue Raindie."

"You're crazy!" Ye Shisanyi heard it, this was simply a madman's idea. She thought she knew Xiao Han and thought she had grasped Xiao Han's fate, but he found that he didn't know Xiao Han at all. He didn't grasp Xiao Han's weakness, but was instead grasped by Xiao Han.

"I'm not crazy!" Xiao Han shook his head, and then said: "I warn you, you'd better let the people out honestly, otherwise, I will burn your golden island on fire, even if it's under the yellow spring. , I will not let you go."

"You!" Ye Shisan was dumbfounded.

"Let go of Boss Ye!" the woman beside her hurriedly shouted.

The elusive pair of men and women also got up. The two of them didn't care that they were naked. Instead, they held a knife, pointed it at Xiao Han, and shouted: "Let go of our boss night, otherwise, we will kill you!"

"Don't come here, or I will kill him!" Xiao Han roared.

A few people are confused, don't know what to do. Ye Shisan was also a little panicked. The power in Xiao Han's hands grew stronger and stronger, and he almost couldn't breathe. She was breathing a little fast, she gritted her teeth and said: "Let...let her go!"

"Yes!" The woman on the side nodded hastily.

Soon, the cage was opened.

"Cloth her!" Xiao Han roared angrily.

Soon, the clothes were delivered, and Lan Yudie put on the clothes in a panic. She grabbed the door and quickly ran to Xiao Han's side.


Xiao Han pushed Ye Shisan away, then took Lan Yudie into his arms, and said with concern: "Xiao Yu, are you okay?"

"No...I'm fine!" Lan Yudie shook her head. She never expected that she would suffer this catastrophe in her life. If it wasn't for Xiao Han, I'm afraid I would really have to confess here, but fortunately Xiao Han appeared. She burst into tears.

"I will take you out of here." Xiao Han held Lan Yudie's face and said, "I said, I will protect you forever."

"Yeah!" Lan Yudie nodded.

Ye Shisan's mouth raised a weird smile, and then said, "Do you think you can leave here safely?"

"Why not?" Xiao Han said disdainfully: "Only these wine and rice bags under your hand?"

"Xiao Han, you shouldn't overestimate yourself as a human being." Ye Shisan smiled, and then said: "You are alone, I may not dare to say such big words, but now you are carrying a dragoon. Do you dare to say such a thing?"

"Why don't you dare?" Xiao Han smiled lightly.

"Very good." Ye Shisan smiled slightly, and then yelled at the people around him: "I want to find a way to keep them for me today!"

"Yes!" The women at the door nodded immediately.

Not long after, a group of people rushed in from outside. More than a dozen men with swords stared at each other in a fierce manner.

"Xiao Han, you still have a chance now." Ye Shisan sneered and said: "Otherwise, you would never want to leave here today, in case you accidentally hurt your little girlfriend, hehe, you will regret it. ."

"Fuck!" Xiao Han uttered a swear word, and then angrily said: "I will kill whoever stops me today!"

"Go!" Ye Shisan roared.


More than a dozen people rushed up quickly.

Xiao Han pulled the Blue Yudie and kicked on the chest of the first man who rushed towards him. The man fell down. Xiao Han snatched the steel knife in the opponent's hand. I have a steel knife in my hand. Majestic.

Xiao Han held Lan Yudie with his left hand and protected Lan Yudie behind him. Holding a steel knife in his right hand, he slashed at the opponent.

Xiao Han's machete is not a hack, but a routine. Every time Xiao Han's machete is dropped, it can accurately slash the opponent's body. Although the opponent is crowded, they are not as powerful as Xiao Han, and Not as fierce as Xiao Han. Xiao Han has a super brain that can accurately and very finely judge the opponent's movement trajectory. According to the opponent's trajectory, he can easily cut the opponent.

"Let people go from behind!" Ye Shisan told the woman beside him.

"Yes!" The woman nodded immediately.

Before long, more than a dozen men with swords swarmed in. In this huge underground prison, it suddenly seemed a bit crowded. After more than a dozen people came in, they quickly began to outflank from behind.

Behind Xiao Han is Blue Rain Butterfly. He not only has to deal with the frontal enemies, but also protects the Blue Rain Butterfly behind him.

Suddenly, Xiao Han was struggling. Although he could accurately judge the attack of the opponent, he suffered from only one person, and he had to protect the Blue Rain Butterfly when he was attacked. It was already stretched, but now it's even more strenuous.

Suddenly, a cold light flashed behind him.

That cold light slashed towards the back of the blue rain butterfly's head. If this knife were to fall, it would inevitably cause Blue Rain Butterfly to be injured slightly or severely, and severely injured. Xiao Han was dealing with the enemy at the front, and suddenly a cold light flashed, making Xiao Han a little dumbfounded.

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