The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 558: Divide the spoils

Finally managed the wound. Zhang Dagu was in pain.

"Sisi, I'm going back to school first." Xiao Han said, "How about I invite you to dinner tomorrow?"

"Okay!" Liu Sisi was overjoyed when he heard it, and said: "This is what you said, so don't regret it."

"Of course I won't regret it!" Xiao Han smiled.

Liu Sisi raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Then...what about tomorrow noon, or tomorrow night?"

"Tomorrow night!" Xiao Han replied.

"Success!" Liu Sisi nodded without hesitation.

Later, Xiao Han drove away with a few people. Liu Sisi looked at Xiao Han's back and looked extremely happy. Thinking about which clothes to wear to the banquet? What kind of makeup should I put on tomorrow?


Return to school.

In the 101 dormitory, the door is closed and the curtains are locked.

Liu Bin put the woven bag in his hand on the table, and said, "Quickly, close the door and lock it. Close the window for me."

"Hmm!" Several people nodded immediately.

Soon, the room was completely dark. Liu Bin turned on his desk lamp.

Zhang Feng took out a wad of banknotes from the woven bag, and a few kraft paper document bags. Then he threw the woven bag aside. Looking at the money, Zhang Feng looked extremely excited.

Since childhood, Zhang Feng has never seen so much money. Indeed, this money is an astronomical figure for him. If he can give this money to himself, he can improve the conditions of his family to a great extent. This is Zhang Feng's idea.

"By the way... how do we deal with this money?" Zhang Feng asked hurriedly.

"How to deal with it?" Liu Bin was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Does this still need to be said? Of course the average score!"

"Average score?" Zhang Dagu was amused when he heard it: "Okay, okay, after the points are divided, we can be divided into about 100,000!"

"So much!" Zhang Feng was shocked.

Xiao Han smiled slightly and said, "These money is ill-gotten wealth, I think we should not divide it."

"Xiao Han, what do you mean?" Liu Bin on the side asked.

"We should donate this money!" Xiao Han replied, and then said, "I am ashamed of the ill-gotten wealth. Donating it is also considered as giving us some virtue."

"Forget it!" Zhang Dagu shook his head and said: "Don't give it to the corrupt official to take it away, it's better to spend it ourselves!"

"Yes, I agree with Otani's statement." Zhang Feng said hurriedly.

"However, I don't think these money should be spent." Liu Bin smiled embarrassedly: "These money should be donated to the Red Cross."

"Do you donate it to them to raise ***?" Zhang Feng sneered.

Liu Bin smiled and said, "No matter what, the Red Cross has done some good things over the years. Besides, speaking of this, if no one really donates money to the Red Cross, then the Red Cross is afraid of something. It can't be done either."

"That said, but if you really want to donate, you can't donate it to the Red Cross!" Zhang Feng shook his head and said: "It's still not true to hand the money to those who are really poor."

"I agree with Zhang Feng's statement." Zhang Dagu said.

A few people fell into conflict at once. Xiao Han and Liu Bin hope to donate the money. However, Zhang Dagu and Zhang Feng felt that the money should be divided. After all, this money is ill-gotten wealth, and if you take it, you must spend it quickly. Besides, Zhang Dagu needs money to fall in love. If he can divide 100,000, he will not be stretched for a few years in university, and he can go to luxury hotels to open rooms at any time.

Zhang Feng is the same. His family is difficult, and now he is in a relationship with Xiaohua. In a relationship, it costs more or less money. Although Xiaohua has always taken the initiative to give money, Zhang Feng is also a man anyway. If he can't pay a penny, his self-esteem will be a little sad. This relationship may not last long.

Xiao Han has considered these issues. Therefore, he was also at a loss.

The four were silent for a long time.

"How about donating it?" Zhang Feng said.

"Didn't your kid always disagree to donate?" Zhang Dagu was taken aback for a moment and said, "Why did you agree to it suddenly?"

"After all, the money is not ours." Zhang Feng smiled and said: "I am a little ashamed of it. So, just donate it."

"You..." Zhang Dagu insisted when he heard it, "I think it is still divided, and you may not be able to use it on others if you donate. Think about it, how many corrupt officials were raised during the Wenchuan earthquake that year. How many worms came out. But, what about the people affected by the disaster? Should they be hungry or hungry, and should suffer or suffer."

Zhang Dagu's words are not without problems.

Indeed, when the Wenchuan earthquake occurred, the whole country would help one party. But what happened later? How many issues were exposed? How many corrupt officials and worms were there? So much so that the hearts of the people across the country were hurt, and they were hit hard. Back then, when Zhang Dagu was still in junior high school, the school called for donations. Thousands of teachers and students in the school donated hundreds of thousands. Later, it was rumored that out of these hundreds of thousands, the principal had taken away more than 200,000.

Therefore, Zhang Dagu has no interest in these donations. He will not donate now and will not donate in the future. He even called on his friends and his relatives to resolutely not donate.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth because he found that Liu Bin's expressions seemed a bit complicated.

"That..." Xiao Han glanced at a few people and said: "The four of us are originally one, we are all brothers. Therefore, we have a one-vote system. If any one person votes against, our proposal cannot Passed. So this time Otani strongly urged us to split equally, so I personally think that we split."

"Okay!" Liu Bin heard it, nodded, and said, "There are two hundred and thirty thousand yuan here, and there are more than thirty thousand foreign currencies. How do you divide it?"

"All points." Xiao Han said.

"Good!" Liu Bin nodded.

The renminbi is very well divided, two hundred and thirty thousand, and the average is divided among four people, with an average of 575,000 per person. More than 8,000 foreign currencies per person.

Zhang Feng looked very excited with the money. He said excitedly: "Then...what about these dollars?"

"I will go to the bank to exchange it tomorrow." Zhang Dagu smiled and said: "You can exchange this money for a lot of RMB in the bank."

"Really?" Zhang Feng hesitated.

"No!" Zhang Dagu nodded, and then said: "Would you like to change with me tomorrow?"

"Good!" Zhang Feng nodded.

Liu Bin threw all the money into the cabinet. He curiously asked, "Zhang Feng, how do you plan to spend this money?"

"I'm thinking about it." Zhang Feng sighed, and said: "I have been with Xiaohua for so long, and I haven't given her a decent gift. So, this time I plan to buy her a dress. Let her eat. A Western meal. It can be regarded as a make up for her."

The few people in the dormitory were silent.

It is no wonder that Zhang Feng insists on sharing the money. Love without money will make people feel short of breath and feel inferior.

Liu Bin looked up at Xiao Han and couldn't help but thumbs up. Because at this time he suddenly understood Xiao Han's painstaking efforts. Xiao Han smiled slightly and said nothing. Liu Bin smiled and said, "Would you like to invite us to have a meal?"

"Yes." Zhang Feng nodded and said: "I will ask you to have a good meal when I look back."

With so much money, Zhang Feng should take most of the money home to subsidize his family. After all, he has a sickly mother and a meager father. Almost all impoverished families can hardly be opened. On weekends, Zhang Feng had to go to work for other people to earn money to subsidize the family.

Liu Bin smiled at the corner of his mouth. He smiled, and then said: "Okay, we remember, you owe us a meal!"

"Don't worry, I will remember it." Zhang Feng nodded immediately.

"Okay, go to sleep." Xiao Han said.

At this time, Liu Bin walked up to Xiao Han and said, "Xiao Han, you said we stolen the safe on Golden Island. Will this woman Ye Shisan let us go?"

"This..." Xiao Han hesitated.

"How do I feel that they won't let us off easily?" Liu Bin said.

"Don't worry." Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "She didn't dare to do anything. Besides, this safe has now been removed by the knife alliance, and this account should be counted on the knife alliance. Yeah. We didn't touch any safes, we didn't even touch them!"

"Ah..." Liu Bin laughed when he heard it, and said: " are right!"

"By the way, open the information in it," Xiao Han said.

"Okay!" Liu Bin heard it and said, "If you don't tell me, I don't know."

Afterwards, Liu Bin immediately opened the information. The cowhide document bag contained some incomprehensible materials, which seemed to be a cooperation agreement. There seems to be a USB flash drive in each file bag.

"What's in this USB?" Xiao Han asked.

"Let me see!" Liu Bin said immediately.

Plug in the USB flash drive, it turned out to be encrypted.

"Fuck, it's encrypted." Liu Bin frowned and said: "This encryption method is still relatively advanced, and it won't be opened for a while."

"What to do then?" Xiao Han asked.

"I can only open it." Liu Bin said helplessly: "However, I copied a lot of information from Ye Shisan's computer."

After speaking, Liu Bin immediately opened his cloud disk and copied all the contents.

Taking advantage of the copying effort, he simply opened up the information inside.

"So yellow?" Zhang Dagu looked aside.

The information inside is all about training women. The video is very pornographic and violent. There are not only photos of various women’s sexual parts, but also videos of 400 rounds of men and women fighting in front of the camera. These materials are all the means used by Ye Shisan to control the other party.

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