The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 579: Take medicine

Xiao Han was very serious. He frowned, sometimes thinking, sometimes waving his arms. It seemed to be walking fast.

Serious men are the most handsome, thinking men are the most attractive.

Liu Yiyi is also a girl and has never been in a relationship before. Because she is afraid and terminally ill, she dare to talk about any relationship, she only hopes that she can quietly leave this world and leave this prosperous world.

Today, she saw Xiao Han's appearance, so charming, that name was charming, and at that moment, she felt as if she was calm in it. Her eyes did not continue to look at the drawing board, but stared at Xiao Han's face seriously, staring at his eyes.

The serious Xiao Han looks extremely handsome, with a smooth and white face, with a sharp and angular Leng Jun; dark and deep eyes, with charming colors; that thick eyebrows, tall nose, and beautiful lips. Everyone exaggerates nobility and elegance. The thick eyebrows were raised slightly rebelliously, and under the long, slightly curled eyelashes, there were a pair of clear eyes like morning dew, a stiff nose, pink lips like rose petals, and fair skin.

At that moment, she felt Xiao Han walked deep into her heart.

Although Liu Yiyi is terminally ill, she is also a girl, a girl who is in love. The originally peaceful world suddenly broke into a handsome man, and Liu Yiyi's calm heart rippled.

Time passed by every minute and every second. Slowly passing by.

The brush in Xiao Han's hand is still waving quickly, he is building a magnificent world with his own hands, and he is bringing a new world and a new hope to Liu Yiyi with his brush.

The foundation has been established, the peaks and mountains are stacked, the clouds and mists are pushed away, the black and heavy mountains, at first glance, seem to be a majestic world.

"Taishan?" Liu Yiyi was a little surprised.

This is the first time she has seen someone use this technique to paint Mount Tai. That black and overwhelming world is indeed Mount Tai. In the past, people painted Mount Tai by contrast.

However, Xiao Han used a technique that was very easy to collapse. The rows of hills are all black. It does not seem to make people think this painting is ugly. On the contrary, because Xiao Han's foundation is very good, the things he draws are also very good. The technique is very sophisticated. Although the painting has not been finished yet, it can be seen that this should be a great painting.

Xiao Han took a deep breath, dropped the brush in his hand, replaced it with a medium-sized brush, and continued to dance.

It takes time and ability to lay the foundation. However, the transitional link is not very time-saving, because once the transitional work is not done well, no matter how well you draw it, it will not have any effect.

Medium brush, cut, draw, point, scrape...

The technique is very skillful, and the technique is unique. Let Liu Yiyi thoroughly see Xiao Han's power.

Xiao Han has forgotten everything. He paints seriously and seems to have forgotten everything around him.

The studio was quiet, Liu Yiyi held her breath, she did not dare to disturb Xiao Han. She held her chest with her hands and looked at Xiao Han curiously.

This guy Xiao Han moved left and right, his hands sometimes up and down, suddenly left and right. It's like a master. Liu Yiyi's heart is full of admiration for Xiao Han. Unexpectedly, Xiao Han's Guzheng playing is so good, and the technique of Chinese painting is so superb, even Western oil paintings are so good. Liu Yiyi sighed inwardly, God, do you want to be so cruel, at the end of your life, but let yourself find such a good boy. Was it cruel or God’s mercy? At this time, I sent myself such an excellent and handsome boy.

Liu Yiyi was very conflicted.

Two hours later, Xiao Han was still immersed in the joy of painting.

For a painting, two hours is not too long. Some famous paintings can even take years to complete. You know, the Taishan sunrise picture in Xiao Han's hand is quite big, and it hasn't been completed in two hours.

However, now that it has reached the end, Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and the brush in his hand was replaced with a trumpet.

Xiao Han suddenly stopped what he was doing. He turned his head to look at Liu Yiyi and said, "Now you see what I want to draw?"

"Sunrise on Mount Tai!" Liu Yiyi responded with a sweet smile.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "It's going to be done soon."

After speaking, Xiao Han accelerated the brush in his hand, and the speed in his hand was very fast. Some details are more touching. A painting is time-consuming because it needs to be conceived, and the first stroke is often the most difficult to start. The second is the intermediate link. The intermediate link is a transitional link. In order to connect the large color block and the small color block, there must be an intermediate link processing, and some color blocks are harder and need to be softer, and also need the transition of the intermediate link. Finally, the details are dealt with. Some details, including the leaf decoration on the tree, even the clear spring of the mountain stream, and the light of the sun...

Xiao Han's light in the sun's rays still rubbed some color.

This stroke became the finishing touch. The original sun was red. Xiao Han touched a little green at the door, and the colors merged. Soon the red sun turned into a golden sun, and formed the light yellow of the entire sky. A very harmonious color.

"Wow!" Liu Yiyi was shocked suddenly.

"Done!" Xiao Han dropped the paintbrush in his hand.


The brush smashed on the palette, and the color splashed. Xiao Han's white shirt was suddenly dyed in various colors. Some red paint was also stained on his face.


After Liu Yiyi saw it, he immediately covered his mouth and smiled, and said: "Look at you, after painting a picture, he has also been painted as a big tabby cat!"

"Hey..." Xiao Han smiled awkwardly and said, "I couldn't hold back either, so I accidentally made it like this."

"I'll wipe it for you!" Liu Yiyi hurriedly pulled a wet wipe from the side.

She hurriedly wiped Xiao Han's face with a wet towel to wipe off the spots of paint. The first time the two had such close contact. Xiao Han looked down at Liu Yiyi. It was also the first time that he saw Liu Yiyi's beautiful side. Her big eyes, double eyelids, and her pupils were very dark, just like a newborn baby, pure and thorough. You can see her inside at a glance.

Liu Yiyi is very beautiful, that is a stunning and pleasant face, the face is a very standard beauty face, the nose is straight, the tip of the nose is slightly straight, and a small cherry mouth, rosy, delicate and charming. Let people have a kiss to go on.

The two looked at each other. Xiao Han's heart surged.

It was the first time that Liu Yiyi met a boy with eyes like this, and her heart suddenly slammed into it, as if it were a small deer.

Xiao Han plucked up the courage in his heart, he lowered his head to kiss her red lips.

"Ah..." Liu Yiyi hurriedly pushed Xiao Han away, then said awkwardly: "Xiao Han, stepped on my foot."

"Ah?!" Xiao Han scratched his head awkwardly when he heard it. It seemed very embarrassing.

"You wipe it yourself!" Liu Yiyi gave Xiao Han the wet wipes and said, "I appreciate this painting."

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded, his eyes flashed with disappointment that was not easy to erase.

Xiao Han was very helpless and could only wipe the paint on his body honestly.

Liu Yiyi began to appreciate Xiao Han's creation seriously.

Xiao Han didn't bother to wipe it, and simply stood beside Liu Yiyi and said, "How about it? Do you still think I can only brag?"

"No!" Liu Yiyi shook his head and said: "I think your oil painting level is higher than mine by more than one level!"

"Hey, it's okay, it's just a little better." Xiao Han said with a smile.

"Xiao Han, or..." Liu Yiyi's face was reddened and said, "Teach me to paint oil painting."

"Huh?" Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, and said, "This..."

"Don't delay your time." Liu Yiyi shook his head and said: "You don't need to teach me every day, but if I encounter a problem, I will ask you for advice. Okay?"

"Okay." Xiao Han nodded.

" will be my teacher from now on." Liu Yiyi said with a grin.

"Where can it be, just communicate with each other." Xiao Han smiled.

At this time, the maid pushed in and said politely: "Miss, you should take medicine."

"Okay, I see." Liu Yiyi showed embarrassment on his face.

The maid walked in immediately with the medicine. A small tray contains various medicines and a glass of water. Liu Yiyi glanced at Xiao Han, and the joy just disappeared. She picked up the medicine mechanically, and removed one from the board. Finally, she had a handful of medicine in her hand, which contained more than ten or twenty pills. She took a deep breath, poured the medicine into her mouth, took the water, and swallowed it in one breath.

Too much medicine made her face flushed and it seemed that some capsule medicine was stuck in her neck.

Xiao Han patted her back in a hurry and said, "Drink another sip of water."

Liu Yiyi was very obedient, she immediately picked up the water glass and took a big sip of water. The handful of medicine was finally drunk. She gasped and said, "Almost... almost suffocated me."

"Are you okay?" Xiao Han asked.

"It's okay!" Liu Yiyi shook her head, tears in her eyes, and she sat on the chair very weakly.

Seeing Liu Yiyi finished taking the medicine, the maid turned and left the studio.

In the studio, it was quiet.

Liu Yiyi closed his eyes, and Xiao Han didn't know what to say. Just standing quietly without talking, he was afraid that he would disturb Xiao Han.

Liu Yiyi, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

"Do you know why I take so many medicines every day?" Liu Yiyi looked up at Xiao Han.

Xiao Han smiled and didn't say anything. In fact, he knew it.

"Do you know why I don't have a single hair?" Liu Yiyi smiled lightly.

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