"This..." Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "What if you can't get it?"

"If you can't get it, I don't blame you!" Chen Aiguo shook his head and said, "But, do you want a top three?"

"The first three are not too big a problem, but the champion is afraid of a little pressure!" Xiao Han smiled.

"Yes!" Chen Aiguo nodded and said: "Li Changjun is a dark horse in sprinting. Since he jumped out the year before last, he has become a hot figure in sprinting."

Chen Ai thought to himself that if Xiao Han could defeat Li Changjun this time, Xiao Han would definitely replace Li Changjun and become the dark horse in the sprint world.

Chen Ai's domestic ambition is to let Xiao Han defeat Li Changjun. In this way, Shuimu University can immediately crush Fudan University, be able to exaggerate, and beat down the pain that has been crushed over the years. This is the purpose of Chen Aiguo looking for Xiao Han today.

If Xiao Han could defeat Li Changjun, that would be great.

At least Chen Ai thinks so in China.

Now, Chen Aiguo seems to impose all his eager and eager dreams on Xiao Han.

"So what?" Xiao Han replied with disdain, "In my opinion, he is nothing but that. This time, I have already bet against him."

"Oh?" Chen Aiguo was taken aback for a moment and asked, "What are you betting on?"

"Bet one hundred thousand yuan and his own number plate!" Xiao Han smiled slightly.

"Good fellow!" Chen Aiguo was surprised: "He would bet his number card with you?"

"Why not?" Xiao Han smiled.

"It's crazy, it's crazy." Chen Aiguo looked surprised.

Indeed, no one will believe this is true. If these words were not from Xiao Han's mouth, perhaps Chen Aiguo really couldn't believe it. Who is Li Changjun? That is the top sports student of Fudan University, who will enter the national sprint team in the future, and he will become Shi Dongpeng's future heir. Shi Dongpeng is now the fastest sprinter in the Chinese national team. And Li Changjun's speed has been improving, and with the arrival of his golden age, his speed will definitely increase. This is beyond doubt.

However, how could such a person bet his number card with a stranger? If you lose accidentally, it will be an infinite blow to yourself. In one, betting on the number plate with Xiao Han is simply detrimental to his identity and status. Li Changjun is the king of sprinting among college students across the country. This is a supreme honor. How can such a superior person bet against a newcomer?

Xiao Han raised a sneer at the corner of Xiao Han's mouth, and then said, "President Chen, are you saying this to hit us at Mizuki University?"

"I didn't mean that!" Chen Aiguo shook his head.

"Then what do you mean?" Xiao Han looked at Chen Aiguo suspiciously.

Chen Aiguo smiled, and then said, "Well, I know what you mean."

"Huh?" Looking at Chen Aiguo's inexplicable smile, Xiao Han was obviously at a loss. Xiao Han asked suspiciously, "You...what do you mean by this?"

"Nothing!" Chen Aiguo shook his head and said, "In short, I am very optimistic about you."

"Really inexplicable!" Xiao Han was a little puzzled.

"By the way, if you lose to Li Changjun this time, but you get the second or third place, the school will give you the 100,000 yuan you lost!" Chen Aiguo smiled and said: "So, you must not Is there any psychological pressure, understand?"

"Yeah." Xiao Han nodded, then smiled: "With your words, I can just run away."

"Haha..." Chen Aiguo laughed.

Xiao Han's oath in the 100-meter race seems to have become the object of discussion in various schools and even in the community. He even claimed to win the 100m championship. The oath to this guy is enough to see how rampant this guy is.

In Linjiang City.

Linjiang No. 1 Middle School, the office of the principal Li Hengzhong.

Both Linjiang TV Station and Provincial TV Station are broadcasting the National University Games. Li Hengzhong saw the moment when Xiao Han raised his fist toward the TV camera and shouted out his inner oath. He showed a smile.

"This kid!" Li Hengzhong smiled.

Liu Jinmei hurried in and shouted: "Principal, have you seen it?"

"I saw it!" Li Hengzhong nodded.

"Oh my God, Xiao Han went to the National University Games." Liu Jinmei couldn't help shaking her head in surprise.

"What's so strange about this." Li Hengzhong smiled and said: "You forgot that Teacher Chen in the physical education team wanted to take Xiao Han away from you?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Liu Jinmei nodded immediately and said, "Of course I remember. However, Xiao Han still chose a cultural course."

"So, that doesn't bury Xiao Han's athletic talent." Li Hengzhong smiled slightly.

Liu Jinmei was taken aback for a moment and said, "I'm not talking about this, I mean, Xiao Han, this kid is starting to zoom in again."

"Yeah!" Li Hengzhong watched TV with interest, and said: "He has just emerged from the 100-meter final. He has now entered the final."

"Then he can defeat Li Changjun?" Liu Jinmei frowned.

"That's hard to say." Li Hengzhong shook his head and smiled bitterly: "After all, Li Changjun is the fastest player among college students. He is also the sprinter of Fudan University. Although Xiao Han is good, he wants to beat him, I am afraid it is impossible! "

"Then he is embarrassed." Liu Jinmei said embarrassingly: "The identity and background of Xiao Han are being discussed on TV now. It is estimated that others already know that he is a student who walked out of our Linjiang City No. 1 Middle School. Looking back if Xiao Han Han lost the game, then we Linjiang No. 1 Middle School will also be pushed to the forefront?"

"So what?" Li Hengzhong shook his head and said with a smile: "Some things are not smooth sailing. It is good to let Xiao Han experience some setbacks. Have you forgotten those two big characters at the entrance of our school?"

"Today I am proud of the school, tomorrow the school will be proud of me." Liu Jinmei asked.

"Yes!" Li Hengzhong nodded and said: "Xiao Han has successfully entered the finals and has already competed for honor for our school. If Xiao Han really wins, then we can ask the TV station to do a related topic. Stir-fry the cold rice again, and then slightly expose Xiao Han's talent in sports. In this way, the popularity of our school will increase again."

"But, what if Xiao Han loses?" Liu Jinmei asked rhetorically.

"Even if Xiao Han fails, at least there will be no problems." Li Hengzhong smiled slightly, and then said: "Because Xiao Han has entered the finals."

"Well, you are right!" Liu Jinmei nodded.

Being able to enter the finals at the National University Games is already a very good result. Moreover, Xiao Han is still a non-physical student, which is even more commendable.

Liu Jinmei smiled and said, "Xiao Han is not a student of physical education. If the media knows about it, I am afraid it will be even more exaggerated, right?"

"No!" Li Hengzhong nodded.

Liu Jinmei smiled at the corner of her mouth, very happy.


The next morning.

The sports meet reached the second day, and the first game in the morning of the next day was the 100-meter final. This 100-meter final is definitely the most attractive competition. If it's another game, maybe, there won't be so many people on the scene. However, it was precisely because there was a 100-meter project today that countless audiences came to the scene.

This stadium, which can hold 10,000 people, was completely filled.

"Today, let's see what kind of results that crazy kid can achieve!"

"Yes, I am looking forward to it too."

"I don't expect him, what I expect is whether Li Changjun can break the record he set himself."

A group of people heatedly discussed on the audience stage.

The second day of the sports meeting.

Xiao Han is ready. I had a good rest last night just to wait for today's game. Li Changjun also appeared at the 100-meter starting point with a very peaceful attitude. Ready to register.

In the front row, Liu's father and Liu Yiyi were still in that position, which was the best audience stage. Liu Yiyi is still fully armed, wearing a 3m mask and wearing a thin isolation gown, which can largely isolate germs in the air. If not, Liu Yiyi would be easily defeated by germs in the air. She lacks sufficient immunity in her body and is easily infected.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and he saw Liu Yiyi. And reached out to greet her.

"Xiao Han!" Liu Yiyi shouted.

"Yiyi." Xiao Han replied.

The two talked apart.

Many people at the scene saw this scene.

"Yo, that girl looks very beautiful."

"Not really."

"Although wearing a mask, judging from the eyes and body, this is definitely a stunning beauty."

Many people talk about it.

"Xiao Han, come on, win the championship!" Liu Yiyi shouted.

"I will succeed." Xiao Han stretched out his right hand, which was a kind of greeting, more like an oath.

"I believe you can!" Liu Yiyi shouted.

Xiao Han smiled, his mouth raised a smile.

Li Changjun leaned in and said, "Your girlfriend is pretty good."

"Do you still use it?" Xiao Han replied.

"Hey, is it really your girlfriend?" Li Changjun looked at Xiao Han in surprise.

In fact, Li Changjun also saw Liu Yiyi at a glance. The reason why he said this deliberately was because he wanted to test Xiao Han to see if Liu Yiyi had a boyfriend. But I didn't expect that Liu Yiyi's boyfriend turned out to be Xiao Han. This made Li Changjun a little disappointed.

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "How about it, how beautiful!"

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