"I asked you to see you in the school's taekwondo room at 3 o'clock this afternoon." Liu Bin smiled and said, "I also said that if you don't go, whoever is the tortoise son. Now everyone in the school should know it, say, you Did the kid offend him again?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "I beat him at the entrance of Wanda in the morning."

"Fuck it!" Liu Bin heard it and said, "No wonder this kid is going to give you a war book, are you going or not?"

"Go!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Why not?"

"Be careful." Zhang Dagu said hurriedly, "Qin Xiaotian is very sinister. If he pays for a stunning beauty, don't you want to suffer?"

"Yes!" Zhang Feng also hurriedly persuaded him, saying: "If he invites people from outside, it would be unfair."

"There is nothing fair or unfair." Xiao Han shook his head and said: "As long as he invites someone, I will go there and teach him a lesson."

"Are you crazy?" Liu Bin hurriedly said, "That kid is like crazy. He not only said on the forum, but also at school. If you don't go, you will be his Qin Xiaotian's dog in the future. I also said that I will see you once in the future."

Xiao Han replied with disdain, and said, "He just wants to trick me into using the radical method."

"Yes!" Several people nodded.

"Then you can't go." Zhang Dagu said on the side: "He is so deliberate about letting you go, which means that he must have found a very powerful role."

"Don't be afraid!" Xiao Han shook his head, and said, "How about the best? The three war gods of the knife league, have not been beaten to the ground by me one by one?"

Liu Bin and the others were speechless.

"Well, you won." Several people laughed helplessly.

"In the afternoon, we will also go to see." Zhang Feng smiled.

Zhang Feng is very interested in fighting, especially in this heads-up situation.

"Yes, let's go together." Liu Bin nodded.

By the time Xiao Han returned to school, it was already half past 12, and the lunch break was more than an hour, and it was already more than two o'clock. Get up and take a simple wash. It was almost three o'clock, and then, the four people from the 101 dormitory set off from the dormitory.

As soon as I got out of the dormitory, there were a lot of people outside.

"Come out, come out!"

"Quick, snap!"

The crowd of onlookers outside took out their phones to take pictures, and then exposed them on the forum of Shuimu University.

Because Xiao Han never responded to Qin Xiaotian's posts positively, they could only squat outside Xiao Han's dormitory to see if Xiao Han would go to the taekwondo room to fight when he arrived. Now, seeing Xiao Han and several people coming out, they immediately released the news.

Almost all the boys ran down to watch the boys' building No. 1. In the corridor, outside the corridor, almost full of people, everyone is enthusiastically staring at them. Look at them.

Xiao Han dressed casually, a pair of white t-shirts and a pair of slacks. On the contrary, this kid Liu Bin was very eager. This guy wore a cloak with mediocre opinions and looked unusually eager. He walked in the forefront, with a sneer rising from the corner of his mouth, as if it was him who was fighting today.

"Liu Bin, your kid stole Xiao Han's limelight." Zhang Dagu cursed in an angry tone.

"What nonsense!" Liu Bin replied to a few people without angrily, and said: "The beauty of the 101 dormitory is supported by me alone. Therefore, at this time, I should improve the beauty of our dormitory."


Zhang Feng almost laughed, and he cursed badly: "In our 101 dormitory, Xiao Han is the most handsome, and you have half a dime relationship with you?"

"Go go." Liu Bin glanced at a few people and said, "There is no need to hit people like this."

A few people went to the taekwondo room jokingly. Along the way, many people watched Xiao Han. People I saw took out their phones and started taking pictures.

At the entrance of the Taekwondo room, many people have gathered. These people have a good relationship with Qin Xiaotian. They are all e-commerce departments.

"Come, here!" a group of people shouted: "Xiao Han is here to challenge!"

Indoors, cheers.

Qin Xiaotian's eyes were red, and when he heard that Xiao Han was here, he became even more angry.

"Damn, it's good to be here." Qin Xiaotian yelled angrily, and said, "If I don't kill you today, I won't be surnamed Qin."

Behind Qin Xiaotian, there was a tall and mighty man with a foreigner face. This guy looked fierce at first glance. He has a beard on his face and his eyes are fierce.

"Smith, you have to teach me a good lesson this kid when you look back." Qin Xiaotian said back.

"Don't worry." Smith smiled and said: "I am the number one in the Sanda Club of the American West. No one has ever beaten me."

"Very good." Qin Xiaotian smiled and said, "If you can help me beat the disabled kid this time, I will not only give you one hundred thousand dollars, but also an extra twenty thousand dollars."

"Good!" Smith nodded hurriedly and said: "It must be as you wish."

At this time, Xiao Han walked in. Xiao Han was very casual. He put his hands in his pants pockets and bit a leaf in his mouth. When he walked in, there were many people. He glanced around and didn't even see Qin Xiaotian.

Just as he was about to move forward, a voice came from the right hand side: "Xiao Han, how dare you come?"

"Are you hiding here?" Xiao Han looked at Qin Xiaotian with a smile, and said, "What? Afraid of death?"

While speaking, Xiao Han saw the foreigner behind Qin Xiaotian. Wearing a Sanda suit, without any armor, and wearing a pair of Sanda gloves, nothing more. The muscles all over his body are explosive. He only wore a vest and his body hair was very lush.

Qin Xiaotian smiled and said, "Who is dead today is not necessarily alive!"

"Really?" Xiao Han squeezed this leaf and said, "Tell me, how do you play today?"

There are hundreds of people crowded around. A field has been enclosed in the middle.

The taekwondo room has three to four hundred square meters. On weekdays, this is the school’s venue for Taekwondo enthusiasts. The school has a dedicated Taekwondo teacher to teach. However, fees are charged according to the class. The venue is also rented out.

The facilities inside are not bad, and the ground is covered with soft rubber, so it won’t hurt too much if you fall.

In the middle is a seven or eighty level playing field.

Around this venue, surrounded by onlookers of students.

"Xiao Han!" Lan Yudie's voice came from the crowd.

Xiao Han saw Lan Yudie at a glance: "Teacher Lan, why are you here?"

"What's the matter?" Lan Yudie asked suspiciously.

"Oh, just discuss it with others." Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then said, "Nothing."

"I read the posts on the forum!" Lan Yudie looked at Xiao Han angeredly, and said, "Are you vindictive?"

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "You can just watch it from the side."

Blue Rain Butterfly stomped her feet in a hurry.

At this time, Zhang Feng said hurriedly: "Teacher Lan, don't worry, Xiao Han is fine, he is very strong. A taekwondo master is probably not in his eyes. So, just watch it here. If Xiao Han can't win the fight later, you will stop."

Blue Rain Butterfly seemed to make some sense. Although doing so will make Xiao Han lose face, but life or face, which is more important? Which is more important?

Xiao Han walked into the playing field slowly.

At this moment, the foreigner in Sanda clothes also walked in. He cast a glance at Xiao Han, and then said: "Boy, I advise you to kneel down and apologize to Master Qin for mercy, otherwise, I won’t be able to fight later. Be merciful!"

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled and said, "I kneel to the heavens and knees to my parents, and I have never kneeled to anyone. If you want me to kneel, then let my body kneel."

"What a big tone!" Smith frowned.

Smith won a Western Sanda championship in the United States, and later settled in China, and opened a Sanda club, specializing in preaching and teaching, teaching Chinese how to Sanda. Not only that, he occasionally participates in some competitions. Take some bonuses. This time, he was also a friend who introduced a business, which turned out to be a business of 100,000 US dollars. This business made himself coveted. Therefore, he agreed at the time.

"Guilao, what's your name?" Xiao Han replied dismissively.

"You can call me Smith." Smith snorted coldly.

"Tell me, how do you fight?" Xiao Han asked.

"Kneeling down and begging for mercy will count as winning!" Smith was very confident of his own strength, he smiled, and said: "If you regret it, now you can kneel down and beg for mercy in time, lest you suffer from flesh and blood!"

"Funny!" Xiao Han glanced at him disdainfully, and said: "Let you three tricks, you come first."

"Presumptuous!" Smith roared. He rushed over quickly.

Xiao Han said three tricks for letting go, that is, letting three tricks. He attacked decisively. Pounced quickly. Attacked towards Xiao Han at a speed that could not cover his ears.

Xiao Han dodged immediately.

The opponent's strength and speed are just right. However, Xiao Han's agility is even better. I stomped him with two consecutive fists at the opponent, and one knee was pushed hard, and he was also avoided by myself.

If these tricks have not been avoided, it is estimated that he has already been in the hospital.

"Three moves are over, is it my turn?" Xiao Han jumped a few times. Far away.

"Damn it!" Smith was panting, originally planning to suffocate Xiao Han, but he didn't expect this guy to be like a monkey, he couldn't even touch a single hair of him. This really annoyed me.

"Good, good!"

"Hit him, Xiao Han, hit him!"

Many people in the crowd yelled.

Especially Liu Bin and Zhang Feng, they shouted confidently in the crowd.

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