The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 635: Maoshan Taoist

Fang Hao smiled, and then said: "Okay, then he will leave it to you, I will leave first!"

Fang Hao really couldn't hold his breath, so he turned and left.

Xiao Han sat at the dining table triumphantly. It seemed to be a villain. Fang Hao couldn't bear it even more, turned around and left. The manager has obviously experienced wind and waves. He looked at Xiao Han with a smile, and then said: "Sir, you can eat with confidence, no one will drive you here!"

"Order!" Xiao Han said.

This guy was not welcome, and ordered some of the most expensive dishes.

Where the waiter dared to neglect, this person even dared to offend Fang Zong, they naturally did not dare to offend him, and served him as soon as possible. Several dishes were hurriedly delivered.

Xiao Han chewed slowly, wiped his mouth and left after eating.

"Hey, sir, you haven't checked out yet!" The waiter hurriedly greeted him.

"Go to your party to summarize the accounts!" Xiao Han dropped a word, turned and left.

Several waiters were dumbfounded and didn't know what to do. Several people stared at each other, dumbfounded.

"This...what can I do about this?" The waiter was dumbfounded.

"What are you doing in a daze? Go to Mr. Fang as soon as possible." Another person said hurriedly.

Fang Hao was so angry that he slammed the teacup in his hand on the ground, cursing, "Xiao Han, this **** dare to be so arrogant in front of Lao Tzu. Your uncle's."

"President Fang, what...what about this?" The waiter said embarrassingly, "Do you want to call the police!"

"Report a fart." Fang Hao glared at him and said, "I will keep this account."

"Yes!" Although the waiter didn't understand what it meant, he immediately understood what the other party said. Therefore, he can only downstairs honestly.

Xiao Han had an Overlord's meal and felt very happy. The reason why he did this was nothing more than to stimulate Xiaoxiahao.

Fang Hao is a person with extreme temperament, a little stimulus to him, this guy can react excessively. And Xiao Han wants to make the opponent react internationally. At that time, he will be able to grasp his weakness. Once he grasps the opponent's weakness, he will be able to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

Xiao Han raised a weird smile at the corner of his mouth. He grinned and said, "Fang Hao, I'm waiting for you. Don't let me down."

After Xiao Han left.

Fang Hao was angry in the office alone, and he smashed almost everything that could be smashed in the office.

After his anger disappeared, he immediately made a rant to Liu Hao.

"Brother Hao, our plan failed!" Fang Hao said.

"Why?" Liu Hao asked.

"He found it!" Fang Hao gritted his teeth and said, "This guy also came to humiliate me and ate my Overlord's meal!"

"So arrogant?" Liu Hao frowned.

"No!" Fang Hao gritted his teeth, then said: "This guy is too arrogant, we must think of a good way to deal with him!"

"Yeah!" Liu Hao nodded and said, "This kid is really too much."

"Brother Hao, what can you do?" Fang Hao hurriedly asked: "I can't wait to let this guy die right now."

"I want too!" Liu Hao smiled and said, "But, we have to be calm. Otherwise, whoever can't calm down will die first, understand?"

"I know!" Fang Hao nodded and said, "But, I'm almost mad at this **** now."

"You can bear it if you are mad!" Liu Hao warned earnestly: "Maybe, this is just Xiao Han deliberately stimulating you."

"Hmm!" Fang Hao nodded and said, "I understand!"

"Recently bear with me." Liu Hao glanced at Fang Hao, and then said: "Some things should be forbeared and be tolerated.

"Yes, Brother Hao." Fang Hao nodded immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Hao was still puzzled. He narrowed his eyes and looked out the window coldly. Looks very upset. Xiao Han came to humiliate himself today. It would be hard to vent his anger in anyone's eyes. What's more, a young master like Fang Hao could hardly bear this breath.

After thinking for a long time, Fang Hao gritted his teeth, and then said, "Xiao Han, son of a bitch, I will make you look good sooner or later!"

Fang Hao was racking his brains to find a way to deal with Xiao Han. In his opinion, Xiao Han was deliberately targeting himself, so Fang Hao must not be able to swallow this bad breath. I thought about it, but I really couldn't think of any good way to deal with Xiao Han.

This guy Xiao Han aimed at himself over and over again, and was annoyed when he thought about it. Last time he opened a room with Li Ruobing, he was beaten up by Xiao Han, and he was forced to pay Li Ruobing half a million, even though he asked Li Ruobing afterwards. I came back, but that incident did not pass.

Thinking about it now, I still feel very aggrieved.

"Don't let me think of a way to deal with you, otherwise, you are dead!" Fang Hao gritted his teeth.

Just when Fang Hao was very depressed.


Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Fang Hao asked grimly.

"President Fang, it's me!" At this moment, a person opened the door and entered.

"It's you?" Fang Hao looked at Qin Xiaotian, who was pushing the door, and asked, "Master Qin, what are you looking for with me?"

"Of course something is going on!" Qin Xiaotian nodded immediately, and then said, "I'm looking for you but there is a big deal."

"Oh?" Fang Hao looked at Qin Xiaotian suspiciously when he heard it, and then said, "What's the matter?"

"I heard you want to deal with Xiao Han?" Qin Xiaotian walked in with a smile.

"Who did you hear?" Fang Hao frowned.

"It doesn't matter who you heard." Qin Xiaotian shook his head, and then said: "The important thing is...Do you want to deal with Xiao Han?"

"Nothing." Fang Hao shook his head and said, "I have no grievances or grudges between Xiao Han and I. Why should I deal with him?"

"Really?" Qin Xiaotian raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and then said, "Since you said that, then I will leave first."

After speaking, Qin Xiaotian turned and left.

"Stop!" Fang Hao hurriedly called the other party.

Qin Xiaotian stopped, with a smug expression on his face. When he turned his head, his face returned to normal. He smiled and asked, "President Fang, what do you want me to do?"

"Tell me, how do you want to deal with Xiao Han?" Fang Hao asked.

"I've found Black Iron!" Qin Xiaotian raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then said, "Heitie has asked someone to find a Taoist priest from Maoshan. At that time, just cast a spell on Xiao Han and cast one on him. Head drop technique, hehe, when the time comes, without someone coming to kill him, he will die naturally."

"Haha..." Fang Hao heard that, the sheep head laughed, and said: "Qin Xiaotian, no matter what, I am a scholar, and I should stay away from these weird things."

"You don't believe it?" Qin Xiaotian asked.

"Of course I don't believe it!" Fang Hao obviously didn't believe these messy theories.

"Hehe, how go to a place with me?" Qin Xiaotian sneered.

"Where?" Fang Hao asked suspiciously.

"You'll know when you go!" Qin Xiaotian raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "When the time comes, you will naturally believe it!"

"Go, go, who is afraid of who!" Fang Hao immediately stood up when he heard it.

If you can find someone to deal with Fang Xiaohan, it would be a good thing. Of course, if you can't find it, then there is no way.

"Let's go!" Qin Xiaotian smiled.

Afterwards, the two immediately set off.

Qin Xiaotian drove Fang Hao to the site of Black Iron.

In fact, Qin Xiaotian always knew that Fang Hao wanted to deal with Xiao Han, and this time he came to find Fang Hao, just to find Fang Hao to share some expenses. Although he is the second son of the Qin family and behind the Qin Group, he is not the head of the Qin Group after all, and every penny he uses is his own pocket money. If you use too much, you will be reprimanded by your elder brother.

This time, Hei Tie invited a Taoist priest from Maoshan, who had a strong spell. However, this guy offered a very high price, and his mouth was ten million. If he didn't agree, he would leave.

At first, Qin Xiaotian thought that the other party was deliberately cheating and abducting. Later, when he saw Qin Xiaotian personally perform the head-down technique on people, he was immediately shocked and convinced.

And there is no objection to his price of ten million.

However, both Black Iron and Qin Xiaotian felt that the price was a bit high, and for this reason, Qin Xiaotian had to bring Fang Hao.

Although Fang Hao was a little puzzled, after all, he didn't seem to have much contact with Qin Xiaotian. Although they were both in the same school, there was not much overlap between the two. Now, Qin Xiaotian took the initiative to come to the door and said that he would deal with Xiao Han.

However, since we are going to deal with Xiao Han, it doesn't matter, everyone's purpose is the same anyway. As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is the friend. Therefore, Fang Hao followed Xiao Han to this place without hesitation.

Here is the site of black iron, above a tea house.

On the top floor of the teahouse, Fang Hao saw an old man with a very strange dress and appearance. The old man looked very old, with a pale beard, and wearing a gray robes. He was all dirty, and he looked very sloppy. It looks like a street performer, or a street beggar.

However, there is one thing about the old man that is very amazing, that is, his skin is very good, the skin on his face looks like baby's skin and it is very smooth and supple. It is estimated that many women will be envious of it.

After entering, Fang Hao glanced around the room, and then asked, "Qin Xiaotian, you wouldn't find such a bad old man to deal with Xiao Han, right?"

"Yes!" Qin Xiaotian nodded.

"Then you too underestimated Xiao Han." Fang Hao sneered, and said: "Before we invited a master insider to deal with Xiao Han, but even so, the master insider lost. Alas, I didn't expect you. You would find such a bad old man to deal with Xiao Han, and you look down on him too much."

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