The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 671: Yin Yang Dao

"Replica?" When Xiao Han heard this, he hurriedly looked up at the golden plaque in the Golden Luang Temple, and said in astonishment: "What's the matter?"

"The original was replaced when Yuan Shikai became emperor, and later generations never found it." Chen Xiaowu looked disappointed and said: "This is a treasure of our Chinese people, but unfortunately it disappeared completely during the war. I can't find it anymore."

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded, then said, "It's a pity."

"Let's go, keep going." Chen Xiaowu took Xiao Han's hand.

Xiao Han broke free of Chen Xiaowu's hand. Unexpectedly, this girl actually held Xiao Han's arm with her hand. At this moment, Xiao Han had no choice but to break free. Where do you know, Wan Yingying actually took Xiao Han's arm, and the two girls, one from the left and the other, were very enthusiastic and diligent.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is such an enviable thing, but Xiao Han's feelings are not good, and his heart is under great pressure. For fear of being recognized. Especially for fear of being discovered by Wen Xiaobao.

Xiao Han is naturally not afraid of Wen Xiaobao. However, he was afraid that he would get Mo Shaocong.

The three go hand in hand. Walk towards the depths of the Forbidden City together. After that is the Hall of Zhonghe and Hall of Baohe.

Many places in the Forbidden City are not open to the public, and there are not many places that are truly open. It includes Lenggong, and some places like the House of Internal Affairs are not open to the public. On the contrary, Xiao Han is very interested in these closed places.

"By the way, are there any places in the Forbidden City that are not open?" Xiao Han asked curiously: "Can we go to these places to see?"

"Huh?" Chen Xiaowu heard it and said, "Don't, I heard that those places are haunted. I dare not go!"

"The really interesting places in the Forbidden City are these places." Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "Other places are not interesting, like the Zhonghe Temple, this is the place where the emperor went to court. This kind of place is so boring."

"But, don't go to that kind of place, either." Chen Xiaowu was a little scared on his face, and he said embarrassedly: "What if you encounter something unclean?"

"How can you encounter this kind of thing in broad daylight?" Xiao Han smiled.

"But..." Chen Xiaowu looked a little embarrassed, and then said: "I'm still scared."

"Xiao Han, why don't we go!" Wan Yingying looked at Xiao Han excitedly, and then said excitedly: "If he is afraid, let's go."

"No, I want to go too." Chen Xiaowu, unwilling to show weakness, said: "I'm not afraid."

"Who said I was afraid just now." Wan Yingying said with a grin.

"You!" Chen Xiaowu was a little angry.

"Okay, let's go!" Xiao Han said hurriedly: "However, I don't know how to get there. Do you have a way?"

"I have!" Wan Yingying said hurriedly: "Go, follow me!"

Later, Xiao Han and Chen Xiaowu hurriedly followed her.

Wan Yingying led the two quickly towards the back door of the Forbidden City. The two have been running wildly towards the Yuhuayuan, and then rushing all the way towards the Yuhuan. The speed is very fast, and they arrived in the blink of an eye.

Wan Yingying has played many times in the Forbidden City, and also explored here with her friends. So, she knows how to enter those mysterious places through the eyes of security personnel. After entering the Royal Garden, Wan Yingying took the two to a very hidden corner.

"It's here!" Wan Yingying said excitedly.

The two looked over, and it turned out to be a pile of grass. After the grass was pulled out, it was a big hole.

"From here, you can go to the back." Wan Yingying said with a smile.

"Ah..." Chen Xiaowu shivered all over, then said: "It's black in here, we...are we not so good?"

"What's wrong?" Wan Yingying grinned, and then said: "It's fun inside. Anyway, I think those closed places are much more fun than here."

Xiao Han smiled and said, "I'll go over and play forward for you."

When Xiao Han was about to dive over, Chen Xiaowu hurriedly caught Xiao Han and said, "We...are we really going to go there?"

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "My purpose in coming to the Forbidden City is to come here to play."

"Then you be careful." Chen Xiaowu warned.

After that, Xiao Han rushed in immediately.

Passed through the black channel.

Xiao Han entered a desolate world after drilling through a black hole of nearly half a meter. Withered grass on the ground, the grass inside is almost half a meter high, not far away, a pavilion, the pavilion is obviously much bleak compared to the open Forbidden City. This pavilion does not have a colorful appearance or a domineering background. It just appeared in front of Xiao Han so lonely, and the surrounding grass almost surrounded the pavilion.

"Damn!" Chen Xiaowu shivered after seeing this scene.

Wan Yingying crawled over and said with a smile: "This grass is higher than when we came before."

"Let's go!" Xiao Han walked towards the pavilion curiously.

This pavilion looks very desolate, because it is so old, it looks very old and eclipsed. The wooden structure inside is also exposed outside, and some places even appear to be decayed.

Not far away is a low building. Although I don't understand what the building is for, I can see where it was once a beautiful place.

Xiao Han led the two quickly forward.

The two of them walked along the weeds all the way through a palace. The walls of the palace were mottled and deserted. In this broad daylight, and when the sun was shining, there was a cold air swept from behind.

Chen Xiaowu trembled all over, she said hurriedly: "There are... ghosts!"

"Where did the ghost come from in this broad day?" Wan Yingying replied in an angry tone.

"How do I feel gloomy?" Chen Xiaowu shivered.

"It's uninhabited here, and it's a long time ago. It's normal to have Yin Qi." Wan Yingying was like a female man.

Xiao Han is now very sure about what he said about cows, ghosts and snakes. He did not believe it before, but now it is different. Now he has several ghosts in his hands. What is Yin Ling? Yin Ling was forged with Li Gui's soul, and by removing his resentment and hostility, and preserving his strength, Yin Ling could be created.

The ghost is like a wild horse tamed. Before being tamed, the Mustang was very irritable and would not allow strangers to approach at all. Once a stranger approaches, he will immediately get angry. Just like the Yin Ling, once tamed, the horse will be submissive and spiritual.

Xiao Han led the two through a disused palace. Those palaces on May 1st were not old in color and mottled, basically in a state of scrap. Unlike the open place outside, this place is absolutely original. The Forbidden City, which is open to the outside, has been rebuilt and restored by craftsmen, and has been repainted in color, so that you can see the colorful Forbidden City. Otherwise, the original appearance of the Forbidden City is the same as seen here.

The plaques fell on the ground. The plaque says Gyeongin Palace.

In the deserted place, the Yin Qi is heavier. Chen Xiaowu tightly grasped Xiao Han's arm, for fear that if she accidentally failed to keep up with Xiao Han's pace, and lost in this place, then life would be better than death.

Xiao Han also took Chen Xiaowu's hand and moved quickly.

Wan Yingying seemed very excited. This girl had been bold since she was a child, and was full of curiosity and interest in this kind of adventure. For her, there is really no place in this world that she dare not go to. Therefore, it seems very exciting.

"Xiao Han, we have reached Xiaojiadao." Wan Yingying hurriedly stopped.

Not far away, there was a road similar to Hu, and Wan Yingying seemed a little timid to see the road.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"There are a lot of weird rumors in the Forbidden City..." Wan Yingying glanced at Xiao Han, and then said: "The lonely soul in the palace who was wronged at midnight came out and wandered. In the small lane of the West Sixth Palace, there are women who choke their necks. ghost."

"Is here?" Xiao Han asked.

"Yeah!" Wan Yingying nodded and said: "It is said that people who stayed overnight in the Forbidden City will disappear mysteriously when they first liberated. However, I have heard that some people see shadows on the wall when it rains and thunders in summer. , It's a woman bending over to get something. Also, at two or three o'clock in the night, someone will often hear a woman crying."

"Ah!" Suddenly, a high-pitched cry came.

Xiao Han and Wan Yingying were shocked.

However, they soon discovered that the voice was from Chen Xiaowu.

"Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Han asked.

"I was Yingying!" Chen Xiaowu said shiveringly, her face pale.

"What I said is true!" Wan Yingying looked at the two people seriously, and said: "I heard that the road between the east tube and the tube is the most famous Yin and Yang Dao in the various legends of the Forbidden City. There are also legends about the Yin and Yang Dao. Various versions."

"What is Yin and Yang Dao?" Chen Xiaowu asked suspiciously. Although afraid, she was full of curiosity about these anecdotes.

"The so-called Yin-Yang Dao means that in the night when the moon is high, there are two interfaces, one yin and one yang, on the ground in a long lane. It is said that although ghosts come out at night, they will avoid people. If you walk on the Yinmian Road, people walk on the Yangmian Road and the ghost will walk on the Yangmian Road. But if a person steps on the Yangmian Road and the Yinmian Road, or walks on the center line, the ghost has no place to walk, and one hundred steps will hit the A troll." When Wan Yingying said this, her face was gloomy, and it gave people a sense of creepy.

"Don't... stop talking." Chen Xiaowu hurriedly covered her ears.

Xiao Han smiled, and said: "These are nothing more than some strange and awkward statements. Just listen."

"You don't believe it?" Wan Yingying was anxious.

"Of course I don't believe it!" Xiao Han shook his head. He said so because he wanted to give these two girls some courage.

(End of this chapter)

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