The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 675: Fuck with me

Upon seeing the ghost king, he squeezed with one hand and slapped Xiao Han fiercely.

The thick black smoke seemed to be an attacking ball.

Although Xiao Han didn't know what it was, since this was a way for the ghost king to save his life, he naturally did not dare to touch it easily. He forcibly twisted his body in midair. Then quickly flashed to one side.


Suddenly, that group of black **** exploded on Longhu.

The eight eunuchs who carried the sedan chair suddenly died suddenly, turning into black air in an instant.


Suddenly, the twelve ghosts rushed to absorb the black air.

Xiao Han couldn't help but cursed: "The things of the dog day, just watch Lao Tzu fighting here, it's better for you to grab the energy one by one, and don't know how to help Lao Tzu!

The King of Ghosts stood upright, and after returning to its original appearance, the body of the King of Ghosts suddenly reached more than two meters in height, and the whole person looked extremely huge. Extraordinarily shocking. When Xiao Han faced the ghost king, the difference between the two people was more than one head. Moreover, the ghost king's body is very burly, very domineering.

"Grandma's." The ghost king screamed and said: "You are the first to make me suffer!"

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled and said, "It's better to follow me later."

"You!" When the ghost king heard this, he was furious and said: "You dare to speak?"

"Haha!" Xiao Han laughed, and then said: "It doesn't hurt to follow me. I can protect you for the rest of your life."

"Fuck, what do you think I am missing now?" Ghost King stretched out his arms and said, "I'm a good emperor here."

"This is not your place!" Xiao Han shook his head and said; "You are just controlling the ghosts of a group of palace ladies and eunuchs, and let them respect you as the emperor. It's a pity that you are not real. Are you?"

"I said yes, that is." Ghost King snorted coldly.

"Actually, even if I don't come today, someone will come to clean up you sooner or later." Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "I advise you to follow me honestly, otherwise, it will be destroyed by a few monks in the future. That's it."

"That doesn't need you to be hypocritical here." The Ghost King smiled disdainfully: "You don't want to leave here today, I will kill you first, and then swallow your kid's soul and give me a supplement. "

Xiao Han grinned and said, "Only you?"

"Yes!" Ghost King nodded and said, "It's me!"

Xiao Lengren smiled coldly, and then said: "Twelve Yin spirits can put you down!"

When the ghost king heard this, he raised his head and laughed, and said, "Just rely on these twelve wastes? If it wasn't you just now, hum, they all got into my stomach!"

On the side, the twelve Yin Spirits seemed to be able to understand them, and the twelve Yin Spirits nodded in unison. The scene is full of funny.

"Trash!" Xiao Han couldn't help but cursed.

These guys who only hate themselves don't have a useful thing, and all the trash is nodding here. It feels very speechless and embarrassing.

The ghost king looked at Xiao Han and said, "Come on, do you let me do it myself, or sacrifice my soul and let me eat it?"

"Today I will beat you until you surrender." Xiao Han shouted angrily.

"Do it!" Ghost King opened his teeth and danced his claws, and quickly rushed towards Xiao Han.

Seeing this, Xiao Han took two steps back decisively, and quickly threw the Ruyi stick in his hand.


There was a muffled sound. The Ruyi stick hit the opponent's arm.

"Ouch..." The ghost king suffered a pain, and he hurriedly retracted his arm.

Xiao Lengchun laughed, and then said, "Let you **** stick technique!"

After speaking, he quickly rushed over, and the stick in his hand smashed over.

The other party saw that Xiao Han's strength was good, and the stick of Xiao Han seemed extremely powerful. Therefore, the ghost king naturally did not dare to take it. He stepped back decisively. Xiao Han's toes were a little on the ground, and the whole person rose into the air, and the iron rod in his hand smashed toward the opponent fiercely. The ghost king still did not dare to resist.

However, in the face of Xiao Han's fierce offensive, the Ghost King looked a little depressed. He gritted his teeth, gritted his teeth and said: "Asshole, don't go too far."

After that, the ghost king grabbed the soul of a court lady from the side and threw it towards Xiao Han.


Under the scream of the palace lady, that group of souls disappeared in an instant.

"So cunning!" Xiao Lenglin snorted.

The moment Xiao Han landed, the ghost king swept over.

"Go to hell!" The Ghost King roared.

Xiao Han backed away again and again. Although the strength of the ghost king is good, Xiao Han's strength is not weak. Facing the fierce attack from the ghost king, Xiao Han did not panic. On the contrary, he was very composed, very calm.

Although Xiao Han's strength is not weak, he is also afraid that the ghost king's attack will fall on him. Once the attack of the ghost king fell on him, he would not feel well. His claws are so long, once caught on his own flesh and blood body, he will inevitably fall off half of his flesh, and he will also make himself unhappy. Therefore, when there is no need, there is definitely no need to touch each other.

Xiao Han dodged again and again.

"Why Xiao Han has been hiding?" Chen Xiaowu watched the battle on the spot nervously. It seemed that Xiao Han had been avoiding. Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, Xiao Han seems to have fallen behind.

"Don't worry!" Wan Yingying looked much calmer.

Chen Xiaowu nervously took Wan Yingying's hand, and the two hugged each other, seeming to want to warm each other.

Wan Yingying calmly observed Xiao Han's movement. Although the ghost king's moves were more brutal, his attack did not fall on Xiao Han, and he basically avoided the ghost king's attack every time. Wan Yingying hurriedly said: "Don't be afraid, Xiao Han is fine, he is just observing the other party now."

As Wan Yingying said, Xiao Han was indeed observing each other.

At this time, as long as the ghost king reveals a trace of weakness, then Xiao Han will immediately grasp the opponent's weakness.

Xiao Han's brain remained calm, even calm and terrifying. Under this circumstance, ordinary people would be scared to death, but Xiao Han was not only not afraid, but also dared to take the initiative to fight against each other, which is enough to show that Xiao Han's courage is unusual and extraordinary. It's incredible.

Xiao coldly observes each other.

The Ghost King was obviously very angry, his paws waved at Xiao Han frantically, trying to tear Xiao Han completely apart.


Suddenly, the ghost king threw a cloud of black air.

This is the deadly killer move of the ghost king, the most yin thing is naturally the murderous aura of the most yin thing. This is a murderous spirit refined by thousands of dead souls, and there are endless unwillingness, remorse, resentment... and even hatred in each dead soul. These are all materials used by the ghost king to enhance his murderous aura.

If this black energy hits an ordinary person, the body will shatter and the soul will dissipate. No scum will be left behind.

Xiao Lengchun laughed, and then said: "Hey, eat me a stick!"

After the ghost king threw a mass of murderous aura, Xiao Han seized the opportunity decisively.


Suddenly, Xiao Han hit the Ghost King's chest with a stick.

The strength of that stick is unprecedented. Ordinary people would probably break their ribs when they were hit by this stick, but this stick hit the ghost king. Although the ghost king is strong, this stick is a pure yang thing, and he will not want to live if it is hit with a stick.


The ghost king slammed against the wall aside. And slipped down slowly from the wall. He collapsed heavily.

With this stick, the ghost king was almost wiped out, and the ghost king completely lost his attack power. He drooped his eyelids and looked at Xiao Han, weak. Black blood was flowing in his mouth.

Xiao Han walked over slowly, looked at the ghost king coldly, and then said, "You can submit to me now, right?"

"I..." The Ghost King was unwilling to say, "I won't!"

"Believe it or not, I will kill you immediately!" Xiao Han said angrily.

"Even if you kill me, I won't surrender to you easily." The ghost king snorted coldly, very cold and arrogant, and didn't put Xiao Han in his eyes at all.

"Really?" Xiao Lenglin laughed and said, "Then you are not afraid that I will feed you to these ghosts?"

While speaking, the twelve ghosts behind them flew over quickly. Then he stood in front of Xiao Han with a look of excitement, looking at the ghost king one by one, as if he might treat the ghost king as food in his belly at any time.

When the ghost king heard it, his whole body trembled. The dignified ghost king, if it becomes the food for these low-level lone souls, wouldn't he be ashamed and thrown into the eighteenth hell?

" dare!" the ghost king roared.

"What can I not dare?" Xiao Han replied with disdain, and said, "You are the ghost king, so I should kill you."

"You..." The Ghost King gritted his teeth and looked at Xiao Han.

"Fuck with me in the future." Xiao Han said softly, "Actually, there is nothing wrong with following me."

"You are too weak." Ghost King replied with disdain.

"I'm weak?" Xiao Han almost didn't draw it when he heard it. He said angrily: "Grass, if my strength is true, then what are you?"

"Boy, don't think I can't beat you." Ghost King gritted his teeth.

"Hey, with your temper, if you could beat me, you would have crushed me into meat sauce long ago?" Xiao Han replied in an angry tone.

"Bullshit!" The Ghost King struggled to stand up, but was kicked alive by Xiao Han.

"Stay honestly for me!" Xiao Han replied with an angry voice.

"You!" The Ghost King glared at Xiao Han, but he dared not make a sound.

No way, who makes himself a prisoner in the hands of others now?

"If it's not because you have soul beads on your body, can you beat me because of you?" The Ghost King roared.

"How do you know that I have soul beads on my body?" The ghost king looked surprised.

"The ghost is very sensitive to this kind of thing, and it can be sensed from ten kilometers away." The ghost king snorted coldly, and said: "If it weren't for your strength to restrain me, you would not be my opponent at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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