It's a pity that Xiao Han had already expected that the other party would sneak attack, and when the other party hacked over, Xiao Han quickly flew up. This foot passed and immediately hit the opponent's chest.


The man in black immediately fell down and hit the door behind him. The man grinned in pain.

"Uncle Liu, you... are you okay?" Chen Shao hurried over.

"Fuck, this kid is amazing." The black-clothed man touched the red and swollen back of his head.

"No!" Chen Shao nodded and said, "I was beaten by more than a dozen of my brothers so that he didn't dare to fight back."

"Yeah!" The black-clothed man nodded and said, "Let's see how I clean up this kid today!"

After speaking, the black-clothed man rushed up again, but this time he had learned how to behave. He didn't attack directly, but dealt with him. Intend to act by chance. As long as he found an opportunity, he would find a way to give Xiao Han a fatal blow. Having been in the arena for so long, I really haven't seen anyone who can fight so much.

The man in black originally wanted to find a way to incorporate Xiao Han. But after thinking about it, if Xiao Han is included, wouldn't his position in the Axe Gang be in jeopardy? Therefore, he gave up the idea of ​​incorporation and decided to kill Xiao Han instead.

Seven or eight people surrounded Xiao Han. Sometimes they attacked collectively and sometimes attacked separately.

Xiao Han was not in a hurry, he looked at the opponent calmly, as long as someone dared to approach him, he would use his fist against the opponent. Xiao Han's calmness made the opponent a little at a loss, because several attacks were blocked by Xiao Han, so the opponent was a little flustered.

Xiao Lengchun smiled coldly, and then said, "Come on."

The leading man in black finally found an opportunity. His eyes lit up and he jumped up and slammed towards Xiao Han with a machete. With this knife, he slashed towards Xiao Han's heart on the spot.

With this knife, there is no second possibility, only one possibility, which is death.

When Xiao Han turned around, he held an iron rod in his hand as if by magic.

"Very poisonous!" Xiao Han gritted his teeth and glanced at the opponent, then drew an iron rod toward the opponent fiercely.


The stick hit the opponent's chest.


The black-clothed man vomited blood at the time, and the whole person fell from the air.

"You are really vicious." Xiao Lengren snorted, then stared at the man in black, and said: "I always thought you were a moralist, but I didn't expect your kid to have such a vicious heart."

"Haha..." The black-clothed man raised his head and laughed, and then said: "How many other people are kind-hearted people in this way?"

Xiao Han smiled indifferently, and said: "If this is the case, then I won't tell you any morals!"

The man in black struggled to get up.


Xiao Han went down again with a stick.

"Did I get you up?" Xiao Lian said with a smile.

"You!" The black-clothed man glared at Xiao Han. If he didn't get up, would he keep lying on his stomach?

"Yes!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "That's it, lying on your stomach like a dog!"

"Fuck!" When the man heard this, he was furious, and he quickly got up.


Xiao Han once again smashed it with a stick without hesitation. The stick hit the other party yelling. The opponent's shoulder blades were almost torn apart. He clutched his shoulders, rolled on the ground, and while rolling, yelling: "It hurts... it hurts me, it hurts me!"

Two strong men hurriedly surrounded him, then helped the man from his younger siblings.

"Brother, are you okay?" The younger brother asked embarrassedly.

The black-clothed man held his shoulders, his face was pale, and said, "The bone is broken!"

"Do you want to go to the hospital!" the younger brother asked hurriedly.

"No hurry!" Although the man's face was pale in pain and he was sweating, he didn't seem to be willing to go to the hospital. Instead, he said: "This kid must be solved for me today!"

"Yes!" The little brother nodded immediately.

The two younger brothers stood up decisively, and seven or eight came up behind them. The nine brawny men in black immediately walked towards Xiao Han.

This time, they decided to deal with Xiao Han first, and then deal with others. Xiao Han's strength is the strongest. As long as Xiao Han is killed, other people will be able to defeat them easily.

"Xiao Han, be careful!" Guan Xiaotong shouted.

"Xiao Han!" Zhang Feng and Liu Bin were frightened.

Several people shouted in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Han smiled: "Don't be afraid, these people are not my opponents yet."

Zhang Feng looked a little surprised when he saw the wishful stick in Xiao Han's hand. He didn't expect that Xiao Han hadn't taken out the wishful stick just now, why did he get the wishful stick now? This made him never expect. However, Zhang Feng did not ask.

The opponent carried an iron rod and a machete.

Xiao Han was not afraid at all. Instead, he looked at each other coldly, and then said: "If you have the ability, just let it go."

"Boy, today we are going to make you go around without eating!" Several people snorted coldly.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. He hooked a weird smile and said, "Come on!"

The other side glanced at each other, and then nine people rushed towards Xiao Han from different directions.

The strength of these people is not bad. At first glance, they are people who have been mixed in the road. Everyone is fierce enough, and they know fierceness when fighting. The strength is completely above Liu Bin. No wonder it was a bit difficult for Zhang Feng to deal with three people by himself. The strength of these people is really good.

Seeing that the other party was about to rush forward, Xiao Han rushed forward without saying a word.

Bang bang bang...

The iron rod in his hand spins quickly.

The three people who rushed to the front were knocked off by Xiao Han's iron rod.

However, even so, the people behind still rush forward regardless of the consequences. This is the bravery that people on the road should have. Compared with the mobs under Chen Shao's, compared with them, he is not a person of the same rank.

Xiao Han jumped up, and the iron rod in his hand slammed towards the opponent.


There were a few loud noises, and several people were thrown into the air.

Xiao Han knew how serious it was. Ruyi sticks were basically smashed on the opponent's arm or chest, and he never dared to hit the opponent's skull. When this stick goes down, it will smash the opponent's brain out of the brain. Therefore, Xiao Han did not dare to mess around easily. Even if it is fighting, it can only be disabled, and it cannot kill people.


A few more sticks went down, and the opponent fell immediately.

One by one is horrible.

Nine people rushed up, and eight lay down. There was one person standing only two meters away from Xiao Han, holding an iron rod in his hand, watching his brothers fall one by one, he was naturally very unwilling, he was biting tightly. Teeth, looking at each other angrily.

"Go to hell!" the man roared.

It was already this time, he knew clearly that he could not be Xiao Han's opponent, but he still chose to rush forward without hesitation.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "I respect you as a man, so I give you a little dignity!"

With that, Xiao Han rushed over immediately. He put away the iron rod. With a twist of his body, his right foot slid out an arc in the air, and then kicked **** the opponent's chest.


This sound is very loud. The other party flew far away, and he finally lay on the sofa.

This time, the opponent lost terribly. Nine people launched an assault, but the entire army was wiped out. All of them fell, and everyone fell on the way to the assault.

"Good boy, good strength." The burly man in black stood up. He clutched his shoulders and tried hard to endure the pain in his chest, then gritted his teeth and said, "It's better to follow me, and we will be called brothers and brothers in the future, with our Axe Gang. Spicy and spicy. How?"

"Not interested!" Xiao Han replied without hesitation.

"You!" Being rejected so unhesitatingly, the brawny man in black was naturally very upset. He squinted his eyes and said: "What do you mean, I kindly ask you to join our Axe Gang, you rejected me?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "I said, I am not interested in your axe gang."

"Since I am not interested, it is to be an enemy of our Axe Gang!" The strong man in black suddenly raised his hatred to a higher level.

"Enemy with the Axe Gang?" Xiao Han was taken aback.

"Yes!" The black-clothed man snorted coldly and said, "How about it, are you afraid?"

"Hmph." Xiao Han replied disdainfully, and said: "I, Xiao Han, are never afraid of anyone. Let alone your axe gang, what about the sword league?"

When the black-clothed man heard it, his expression was astonished.

"May I tell you." At this time, Liu Bin hurriedly jumped out and said, "He is a good friend of Liu Sandao. By the way, he has fallen on the ground for the three major victories of the Dao League. You have an axe gang. What kind of?"

"Ah?!" When the black-clothed man heard this, his whole body was trembling with fright. He asked with an incredulous tone: " are the Xiao...Xiao Han?!"

"Will you change your name? I'm Xiao Han!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Uncle Liu, you don't care who he is, hurry up and call someone." Chen Shao was anxious on the side, he urged desperately.


Suddenly, the black-clothed man slapped Chen Shao harshly.

This mess caused Chen Shao to turn around on the spot, and then fell down. Chen Shao was dumbfounded, he had no idea what was going on, he just looked at him with a look of astonishment, he was completely stupid.

"This...what's going on?" Chen Shaomai muttered to himself.

"You shut up!" The black-clothed man glared at Shao Chen, and then he put a smile on his face, and said: "It turns out to be Brother Xiao from the Sword League. I really don't know Taishan for a long time. However, China There is an old saying that you don’t know each other if you don’t fight. It seems that we know each other today."

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