Liu Sisi smiled, and then said: "No, plus the old men and old ladies live in it. These people don't want to take it apart. The big guys live here well, why take it down?"

Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "Yes."

The two of them walked in the alleys for a long time, and they finished all the alleys inside.

Liu Sisi took Xiao Han and walked forward. After coming out of the alley, he turned into a new community.


Liu Sisi took out the access card and swiped it in.

"Does your family live here?" Xiao Han asked curiously. If you don't live here, where do you get the access card?

Liu Sisi smiled and said, "Yes."

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Then... shall we go to your house now?"

"Yeah!" Liu Sisi nodded and said, "You haven't been to my house yet!"

Liu Sisi took Xiao Han to the door of her house, her face flushed, and when she took out the key, she couldn't take it out for a long time. Xiao Han turned his head and glanced left and right. This is a three-family structure in one unit. There are two elevators in total, which is pretty good.

Liu Sisi finally took out the key and hurriedly opened the door.

"Come in." Liu Sisi handed Xiao Han slippers.

Xiao Han walked in and smelled a refreshing smell after entering. Very comfortable.

"What's this smell?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"This is the smell of vanilla." Liu Sisi smiled and said: "My dad himself picked vanilla from the mountain, then dried it, ground it into powder, and burned it in an incense burner to have this fragrance."

"Very comfortable." Xiao Han couldn't help taking two greedily.

"Then... do you want it?" Liu Sisi asked, "I can give you some."

"No need." Xiao Han shook his head.

"Why?" Liu Sisi asked suspiciously.

"You give me vanilla, don't you have to give me an incense burner?" Xiao Han laughed and said, "I have to ask you for it when I run out."

"That's okay." Liu Sisi shook his head.

Xiao Han entered Liu Sisi's house and looked curiously.

Antique, pure Chinese style, the entrance is a huge screen, the door turned out to be the fonts of several calligraphers, it looks very majestic. The last screen on the door turned out to be the calligraphy of ***, a song of spring in the garden, the calligraphy is extremely domineering and ambitious.

Passing through the screen, the living room is actually full of mahogany furniture. The sofa is also pure mahogany, and the relief on the door is very beautiful, which looks refreshing. Xiao Han has never seen such a pure Chinese style. When I saw it today, I couldn't help but like it.

"Xiao Han, take a seat first." Liu Sisi greeted, "I'll make tea for you."

"Don't be so polite." Xiao Han said hurriedly.

However, Liu Sisi, the girl, has already gone to make tea. The central air conditioner in the living room was turned on, and the air-conditioning gradually filled the house, making it very comfortable. It can be inferred from the furnishings and luxury of this family that the Liu family is not short of money. At first, I thought Liu Sisi had a general family background. It seems that I underestimated her.

Liu Sisi quickly set up the tea set.

"I'm telling you that most people are really not qualified to drink my dad's tea." Liu Sisi smiled and said: "I just secretly took it out of my dad's study."

"Haha..." Xiao Han laughed when he heard it, "In that case, I must taste it."

"Most people, my dad is reluctant to give it to them." Liu Sisi smiled, and said: "Because these teas were picked up by my dad himself from the mountains, and then fried out by himself, with some Chinese herbal medicines added to it. My dad always kept them. Give it to yourself, most people don’t have a portion."

"Then it should taste good." Xiao Han did look forward to it.

Although I don't know much about tea, I can tell if it is good or bad after a sip.

Liu Sisi began to make tea seriously.

"Come on, drink." Liu Sisi poured a glass for Xiao Han after soaking.

Xiao Han was holding the tea, and first sniffed it, the fragrance overflowed, refreshing. I felt that the whole body's cells seemed to have opened their mouths and breathed the pleasant smell. Xiao Han couldn't help but praised: "Yes, the fragrance is full."

"Taste it quickly." Liu Sisi urged, with a look of expectation in his eyes

Xiao Han blew gently, and then took a sip. The sweetness of the tea immediately echoed in his lips. Xiao Han closed his eyes and couldn't help taking a deep breath, then said: "Yes, yes, it's really good. "

"Drink it?" Liu Sisi poured him another glass.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded, and said: "This taste is really good, how many times better than ordinary tea. However, this taste is so good that your dad never thought about selling it? Surely it can't be sold. Less money."

"My dad is not rare." Liu Sisi shook his head and said: "My dad personally processed the tea he made by himself. Most people are not qualified to drink it."

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded, he could see that this family is not short of money at all. Although I don't understand what Liu Sisi's father does, at least I can know that his identity and background are definitely not simple.

Liu Sisi smiled and said, "Xiao Han, where are you going back tonight?"

"Go back to the dormitory." Xiao Han replied.

"Want...or...sleep in my house?" Liu Sisi's face flushed.

When Xiao Han heard it, he said awkwardly, "No... OK?"

"What's wrong?" Liu Sisi pursed his lips and said, "My dad is not at home, what are you afraid of?"

"I...I'm not afraid of your dad." Xiao Han shook his head and said: "We...we live in a house with a lone man and a widow. I...I'm afraid it will damage your reputation. If it spreads out, how will you marry in the future? Out?"

"Then you marry me!" Liu Sisi smiled.

"Uh..." Xiao Han was immediately stunned.

"Hee hee, it's a joke." Liu Sisi suddenly covered her mouth and smiled, and said: "Who is rare for you to marry me."

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "You are so beautiful, are there many boys chasing you?"

"Yes!" Liu Sisi nodded and said, "There are still many second-generation officials and second-generation rich."

Listening to that tone, Shiyou ** was deliberately angry with Xiao Han.

Of course, Xiao Han definitely believes that there are many people who follow Liu Sisi, and there are definitely the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich. Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Then you have to open your eyes and pick, but don't make a mistake and hate it forever."

"Yeah!" Liu Sisi nodded and said, "I definitely can't ask for a big carrot like you. Otherwise, I won't be jealous in the future."

"Haha..." Xiao Han hurriedly covered his embarrassment with a laugh.

Liu Sisi said: "Sleep to my house at night, and you sleep in the guest room."

"Okay." Xiao Han nodded.

"I'll get my dad's pajamas for you." After speaking, Liu Sisi turned and entered the room, and then fetched clothes for Xiao Han.

Xiao Han is wearing clothes, smiling all over his face, spring is boundless.

"You can watch TV by yourself, I'm going to take a bath." Liu Sisi glanced at Xiao Han with a hint of charm.

After speaking, she immediately went into the bathroom.

Xiao Han was sitting alone in the living room watching TV. It was very boring. He decided to visit Liu Sisi's home. Such a luxurious home, I just looked at the tip of the iceberg, and I don't know how many rooms are.

He pushed aside the master bedroom. The furniture in the master bedroom was also very luxurious. The whole bed was made of mahogany. Although the material of the wardrobe could not be seen, the style was definitely not simple. The room is not complicated, but it is full of antiques. There is a very old sewing machine in the corner. A wedding photo from the 1980s hangs on the wall of the bed. The man in the photo is probably Liu Sisi’s father. , And the woman is Liu Sisi's mother.

Liu Sisi looks too similar to the woman in the photo. Whether it is the eyes, facial features, or even the contours, they are all nine points similar.

Exiting from the room, Xiao Han pushed open the second room. This is Liu Sisi’s room. This is the only room full of modern atmosphere. There is a computer desk in the room. The bed is also a snow-white princess bed, which is very beautiful on the ground. Carpeted, the room is warm and lovely. There is also a huge bear doll on the head of the bed. It seems that the common problem of girls is to like furry toys.

Push aside the third room. This is a very simple room. There is no expensive furniture here, only a simple wooden bed. This room has a balcony with a view balcony.

It is estimated that this is the guest room.

When Xiao Han pushed aside the fourth room, he was stunned. It was a huge study room with bookshelves on three sides, and the bookshelves were filled with dense books. There are even some old collector's editions.

Xiao Han walked in curiously. The material of the bookshelf was naturally not simple, and the desk turned out to be golden nanmu. When the lamp was turned on, the golden threads could almost be seen on the table, emitting bursts of light.

Xiao Han didn't have any interest in these expensive woods. He stared curiously at the secretary on the three-sided bookshelf. There are rubbing editions of "Compendium of Materia Medica" and "Huangdi Nei Jing"...and so on, there are countless,

Xiao Han couldn't help but looked through it curiously. The content here is very rich. Xiao Han used his brain to install them all. After reading it, Xiao Han put the books back intact.

Xiao Han reads the book very seriously and doesn't know how long it has passed.


There was a sudden exclamation at the door.

"Xiao Han!" Liu Sisi hurriedly shouted.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han turned to look at Liu Sisi.

Liu Sisi stood at the door with a flustered expression, and said: "This...this is my dad's study, one is allowed to enter. You..."

"Huh?" Xiao Han was immediately embarrassed. He hurriedly put the books in his hand back into the distance, and said: "I'm just curious. I saw so many books, so I came in and took a look. I didn't expect..."

"Come out!" Liu Sisi was anxious.

Xiao Han hurriedly withdrew from the study.

"You didn't see anything?" Liu Sisi asked.

"No, I just read a book." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "There are a lot of collector's edition books, even out of print. I was out of curiosity, definitely not deliberately breaking in!"

(End of this chapter)

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