The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 807: League contest

At this time, Chen Aiguo and others walked in.

The institute is not big, so many people suddenly came in, and it was a bit crowded.

Everyone introduced each other and knew each other. However, they are very interested in the research project. Very curious.

At this time, Zhao Lizhong said, "Slack, you are the manager of this project department, and you are responsible for the research and development of the entire project. By the way, the research institute will move out tomorrow."

"Where to move?" Slack asked.

"I found a bigger and quieter place!" Zhao Lizhong said, "I guarantee you are satisfied!"

With more people in the research institute, the research process will naturally be faster. As the saying goes, everyone is united, and the profit is broken.

With the addition of Chen Aiguo and others, the speed of research has also increased a lot. However, the obstacle of a piece of transparent glass seems to have not been removed.


Time flies, and a month has passed.

The time for the league tournament is approaching.

Zhou Jianjian urged Xiao Han several times. Seeing that the time is approaching. Xiao Han had no choice but to set off for Huangshan City and went to Mizongmen.

"My God, Master, you can be regarded as coming." Zhou Jianjian was anxious and said: "If you don't come again, I will go to you."

"What's the hurry!" Xiao Leng coldly replied, and then said, "Isn't this here?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow." Zhou Jianjian smiled.

At this moment, a playful figure ran over and shouted, "Master!"

"Luyin?" Xiao Han smiled and looked at Luyin. Unexpectedly, the longer this month, the girl will become more beautiful. She wears a long dress, very flowing, and her hair is like ink, just like a classical girl walking out of a painting.

He grinned, and then said, "How about it, has the cultivation base improved?"

"Yeah!" Luyin immediately took Xiao Han's arm and said with a smile: "It all depends on the guidance of the master, otherwise, Luyin will not make progress today."

"Haha..." Xiao Han laughed after listening.

Xiao Han seems to have become the most popular person among Mizongmen. In the world of spiritual practice, strength is paramount. Whoever has strength can win the admiration of everyone. Whoever has the strength can become the object of worship.

That night, Wanzhangfeng hurriedly rushed to the Gate of Lost with people.

"Senior!" Wan Zhangfeng smiled: "You are here."

"I heard that you broke Zhou's head Cui these days." Xiao Han asked.

"Am I in a hurry?" Wan Zhangfeng said.

Xiao Han grinned and said, "Don't worry, do you need to be so urgent to participate in an league competition?"

"Yes, yes!" Wanzhangfeng nodded repeatedly.

But can he not be in a hurry? This time Wanzhangfeng compensated Mizongmen 20 million yuan before Zhou Jianjian stopped. In other words, this time Xiao Han represented the Golden Lions to participate in the league competition.

Wan Zhangfeng smiled and said, "Senior, you must fight for our Golden Lion Gate this time."

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely give you a place in the Golden Lion Gate!"

"Okay!" Wan Zhangfeng nodded and said with a smile: "Then...senior take a good rest at night, we will set off tomorrow!"

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

That night, Xiao Han lived in Mizongmen.

Early the next morning, a bus stopped at the door of the Lost Gate. Wan Zhangfeng personally led the team, and five young disciples from Golden Lions Gate went to the competition together. This time the competition is a team competition. The competition method will change every year. I don't know what the competition method is this year.

The bus took a car to the airport.

Fly directly to Penglai from the airport.

After more than two hours of the plane, the plane finally landed. After getting off the plane, there is a bus to pick you up.

Only the peripheral disciples of Penglai Island came to receive them. Most of these peripheral disciples are rich people. Therefore, Penglai Island has always had no shortage of rich disciples. Wan Zhangfeng and his party got on the bus. On the bus, Wanzhangfeng unexpectedly met some acquaintances.

"Oh, isn't this the head of Qiu?" Wan Zhangfeng laughed.

"Wan Zhangfeng." Head Qiu was taken aback, and then said: "I didn't expect you to bring someone to the league competition again?"

"Why can't I come?" Wan Zhangfeng asked with a smile.

"Last year, your Golden Lion Gate was the first to be eliminated." The head of Qiu grinned, Huang rubbing his teeth, chewing betel nuts in his mouth. Very disgusting. Xiao Han glanced at it and quickly turned his head.

"This time it's different." Wan Zhangfeng smiled and said: "This time we have to take a place back!"

"Yeah?" Headmaster Qiu said triumphantly after hearing this, "Okay, then wait for your good news!"

At this point, the two stopped talking. There seems to be some contradiction between each other.

The car crossed a sea-crossing bridge and directly entered an island.

However, after the car passed the cross-sea bridge, it encountered a fog. The white fog almost covered the entire island. After the car drove into the fog, the surrounding scenery immediately began to change. Before long, the car quickly passed through the fog.

"Wow!" the person in the car exclaimed.

Around, there is a paradise. Not far away is a majestic palace. The most shocking thing is that there is a huge island floating in the sky, as if it is a hill floating in the air. More like that city in the sky.

Many people have never seen such a violation of the law of universal gravitation, so they are all shocked.

"Oh my God!" The group was shocked.

"This... is this too exaggerated?" Everyone was shocked.

Penglai Island is so large that it is unimaginable. There are many disciples on the island, and it is said that there are 100,000 disciples. From a distance, it looks like a city. At the foot of the mountain is the place where the disciples live, and on the top of the mountain is the residence of some managers of Penglai Island. As for the island floating in the air, it is said to be the place where the owner of Penglai Island lives. If there is not a little strength in that place, I am afraid it will really not go up.

Once we can see how powerful the monks are.

Xiao Han was shocked when he saw it.

"How is this repaired?" Xiao Han was shocked.

"Hey, who knows!" Wan Zhangfeng shook his head and said: "It is said that it was there from the beginning, and some people say that it was made by the master of Penglai Xiange. With his huge agility, he uprooted a mountain alive."

"How much power does that need?" Xiao Han was dumbfounded.

"Anyway, it's great!" Wan Zhangfeng smiled: "It is said that the strength of the island owner of Penglai Island is also very powerful. The strength is extraordinary."

"What level?" Xiao Han asked.

"Don't say it should be the Mahayana period?" Wan Zhangfeng smiled.

Xiao Han's heart was shocked. If it was the Mahayana period, he would have the power to destroy the world. The strength is so great that no one can beat it?

The car passed through the foot of the mountain and went directly to the mountainside. On the mountainside, it is a place specially for foreign guests. After all, Penglai Island is too big, so they are divided into many departments, each with its own responsibilities.

At the reception of the disciples on Penglai Island, everyone stayed halfway up the mountain for the time being.

The house is very beautiful, and the small wooden houses are all original ecological living places. A martial art assigns a wooden house. The wooden house has two floors, five rooms, two toilets and two bathrooms. Be brave at the designated location.

After moving in, everyone relaxed.

"Damn, look at their martial arts, how grandiose!"

"People are more popular than others, and you have to shop around."

Everyone laughed and teased.

Wan Zhangfeng did not criticize, but agreed. The entire Golden Lion Gate is probably not one-tenth the size of Penglai Island, right? Moreover, this place is full of aura, possesses a great formation of gathering spirits, and there is a great formation of protecting mountains.

You know, only the real big sects have a real mountain protection formation, such as Emei, Shaolin, Wudang, Penglai...

On the other hand, the Lost Gate, the Golden Lion Gate... These sects don’t even have a decent place to live. Of course, the Golden Lion Gate is much better than the Lost Gate. The Mizong Gate is the real beggar sect, and it is almost impossible to survive.

Looking at other people's Penglai, it is prosperous, thriving, and full of aura. Every year there are countless people who go to Penglai to apprenticeship, but the number of people who can really be selected is pitiful.

Once upon a time, Wan Zhangfeng also came to Penglai to learn art, but was turned away. Unexpectedly, time flies, but he has become the head of the Golden Lion Gate. It's something I didn't expect.

"Master Wan, it's time for dinner." At the door, a disciple came to inform.

A disciple is responsible for the reception of a sect.

There is no so-called courtesy at all, and there is no so-called hospitality standard, as if staying in a hotel. Throw them in the room and let them move by themselves. Just shout when it's time for dinner.

"Okay, go right away!" Wan Zhangfeng nodded.

Afterwards, Wan Zhangfeng immediately greeted him, saying: "Let's go, let's go eat!"

"Walk around!" Everyone nodded. This is their first visit to Penglai Island, so they are very interested in the food here. They look forward to it.

However, Wan Zhangfeng smiled and said, "Don't expect too much. The food here is mainly vegetarian, no meat."

"Huh?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Let's go!" Wan Zhangfeng smiled.

Afterwards, everyone went to the cafeteria.

There is no welcoming ceremony and no greetings. There is only a buffet here. You can enjoy what you want to eat. Whatever you want, just talk to the staff here. The owner of the island did not show up, nor did the senior officials of Penglai Island come forward. From beginning to end, only some disciples were entertaining themselves.

"Ten thousand heads, what did the senior officials of Penglai Island do?" Xiao Han asked.

"Oh, of course it is to greet those big sects." Wan Zhangfeng replied and said: "What Emei, Wudang, Shaolin...Where can our little sects be met by high-level officials."

"Oh!" Xiao Han nodded.

Sure enough, the buffet is all vegetarian. There is no meat.

(End of this chapter)

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