The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 810: Survival on a Deserted Island

"It's a very interesting game."

"It's changed to a game. This is quite interesting. How about desert island survival?"

Everyone immediately became happy, and everyone showed a surprised expression. Everyone seemed extremely excited, it seemed that they couldn't wait to invest in the game.

Some experienced heads or elders have already discussed strategies with each other at this moment.

Wanzhangfeng is also extremely anxious, some of the strategies he prepared before, at this time, are not actually useful. On the other hand, a few big sects were very calm at this moment. Obviously, they had known the news in advance, and they had also discussed a strategy. However, some sects who have no right to speak are anxious at this moment.

"Master, what should we do?" The disciple of the Golden Lion Gate asked hurriedly.

"I... let me think about it!" Wan Zhangfeng said hurriedly.

At this time, Xiao Han said: "At this time, it is time to show heroism. It is estimated that many sects already have suitable candidates. Since they want to show heroism, I think we can do the opposite. "

"What do you mean?" Wan Zhangfeng asked hurriedly.

"We can unite." Xiao Han said seriously: "We have a total of six people participating in the competition. We pooled the strength of all six people. In the jungle, when we form a team, we will definitely be stronger than one person!"

"Okay!" Wan Zhangfeng's eyes lit up, and he was overjoyed, saying: "I think this method of senior is very good."

Xiao Han's brain is very active and smart. Think of the key points all at once.

At this time, the large sects probably already have strategies to deal with it, and there must be many outstanding rising stars in the large sects. This method is when they perform.

Soon, hundreds of people were sent to a huge island twenty nautical miles away by yacht. Although this island is very big, it is not as big as Penglai Island. However, enough for hundreds of people to fight on this island, and enough for them to kill wildly on this island.

On the island, the lush sky and big trees are very suitable for jungle warfare.

Seeing this jungle, Xiao Han was a little upset and didn't rescue Xiaoyue first.

It is not that Xiao Han is unwilling, but that the ghost king said that the other party is quite big and it is said to be from the Kunlun school. The Kunlun Sect belongs to one of the ten major sects on the mainland. This time, the Kunlun Sect also sent more than 30 people to participate in the league competition this time. All of them were dressed in robes, as if they had come out of a coffin.

The various sects were assigned to different places.

Each sect has its own departure point.

The people of the Golden Lion Gate were taken to a low-lying place by the people of Penglai Island.

"You are here!" The disciple of Penglai Island said calmly.

"Here?" When the disciple of the Golden Lion Gate heard it, he was anxious: "There is no place to hide, it is easy to expose the target!"

"You must obey the arrangement!" The disciple of Penglai Island smiled, smiling quickly.

Xiao Han quickly understood what the other party meant. He grinned, then took out a red talisman from his pocket, and said, "A red talisman, can you change it to a better place!"

"Yes, no problem!" The other party saw his eyes straight.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested!" Xiao Han immediately put away the red talisman, and sneered: "I know that the people in Penglai Island don't have a good thing, and they will also corrupt and accept bribes!"

"You!" The disciple on Penglai Island almost became angry when he heard it.

He flicked his sleeves, gave a cold snort, and then left.

"Senior, you offended him!" said the disciple of the Golden Lion Gate.

"What are you afraid of!" Xiao Han smiled, and said: "He is a low-level disciple who has no right to speak at all. He can just help us change places here, but if we don't want it, we will hide here."

After speaking, Xiao Han immediately led someone into the haystack.

This is an uninhabited desert island, full of wild grass. The grass is taller than people, enough to hide.

Before they started, they were already hiding in the haystack.

"Senior, don't we just hide like this?" a disciple asked.

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head and said: "Our position is not very good. Let's avoid a wave first, and then see the situation."


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and a huge fireworks burst into the sky.

"It's started!" Xiaoding exclaimed excitedly.

With that, he was about to rush out.

"Don't!" Xiao Han hurriedly pulled him back.


At this time, several white lights flashed across the sky.

Then, there was a scream on the ground, some people died, and some people honestly handed over the tokens. These people are from the small sect, and like the people at the Golden Lion Gate, they are all arranged in such an open space. At the beginning of the game, the big sect disciples swept the small sect disciples in the open air by relying on their own mount advantage. A lot of people got down all at once.

"Good fellow, I received more than 20 tokens at once!" A young man in black armor grinned and said, "Long Xuan, this time Wudang won the first place without any problems!"

"This is just the beginning!" A white-clothed teenager sneered while riding a crane: "Let's enjoy this carnival as much as possible."

After speaking, the two quickly left the scene.

"Oh my God! It turned out to be Yelongxuan." Xiaoding exclaimed.

"Do you know him?" Xiao Han asked.

"I don't know, I just know." Xiaoding said embarrassedly: "He is now a rising star in the world of cultivation. It is rumored that he is only 26 years old this year, and he has entered the Golden Elixir period, and he is powerful, making him the most powerful person in Wudang. A strong young generation. This time he is also the favorite to win the championship."

"Understood!" Xiao Han smiled slightly.

After half an hour, several groups of people passed by in the sky, all of them wanted to take advantage of the opportunity at the beginning of the game to grab the tokens. No one thought that there were six people hidden in the humble haystack.

"It's so risky, but fortunately Senior is smart!"

"Yes, if it weren't for seniors, we would probably have to explain here!"

The people of the Golden Lion Gate patted their chests.

"Okay, we should start!" Xiao Han bit the grass roots in his mouth.

"Senior, or... let's go out in the evening!" Xiaoding said hurriedly.

"Huh, at night? I will die here!" Xiao Lengren snorted and said: "At this time, we must hurry into the jungle, find a suitable shelter, and then wait for the opportunity to arrange traps so that we have a chance to survive."

"Oh!" Everyone nodded.

Xiao Han was their leader, and they naturally obeyed Xiao Han's instructions.

Afterwards, a group of six people, arching their waists, quickly rushed towards the jungle.

There was no danger on the way, and he quickly passed through half a valley, and then quickly entered the vast mountains. As long as you enter the mountain, you basically don't need to be afraid of someone staring at you.

The mountains are gloomy and the trees are very high. Moreover, the trees cover the sky, block all the sunlight, and also block all the light. The more you go inside, the darker it gets. The six are cautious, guarding against enemies that may appear at any time.

After all, now is a very moment.

Moreover, dying here is all dead in vain. Only when you encounter good people, you will threaten you with a knife to hand over the token. If you meet some crazy people, they will only chop off your head and take the token from you.


Suddenly, a bow and arrow shot out from the darkness.


Xiao Han's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he threw a stone in his hand. Hit directly on the arrow.

"Get down!" Xiao Han exclaimed.


Everyone is conditioned to fall down. Xiao Han leaped up and rushed towards the giant tree.


The two arrows are very fast, and the opponent's archery is indeed very powerful. The interval between the arrows is very short, almost achieving continuous shooting, and both arrows are chasing Xiao Han.

Xiao Han kicked his left foot and quickly stepped on the trunk of a big tree. Then, with the power of the trunk, the person immediately rose into the air. When Xiao Han was in the air, several arrows shot at the place Xiao Han had just stepped on.

"Fast speed!" A voice came from the treetops.

"Hmph, you are dead!" Xiao Lengren snorted.


Xiao Han kicked the opponent from the top of the tree.

The other party fell back, originally thinking that the other party would surrender just like this. Unexpectedly, the other party even took out an arrow and shot it in the gap on the ground.

Xiao Han offered a wishful stick and blocked the opponent's arrow.

After the opponent landed on the ground, the disciples of the Golden Lion Gate immediately surrounded him. Five people surrounded him. Many people were powerful, and many ants killed the elephants. After a while, these people put the other party on the ground. The other party was also downcast.

"You shameless!" The guy dressed in leather said proudly: "This is a single player game. You are a group of people!"

"The rules of the game don't say it's a single player game!" Xiao Han walked over and took the token from the opponent's pocket. The locator will start soon.

"Okay!" The man gritted his teeth and said: "My name is **, Wushuangzong disciple, I will find you for a while if I have the opportunity."

"Withdraw!" Xiao Han waved.

The man's locator was activated, and soon someone from Penglai Island would take him away.

Xiao Han quickly left the scene with the disciples of the Golden Lion Gate.

This is a huge battlefield. If Xiao Han hadn't been quick and quick, I'm afraid a disciple of the Golden Lion Gate would have died here. Therefore, in this place, always keep alert. Even if you lose the token if you are not careful, it is not worth your life if you lose your life.

Xiao Han took the five people for a few kilometers, and then stopped on top of a big tree.

"Senior, are we here?" Xiaoding asked.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded, and said: "Take a break here for now and adjust your strategy!"

(End of this chapter)

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