The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 817: Pillars of Creation

"Come!" The old man raised his head and glanced.

At this time, the statue actually moved.

A dazzling light shot from its pupils.

"Ah!" Xiao Han screamed suddenly.

He screamed in pain, tumbling constantly on the ground, screaming in pain. This kind of pain is unbearable and unbearable. Even Xiao Han Jin Danqi's body, but it is also miserable. There seemed to be a lot of things squeezed in in my mind. It almost smashed Xiao Han's brain.

Not knowing how long it took, Xiao Han passed out into a faint.

Xiao Han seemed to have entered a void, it was a dark world, and he felt that his soul was floating in this different world. In the distance, there is a bright nebula, Xiao Han has been floating, in this empty place with no vitality and no life. No feeling, no perception, and no sound...

Not far away, three totem-like nebulae.

"The Pillar of Creation." Xiao Han exclaimed.

The Pillar of Creation is a mysterious nebula in the universe. There are various theories about its formation, and it is 7,000 light-years away from the solar system. At this moment, Xiao Han felt that he had seen this huge group of creation pillars so clearly. It's like a totem in the universe. It seems that this creation pillar seems to have been created. The three pillars are different in height, the first one is like a huge eagle head, the second one is like a huge snake head, and the third one is a huge wolf head. It looks amazing.


Suddenly, a dazzling light hit. Accompanied by an extremely vicissitudes of life: "How dare to peep at the fate!"

At that moment, Xiao Han woke up suddenly.

When he woke up, Xiao Han found himself lying on a piece of green grass. Staring at a dazzling blue sky, the sun is very dazzling.

"Where is this?" Xiao Han was surprised.

I was clearly in an underground palace in a stone house just now, how come I appear in this ghost place now? Xiao Han hurriedly stood up and looked around. There was pain in his mind. There seemed to be a lot of things in his mind, heavy, but he couldn't remember it at all for a while. I just can think of myself wandering in the stars of the universe. Especially when I was looking at the Pillar of Creation, it seemed that someone had beaten myself back!


This must be a dream!

Xiao Han said firmly, otherwise, there would be no way to explain it. Did he really see the Pillar of Creation? Did he really peek at what fate? Isn't all this nonsense? Xiao Han didn't quite believe this. I can't believe that a person can have the power to counter the stars and nebulae.

Xiao Han rubbed his head vigorously.

Not far away, a sound of killing came.

"Sister Ying, run away!"

The voice of the little girl came.

"Hey, I see where you are going!" an evil voice shouted.

Xiao Han looked over curiously. In the woods not far away, several figures were fighting. A bear rider is constantly attacking several girls. And those girls are the Nightingales who were let go by themselves. There are also little girls.

It seemed that they didn't feel well. The effort of this meeting was even panicked by the opponent. The bear-riding man has extraordinary strength and has the help of spirit beasts. The three girls can only rely on their own abilities to contend with each other, but if they are not strong, they have to die.

"No, I can't go!" Nightingale shook her head. She was already injured, and it would hurt. However, she knew that once she left, the little girl and junior sister would definitely be abused by this guy. Regardless of the spiritual world, men are worse and more **** than men in the secular world. Whenever they see a beautiful woman, they will find ways to insult each other.

Xiao Han shook his head, still trying to force himself at this time.

It seems that it won't work if you don't shoot.

Xiao Han jumped up and rushed over quickly.

Xiao Han was surprised to find that his strength had actually increased. Although not very large, he was much more diligent than his previous cultivation base. Xiao Han looked very excited. He dashed out more than ten meters.

"Nightingale, I'll help you!" Xiao Han was in a good mood.

Nightingale turned her head and looked. When she saw Xiao Han, she was overjoyed. At this time, she met an acquaintance who had helped herself. Although he looked at himself all over, she didn’t feel anything. Mind, as long as Xiao Han can help himself.


Xiao Han pumped a stick, and a huge breath smashed toward the man.

The bear rider was caught off guard and was shot flying by Xiao Han. At this moment, the man watched it horribly. He got up from disgust in a desperate manner, and then walked over in embarrassment. He gritted his teeth and looked at Xiao Han, and said, "Boy, do you dare to be nosy?!"

"How?" Xiao Lengchun laughed and said, "I tell you, from now on, I will cover the three of them!"

"Fuck!" The bear rider became angry when he heard it.


The huge black bear stood up suddenly and let out a frantic roar. Xiao Han's blow just now completely angered this black bear. He looked extremely crazy and also extremely cruel. He opened his blood basin and yelled.

"Damn!" The little girl was very scared, her face pale.

"You..." Nightingale looked at Xiao Han, her face flushed, and said, "Thank you."

"Hehe!" Xiao Han grinned, and said: "Who let us spend time together in Wuyun?"

"You!" When Nightingale heard it, her face suddenly turned red.

"Sister Ying, didn't you say that you don't have that with him?" the little girl hurriedly asked.

"He...he's talking nonsense!" Nightingale's face turned red to the bottom of her ears.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Did you cry miserably that night? Did I use too much force?"

"You!" Nightingale was anxious: "Don't talk nonsense."

At this moment, the bear rider frowned and said: "Do you know each other?"

"She is my wife!" Xiao Han said loudly.

"What?!" The bear rider was dumbfounded, with a look of error, and then said: "Is she your wife?"

"That's right." Xiao Han nodded, and then said, "Isn't it?"

The bear rider sneered and said: "Okay, since he is your wife, then I will defeat you first, then tie you up, and then **** your wife in front of you, how?"

When Xiao Han heard this, he said, "It's up to you?"

"Yes!" The bear rider nodded.

"Beat me, they are at your disposal!" The stick in Xiao Han's hand shook to the ground, and a domineering wave came out.

Nightingale was stunned. She didn't expect that Xiao Han's strength had improved again. Last time she felt that Xiao Han was already in the Golden Core Stage, and although it was still in the Golden Core Stage, her strength this time was obviously much better than last time. This made Nightingale very shocked.

The bear rider snorted coldly: "Okay!"

After speaking, he jumped up and immediately stepped on the black bear. Without anyone speaking, the black bear had already understood the owner's intention. He ran swiftly and swept away crazy towards Xiao Han. When he rushed over, the bear suddenly soared several times. It was as if a black hill was moving.

"Good come." Xiao Han shouted.

Randomly, Xiao Han rushed over, and the wishful stick in his hand swept away frantically.

The black bear's claws were very sharp, it suddenly stood up, and the sharp grasp in its hand slammed towards Xiao Han. The claws were like cold glows, and the Ruyi stick in Xiao Han's hand smashed over. After a violent impact, Xiao Han felt the savageness and arrogance of this black bear.


Suddenly, the young bear rider jumped from the back of the black bear and took this opportunity to join the battle.

Xiao Han dealt with the fight of one person, one bear alone, it can be said that he did not fight.

"Sister Ying, he seems to be very passive," said the little **** the side.

"No, I'm going to help him!" Nightingale said.

The **** the side said: "Sister, let's go quickly. Let them fight. No matter who they win or who wins, it's not good for us."

"No!" Nightingale shook her head and said, "He got into this melee just to save us. I can't just leave him behind."

Nightingale gritted her teeth and stuffed dozens of tokens into the arms of her junior sister, and said nervously: "Listen to me, you guys have to go quickly and you are here!"

"Sister, how can you!" The girl shook her head and said, "We won't go!"

Nightingale said: "Whether you leave or not, I will help him."

After that, Nightingale joined the battle without hesitation.

Xiao Han is not struggling or struggling. He was just testing the opponent's strength. He never thought that Nightingale would join the battle. Seeing Nightingale joining the battle, Xiao Han looked surprised and said, "You go away, leave me alone!"

"No!" Nightingale shook her head and said, "How can I leave you alone?"

After speaking, Nightingale rose into the air, and immediately took out a flute in his hand. As soon as the flute sound came out, the magic sound with attack power swept towards the bear riding man. The man grinned, the pain was terrible, but it was not too painful to bear. The main reason is that Nightingale's strength is insufficient, so the magic flute's offensive power is naturally not enough. Nightingale's strength is only in the peak period of Qi refining, and the opponent's strength is clearly above him. I'm afraid it will be difficult to subdue the opponent with a magic flute.

Seeing this, Xiao Han rushed up immediately.


The wishful stick in his hand hit the black bear's head fiercely.


The black bear fell down and let out a scream. The rough body quickly returned to its original state.

Seeing this, the man was furious: "Asshole, dare to hit my pet. Let's see how I clean you!"

After that, the man gritted his teeth and rushed over quickly.

The sound of Nightingale's Magic Flute increased, and the output of the magic sound attack doubled. However, her physical stamina was unable to achieve her goal, her face was pale, and drops of sweat continued to fall on her forehead.

The man used his internal strength to resist the attack of the magic sound, and he carried a long spear in both hands. There was still a ray of red tassel hanging from the spear head.

(End of this chapter)

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