Lu Xuan's hand made Xiao Han a little shocked, and a single tap could make the earth resonate. Xiao Han asked himself that he couldn't do it.

"I have never cheated on Penglai Island, or even let Penglai disciples participate. Why is it shady?" Lu Xuan's expression was very ugly, she said coldly: "People who dare to question Penglai Island, stand up!"

The scene was silent, naturally no one dared to question.

"Since no one doubts, Xiao Han of the Golden Lion Gate is the leader this year." Lu Xuan sneered, and said, "A golden talisman will be awarded and a Xisui Pill will be awarded."

"Wow!" everyone exclaimed.

Each one seemed extremely surprised.

Although I know that Penglai Island is generous, but I did not expect that the shot will be a golden talisman, which is really shocking. There is also a marrow pill, which can temper the muscles and bones. After eating it, ordinary people can also cultivate. ability. This is definitely a kind of gospel for ordinary people.

Everyone was surprised.

"Second place, Kunlun sent Wang Mang!" Lu Xuan replied, "Reward a golden talisman!"

It's a golden symbol again.

A golden talisman requires a great price. I didn't expect Penglai Island to be sent out so easily. I really envy people with such confidence, which is really shocking.

In this competition, a total of ten were selected, but unfortunately, in the tenth place, there were only five red symbols. Nightingale was obviously very disappointed holding five red symbols. Because what she wanted was the fifth-place Xisui Pill. Her goal this time is also hoping to squeeze into fifth place, but she didn't expect to fail. Only took five red symbols.

"Oh..." Nightingale sighed faintly.

Just after the rewards were distributed, Lu Xuan announced again: "The top five will be rewarded with an additional three-year training qualification on Penglai Island."

Everyone thought it was over, and was going to go back to rest. Unexpectedly, Lu Xuan broke out even more exciting news.

"Stay in Penglai Island to practice? Three years!"

"Isn't it?"

Penglai Island is a holy place for cultivation, so many people want to come. Even the disciples of the big sect can't wait to go to Penglai Island to practice for several years. After all, the spiritual energy here is pure, and the cultivation can get twice the result with half the effort. Unfortunately, Penglai Island has never allowed anyone from the sect to stay for a long time. This time, the qualification for three years of cultivation was opened.

"This..." Everyone was stunned.

"is this real?"

"Great, you can enter Penglai Island to practice."

Many people cheered.

In the top five, except for Xiao Han, the faces of all the others showed joy, and it was a chance to stay on Penglai Island to practice. You know, Penglai Island exists on the mainland like a god. Many people want to enter Penglai Island to practice. However, Penglai Island has never accepted disciples from other sects. This time, they even opened the door to other sects. This is a chance.

The sixth to tenth places are all sighing, and they seem to feel sorry for not seizing the opportunity this time. Especially the sixth place is even more annoying. If you work a little harder, you may be able to squeeze into the fifth place. The person who enters Penglai Island to practice is himself. Unfortunately……

"I don't want to!" At this time, Xiao Han stood up.

Everyone was stunned, and a group of people stared at Xiao Han.

Lu Xuan turned to look at Xiao Han. After a long time, she said, "Xiao Han, you have to think clearly. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss it, you will regret it!"

"No, thank you!" Xiao Han arrogantly refused Penglai Island's invitation.


Everyone was in an uproar, everyone was stunned.

"He actually refused?"

"Oh my God, he refused the invitation of the owner of Penglai Island."

Everyone was talking about it. The wind was also speechless. What a great opportunity. If Penglai Island is willing to give it to itself, then... how good? I can put everything down and come here for repairs. Unfortunately, he obviously can't.

When Lu Xuan heard this, she was not angry, but smiled: "Well, since you are not willing, then leave this opportunity to Ye Longxuan!"

"Okay, great!" When the head of Wudang heard this, he was overjoyed. When Ye Longxuan entered Penglai Island, there was bound to be a day of rapid progress. At that time, once Ye Longxuan returned, it would surely be the flying dragon ascending into the sky. A group of people in Wudang were annoyed at first, but now they were overjoyed when they heard Lu Xuan's announcement. One by one, they were very excited and started to revel.

Xiao Han glanced at them, but his heart was mocking.

What is good about staying in Penglai Island to practice? In the end, it was studied by Penglai Island just like a white mouse, and the research was thorough. What you have learned may be the mess of Penglai Island. Who is rare? With the current blockade between the major gates, it is impossible for anyone to pass on the essence to others. Penglai Island also has its own concerns.

Therefore, on this continent, if you want to improve yourself, you must practice hard yourself, instead of relying on a certain sect to become strong. The sect's ability can lead you to the gate of cultivation, but it cannot make you reach the peak of cultivation. Xiao Han had already thought through this point.

Holding the reward, Xiao Han turned and left.

Seeing Xiao Han's back, everyone exclaimed.

"Golden Lions Gate, I didn't expect it to be an upset this year."

"Now they are rich!"

Many people in the small sect are envious.

Wanzhangfeng hurriedly greeted him and said, "Senior, you... you are really amazing."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han smiled lightly.

At this moment, Nightingale rushed over. As a disciple of Emei, this time, Emei did not send any more powerful people, but let Nightingale play. It was surprising that Nightingale hurriedly shouted, "Xiao Han!"

"It's you?" Xiao Han looked at Nightingale, frowning, and said, "What's the matter?"

On the battlefield, Xiao Han rescued her. There was no friendship between each other, but Xiao Han looked at Nightingale's attractive body all over.

"I...I want to ask you for a favor." Nightingale said awkwardly.

"Let's talk." Xiao Han nodded.

"I..." Nightingale flushed, and said: "I...I want to change the marrow pill with you!"

"Oh?" Xiao Han smiled and said, "What are you going to change?"

"The five red charms I have." Nightingale said awkwardly.

"How can it work?" Before Xiao Han could speak, Wanzhangfeng was anxious.

Nightingale lowered her head, seemingly unspeakable.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "If you have any difficulties, just tell me, I can help you, try my best to help you."

"I..." Nightingale bit her red lips and said, "My senior sister, she... is seriously injured. This time, I came to wash the marrow pill. Actually, I...I really don't want to ask for help. But, my senior sister. If there is no washing marrow pill, you will definitely die."

"But, are the five red symbols too cheap?" Xiao Han asked rhetorically.

"I know!" Nightingale nodded and said, "But, I really can't get anything out."

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled evilly.

Seeing how evil he was, Nightingale stepped back again and again. The heart thumped with fright.

"I..." Nightingale gritted her silver teeth and said: "Okay, I am willing."

"What are you willing?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"I'm willing to exchange five red charms and my body for your marrow pill!" Nightingale said with a flushed face, and her eyes were also watery.

Xiao Han was stunned when he heard it.

"Why? won't be unwilling?" Nightingale looked embarrassed.

"No, it's not!" Xiao Han shook his head again and again, and hurriedly gave him the Xiusui Dan, and said: "I'm happy."

When Nightingale saw this, her face turned redder, but she cursed in her heart, you pervert.

Taking the Xisui Pill, Nightingale handed the red talisman to Xiao Han, and said, "I am a disciple of Emei, if you want my body, you can do it tonight. Of course, you can keep it, and you can ask for it anytime later. I... …I will wait for you!"

After speaking, Nightingale turned and left. Before leaving, she left Xiao Han a cell phone number.

Xiao Han looked at Nightingale's back innocently.

"Oh..." Wan Zhangfeng smiled bitterly, and said: "Senior, rich, it's hard to find any kind of woman. It just happened to exchange a woman's body with such a precious cleansing pill."

Wanzhangfeng felt it was a pity, he could exchange one hundred million for a marrow pill. How many women can play for a billion? You can even play in different ways. How cool? It just happened to be wasted like this, which is a pity.

"It's not the same!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I am saving people. Can saving people be measured by money?"

The wind does not answer.

Xiao Han is a senior, so naturally he is not good at commenting. Can only follow Xiao Han to leave honestly.

The people of the major sects returned to their homes.

The viewing platform was quiet.

Returning to the wooden house, Xiao Han needs to rest. He shut himself in the house. This time the league competition did not come in vain. Although the prizes were won in vain, Xiao Han has learned a lot. The most important thing is that he He got the memory of Xuan Lingzi, and similarly, he unlocked the first magical power in his life. This is the most important part of his worthwhile trip.

Of course, there are many more.

At this time, on the floating island of Penglai Island.

Lu Xuanzheng and the four elders are discussing secretly.

"This Xiao Han can't stay!" The elder squinted his eyes and said: "At a young age, he has realized the supreme law, so he can get it in the future?"

"Yes, the most important thing is that this kid didn't obey the discipline and even dared to confront the island owner!" The second elder said repeatedly.

Several elders seemed to have deep hostility towards Xiao Han. Xiao Han was very strong and was a seedling once in a thousand years. Now his cultivation level is not high, so he can take the opportunity to destroy him. At least this hostile fire can be killed in the cradle,

Lu Xuan casually fiddled with a piece of bamboo leaf on the table. The bamboo leaf was placed in a jade powder and injected with spring water. Spring water with aura can nourish the growth of the bamboo.

"Island Lord, don't you know what you mean?" the elder asked curiously.

"No hurry!" Lu Xuan shook her head, and then said, "If Xiao Han is dead, our Penglai Island is most suspected. So, don't act rashly. Although Xiao Han is strong, he is not yet our opponent on Penglai Island. ."

(End of this chapter)

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