This time, Li Xiaoya went to investigate.


Red Star Group.

Liu Hao tried to find someone to kill Xiao Han twice, but he never succeeded. This made Liu Hao a little upset. In desperation, Liu Hao could only find a way to find a breakthrough from Li Xiaoya. There was no big feud between Liu Hao and Xiao Han, and the relationship between Xiao Han and Mo Shaocong was very good, so he was a little vigilant and decided not to trouble Xiao Han for the time being. Therefore, he shifted his focus to Li Xiaoya.

However, for more than a month, apart from having a meal with Li Xiaoya, he basically never touched her hands. This made Liu Hao a little depressed. Although Liu Hao did the work of the factory last time, he also had a lasting pain. Everything he did was for Li Xiaoya immediately. When he told Li Xiaoya all this, Li Xiaoya dismissed it. Even his pursuit is completely ignored.

The flowers sent are either returned the same way or given to others by Li Xiaoya. Or be thrown into the trash can. Don't ask how Liu Hao knew. Liu Hao had already planted an informant beside Li Xiaoya, so he knew everything about Li Xiaoya's actions.

"Mr. Liu, flowers..." A man hurriedly ran in, holding a large bouquet of flowers in his hand, looking distressed, and said: "This time, Mr. Li refused to accept them again."

"Asshole!" Liu Hao heard it, gritted his teeth, and then said: "This **** has rejected it more than ten times."

"If you want me, don't give it away." The man smiled bitterly.

"Didn't you tell me that Jinshi is open?" Liu Hao snorted coldly.

"Then you have to have a good impression of you." The man looked helpless and said: "I can tell that President Li doesn't have a good impression of you. So, if you want me to see, it is better not to send flowers. ...Change strategy!"

"What strategy?" Liu Hao asked.

"I heard that Li Xiaoya is going to Lincheng tomorrow. Why don't we have a half-way robbery." The man smiled and said, "Find someone to tie her up. When that happens, you can do whatever you want. "

When Liu Hao heard it, he had a good idea, but would it be bad to tie people in broad daylight? Although Liu Hao would use some small tricks, he actually wanted to marry Li Xiaoya, not only to occupy the beauty, but also to get billions of assets of Huihong Group. If you use this method, I am afraid it will be counterproductive, even if you get her, it is impossible to get her assets. Liu Hao frowned and said, "This...isn't it?"

"Oh, woman, as long as you conquer her in bed, she will listen to you honestly." The man hurriedly said, "If you don't believe me, you can try. Besides, if something like this happens, Li Xiaoya is sure I don’t dare to call the police. After all, things related to reputation. Once they spread, they will definitely be laughed at. Li Xiaoya is also a good face, so I think this is the best ending."

Liu Hao thought for a while, and found some truth.

"Hey, what should you do?" Liu Hao asked.

"Mr. Liu, just leave it to me, and I promise to send Li Xiaoya to your bed!" The man smiled.

"Okay!" Liu Hao nodded.

"But..." The man's thumb and index finger rubbed.

"How much?" Liu Hao asked.

"Let's say one million less!" The man hurriedly said, "I have to ask a lot of people to help, and I have to get the car into battle. In case the car is damaged, I am afraid it is not enough."

The man is also clever, and he didn't say anything about it. After all, if something goes wrong, one million is definitely not enough. Therefore, he said it more euphemistically, meaning nothing more than saying that one million is just the beginning, and once the matter is completed, there will be some additional charges.

Liu Hao smiled, and then said: "Take it, there will be a reward after the event is completed!"

"Okay, thank you Mr. Liu!" The man was overjoyed.

Afterwards, he immediately accepted the check from the other party, carefully collected it, and then quickly left the scene.

A smile was raised at the corner of the man's mouth, and when he came down from the stairs, he immediately started to call and gathered a group of friends and friends to discuss countermeasures.


The three vehicles of Huihong Group headed towards Lincheng.

The car quickly got on the high speed.

And just after Li Xiaoya and the others got on the highway, a head popped out of a van at the highway intersection. A man took the walkie-talkie and shouted: "The target is already on the highway, Brother Tao, but pay attention!"

"Okay!" A voice came from the intercom.

In the Linjiang service area, a large truck started, the tractor, and a large container hung behind it. Departed from the service station.

Shortly after the truck left, a black commercial vehicle started slowly. The car drove slowly to the exit of the service area, and Brother Tao stood on the road and watched curiously. He stared at the road not far away to see if there was a Huihong Group car coming.

"Brother Tao, is it coming soon?" the driver in the commercial vehicle asked

With the door open, it is convenient for the man to get in at any time. The man waved his hand and said, "It should be soon."

"That's good!" The commercial driver nodded.

As they were talking, Li Xiaoya's BMW soon appeared in Tao's vision.

"Come on!" Brother Tao hurriedly got into the car and shouted: "Quick, keep up!"

"Okay." The driver nodded hurriedly.

Then, the car rushed out immediately.

The three cars are all over a hundred kilometers in speed, so the driver naturally can't neglect, he quickly stepped on the accelerator, and then quickly caught up. The speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye he chased behind the opponent's ass.

The service area suddenly catches up with a car, and there is no doubt who it is.

"Xiaomei, what are our arrangements today?" Li Xiaoya leaned in the back seat, very comfortable, the luxury BMW sedan, the people sitting in the back seat were indeed very comfortable.

"Mr. Li." Xiao Mei, the co-pilot, hurriedly turned to look at Li Xiaoya, and said: "I had dinner with the people of the Lin City Committee at noon, rested for an hour after the meal, then went to frequent inspections, and finally returned to the municipal party committee office to have a discussion with the city party leaders... "

Xiaomei recounted today's itinerary.

"Good!" Li Xiaoya nodded.

The car drove forward and the road conditions were not bad. The driver also has the bottom line. He is a retired soldier. He is more experienced in driving and has good skills. Not only can he be a driver but also a bodyguard, he can kill two birds with one stone.

Just as the driver was about to accelerate again, suddenly, the road conditions in front seemed to be wrong, and a large truck ran across the road. Two cars were parked in front. It seems to be negotiating with the driver. Depending on the situation, there seems to be something wrong with this truck.

The driver was a little puzzled: "It's strange, this car is fine, why did it stop in the middle of the road?"

"Leave him alone." Li Xiaoya took a look and said, "Park in the emergency parking belt and wait. See what they do."

"Yes!" The driver nodded. Then, the car slowed down and the three cars stopped straight on the emergency parking belt.

Just after the car stopped.


Suddenly, a commercial vehicle stopped immediately. The car was next to the BMW, and the tall car almost immediately blocked the BMW, and it also blocked the vision of outsiders. Then, the door opened.


Five or six people got out of the car.

A group of people tried to open the door of the BMW car. Unexpectedly, they found that the door of the car was locked and could not be opened from the outside.

"Smash!" Brother Tao roared.

Kuang Dang...

After the knife went down, the glass just cracked a crack, completely unresponsive.

"No, someone is going to hijack!" The driver was shocked when he saw this. He was going to drive away. It was discovered that a large truck was blocked in front, a commercial vehicle was blocked next to it, and another car was blocked in the back. The car is surrounded on three sides next time

"Ah!" Xiao Mei was frightened, because the other party had already circled Xiao Mei's co-pilot and began to smash the glass frantically, trying to open the door.

Fortunately, this glass is strong and resistant to smashing. However, no matter how powerful the glass is, it cannot withstand the madness of so many people. The driver panicked: "Mr. Li, what...what can I do?"

"Bump out!" Li Xiaoya ordered.

"Yes!" The driver put up the reverse gear and kicked out the accelerator.


The car behind was knocked back several meters.


Then, the driver engaged the forward gear again, the steering wheel was hit to the left, and the accelerator slammed out.


The front of the car hit the other side's commercial vehicle, and the door of the commercial vehicle was dented.

"Fuck, my car!" one of the men yelled. This is the car I just bought not long ago.

"Don't yell, go back and fix it, it's important to catch people." Tao brother roared.

Kuang Dang...

With a burst of anger, the window was cracked open.

"Don't move!" At this time, Brother Tao was angry, and directly took out a pocket pistol, pointed it at Li Xiaoya in the back seat, and said: "Otherwise, I will break her!"

The driver was immediately dumbfounded.

He looked at each other in astonishment and said, "Who are you?"

"Hey, it has nothing to do with you!" Brother Tao coldly snorted and said, "It is her who we are going to catch!"

The driver calmed down slowly.

At this time, Li Xiaoya said: "Who sent you, I can pay double the price!"

"Mr. Li, although we are also greedy for money, we are also principled people." Brother Tao smiled and said: " get down first."

Li Xiaoya squinted her eyes, her mind was running wildly. She took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I'll come down, don't shoot!"

"Don't worry, of course I won't shoot!" Brother Tao nodded and said, "However, if you do any drastic actions, you can't be guaranteed."

Li Xiaoya nodded hurriedly.

She reached out and opened the door safety, and then gently pushed the car door.

(End of this chapter)

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