The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 861: Venue discipline

Xiao Lun Lun laughed and said, "Others speed up the entrance, and CCTV reporters are forbidden to enter."


Everyone began to enter.

"Why!" When the tall and strong man heard this, he was anxious: "Why don't you let us in, who are you?"

"No matter who he is, you have violated the rules!" Yang Lu smiled and said: "Since you are forbidden to enter, then you should not go in."

After that, Yang Lu brought in a group of shareholders. Liu Si still wore a Tang suit, Li Dapang changed into a suitable suit, and Liu Xiaolei wore professional attire with a ponytail. She was cute and charming.

"Fuck, we are CCTV reporters!" The tall and strong man was anxious.

"So what?" Yang Lu looked back at him and said, "We don't welcome people who are not qualified from CCTV."

After speaking, several people walked in.

Not long after everyone entered the venue, a few CCTV reporters were instead stopped outside. All of a sudden, the venue was lively.

"Oh... God, it's interesting, the Chinese actually stopped their biggest TV reporter!"

"It seems that they are really interesting!"

"No, this trip didn't come in vain, at least that scene just made me feel very happy!"

A bunch of foreign journalists talked hotly.

In fact, on the international stage, CCTV reporters do give a bad impression.

Everyone abides by the rules, but they have changed their way to exploit the loopholes in the rules.

The conference was very grand. The stage is huge and the lighting is beautiful. There are not only well-known domestic hosts, but also two foreign hosts. The stage is magnificent, and a huge singing and dancing performance is going on.

The scene was overcrowded, with more than a thousand media reporters. I'm afraid there will be so many reporters gathering only when the whole country is a major event, or when the central government has a meeting? The Hanmen Group held a press conference this time without inviting any media reporters or anyone. However, so many people came to the scene. Most importantly, a large number of these media reporters are internationally renowned media.

Of course, there are also well-known domestic media, but a wave of reporters from the well-known domestic media CCTV have been driven away. This gave CCTV a resounding slap.

The scene is very lively.

"Yo, you guys are here too?"


"Are you all here?"

Saying hello to each other seems to be very enthusiastic. They are all reporters in the media, and they are naturally very familiar. Greetings to each other are also very warm.

Before long, the musical performance on the stage ended.

The field is quiet.

Several presenters wore dresses and walked slowly onto the stage. The beauties were very beautiful and the handsome guys were very handsome.

"Welcome everyone from afar!" The beauty host smiled sweetly.

"There is an old Chinese saying that there are friends coming from afar..." The male host smiled slightly, and then said: "Everyone gathers together for the press conference of the Hanmen Group. I will say a lot of hard work for the host!"


There was applause from the audience.

The male host smiled and said: "Before the press conference begins, I want to announce a few disciplines!"

The scene was quiet.

"First, there are many people in the venue, so please keep quiet." The male host said seriously: "Second, when the question session, raise your hand to speak. The selected person is qualified to speak. If someone Disrupt the order and warn once. Those who warn three times will be asked to leave the venue..."

The male host seriously announced the discipline of the venue, which made people feel that the discipline was very strict.

Everyone is quiet.

Each one seemed very serious.

"Well, now I announce that the press conference has officially started!" the male host announced loudly.

Then, there was a tragic sound from the venue, and a drama opened on the stage.

The style of opening press conferences in the style of drama is quite unique, at least in the eyes of these reporters and media. They are all well-informed people, what kind of people have not met? What kind of people have not met? What kind of conference did you not attend? However, the press conference of the Hanmen Group is unique.

This is a tragic drama.

It is about a family suffering and torment due to leukemia. Although a bone marrow transplant has been performed, it still cannot stop the disease's backlash. Soon, this daughter who was tortured by leukemia disease quickly passed away. A family suffered a tragic end, and in the end not only lost money and money, but also endured various tortures. A well-off family ended up in poverty.

The play ended and the scene was quiet.

No one understood what this meant.

At this time, the hostess said seriously: "The drama is over. I don't know if you have any reflections? I just finished watching the drama, so I feel very sad."

"Yes!" The male host nodded and said: "I also feel very sad. This is a sad thing. According to research and investigations, the success rate of leukemia transplants reaches 90%. However, the five-year survival rate is But it’s very low. In other words, many families spend huge sums of money to perform bone marrow transplantation for patients, but the patients will eventually pass away with regret. This... makes people sad. It makes people sad."

The hostess smiled slightly, and then said: "Yes, but it's different now. Science is developing and society is progressing. The Hanmen Group has developed a new drug specifically targeting immunosuppressive deficiencies."

"The effect of this drug is very obvious." The male host said excitedly: "Not only bone marrow transplantation, liver and kidney transplantation... You only need to take this drug according to the course of treatment to achieve the goal of completely getting rid of drug control. Moreover, the survival rate is Just like normal people, there will be no problems!"

Before long, Slack took the stage as an expert to give a speech. Chen Aiguo also took the stage to give a speech as the president of Shuimu University and the head of the Institute of Medicine. Everyone also seemed very excited.

Slack seemed very excited. He said seriously: "Everyone, this is the kindness of God that gave us such a great discovery. Although only this drug has been discovered now, I believe that as we study Going deeper, we can discover more, we can discover more and more, and even find specific drugs for terminal diseases such as AIDS and liver cancer, which will definitely be able to completely kill these terminal diseases."


Slack is a well-known drug researcher internationally, and his words can have a certain degree of credibility internationally. Therefore, when Slack finished speaking, the international reporters all gave a warm applause because of the high credibility.

Chen Aiguo also delivered a related speech, and soon they became extremely happy and extremely excited.

Chen Aiguo is regarded as a well-known medical professor in China and possesses a high degree of authority. He dare not say the top ten, but he is definitely one of the top 50 cardiopulmonary experts in China. He is definitely one of the best in the field of heart and lung transplantation.

A group of old professors also wore suits with the bottom of the box and walked onto the stage, giving their first speech under the spotlight in their lives.

"Okay!" Everyone shook hands.

After several key figures in the institute finished speaking, Yang Lu slowly stepped onto the stage.

She bowed deeply to the live media and said, "Everyone, I am Yang Lu, general manager of the Hanmen Group, thank you for your attention to our Hanmen Group!"


In the audience, the flashing lights continued, and Yang Lu stood on such a large stage for the first time. She seemed extremely excited and extremely happy. She looked at everyone excitedly. From the time she met Xiao Han, she had always believed that following Xiao Han would be able to succeed. However, she never thought that the speed would be so fast, and that she could stand on such a shining stage.

Life-saving grace is unforgettable!

There is nothing in return for knowing the favor!

This is Yang Lu's inner thoughts, so she has been standing in front of Xiao Han in obscurity, showing up for him and doing everything within her power. Of course, this also brought her huge gains. Honor, money, and endless rights...

From a woman who sold herself to save her mother, Yang Lu has now become the boss of a billion-dollar company, and has gradually stepped onto the international stage, becoming an internationally renowned figure. I am afraid that after this press conference, Yang Lu will be famous all over the world.

"I didn't expect the general manager of the Hanmen Group to be so young?"

"What kind of people will be behind her?"

Everyone has a curious idea in their minds.

Yang Lu took a deep breath and said, "Everyone, this press conference has two purposes. The first purpose is to tell everyone that the mass production of drugs is on the agenda. It has been submitted to the Food and Drug Administration and the Health Bureau. The production batch number is proposed. If the domestic thinks that there is something wrong with our drug or needs to be tested, we can cooperate. But...At the same time, we will also apply for the production batch number in the United States. If the domestic time delay is too long, we will choose the United States Set up a pharmaceutical company!"

As soon as Yang Lu's words came out, a group of American reporters got excited.

However, domestic reporters were dissatisfied.

"Why? The Hanmen Group is a Chinese private enterprise. Why does it want to produce in the United States?"

"Yes, you should produce domestically to benefit the domestic people, and export after meeting the needs of the domestic people!"

Domestic reporters shouted.

You know, the preciousness of such drugs can be imagined. How many transplant patients are suffering from the pain? Moreover, the production of this new drug is a very long process. Only a part of it will be first released for market sales, and then follow-up investigations will be conducted on patients. If the first batch of drugs works well and there are no obvious side effects, the second batch will be carried out. Production of drugs. This is a long process. How many people will have to suffer for a longer time?

Moreover, if the Hanmen Group establishes a pharmaceutical company in the United States, not only will the tax go to the US government, but the first batch of beneficiaries of the drug will definitely be the American people. The domestically imported drugs need to be tracked for ten or even decades.

(End of this chapter)

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