"This is the summer vacation in one week." Liu Yiyi smiled bitterly: "Why don't you come back?"

"So disgusting with me?" Xiao Han felt depressed when he heard it.

Liu Yiyi smiled, and then said: "No, of course I would like to see you sooner, but... I was surprised to see you suddenly."

"Xiao Han!" Liu Bin's voice came.

"It's you!" Xiao Han was overjoyed.

"Your kid has been missing for a few months, where did you go?" Liu Bin smiled and said, "Tsk, this look is much more handsome. Yo, how about doing skin care? This skin is so good, as supple as a woman ."

"Fuck you!" Xiao Han gave a wry smile.

In fact, he himself knows that his skin is indeed better, because he has entered the Nascent Soul Stage and is about to break into the God Transformation Stage. Once it enters the stage of transforming gods, it can be said to be a soldier.

It's a pity that I tried to break through the Transcendental Deity Stage, and it ended up in vain. It seems that if we want to break through the Transcendental Transition stage this time, we must also place hope and Penglai Wonderland. Penglai Wonderland, I heard that this place is a place where even ghosts and gods cannot escape. Thousands of years ago, how many people died in the battlefield of ten thousand gods? Today, these ghosts and gods may have already turned into ghosts, some powerful ghosts, it is estimated that it is more difficult to obtain artifacts from them.

It's a pity that Lu Xuan has already promised that if she doesn't go, she might end up with an infamous infamy.

The day agreed with Lu Xuan is just one week away.



Emei Tower is the core place of Emei School. It is said that there is a spirit gathering formation in this Emei Pagoda, which can gather all the spiritual energy of Emei Mountain into this tower. The intensity of aura is staggering.

Therefore, this Emei Tower is an important place in Mount Emei, and it is also a place where the core disciples of Emei Mountain practice. Entering this Emei Pagoda, it is said that cultivation can reach the point where it can travel thousands of miles a day, which is unimaginable.

Ye Yu, the sister of Nightingale.

It has been in this tower for three months. As a rising star among the disciples of Emei faction, Ye Yu is very strong, and, among all the disciples, has a strong talent.

This time in retreat, Ye Yu intends to break through the third stage of Frozen Palm.

As long as it breaks through the third stage of the Frost Palm, you can defeat any disciple below the Yuan Ying stage, and even the Yuan Ying stage disciples can fight with them. As for the outcome, I don’t know who will win.

"Senior Sister, what did you say to Sister Ye Yu?" Xue Ren blinked.

"Where do I know?" Nightingale shook her head and said: "I want to know too, but unfortunately, I don't know either!"

"I really hope that Senior Sister Ye Yu can come out quickly!" Xue Ren put his chin in both hands, and said, "I want to play with her."

"I just know how to play, but I don't know how to practice well!" Nightingale glared at her.

"Master said, cultivation is not the cold of a day." Xue Ren smiled, and then said: "It is the accumulation of every day. I have worked very hard, and, Master said, it is necessary to combine work and rest. You cannot cultivate with one mind. , Relax your mind!"

"Only you will play tricks." Nightingale shook her head helplessly.

When the two were chatting, suddenly, this Emei Tower shook for a while.

"Oh my God, it's an earthquake!" Xue Ren jumped in shock.

However, Nightingale looked at the Emei Pagoda coldly, and the vibration equivalent was transmitted from the Emei Pagoda. Obviously, the night rain inside the Emei Pagoda was moving. Nightingale hurriedly said, "Xueren, go quickly... inform Master that there is something happening in Emei Tower!"

"Yes!" Xue Ren hurried towards the bottom of the mountain when he heard it.

Not long after, many people from the division ran up. They stood on the edge of this Emei Pagoda, watching the situation of this Emei Pagoda curiously. For them, this Emei Pagoda is full of curiosity. Of course, the most important thing is that Senior Sister Ye Yu is inside, and I don't know what's going on.

The head of the Emei School is a woman. She is wearing a long robe, looking at this Emei Pagoda coldly, and then said: "It should be almost out now?"

"Head, Sister Ye Yu should have succeeded, right?" the disciple on the side asked.

"Who knows?" The head shook his head and said, "No one dares to tell for this kind of thing."

"I believe it will be successful," the disciple said.

"Hope!" The head nodded.

Today, every major sect seems to have strong disciples born. There is Yelongxuan in Wudang, Ouyang Bing in Kongtong, Wang Mang in Kunlun... Now, these ordinary disciples have been successfully promoted to immortal cultivators, and their strength has reached the Yuan Ying stage. This is very favorable news for a sect. Moreover, at least it can maintain the reputation of the Zongmen for decades. This is very important for a sect.

Just when everyone was discussing.


Suddenly, the gate of Emei Tower slowly opened.

Then, a pretty figure came out from inside.

"Master!" the figure shouted.

"Yeyu!" the head of Emei shouted.

"Master, I finally made the third ice palm!" Ye Yu shouted excitedly.

"Okay, okay, great!" The head of Emei was overjoyed, and his excitement was almost gone. He was so excited that he said excitedly: "Great... Great."

Ye Yu looked extremely excited, and also extremely excited.

Bo Bo...

She raised her hand and patted two palms at the two trees with one hand. At that moment, suddenly, the two trees became ice blocks and were frozen.


She soared into the air and tapped at the two trees.


Suddenly, the two trees immediately became particles and turned into powder to fall to the ground.


Everyone suddenly took a breath, this scene shocked all the disciples. Unexpectedly, the third ice palm is so powerful. The first Frost Palm can only be regarded as an introduction; the second Frost Palm is a realm of great achievement, you can hit the ice at will and freeze the target. And the third layer of Frost Palm is already a very powerful state, able to freeze the target at will, even for thousands of miles.

When a group of people saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded and dumbfounded.


"Is Cold Palm so powerful?"

"I won't use ice palms to ice fruit to eat in the future."

A bunch of disciples were discussing.

"Master, how is it?" Ye Yu asked.

"Yes, not bad!" The head of Emei nodded repeatedly.

Not far away, Nightingale was very envious. Sister Sister was able to train the third layer of cold palm, why couldn't she do it? After thinking about it, Nightingale also decided to practice hard, striving to enter Emei Pagoda as soon as possible and break through.

The Emei faction immediately spread the message, telling everyone that Ye Yu, the major disciple of the Emei faction, became the third layer of the cold palm. Since then, these ten major sects also have a place in the Emei school.

The spiritual world seems to be accustomed to such news. There were Wudang, Kunlun, and Kongtong before. Now there is another Emei. Are these ten major sects for young disciples who are forced to practice like crazy? And each one must reach the realm of a cultivator, otherwise, none of them can go out to eat.

Many people are talking about the news that these four sects have come out of rising stars.

"Nightingale." Ye Yu found Nightingale.

"Senior sister, congratulations!" Nightingale smiled.

"Hehe..." Ye Yu chuckled and said, "From now on, I can protect you. As for Xiao Han's pervert, he will never approach you again. If he dares to bully you, I will Frozen him with the ice palm, then kicked him to pieces, turning him into ice scum."

"Senior Sister, you are good or bad!" Nightingale smiled.

"Am I doing it for you too?" Ye Yu laughed.

"I know!" Nightingale nodded and said, "But, didn't Xiao Han also help me? If it weren't for Xiao Han, your injury would not be so easy to heal."

"Hmph!" Ye Yu snorted coldly, and said: "But, he actually wants to take your body away. I can't forgive this. So, I decided to go down the mountain to find this **** to settle the account. Now I have the ice palm. Sanzhong, no one can be my opponent in the future!"

"Sister, don't!" Nightingale shook her head.

"Don't stop me!" Ye Yu hummed softly.

Ye Yu is a eldest lady with a stubborn personality and likes to go her own way. For her, nothing is considered. Therefore, this time she decided to go down the mountain to find the **** Xiao Han to make it clear. This **** actually attacked his junior sister and wanted to take her body away. This **** must be a wretched, super pervert.

Therefore, Ye Yu must seek justice for her junior.

The next day, it rained down the mountain and the plane flew directly to Z province and the provincial capital.


Mizuki University.

Xiao Han's return made the guys in the dormitory very surprised.

Liu Bin rushed into the dormitory.

"Brothers!" Liu Bin shouted: "There is a good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Listen to the good news!" Zhang Feng said.

"The good news is that we are coming to a buddy in our dormitory!" Liu Bin smiled and said, "This will make up for the embarrassing situation of lack of one in our dormitory. From now on, we will play cards and go out together, so we won't be short of people. "

"Um...what's the good news?" Zhang Feng asked.

"What's the bad news?" Zhang Dagu asked.

"The bad news is that Xiao Han won't be back." Liu Bin said.

"Fuck, what good news and bad news is this?" Zhang Feng cursed angrily: "Neither is good news, fuck!"

"That is, who would dare to move into our dormitory, I was the first to refuse!" Zhang Dagu cursed: "Where does he fall in love and where to go, don't come to our dormitory anyway, this bed is reserved for Xiao Han. Don't even think of them coming!"

Liu Bin said awkwardly, "Really?"

"Yes!" Zhang Feng and Zhang Dagu nodded in unison.

At this time, Xiao Han walked in from outside the door.

"Neither can I?" Xiao Han was very moved in his heart, but on the surface it was calm and calm. Xiao Han is already a cultivator of immortality, so his aura and tolerance are extraordinary. The cultivator of immortality pursues no desires and desires, and only seeks to prove Dao Yu.

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