The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 987: High altitude landing

Xiao Han just jumped and jumped close to the light. The next moment, when he saw his environment clearly, with Xiao Han's courage, he almost frightened him.

It turned out that after Xiao Hanyue stepped into the light curtain, he unexpectedly discovered that he did not fall into place, but his whole person appeared in mid-air, falling down at a very fast speed, because the speed is really amazing, except for ears. Aside from howling the violent wind, Xiao Han's face was deformed by the wind.

Xiao Han didn't have time to appreciate the scenery in Penglai Wonderland. He was just anxious to judge how high he was.

With the sound of the wind whistling in his ears, Xiao Han was like a parachuting athlete, falling to the ground. Judging from the hurry up, he was at least above a thousand people.

When he looked down and wanted to see the scenery below, even Xiao Han, who had always been knowledgeable, was shocked.

The ground below was devastated, and there were deep pits on the ground. Judging from the shape of the pits, it looked like a meteorite from outer space hit the ground, leaving deep pits of different sizes. It's as if there had been a meteorite shower here.

What is even more weird is that there is not a trace of green on this piece of land. It is completely gray and black. The land in some places is gray, and the land in some places is black again. It looks like it has been scorched by fire.

However, Xiao Han couldn't care about it now and sighed how weird the land below was, because his current situation was very bad.

He knew that he was in mid-air and was falling at an extremely fast speed. According to the current situation, he fell directly to the ground at such a high place, even if he was a master of the Nascent Soul Stage, he would not escape death.

Although Xiao Han was very confident in his physical strength, even if he shot it with a gun, he wouldn't be able to shoot through it, but the current situation was the first time Xiao Han encountered.

Falling from a height of several thousand meters, no matter how powerful a master is, he will fall into scum.

At least Tang Rushui hasn't reached the Deity Transformation stage yet. If it is the Deity Transformation Stage, you can also try whether you can hover in the air.

Xiao Han thought about it carefully, and it seemed that there was no parachute in the list of supplies that Penglai Island had prepared for him.

What should we do now? Did you just fall to death like this?

"Fuck, didn't that old man say that he had been to Penglai Wonderland and walked out of Penglai Wonderland alive? Why didn't he mention this at all?"

Seeing that he is getting closer and closer to the ground, Xiao Han is really bitter. Now this situation is in mid-air, and he can’t make it close. If it’s more than a dozen stories high, Xiao Han can still rely on it. This one's own powerful physical body resisted, according to Xiao Han's estimation, basically there was no big problem.

However, at this height, at least a few kilometers, just like this, if Xiao Han is confident, he will at least be seriously injured.

Even Xiao Han thought a little vulgarly, the reason why this Penglai Wonderland has more people who have come in for thousands of years and have gone out is because most of the people who came in fell from such a high sky and fell to death?

On my day, Xiao Han is really like greeting the grand elder's family, young and old. There are everything in the supplies, so why not prepare a set of parachutes?

"Boom!" There was a loud noise on the black desert, and a figure fell from the sky, smashing a large hole with a diameter of more than three meters on the ground. The huge impact of some huge rocks that were originally deep in the desert was crushed into powder. .

Xiao Han was lying unconscious at the bottom of the pit. He didn't know how long it had passed. He seemed to hear a "hissing" sound in his ear.

I don't know if it was because of some buffering from the entrance, Xiao Han found out that he was not dead.

Looking up, there is actually a sun in the sky of Penglai Wonderland, but compared to the sun outside, the sun here seems to be bigger and rounder. Now, the sun in the sky has already slanted to the west. It will be dark soon.

Xiao Han shook his dizzy head, only then did he notice the pain in many places on his body.

Although falling from such a high mid-air didn't cost Xiao Han's life, injury is still inevitable.


Xiao Han spit out the dust in his mouth and found that he had not suffered internal injuries, because there was no blood mixed in the saliva, and the aura in his body was circulated, and he found that there was nothing abnormal in his body, so he was relieved.

Xiao Han just woke up. He seemed to hear a "hissing" sound in his ear just now. He didn't know what was coming from, and there was some movement behind him. When he looked up, he almost screamed out of fright.

Xiao Han is now at the bottom of a pit more than three meters deep. Even if Xiao Han stands up, it is at least one meter high from the ground. On the edge of the deep pit where Xiao Han is standing, there are two brave dancing claws. "Spider".

Call it a "spider" for now! But this is really too big. Each of these spiders has the thickness of Xiao Han’s arm, and the fine fluff can be clearly seen on it. Even the so-called fluff, at least there is Xiao Han’s hair. Long and short, but spiders have eight legs. These monsters have only six legs. Four of them should be swarming to walk. The other two legs are much thicker and longer than the other four legs, especially with a few long spikes at the end. , Seemingly sharp.

The outer surfaces of these two spiders are covered with hard shells, which look like armors, and their shells actually emit a metallic luster under the reflection of sunlight.

Because they lie on the edge of the pit, only half of their bodies are exposed, but the exposed half of them is at least the size of a millstone, let alone the whole body.

These two spiders were opening their mouths, arguing at Xiao Han, and they seemed to pounce from the top of the pit at any time.

"Fuck, how could there be such a ghost in this Penglai Wonderland."

Xiao Han summoned the Celestial Sword. After grabbing the Celestial Sword in his hand, he felt a little relieved. Xiao Han even killed countless demons and ghosts in the ghost realm, but was not afraid of such small things. What's wrong, I haven't figured out the depth of these monsters, and it is not easy to attack rashly.

Xiao Han stood motionless at the bottom of the pit, waiting for the two spiders to attack first. In this kind of confrontation, Xiao Han's patience was generally very good. The spiders did not move, and Xiao Han had no intention to attack for the time being. Standing at the bottom of the pit, maintaining a state of realm.

In this situation, two spiders are staring at Xiao Han, and Xiao Han is at the bottom of the pit. They are condescending and attacking. If Xiao Han rashly moves, they are likely to be passive, and if Xiao Han actively jumps up, the two spiders It happened to be able to intercept Xiao Han who was in mid-air. At this time, Xiao Han might have fallen into their trap.

I have never seen such a big spider. It is always good to be careful.

Seeing that Xiao Han hadn't moved, the two spider-like exotic animals above seemed a bit unbearable. They grinned and roared at Xiao Han. There was a stench from the mouth, and Xiao Han couldn't help but wrinkle. Frowned.

At this moment, the two spiders rushed down almost at the same time, regardless of their size, but their movements were very fast, as if they had already agreed to each other.

The most weird thing is that these two spiders seem to be deliberately jumping out of the pit while using their limbs to fiddle with a large amount of black sand from above, which seems to be used to affect Xiao Han's sight.

Xiao Han's face was taken aback for a moment. Obviously, he didn't expect that these monsters would seem to have intelligence, and they would actually use the surrounding conditions to strengthen their offensive before launching an attack. It seems that Xiao Han has always taken a defensive choice. .

The two spiders are extremely fast, and they have reached Xiao Han’s head in an instant, and what follows is a pour of black sand. If Xiao Han doesn’t deal with it properly and the black sand affects his sight, it is very likely that he will just face each other. Have to suffer a little loss.

Xiao Han, who is extremely experienced in combat, did not choose to face the attack of the two spiders. Instead, his whole body fell backwards, and his back leaned directly on the dirt pit. He happened to escape the pouring and fell into the black sand. After the joint attack of two spiders.

The two spiders landed on the bottom of the pit together, and a lot of black sand was raised during the thumping. The first wave of offensive of the two spiders did not work, and the response was very quick, and they immediately turned to attack Xiao Han.

The reason why Xiao Han waited for the two spiders to do their hands first was to find a chance to jump out of the pit before talking. When the two spiders turned around, Xiao Han jumped, and the whole person had already jumped to the ground.

As soon as Xiao Han stood firmly on the ground, the two spiders crawled out of the pit one after the other. It seems that these two six-legged beasts are indeed relatively agile, and they move fast. The gas refiner in the Jindan period.

Xiao Han sacrificed the sky sword in the air, and with a wave of his hand, the sky sword shot out like a spirituality, stabbing the spider walking in front of him.

In a flash, the sky sword was in front of the spider. What made Xiao Han a little surprised was that at this critical juncture, the spider actually reacted and waved its two thick front legs to shoot it. The coming sky sword block blocked.


The Celestial Sword seemed to pierce a piece of metal and made a crashing sound of golden stones. One can imagine how hard the shell of this spider is, but Xiao Han seemed unmoved, and the hand that controlled the Celestial Sword gently swung down. , Cangqiang Sword with a glorious light directly cut off the forelimb that the spider used to block.

The Sky Sword was shocked by the feedback force of the spider, and it happened to fly in front of Xiao Han.

Xiao Han was a little surprised. How could these spiders be so powerful? Can the Sky Sword tremble?

(End of this chapter)

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