Cao Ren also confronted him tit for tat, "My dog's head is what you want? You are a dog, then Liu Rui's scolding is not wrong at all!"

"Looking for death!" Lu Bu's eyes turned red, and his anger was burning immediately. A step was like going up and beating Cao Ren violently.

"Shhh!" Cao Ren pulled out the sword from his waist and shouted, "The lord has an order to let me use this sword to rule the three armies. If you make a mess, do you really think I dare not slash you?"

Seeing Cao Ren like this, Xi Zhicai had no choice but to keep silent, so he shouted, "Don't make trouble!"

Liu Bei also hurriedly stopped Lu Bu to prevent the situation from getting worse.

"Xuande, the lord has already explained, and I will never regret cutting off your food and grass, and I have to replenish your troops. You take General Lu back first, and I will visit you another day..." Xi Zhicai said hurriedly towards Liu Bei. .

Liu Bei nodded, then called Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who was waiting outside, and dragged Lu Bu away.

Cao Ren didn't slowly put the sword around his waist back into the scabbard until Lü Bu left.

"Cao Ren, Cao Zixiao! It's a shame that I persuaded the lord to hand over the army to you, why are you so impulsive!" Xi Zhicai sighed, looking at Cao Ren a little decadently.

Cao Ren didn't care, just whispered: "These two disasters have no good intentions at first. The lord is weak now. If I don't do this, how can I guarantee that they will not disagree?" , . . .

357: Guo Jia's Plan

Not to mention the conversation between Cao Ren and Xi Zhicai.

As soon as Liu Bei pulled Lu Bu back to the tent, he couldn't help sighing, "Fengxian, your temper has gotten worse recently!"

Lu Bu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered when he first arrived in Xuzhou City, when he was sick and weak, and he asked Liu Bei, so he was humble everywhere, and he could listen to Liu Bei's words.But now, since he came to Cao Ying, especially the several confrontations with Liu Rui, everything was not smooth, and he gradually became impetuous in his heart, so his temper became worse and worse.

When Liu Bei saw that Lu Bu was silent, a bit of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he said bitterly: "Fengxian, we only have [-] troops now. If we leave now, without saying anything else, at least Liu Rui is happy to see it happen."

Lu Bu nodded and said in a low voice, "Brother Xuande, what I know is that Cao Ren is too deceiving!"

Liu Bei sighed and smiled helplessly: "Then Cao Mengde is the best at winning people's hearts. His words sound comfortable, and if you think about it carefully, what Cao Ren said is not true?"

"Xuande!" Lu Bu was shocked. Cao Ren insulted him so much, but Liu Bei said it was the truth!Could it be that even Liu Bei sees him as Lu Fengxian?

Liu Bei shook his head and laughed: "Fengxiao, remember to think twice about everything in the future. Then Cao Ren was deliberately angering you and wanted to establish his prestige, and you are still fighting against him. Isn't it unpleasant?"

Lu Bu nodded. Naturally, he understood the reasoning of the new officer's appointment as the Three Fires, so he said solemnly, "Let's wait for Cao Cao's condition to improve, and we must give that Cao Ren some color."

Liu Bei looked at Lu Bu and could only say: "Don't worry, as a man of Cao Mengde, he will definitely not ignore it."

The two said a few more words before they went back to restrain their subordinates.Then Liu Rui took the army outside Cao Cao's camp and scolded until dawn before Shi Shiran left.In addition to the half-death of the popularity of Cao Cao and Liu Bei, the effect brought a serious blow to the morale of the Cao army.

After all, being blocked at the door and scolded for a long time, anyone would inevitably feel a little uncomfortable.

Liu Rui saw that Cao Jun was reluctant to fight, and he didn't even plan to return to the main camp. He let the soldiers rest in shifts, and he and Guo Jia entered the military tent to discuss how to break through Cao Jun's main camp.

"Fengxiao, you see that Cao Cao's army is huddled in the camp, and his camp is as strong as a city. How can we break the camp?" Liu Rui glanced at the camp not far away and asked. road.Peerless Tangmen

"My lord, the morale of Cao's army has been wiped out now. It was the best time to attack. However, the current number of Cao's army is equal to ours. If it is a strong attack, whether it is successful or not, the loss will not be too small." Guo Jia arched way.

"Then you think it shouldn't be attacking now?" Liu Rui nodded, Guo Jia said, but he also had some doubts in his heart, so he was undecided.

"My lord, Cao Jun is short of food and grass. If we do nothing and let them go on like this, it will not be a good solution." Guo Jia smiled, and then continued: "What we need is to continue to consume our food and grass equipment. All are sufficient, and the morale of the soldiers is like a rainbow. If you stay in the military camp in vain, wouldn’t it be a waste of time?”

Liu Rui laughed and said, "It seems that Feng Xiao has already made a plan in his heart!"

Guo Jia cupped his hands and said with a smile: "At the moment, we can divide it into three steps."

"The first step is that our main force is on standby outside Cao Jun's camp every day. They can be provocative and insulting or attack at night, but there is only one requirement, that is to divide the soldiers into three groups and take turns to change the guard. Then Cao Jun had eaten a lot a few days ago. It's a loss, I predict that they will not dare to fight, so that our troops will be able to harass them constantly, these Cao Jun have not been able to eat well, and now, we just want them to sleep well!"

"Haha, this is a very good plan for filial piety!" Liu Rui couldn't help but praised, and said with a clever idea: "Also divide the nearly [-] loud voices into three groups, and let those civil servants in the military arrange more swearing jingles, Let them scold [-] hours a day, it's best to make that Cao Mengde mad."

Guo Jia nodded and continued: "Just insulting and provocative is not enough, we have to force the main force of Cao's army out of the camp, so that they must fight us decisively. But Cao's army is difficult to eat and drink, and his spirit is sluggish. Our army's combat strength is higher than that of Cao's army, and I am afraid that it will not be long before Cao's army is defeated. "

Liu Rui's eyes lit up, nodded and said, "But how to force Cao Cao's army out? Set fire?"

Guo Jia smiled and said: "Cao Cao's army is close to the water source, it is useless to set fire and poison. But now they are huddled in the military camp and refuse to come out, but it gives us a chance to take advantage." After a pause, Guo Jia again Continuing: "We can build a city wall next to Cao Cao's camp, and then build a large number of siege equipment, and then see if Cao Ren can hold his breath!"

"Miaozai! Miaozai!" Liu Rui couldn't help clapping his hands, "In this way, Cao Cao's army will either come out to fight us, or we can only wait for the construction of our siege equipment to be completed. No matter how many people there are, they will be powerless under these slaughtering weapons."

Guo Jia smiled, and just wanted to speak, but heard Liu Rui continue: "No, no, if we deliberately let Cao Ren watch us build ordnance, it is like boiling a frog in warm water. This kind of torment is more difficult than the previous one. It's even more cruel to attack his heart! If Cao Ren keeps being a tortoise, let alone whether Cao Cao agrees or not, I am afraid that those soldiers under his command will not be able to bear this kind of persecution and torment day and night."

Guo Jia nodded with a smile, and then said, "The third one is behind Cao Cao."

Liu Rui laughed and said happily: "I have Guo Fengxiao, it's like surpassing a million soldiers!" , . . .

358: The Throne

Now Cao Cao and Liu Bei have suffered heavy losses due to Liu Rui's repeated attacks.Where is the ability to manage the rear of Cao Jun's camp?

Even if Cao Ren sent troops to the rear, Liu Rui could not ask for it.

If Cao Ren sent too many, Liu Rui would chase after him and fight him.If there are fewer pie, then it's all about delivering food.

When the two armies fought, the rear was always the top priority.That's why Liu Rui set fire to Cao Cao's major battalion, so that Cao Cao's head was attacked on the spot.

Just like when the two armies were at war before, Cao Cao leaned on Qingzhou in Gonzhou, and there were countless soldiers and forages to support the entire army.Behind Liu Rui is Sili Youzhou Bingzhou Jizhou, and there is no need to worry about food and grass.

But now, Cao Cao's army has not much food left, and the camp cannot be closed.

If there is a team of troops in the rear constantly intercepting Cao Cao's rations, I am afraid that this battle will not need to be fought, and it will be enough to wait for Cao Cao's hundreds of thousands of troops to starve to death.

While lamenting this Guo Jia's clever trick, Liu Rui couldn't help but start thinking about who to send to carry out this task.

His men are like a cloud of fierce generals, but the most suitable ones behind enemy lines are Chasing Life and Huo Qubing.

It's just that before Liu Rui gave the order, he heard Guo Jia's voice.

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