It's just that Cao Cao's statement is completely correct. If the whole situation collapses because of these [-] horses, the losses that Cao Cao will face will be even more serious.On the contrary, if the ambush on Xi Zhicai and others' side is successful, Liu Rui will be the one who suffers serious losses.

Shaking his head, Xiahou Dun shook off the messy thoughts in his head and began to issue orders continuously, and the entire Cao army was constantly changing its formation, slowly retreating towards the rear of the rebel camp.

This scene was quickly noticed by Liu Rui, without any hesitation, Liu Rui retreated from the fighting part of the former army to the rear, looked at Sun Wu who was sitting in the center of the army, and said, "General Sun Wu, Is Cao Cao about to run away?"

Sun Wu nodded heavily, and then sighed: "This Cao Mengde is a little bit daring, and our ambush on the left and right side is probably going to fail!"

Liu Rui looked at Cao Jun who was breaking through to the left in surprise, and couldn't help but asked, "General Sun Wu, is Cao Jun preparing to break out to the left?"

"Look, my lord, although Cao's army is struggling to attack the left side, the overall situation is that it is constantly retreating to the rear. So this is just a trick for Cao Cao. His real purpose is to retreat into the camp of the rebel army. , and then escape from the other end!" Sun Wu said.

Liu Rui nodded in surprise. Looking at the path pointed out by Sun Wushuo, Cao Jun slowly retreated towards the rear.However, this made Liu Rui even more puzzled: "Didn't Cao Mengde see the flame trench in the rebel camp? If he withdraws like this, wouldn't it delay things even more?"

However, Sun Wu shook his head and said, "The Cao troops who were trapped in the flame trenches seem to have used the corpses of war horses to fill in a path. Now it seems that Cao Cao is going to use these paths to escape!",, ..

709: After the Infantry is Broken

Sun Wu's words also allowed Liu Rui to thoroughly see Cao Cao's intentions.I have to say that at this moment, Cao Cao's decision was extremely wise.

Regardless of whether Cao Cao broke through from the left or the right, Liu Rui's army would be waiting for Cao Cao's army in both directions, but behind Cao Cao, that is, the position of the rebel army's camp, there was no Liu Rui's ambush.

It's not that Liu Rui's arrangement was not thoughtful enough. On the contrary, Liu Rui's arrangement was the most surprising in this uprising army camp. The trenches everywhere made Liu Rui's army spend the most preparation time.

Those trenches were not dug casually, but were carefully set up by Sun Wu after analyzing the route of Cao's army after entering the camp according to the positions of the gates of each camp.Even those tents that are piled with flammable items such as hay and wood, there are certain reasons for placing them.

If the density of these tents is too low, even if there is a big fire, Cao Jun can exit through the gaps in these fires.If the density of these tents is too high, all the layout work will be aggravated by wasting too much materials, which may directly lead to the progress of the layout being too fast, and Cao Jun will find clues.

And those trenches were all carefully designed and excavated, and the wooden sticks and planks laid down on them had to be built in consideration of the constant passing of Cao Cao's army, so they had to be built very firmly.But at the same time, these planks, like the wood used for building beams, must be able to be easily burned by the fire in the trenches in the first place!

As a result, such a project needs to be extra careful and meticulous.Fortunately, this plan was proposed by Guo Jia long ago, and the various techniques required were researched by Master Lu Ban after numerous experiments.

That's the only thing, once the tactic of this flame trench was used, Xiahou Dun and others suffered a big loss.At that time, when Xiahou Dun was trapped in the flame trench, no matter which direction he went to break through, he needed to fill in a large amount of earth and rock to extinguish the flames below!However, these trenches dug by Liu Ruishu used special methods, and even hammered the land on both sides of the trenches, making it impossible for Xiahou Dun's men to dig the soil next to them.

It is precisely because of this that the strategy of this flame trench has such an outstanding effect!But now, Liu Rui also needs to face this problem!However, Liu Rui was not worried at all about this issue.

"General Sun Wu, since Cao Cao wants to break out of the rebel camp in the rear, let's arrange for the chase!" Liu Rui said with a smile.

Sun Wu nodded, and then said with a smile: "My lord, I have just called back the ambush soldiers on the left and right, and ordered them to be ready to set off at all times! This time, the lord needs to lead the team in person! "

Liu Rui nodded, then grinned and said, "When I evacuate, I want General Sun Wu to pay more attention, and then I will ask General Cunxiao to help you!"

"Don't worry, my lord, this strategy was arranged by the military adviser, and there will definitely be no problems." Sun Wu smiled, and then sighed: "Sometimes I have to admire the strategy of the military adviser. These methods seem simple, but they are all very useful.”

Liu Rui also sighed: "Feng Xiao and Kong Ming's minds are like evildoers! But General Sun Wu's intelligence is rare in the world!"

Sun Wu bowed his hands, but didn't say much, and Liu Rui also chatted with Sun Wu for a few words, but after seeing Cao Cao's army slammed toward the left, it suddenly turned to the right. Come sideways!Looking at it like that, it seems to be trying to break out to the right!Xiaoshuowa novel network

And Liu Rui's army, as if ignorant, hurried to the right to intercept it.It was also at this time that Cao Cao's army turned again. Countless soldiers and horses slammed into the outpost of the rebel camp, and in a moment, they were all hidden in those flame trenches. among.

And Liu Rui's army did not hesitate to catch up, but they just arrived near the ditch, but they found that there were countless Cao soldiers and horses. They threw aside the corpses of the war horses that had filled the ditch, and turned the whole ditch into a new one. A sea of ​​fire!

Since Sun Wu had expected this scene for a long time, he was naturally prepared for it. When even thousands of soldiers with shovels and hoes rushed out of the army, they dig wildly at the edge of the flame trench. The fire in the trench was covered up with dirt.

Afterwards, these soldiers dragged their horses, and in a short period of time, wooden bridges had been built over the trench.Without the burning of the flames in the trenches, these wooden bridges were naturally incomparably strong, and Liu Rui's army chased after them without any hindrance.

Cao Cao's army on the other side had just retreated through the two flame trenches, and Liu Rui's army had already chased after him. This speed surprised Cao Cao!

"Yuan Rang, let the army speed up immediately! We must escape before Liu Rui catches up!" Cao Cao looked at Xiahou Dun and said.

Xiahou Dun handed over his orders and rushed to the front to urge him, but when Xiahou Dun and others escaped from the flame trenches, in order to save the war horses, the paths they filled were usually not too large. Some soldiers and horses passed through without any problems, but now that the entire Cao Cao army passed through, it seemed a little insufficient.

The speed of Liu Rui's army in the rear was not at all slower than that of Cao's army, and where Liu Rui's army passed, the wooden bridge built on the flame trench was also safer and more secure.It's not like it was filled by Cao Jun. If you are a little careless when passing through, you may fall into the flame trench next to it.

This chase and escape, in a short period of time, has already crossed most of the camps of the rebel army.At this moment, in front of Cao Cao's army, there were several flame trenches that were not filled.The flames here have become much smaller, but the ashes below still exude amazing heat.

Without any hesitation, countless war horses were forcibly pulled out of Cao's army. Although this simple and crude method was a bit cruel, it was indeed the only means of Cao's army now.If Cao Jun was asked to dig the soil next to him with a knife and spear, I am afraid that a single trench would be enough to keep Cao Jun waiting for a long time.

But as a result, Cao Jun's progress was naturally much slower, and Liu Rui's army in the rear began to slowly entangle. Cao Jun's rear army formation.

It's just that there are still many soldiers in Cao's army who lost their horses. Now all of them have become infantry, building a line of defense along the flames and trenches, constantly blocking Liu Rui's army from pursuing.

These Cao Jun soldiers, even though the casualties are heavy, are full of hope in their hearts.Earlier, Cao Cao gave them an order to form a defensive line here, but he said that Cao Cao would lead his cavalry to attack Liu Rui's army. That's when it's the biggest hero.

It's just that these soldiers never thought that Cao Cao planned to keep these soldiers from the beginning, but he never attacked Liu Rui from the Forbidden City.After all, Cao Cao had already detoured once, but it did not bring any influence to Liu Rui at all. Instead, Cao Cao buried his troops in vain. , , .

710: Hundred Miles to Kill

When Cao Cao completely filled the flame trench leading to the rear of the rebel camp, the entire army rushed out without looking back and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Behind Cao Jun, those infantry soldiers who lost their horses as soldiers were still stubbornly resisting.Cao Cao's words, but let these soldiers believe it, and those generals who stay behind are all dreaming of getting promoted and rich in the future.

At this moment, Liu Rui quietly looked at the infantry in front of him, and then sighed: "These soldiers are probably deceived by that Cao Mengdeshuo!"

"Master is wise! If not, how could Cao Mengde let these people stay and die!" Sun Wu sneered, and then sighed: "I'm afraid that Cao Cao lied and said he was going to attack our rear army, otherwise, these How can the people be willing to stay, even if they stay and break, they definitely don't have such morale and combat power!"

Liu Rui nodded, and then looked in the direction of Cao Cao's disappearance: "General Sun Wu, I'll leave this to you, I'll go after Cao Cao first!"

"Don't worry, lord, after half an hour at most, the subordinates will catch up to take over the position of lord!" Sun Wu nodded, and then he said with a smile: "These infantry seem to be quite numerous, in fact, they only need to be here. Defend for a while, and when they can't wait for Cao Cao's news, they will naturally be able to defeat them easily."

Liu Rui nodded, then looked at the cavalry army on the side, and grinned: "Generals, let's go after that Cao Cao!"

All the soldiers promised with a bang, and then, the entire cavalry army quickly chased in the direction of Cao Cao's disappearance.Cao Cao was conceited and fled from the rear of the camp, thinking that Liu Rui's army could not react quickly, but he never thought that Liu Rui's army had not entered the camp of the rebel army, but had been in Cao Cao was waiting outside to escape.

Now there are only a few cavalry soldiers left in the camp to fight with Cao Jun's infantry, but most of the rest are spearmen and archers!

And Cao Cao, now looking at the dark front with pride.

"Yuan Rang, you did the right thing this time!" Cao Cao praised, and then said proudly, "Then Liu Rui's army is now in the ditch of flames, and I'm afraid there is no way to get out in a short time, and besides We still have [-] to [-] soldiers blocking it, and when Liu Rui rushes out of the flame trench he dug, I'm afraid we won't even be able to see our ass!"

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