"This is... Quiet Blood Clothes 〃`?" He stood up and looked at the recovered wound. When Tianze was puzzled, a term he had never heard before suddenly appeared in his mind and made him understand The function of this still blood suit is as if it was something he had been born with.

  At the same time, the left eye is closed uncontrollably. This is definitely not the sudden blindness of the eye, but a sense of arrogance rising out of nowhere. No one is worthy of letting Tianze use all his strength, so this ability actively uses most of the Strength is sealed.

  "Yes, this is the still blood suit, the general ability of our pure-blood quencher." Kong Nianzhi nodded and joked: "Holy text: All things are connected, this is the power I give you for revenge, go ahead. , Tian Ze, your enemy is already at hand."

  All things are penetrated, and the weapon endowed by the spirit son releases his "all things penetration" power. Everything touched on the forward track of the muzzle and the target will be penetrated, and there is no way to counteract or defend against this. All kinds of power (except for the Ise family's Eight Mirror Swords).

  And in this space, there is no Ise family's eight mirror swords, so this is an undefendable attack.

  Using the opponent's underestimation of the enemy, like hitting a target, it can easily penetrate the designated target.

  If it is penetrated, it will definitely be seriously injured and will leave a hole-like scar.

  Also because of his underestimation of the enemy, he will deliberately hide his strength and close his left eye, which will limit his strength.

  Once the left eye is opened, the true power is used, the invisible concept attacks, and the body will pass through almost all life-threatening substances.

  In this state, any targeted character can be directly penetrated and any attack is ineffective against it.

  This is one of the top abilities of the Star Cross Knights, and it is also one of the four guards of Youhabach, and the ability of the captain of the guards.

  Simply explained, this is an ability that both absolute attack and absolute defense coexist.


  Clenching his fists, Tian (Wang Zhao) Ze suddenly showed a bloodthirsty smile at Xue Yi Hou.


  The ground beneath his feet shattered in an instant, and Tian Ze's figure disappeared in place in an instant. The current speed is definitely not the same as the previous speed. Even the bloody clothes can only see a long series of afterimages moving quickly. , it can even be said that it can't keep up with the speed of Tianze!

  ".'Go to hell!" Standing on his feet, Tian Ze suddenly stopped at the side of the blood-clothed waiting, his right hand clenched his fist and the black-purple internal force completely covered it, and slammed towards Tian Ze's cheek, it seemed that he wanted to report the blood-clothing. Waiting for the revenge of the pig's head!


  Xue Yihou snorted coldly, and the blood-colored long sword slashed at Tian Ze's fist, trying to force Tian Ze back, but found that Tian Ze couldn't avoid and continued to blast towards his long sword. As if the hand to be struck by the sword was not his own. .

Chapter 196 The Confident Tian Ze of Honey Juice! (please subscribe)


  what? !

  Just when Xueyihou was a little puzzled, a terrifying force came, and immediately knocked Xueyihou flying out, rolling and sliding on the ground for dozens of meters before he stopped in embarrassment.

  This is impossible!

  Looking at Tian Ze's unscathed fist, Xue Yi Hou's horrified expression could not calm down for a long time.

  Tian Ze's strength is very clear, he is absolutely impossible to have such terrifying strength and speed, and even Tian Ze's practice is not horizontal training at all, how can his fists and his own long sword be head-to-head!

  What exactly is going on? !

  Why did Tianze's strength increase so dramatically in a short period of time, and where did the problem arise? !

  Wait... Suddenly, Xue Yihou's pupils shrank because he remembered something.

  Could it be that drop of Kong Nianzhi's blood? !

  At this time, it was not only Xueyi Hou who had this idea, Ying Zheng, Gai Nie, Han Fei and others were also speculating.

  "It's really intoxicating power." Looking at the rippling dendritic lines on the fist, and completely removing 10 of the power of the sword of Xueyihou, Tianze laughed, feeling that the whole person's force has been improved again. A big chunk.

  "What is his ability?" On the other side, Tian Yan raised her head and asked in a cute and curious voice. It was precisely because she herself possessed the ability of a Quincy that she was more interested in what Tian Ze possessed. Interested in ability.

  "Want to know? You'll know after reading it." Rubbing Tian Yan's head, Kong Nianzhi laughed sarcastically.

  "Hmph, don't talk about it, you cheap bastard." Tian Yanjiao rolled her eyes at Kong Nian angrily, and shook her head from side to side, trying to get rid of Kong Nianzhi's head-to-head killing, but she couldn't rely on his claws. Let him ruffle his long hair a little.



  A strong explosion sounded, and after dodging Tian Ze's attack again, Xue Yihou slashed at Tian Ze's chest with his sword, but only made a harsh rubbing sound. On top of human skin, but on a piece of indestructible leather.

  At the same time, an extremely powerful force was transmitted to Xue Yihou's hand through the sword body. Xue Yihou only felt a shock in his hand and almost released the long sword in his hand.

  This guy... what the hell is it.


  Once again, he stepped back dozens of steps and distanced himself from Tian Ze. Xue Yihou looked at Tian Ze with solemn eyes. It would be a little bad to fight like this. After cutting Tian Ze for a long time, Tian Ze was still unscathed. Today, Tian Ze seems to have suddenly mastered Having acquired a very superb horizontal training kung fu, it really gave Xue Yihou some headaches.

  Ok? !

  "I'm afraid your defense also has an upper limit." Looking at the dendritic lines flashing on Tian Ze's chest, Xue Yi Hou smiled and suddenly figured out a lot of things.

  From the beginning, Xue Yihou had already hit Tian Ze with several swords, but none of the swords could break through the defense of Tian Ze's body surface.

  Although I don't know how Tian Ze blocked it, every time Tian Ze was attacked, a branch-like pattern would flash on his body. The higher the damage he received, the stronger the pattern would flash.

  That is to say, as long as the attacking power is strong enough to directly break through this strange defense...

  The atmosphere was dignified, and everyone present held their breath nervously, focusing all their attention on the two people who were confronting in the arena.

  At this moment, Xue Yi Hou launched the attack first.

  The cold air spreads and the frost freezes.


  The gloomy and cold aura that is close to absolute zero is centered on Xue Yihou, which condenses frantically. The double swords in Xue Yihou's hands are covered with a layer of three-foot ice crystals, which is gloomy and deadly.


  When the cold air reached a critical value, the white ice fog quickly merged into the black fog, swallowing the black fog continuously. At the same time, a continuous ice mirror rose from the ground, trapping Tianze in the ice mirror. In the space, and then the blood clothes were like a liquid, and they were integrated into the mirror.

  When the cold air reached a critical value, the white ice fog quickly merged into the black fog, swallowing the black fog continuously. At the same time, a continuous ice mirror rose from the ground, trapping Tianze in the ice mirror. In the space, and then the blood clothes were like a liquid, and they were integrated into the mirror.

  I mean, isn't this Nima a magic mirror ice crystal?

  Kong Nianzhi's eyeballs are about to pop out. This move doesn't seem to be much different from the white magic mirror ice crystals. They are all integrated into the mirror surface, shuttle through these countless mirror surfaces, and at the same time launch a magic mirror that makes people unable to react at all. attack.

  call out!

  Among the countless ice mirrors at this moment, a sound of breaking through the sky suddenly sounded.

  On the body? !


  Just when Tian Ze noticed the murderous aura behind him, the ice mirror behind him suddenly fluctuated, and Xue Yihou's body rushed out of the ice mirror space like a ghost, holding two swords and charging towards Tian Ze.

  Everything just happened in an instant, and people couldn't avoid it at all.

  The speed of this sword was a bit terrifying. Above the two swords, the three-foot ice crystal spread out with a destructive aura, stabbing towards Tian Ze's neck.

  "You're too careless!" Just when Xueyihou was about to succeed, the corner of Tianze's mouth, who had his back turned to Xueyihou, twitched, and a black mist suddenly churned behind him.


  A crisp sound could be heard clearly within a few hundred meters.

  what? !

  It was blocked!

  Xue Yihou was startled and wanted to retreat quickly, but Tian Ze, who turned around, grabbed his wrist and fell heavily to the ground. At the same time, the six snake skulls behind him in chains quickly charged towards Xue Yihou 243. .



  A dull crash sounded, and the slate on the ground cracked inch by inch. Under such a strong impact, even Xue Yi Hou couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

  With the help of the force of the impact and rebound, Xue Yi Hou escaped into the ice mirror again in a bit of an embarrassment.


  The chain hit the ground, and suddenly the gravel was shot in all directions, devastated.

  "Why, now I can only be like a bedbug and dare not show my head?" Tian Ze's scarlet snake pupil's bloodthirsty color flashed away, and some wildly mocked.

  "Whatever you say, who will survive in the end is still unknown." Wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth, the blood-robed waiter said in a cold voice.


  Black mist pervades.

  Tian Ze smiled contemptuously, and a thicker black mist poured out of his body, spreading continuously, rivaling the ice mist in the air.

  "Do you think you can trap me with these little toys?" Stepping out, Tian Ze calmly looked at the bloody clothes in the mirror, and slowly walked towards the ice crystal.

  "Sleepy or not, you can try it yourself." Xue Yihou sneered.


  Tian Ze smiled grimly, and the snake-skull chain behind his back suddenly stood up in the sky, pointing to the ice mirror on this side...

  PS: so sleepy.

Chapter 197 Darkness! (please subscribe)


  The six snake skulls in chains hit the ice mirror. In an instant, the ice mirror where Xueyihou was located directly turned into ice chips that fell from the sky, and the figure of Xueyihou moved to the other side of the ice mirror.

  This guy, what a powerful force!

  Xue Yihou's eyes froze, this ice mirror is very hard, like gold and iron, but it was destroyed by Tian Ze so easily.

  But wanting to go out is not that simple.


  Tian Ze stepped out one step and wanted to walk out of the place where the ice mirror was broken and exposed, but in the next second, the cold air soared, the ice crystals condensed, and a brand new ice mirror blocked Tian Ze again.

  Ugh, is it infinitely reproducible?

  But Tian Ze is no longer afraid of the blood-clothing waiting. Tian Ze, who has broken and stood up, has become a Quincy, feels that now he is the real No. [-] force in the world. Whatever is forcing Wang Bai Yifei or Wang Weizhuang, he has to stand in front of him. kneel.

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