But now Jing Ke is not feeling well, the whole person has completely lost his mind, lying there alone, and no one cares about him...

  At this time, Gongsun Li's room.

  After a day's work, Gongsun Li had already tidied up the room.

  She was making a quilt there when Kong Nianzhi pushed open the door and walked in.

  "What kind of smell, so fragrant." Kong Nianzhi looked around curiously.

  "Go away, I didn't see that I was busy." She knew that Kong Nianzhi asked knowingly, that it was clearly the fragrance that she was careful about, and she said it in such a mysterious way. It was not that Kong Nianzhi had not tried it. Gongsun Li muttered angrily, and glared at Kong Nian fiercely.

  "This is my house. You let me go away. If you want to live here, you have to pay the rent." Kong Nianzhi sat directly on the quilt, leaning on the side with a smirk.

  Collect rent? !

  What a joke, if you live here by your ability, you won't pay rent if you kill him!

  "I'm all yours, and you still charge me rent!" Gongsun Li frowned, and then she froze!

  "Okay, it's ok if you don't pay the rent, then use other methods to make up for it." Kong Nianzhi touched his chin and looked up and down at Gongsun Li.

  "What...what way..." Gongsun Li was a little hairy at the sight of Kong Nianzhi, and the Jingying Xiaohui under the long skirt was slightly separated, ready to run away if the situation went wrong.

  "If you don't give money, then you will pay with meat." Kong Nianzhi spread his hands, and then caught the little girl who wanted to escape.

  Want to escape?What a joke!

  3.8 Kong Nianzhi also pointed out that he should work hard a few times, open up the fields and plant more seeds, and see when they can make the belly of these little girls bigger.

  "Ah...my quilt hasn't been laid yet!" Gongsun Li blushed and looked at Kong Nianzhi angrily.

  "What kind of quilt are you laying, it will be dirty in a while anyway." Kong Nianzhi kept moving.

  "Um...um...then...um...the lights should be turned off..." Gongsun Li's face was almost red and dripping blood.

  "What's so shy? You're both old and married. Is there anything else I haven't seen?" Kong Nianzhi said jokingly, Gongsun Li was almost ashamed.

  Gongsun Li now felt that there was a crack on the ground, and she could burrow in and never come out again.

  But now... it seems that Kong Nianzhi is drilling her...

Chapter 396 Wait for me in Mingzhu's room tonight! (for full order)

  Tonight, too many people are destined to be a sleepless night.

  Including Gongsun Li, destined to be tossed by Kong Nianzhi all night...

  In the early morning, a ray of morning light fell on Kong Nianzhi's eyes through the gap between the windows.

  Kong Nianzhi slowly opened his eyes, but felt a little stuffy in his mouth.

  Looking down, Gongsun Li's face was inexplicably red, and she lay there obediently, sleeping soundly, with a trace of crystal in her horns, making Kong Nianzhi's head full of black lines.

  The blue quilt slipped gently, revealing an amazing curvature and dazzling whiteness, but a big hand was placed on it inappropriately.

  Kong Nianzhi smiled, and then lightly pouted on the end of the hair of this sweet sleeping chick, then got up cautiously, picked up the moon-white robe hanging on the side, put it on, and slowly opened the door and walked away. out.

  Gongsun Li is really exhausted, let him rest for a while.

  "Sir, you are really handsome, so enviable." Suddenly, a frowning voice sounded beside his ear, which startled Kong Nian.

  The sweet fragrance penetrates into the nose, as if it can arouse the deepest desire hidden in the heart.

  Kong Nianzhi turned around and saw the charming Hu Meiren standing beside him, looking at him mockingly.

  This is really a "fox" beauty.

  Looking at it from Kong Nianzhi's gentleman's point of view, one can just see that coveted treasure that makes all men unwilling to die on it.

  Moreover, the sweet wind continued to overflow, which is the unique fragrance of Hu Meiren. The reason why Han Wangan is obsessed with Hu Meiren is not only because she is beautiful like a fox, but also because of her beauty. of this fragrant fragrance.

  It's just that King Han has an unlucky ghost, and neither of his two favorite concubines has let him succeed...

  At this moment, Kong Nianzhi closed the door and smiled shyly.

  "Are you cool? If you are envious, try it yourself." Kong Nianzhi raised his eyebrows. He always felt that Hu Meiren had something to say in her words. What is envy, what is envy?Envy being scolded by Kong Nian?

  This question... deserves... an in-depth discussion.

  To be honest, Hu Meiren has stayed in Zilan Xuan for a long time, but most of the time, she is with Mrs. Mingzhu. After all, she is not a woman of Kong Nianzhi, so she is a little out of place.

  However, Hu Meiren now sees that Kong Nianzhi's beauty is gathering more and more, and she also begins to feel some urgent sense of crisis in her heart.

  No crisis is no good, such a large family is basically a woman of Kong Nianzhi.

  As far as her own relationship is unclear, she is eating and drinking here. If she is kicked out one day, she will cry.

  And to be honest, she has been in Zilan Xuan for a long time, and Kong Nianzhi's actions are all in his eyes.

  This is not a man who likes the new and hates the old. He will not abandon the previous one just because he has obtained a new beauty.

  And he is strong enough to make Hu Meiren safe, that's enough.

  What's more, Kong Nianzhi is handsome and rich.

  Humans are visual animals, whether male or female, so the same is true for Hu Mei people.

  Humans are visual animals, whether male or female, so the same is true for Hu Mei people.

  Kong Nianzhi is not only handsome, but the more he gets to know him, the more he understands how good this man is.

  So, when I heard Kong Nianzhi's teasing...

  "Okay, just give it a try." Hu Meiren chuckled lightly and leaned into his arms, then gently stroked Kong Nianzhi's muscles with her jade-like fingertips, exhaling like a blue orchid.

  "..." Kong Nianzhi was defeated.

  Nima, this woman has to kneel in the capital of Confucius.

  "Cough, you are waiting for me in Mingzhu's room tonight." Kong Nianzhi coughed lightly and muttered in a serious manner. In fact, he just wanted to play some new tricks, and then gradually began to implement his own broadcast plan. It's two late, next time...

  "..." Hu Meiren's beautiful eyes flowed, and she understood at a glance what this bad guy wanted to do. She smiled lightly and tiptoed to Kong Nianzhi's face, then turned around and left with a smile. A little sweetness in the air.

  "..." Kong Nianzhi was silent.

  It was actually being teased.

  Tonight, we must let Hu Meiren know what cruelty is and what it means to be unable to get off the boat for three days...

  Kong Nianzhi shook his head and slowly walked down the stairs.

  After taking a shower, he bypassed a guy who had been lying on the ground miserably all night, and had a warm supper.

  In the meantime, Mo Ya, who was emitting a dark and eerie aura, had been waiting there quietly.

  "Are you sure about the place?" Kong Nianzhi took a sip, then turned his eyes to Mo Ya.

  "Yes, I've been following Shengqi and the others, and now I've confirmed the farmhouse's headquarters." Mo Yagou's angle twitched, and the farmer thought they were smart, so they secretly rescued Shengqi, but they didn't. Knowing that it was just Mo Ya deliberately letting Sheng Qi be rescued.

  However, His Majesty's strength seems to be stronger.

  Mo Ya looked at Kong Nianzhi admiringly, and only felt that the Kong Nian 227 in front of him seemed to be illusory.

  "Looks like it's time to meet these little mice who have been doing things all the time." Kong Nianzhi stood up and smiled suddenly. He originally wanted to open meat and meat tonight, but it seemed that he had to wait a few more days.

  "You ask others to bring Tian Meng, we will leave now." Kong Nianzhi said without turning his head.

  Then, with a swoosh, Shen Hou's black crow suddenly dissipated into black crow feathers that filled the sky, and suddenly disappeared from the room.

  And Kong Nianzhi also slowly set foot on the corridor and came to Tian Yan's room.


  "Who is it?" There was a soft knock on the door, and Tian Yan's brown pupils, who were holding his hair in the room, were full of curiosity and snorted doubtfully.

  "It's me." A familiar voice came, Tian Yan's face turned red, and then he hurriedly tidy up the neat and warm boudoir again, and then opened the door.

  "What's the matter with that...?" Tian Yanmei dodged and whispered against the door. Although her relationship with Kong Nianzhi could be said to be a default, it has not been revealed, and now At this time, if the other sisters saw that one of Kong Nian would come out of her room, Tian Yan would be embarrassed to death. .

Chapter 397 Young Tian Yan! (for full order)

  The warm sunlight shone on Tian Yan's face, making her delicate little face look holy.

  The indifferent breeze carried a hint of coldness, blowing the corners of Tian Yan's green skirt, revealing a delicate little fade, slender and compact yet attractive in white.

  The delicate toes may curl up slightly uneasy because the owner is a little nervous.

  To be honest, Kong Nianzhi is not a foot control, but Tian Yan's little feet are really cute, Kong Nianzhi couldn't help but take a few more glances.

  Tian Yan's face suddenly turned red, he pressed the corner of his skirt in a panic, his beautiful eyes were timid, and he didn't dare to look directly at Kong Nianzhi.

  If it wasn't for something else, Kong Nianzhi would have teased this little girl well, but...

  "There is news from Moya that the farmhouse's headquarters has been found. I'm going to visit the farmhouse's headquarters, as well as your father Tian Meng, who is also in our Xianyang prison. It's up to you to decide what to do with you." Kong Nianzhi smiled and rubbed Tian Yan's long hair, making her tied waterfall-like hair a little messy.


  Tian Yan's eyes were a little dull.

  With Tian Yan's vision and intelligence, he had long known that Tian Meng would fall into Kong Nianzhi's hands sooner or later, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

  He didn't kill Tian Meng, it was purely for his own sake.

  "He... is he okay?" Tian Yan's eyes were a bit complicated, and he didn't call his father again. Tian Meng didn't treat her as a daughter at all. He just regarded her as a tool, someone who could be used at any time. Abandoned tool.

  "Very good, stay with food and drink, there shouldn't be anything bad except the lack of freedom." Kong Nianzhi spread his hands, then took advantage of Tian Yan's distraction, and glanced inside curiously, It was found that there was nothing strange in it, and some couldn't understand why Tian Yan didn't want to let himself in just now.


  My daughter's thoughts...

  Absolutely impossible to guess.

  "..." Tian Yan's little face was wrinkled together, looking extremely tangled. She really didn't know what to do with Tian Meng. If she killed Tian Meng, she still couldn't bear it. Anyway, it's her father.

  Today's Tian Yan is not the sinister, ruthless, cunning salamander in the original book more than ten years later, who can kill his father for his own purposes.

  If Tian Meng is let go, Tian Yan is also a little reluctant. She is now Kong Nianzhi's person. Although she has not completely become Kong Nianzhi's person, Tian Yan thinks that the starting point of things is always from Confucius considered it here.

  Letting Tian Meng go, although he did not say that he was releasing a tiger back to the mountain, because in Kong Nianzhi's eyes, Tian Meng was not a fierce tiger at all, but it would definitely be an accident.

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