"So how do you want me to help you and kill that little girl called Xiaoyi?" Kong Nianzhi asked with a smile, of course he wouldn't kill Xiaoyi, it was just to tease Shao Si Mingbai .

  Speaking of which, among the Yin-Yang family, the Kibu to which Shao Siming belongs is the most cruel.

  Because every Shaoming needs to kill the previous Shaoming in order to become the new Shaoming.

  In the original work, after Xiaoyi was awakened by killing Xiaoling, he then killed Shao Siming in black and white before becoming the new Shao Siming.

  It's just that the current Shao Si Ming Hei, Bai is already his own woman, of course he doesn't need to be killed by Xiao Yi again.

  "If that day comes, my sister and I hope you can help us." Shao Si Mingbai is under a lot of pressure now, and Xiao Yi's talent is too terrifying. Can surpass Shao Siming black and white. .

Chapter 409 Husband, don't be here! (for full order)

  It's not that Shao Si Ming is black, and Bai is not confident in his own strength.

  It was the existence of Xiaoyi that made them feel too much pressure, and thinking that their last Shaoming was killed by them, Shaoxing Hei and Bai were panicking now.

  Thinking that the relationship between Kong Nianzhi and Donghuang Taiyi seems to be a bit special, so I want to detour from the side for a while and get a promise from Kong Nianzhi in advance.

  In this way, even if it reaches that point in the future, there are other ways of retreat.

  "You are my woman now, don't worry, no one can kill you." Kong Nianzhi smiled and agreed to Shao Si Mingbai's promise. Shao Si Ming warmed his heart, and suddenly he was tossing him about this guy. Some more good feelings.

  Kong Nianzhi shook his head and ignored the three good sisters who had fought together. It was impossible for the three of them to stay in Zilan Xuan for dinner, so Kong Nianzhi closed the door directly and walked downstairs.

  Going down the wooden ladder, Kong Nianzhi simply took a shower.

  As expected, breakfast was already prepared on the table, Kong Nianzhi simply ate something, then picked up the small wine jar on the side, and poured out a cup of sweet sake.

  This is after Kong Nianzhi told Jade Tiger to do it. The new fruit wine made by Jade Tiger has a very low concentration. Even if people who don't know how to drink drink some fruit wine, as long as they don't drink too much, they won't get drunk.

  Although this fruit wine is not as spicy and pungent as white wine, it is sweet and mellow, with a unique taste.

  "How did your husband rest last night?" Suddenly, Fei Yan's soft voice suddenly sounded beside her ear, and Kong Nianzhi almost spit out the fruit wine she had just drank with a puff.

  Seeing this, Fei Yan hurried forward a few steps, patted Kong Nianzhi's back lightly, and looked at him strangely.

  "It's alright, alright." Kong Nianzhi was a little ashamed. He didn't set up a spiritual barrier last night, so the delicate cries of Da Siming and Shao Siming would definitely not be able to hide Fei Yan and the others.

  "Feiyan isn't asking her husband Xingshi for guilt. Feiyan doesn't mind how many women her husband has. What Feiyan is thinking about is how to make her husband have a son and a half daughter quickly." Feiyan's beautiful brows are wrinkled. When she woke up, her beautiful eyes had a sad look, her eyes were all thinking of Kong Nianzhi, and her heart was full of concern for Kong Nianzhi.

  "Feiyan..." Kong Nianzhi didn't know what to say, but he was still very moved, so he could only take Feiyan in his arms and let her sit on his fading.

  Holding the soft Feiyan and sniffing the faint fragrance of Feiyan, Kong Nianzhi's mood was also much refreshed.

  "The state of Qi and the state of Yan are mortal enemies. After it was determined that King Yan was dead, the state of Yan divided its forces into Hudi and started to attack the state of Yan." Fei Yan leaned against Kong Nianzhi's arms, Listening to Kong Nianzhi's powerful heartbeat, I can't wait for time to stop at this second.

  "Really?" Kong Nianzhi's eyes were deep, and it seemed that he had to go to Yan Kingdom again to confirm something.

  Feiyan is already her own woman, so what about Gao Yue, one of the protagonists of Qin Shi's world?

  Your own and Feiyan's future daughter?

  Or is there no Gao Yue from now on?

  Or... in another way.

  Once the high moon appears, one thing can be confirmed.

  The historical trajectory of the world in Qin Dynasty has a certain degree of repair ability. Even if Gao Yue was not born from Fei Yan, he would be born from another place.

  That also means that chicken legs will definitely appear.

  "Let them fight first." Suddenly, Kong Nianzhi smiled and played Feiyan's little hand gently.

  "Husband...don't be here." Feiyan's face suddenly turned red, and she was ashamed. Many sisters just passed by and looked at her and laughed.

  "Husband...don't be here." Feiyan's face suddenly turned red, and she was ashamed. Many sisters just passed by and looked at her and laughed.

  "Oh? Does Feiyan mean to change the place?" Kong Nianzhi laughed, anyway, Tianming's father is now eating and drinking in Zilanxuan, and he is a hard worker, so Kong Nianzhi Forget the matter of Tianming, and talk about it in the future.


  "I can't change the place." Feiyan Meimu dodged and muttered softly.

  With that pitiful look of wanting to refuse and welcoming, Kong Nianzhi couldn't help but suddenly attacked directly, and did not hold back Feiyan's pale pink petals, wantonly plundering Feiyan's everything.

  This time, time seemed to stop for a moment.

  When Feiyan came back to her senses, she only felt as if she was about to suffocate, Kong Nianzhi reluctantly let her go, leaving only a silver waterline unwillingly involved...

  0 ask for flowers

  "Then we'll change places tonight." Kong Nianzhi smiled.

  "...Ah?" Feiyan was stunned for a moment.

  "I'm going to find Donghuang Taiyi." Kong Nianzhi stroked Feiyan lightly, then stood up and walked towards the door.

  "Are you coming back for dinner?" Looking at Kong Nianzhi's back, Feiyan Meimu was still a little dazed.

  "Come back." Kong Nianzhi beckoned without looking back, Feiyan smiled contentedly.

  As long as a woman likes a person, she is such a very easy to satisfy creature, easy to very humble...

  The conversation between the two was very ordinary, but it was very warm. Feiyan liked this warm feeling very much, and liked the feeling of staying quietly beside Kong Nianzhi.


  Xianyang City, home of yin and yang.

  Kong Nianzhi walked freely in the house of Yin and Yang, as if he had entered a realm of no one.

  Every disciple of the Yin-Yang family didn't seem to see Kong Nianzhi at all, and let Kong Nianzhi just walk past him.

  Soon, Kong Nianzhi arrived at the forbidden place of the Yin Yang family, the Star Observation Platform!

  As expected, Donghuang Taiyi really looked at the ecliptic star map on the sky.

  "Isn't it boring to look at it like this every day?" Kong Nianzhi suddenly disappeared in place, and then regrouped like a breeze. He stood on the railing of the observatory and looked down at Donghuang Taiyi, who was doing astrology.

  "The position of the stars changes all the time, how can it be boring." Even the moon god, the guardians of the Yin and Yang family like Xinghun dare not stand on the armrest of the star observation platform, and see Kong Nianzhi standing on the armrest. , Dong Huang Taiyi was not angry, but laughed and chatted with Kong Nianzhi.

  "Okay, as long as you're happy." Kong Nianzhi spread his hands and disappeared again, and then landed on the star-gazing platform. After absorbing the souls of Yunzhongjun and Xiangjun, he actually mastered astrology, but ...is a half-assed state.

  After a short silence, Donghuang Taiyi looked in the direction of Xishu, then turned to look at Kong Nianzhi.

  "Shushan...have you heard of it?".

Chapter 410 The Legend of Sword and Fairy? ! (for full order)

  "Shushan... Have you heard of it?"

  "The Legend of Sword and Fairy?!" Kong Nianzhi was stunned for a moment, then blurted out in astonishment.


  "Immortal Sword... Legend of a Legendary Hero?" Dong Huangtai was directly stunned by Kong Nianzhi. After thinking about it carefully in his mind, he found that even if he browsed the Yin Yang family's collection of books, he knew the countless things in this world. Obscure things, I have never heard of this... strange term.

  "It's alright, I've heard of that Shushan, you continue to talk." Kong Nianzhi twitched, knowing that Donghuang Taiyi himself thought crooked.

  In fact, after thinking about it, Kong Nianzhi knew where the Shushan Mountain was that Donghuang Taiyi said.

  It's just that because so many years have passed, these usually useless memories have long been sealed in the depths of my mind. When Donghuang Taiyi mentioned "Nine Six Three" Shushan, the first one came out from the depths of Kong Nianzhi's memory. It's... it's Shushan in the Legend of Sword and Fairy.


  "Shushan is a mysterious existence, detached from the mundane. It is a secret place and never interacts with outsiders." Hearing this, Dong Huangtai nodded slightly and continued speaking in a slightly low tone.

  Shushan is a mysterious land and a nation. The important female character Xiao Yu is also the hometown of Concubine Yu (pseudonym "Shi Lan") in Farewell My Concubine.

  In fact, the Shushan Mountain in Xishu is a very strange, ancient, secretive, and powerful witch tribe, and it also has a deep relationship with the Yin-Yang family.

  Although Shushan mentioned in the original book that he was annihilated by Meng Tian, ​​the general of the Qin state, there are still remnants of forces including Yu Yuan who guards Xiao Yu who remain anonymous in Songhai and other places, secretly preparing to oppose Qin again.

  Then I got to know Tianming and Xiang Shaoyu, and there was a story after that.

  "So? What does this have to do with me?" Kong Nianzhi spread his hands indifferently with a dull expression on his face.

  "It does matter. There is an absolute forbidden area in Shushan, and that is the meaning of the existence of the Yu Yuan family." Dong Huangtai's tone was rare and solemn, and he seemed to be very jealous of that forbidden area.

  "Yu Yuan Forbidden Land!" Kong Nianzhi's eyes narrowed, and then he said it for Dong Huangtai with a smile.

  "That's right, it's there. Legend has it that there are countless demons sealed there, and the Yuyuan family is named after guarding the realm of Yuyuan." Dong Huangtai nodded slightly, her eyes slightly cold.

  Kong Nianzhi was silent.

  Then think secretly.

  In the original work, Lady Xuanji still has too many holes to fill, and Yu Yuan's situation is obviously a remarkable place.

  And the Yu Yuan family is definitely related to the Yin and Yang family.

  The proof is the sacred tree in the Yuyuan family - the sacred tree of Fusang, and on it, the three-legged golden crow inhabits!

  And the three-legged golden crow is exactly the same as the three-legged golden crow transformed by Soul Xi Longyou of the Yin Yang family!

  Fusang Sacred Tree, in mythology, a giant tree that grew in the habitation of the god of the sun in ancient times.

  Legend has it that it is the gate connecting the world of gods, the world of men and the world of the underworld. There is a three-legged golden crow flying above it, which can guide people to cross the three worlds and realize their wishes.

  Originally grew up in Shushan, it was later discovered by Tianming, Xiang Shaoyu and Shi Lan on the giant ship "Mirage" built by Qin Shihuang's Yin-Yang family and Gongshu family.

  This tree inhabited by the three-legged golden crow is enough to show that the Yin-Yang family must be related to the Yuyuan family.

  "Why did you suddenly mention Shushan?" Kong Nianzhi was a little puzzled, Donghuang Taiyi would not do meaningless things.

  "Because there should be something you need in the forbidden area of ​​Yu Yuan." Donghuang Taiyi suddenly laughed, and Kong Nianzhi's expression suddenly became strange.

  "Because there should be something you need in the forbidden area of ​​Yu Yuan." Donghuang Taiyi suddenly laughed, and Kong Nianzhi's expression suddenly became strange.

  "Canglong Qisu said it was given to me and gave it to me, and now tell me what I need, you won't have any thoughts about me." Kong Nianzhi coughed lightly, his eyes narrowed, and he looked at it vigilantly. Looking at the East Emperor Taiyi in front of him.

  "..." Donghuang Taiyi was silent, the corners under the mask twitched, Donghuang Taiyi suddenly had an urge to kill Kong Nianzhi, this urge intensified, and it was almost time for Donghuangtai to endure it. to the extent that it cannot.

  "You think too much, I just want to get rid of all this as soon as possible." After a long silence, Dong Huang Taiyi suddenly sighed in a complicated tone, as if there were some other emotions in it.

  "I'll take a look." Kong Nianzhi raised his eyebrows, and then his figure, like sand, gradually dissipated with the wind and disappeared on the star-gazing platform.


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