Regardless of whether it can be successful or not, even if there is any hope, Zhao Gao is willing to try it.

  "Do you want to become a man again?" Kong Nianzhi looked at Zhao Gao with great interest, from top to bottom, from head to toe, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt that this Zhao Gao was very awkward, and he didn't look like a Central Plains person at all. ..

  "Yes, sir." If others looked at him like this, Zhao Gao would have killed him long ago, but when Kong Nianzhi looked at him like this, Zhao Gao was not annoyed, nodded and looked at Kong Nianzhi with hope.

  "Interesting, do you know that once you accept my power, you will never be able to betray me from now on, whether it's your mind... or your soul, I want you to be born and you will be born, and I want you to die in one thought. If you die, is this acceptable?" Kong Nianzhi tapped on the table, and the (bdae) corners curved slightly.

  "Slave...will!" Only he knew the pain in Zhao Gao's heart. Zhao Gao was willing to pay all the price for being a complete man again.

  "Okay, as you wish." Kong Nianzhi's eyes were deep and he nodded.


  Shen Ying, who was sitting on the chair, suddenly disappeared and regrouped again, but suddenly stood not far from Zhao Gao's Shen side.

  So fast!

  Can't see clearly at all? !

  Zhao Gao's pupils shrank abruptly, even if it was Gai Nie's light work, he could see clearly, but Zhao Gao couldn't see Kong Nianzhi's movement at all.

  One second Kong Nianzhi was still here, but the next second Kong Nianzhi was already in another place.

  This way of moving is like playing with space between the palms...

  Cang Ran's eyes were cold, and a ray of silver light flashed in the depths of his eyes. Then Kong Nianzhi raised the index finger and middle finger of his right hand and lightly nodded on Zhao Gao's forehead!

  Soul sharing·contact healing!

  When others touch oneself, part of the soul is separated and filled in the gap in the soul of the touched person, so that the original psychological or physical defects can be gradually healed.

  However, during the period of physical and mental recovery of the toucher, the knowledge, experience, skills and talents that he has acquired will all be recorded in the soul fragments given to him by Yohabach.

  Once Kong Nianzhi uses sanctification, the person will be killed in an instant, and the knowledge, experience, skills and talents that he has acquired in his life will all be absorbed by Kong Nianzhi.

  This is the terrible power of Confucius!

  At this time, a strand of hair-like soul peeled off and merged into Zhao Gao's soul.

  The next second, a slight tingling sensation like a burning soul appeared on Zhao Gao's soul.

  Afterwards, Zhao Gao felt that a terrifying pain suddenly came from his long-disappeared baby!

  That's the wound opening again!

  As the wound opened again, Zhao Gao's face was pale, and Hun Shen sweated profusely on the ground and curled up together, gasping for air.

  Looking at Zhao Gao lying on the ground, Kong Nianzhi's eyes were deep, and he was going to use Zhao Gao to do an experiment.

  A drop of Kong Nianzhi's blood and a trace of his soul engraved the holy text, and then a pure-blooded Quincy can be awakened.

  Ordinary quenchers are pure blood quenchers who multiply from generation to generation, and their bloodlines are still weak.

  That Kong Nianzhi just gave Zhao Gao a drop of blood, was it an ordinary quencher...or a pure blood quencher? !

  Do it when you think of it.

  Kong Nianzhi smiled, then cut his fingertips, and a strand of blood was thrown by Kong Nianzhi into Zhao Gao, who was still conscious.

  The blood entered his throat instantly, an inexplicable chemical reaction began to evaporate, and Zhao Gao, who was shaking constantly, also began to stop slowly. .

Chapter 419: Not Pure Blood Quince! (for full order)

  The air was as quiet as a needle falling.

  Everything was silent.

  The warm sun shines through the doors and windows and shines in the ~ room.

  This place was intentionally vacated by the people of Zilanxuan, because... Kong Nianzhi is here.

  At this time, Kong Nianzhi sat back on the chair again, poured tea quietly, and tasted it carefully.

  With that appearance, if he didn't know Kong Nianzhi, he would definitely regard him as a noble son, rather than think of him as a king who could crush all power.

  "Cough!" Suddenly, Zhao Gao, who had been curled up on the ground like a prawn, coughed twice, then covered his crotch and sucked in the cold air.

  grow... grow out? !

  Zhao Gao's pupils shrunk to the size of a pinhead, but he was still a little confused.

  I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zhao Gao felt that the part that he had not felt for many years actually... had some flesh and blood feeling.

  The feeling of blood flowing and blending is so wonderful, Zhao Gao was a little uncomfortable, Shen Ge was stiff at first, and then he didn't care about Kong Nianzhi.


  "It's up to you to look for a place for a while. If you dare to care here, you want to be a eunuch." Kong Nianzhi's eyelids jumped, and he quickly stopped Zhao Gao, and Kong Nianzhi didn't have any abnormal hobbies.


  "Yes, sir, it's the servant who lost." Hearing Kong Nianzhi's words, Zhao Gao smiled embarrassingly, and then tied the belt again.

  Although he didn't witness it with his own eyes, Zhao Gao was [-]% sure that his baby... just grew back.

  I want to take a look, just to make ninety-nine into ten-tenths...

  Looking at Kong Nianzhi, who had a dusty temperament in front of him, Zhao Gao felt a little scalp tingling.

  To be honest, although Zhao Gao has information that someone in Kong Nianzhi's subordinates can be reborn from a broken limb, and that person is still a real gang in the net.

  What kind of strength does Zhen Gang have, what kind of ability does Zhao Gao have in his heart?

  The newly acquired ability is definitely inseparable from Kong Nianzhi, but that does not mean that Kong Nianzhi can help him...

  When he came to Kong Nianzhi, Zhao Gao just came to give it a try with a glimmer of hope. He didn't expect that Kong Nianzhi would actually be able to bring a broken limb back to life...

  Everything that happened just now is vividly in my eyes, still in front of my eyes.

  Zhao Gao clearly remembered the feeling that he was beginning to change. Zhao Gao suddenly felt that this time, he really seemed to bet right...

  "My subordinate Zhao Gao pays a visit to Mr., and from now on, he will follow the lead, the eagle in his hand." Zhao Gao is a person who is good at seizing opportunities. He feels that this is his skill, so Zhao Gao knelt down decisively on the ground and began to look towards him. Confucius gave a great gift.

  "Get up." Kong Nianzhi nodded.

  "Yes, sir." Zhao Gao knelt down for a long time before getting up.

  The next moment, a fist the size of a sandbag was getting bigger and bigger in front of Zhao Gao's eyes. Zhao Gao could only watch the fist approaching, but it was too late to make any action!


  Finally, the fist touched Zhao Gao's cheek, Zhao Gao seemed to be hit by a train, and a terrifying wave burst from the place where the fist and cheek touched!

  The tables and chairs in the room were disturbed by the strong wind and began to sway!

  Kong Nianzhi waved his hand, the escaping air wave disappeared immediately, and then there was a smile in his eyes, chasing Zhao Gao, who was still shooting in the air and was about to crash into the wall!

  Kong Nianzhi waved his hand, the escaping air wave disappeared immediately, and then there was a smile in his eyes, chasing Zhao Gao, who was still shooting in the air and was about to crash into the wall!


  Turning around, he kicked Zhao Gao's waist and abdomen with a heavy kick. The clothes on Zhao Gao's back were instantly blasted by the energy of his body, and then flew down the room!

  At this time, Zhao Gao, who was flying in the sky, was really about to cry. He didn't know if he did something wrong or said something wrong. Why was he suddenly beaten, and now he can't even fall to the ground? ...


  Just when Zhao Gao was about to hit the ground at such a high speed, Kong Nianyi grabbed Zhao Gao's collar and threw him to the ground.

  In the room, it was still the same as before, and it was not damaged at all.

  "Cough cough! Sir... Did your subordinates do something wrong?" After landing, Zhao Gao screamed for a long time, but he immediately got up and knelt towards Kong Nianzhi.

  · · Flowers · · ·

  Zhao Gao is a slave, and a sensible slave, so he knows what to do when.

  Zhao Gao didn't know why Kong Nianzhi wanted to beat him, but the fault... must be himself.

  "You didn't do anything wrong." Kong Nianzhi shook his head with a smile and sat back on the chair.


  "Then... sir?" Zhao Gao was stunned, and then asked cautiously.

  "Do you think I did it on purpose?" Kong Nianzhi had a smile in his eyes, looking like he was in a good mood.

  "...Subordinates dare not." Zhao Gao hurriedly bowed his head in fear.

  "Yes, I did it on purpose." Kong Nianzhi's words suddenly came, which made Zhao Gao immediately stunned.


  Kong Nianzhi seems to be in a good mood now.

  However, at this time, Zhao Gao's mood could not be improved. He now had [-] words in his heart that he wanted to talk about.

  This was beaten for no reason, but it was intentional, this... bullying honest people!

  "How do you think you can withstand my attack?" Kong Nianzhi shook his head with a smile, and then said something meaningful, although Kong Nianzhi didn't exert any strength at all, he just used a little strength, but this A trace of strength is definitely not something Zhao Gao can stop.

  Ok? !


  Zhao Gao's pupils shrank, and he reacted instantly!

  Kong Nianzhi is right, according to the records about Kong Nianzhi's intelligence, Kong Nianzhi possesses a terrifying strength that is unparalleled in the world.

  Not to mention Kong Nianzhi's attack, it is estimated that a hundred of them would have been slapped to death with a single slap. Then... why did I not get hurt after a few slaps, I just felt pain...

  "I gave you a drop of my blood, and then you awakened the power of the still blood suit and the Quincy." Looking at Zhao Gao, who was puzzled, Kong Nianzhi simply told Zhao Gao about the Quincy. intelligence.

  When he just attacked Zhao Gao, Kong Nianzhi discovered that Zhao Gao's wrist watch was protected by a static blood suit, and every attack would produce a branch-like pattern to buffer all attacks.

  But... Zhao Gao is a flawed Quincy! .

Chapter 420: The Pit Brother Crazy Red Lotus! (for full order)

  According to what Kong Nianzhi just thought, giving Zhao Gao a drop of blood should be a pure blood quencher or an ordinary quencher.

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