Suddenly, a strange white mist was rising in front of him, and thick and almost substantive spirits could be seen everywhere. The thousand-year-old stalactites that all the people in the rivers and lakes dreamed of were everywhere, as if they were rotten streets in the caves.

  Kong Nianzhi and Fei Yan felt refreshed standing here, because the Quincy Master is a family that uses spiritual children. The spiritual children in this place are too dense, even if they take a breath, they are full of them. The spirit child, the pores of Hun Shen opened unconsciously, instinctively absorbing the spirit child materialized in the air.

  Pieces of stone stream dripped with amber-like condensed fat, which condensed the moment it fell on the ground, forming a small piece of suet-like object.

  Under the stone stream, countless densely packed ten thousand years of profound ice froze and bloomed, and the heights and lows were connected to form a sea. It was impossible to count how many billions of them. The biting cold was spreading, but the 967 dripping amber cream did not freeze.

  On the wall, it is no longer the simple black strange stone, but some mysterious patterns appear. A noble phoenix is ​​very elegant and volleyed on the dome wall. The agility is terrifying, as if it will be resurrected from the dome wall at any time.

  Every feather is lifelike, filled with the feeling of a flame, and even at a glance, it will feel a little dry.

  Underneath the phoenix, a terrifying fire of world-annihilation was burning. The phoenix gradually slept here forever, and then turned into an egg with a flame pattern, where it broke the eggshell and gained a new life.

  This is the legend of Phoenix Nirvana!

  Looking around, this place is as charming as a fairyland, so Feiyan couldn't help but indulge in it, and wanted to see the scenery here thoroughly.

  Kong Nianzhi sighed, as expected, she is a girl who likes shiny things...


  "I'm back to my senses." Kong Nianzhi gently slammed Feiyan's small drum, and Feiyan suddenly woke up with a wave of flesh.

  "Yeah! Husband...(bddh) You..." Feiyan pouted, clutching her trousers in embarrassment, looking at Kong Nianzhi angrily.

  "Don't look at it, we have to keep going." Kong Nianzhi muttered angrily, and walked along a narrower and narrower path on the stone stream.

  "Husband...what is this place." Feiyan bit her chin, her eyes flashing with a blurred color, she stretched out her little hand and beckoned, and a small section of Wannian Xuanbing suddenly snapped from the ice. It flew towards Feiyan, and with the break of this section of Wannian Xuanbing, the main body of Wannian Xuanbing immediately began to repair automatically, and returned to its original appearance in the blink of an eye.


  Grabbing Wannian Xuanbing in his hand, Feiyan's small hand began to wave the dendritic lines of the still blood suit, which could be clearly seen by the naked eye.

  The Wannian Xuanbing, which could instantly freeze a lake, was caught by Feiyan, but it did not cause any damage to Feiyan at all.

  The Wannian Xuanbing, which could instantly freeze a lake, was caught by Feiyan, but it did not cause any damage to Feiyan at all.

  Feiyan looked at the crystal clear ice crystals curiously, and the colorful lights flickered like a dream.

  "It should be an incredible place." Kong Nianzhi's Fengjiao sneered, and as he got closer, Kong Nianzhi's feeling became stronger.

  This can't go wrong!

  "This is the last stop of life and the beginning of life." Kong Nianzhi squinted and explained to Feiyan.


  "What?!" Fei Yan was suddenly startled, the ice crystal in her hand slipped directly from her hand and made a crisp collision sound with Shi Jian, and then fell towards Wannian Xuanbing below.

  "There is no such thing as hell reincarnation at this time." Kong Nianzhi sneered, the existence of the Quincy has already interfered with the order of heaven and earth, because the souls of the existences killed by the Quincy will be swallowed up by Kong Nianzhi, rather than into reincarnation.

  If there were such things as Lord Yama, hell and reincarnation, I'm afraid they would have jumped out and wanted to destroy Kong Nianzhi long ago.

  "But mass is conserved, and the total amount of the world is like this. No matter what changes or processes take place, its total mass remains the same. The world's resources have always been so many, so there will be changes in life and death. What you get, will return to nature and become a part of the world after death." Kong Nianzhi smiled, looking at a stone gate that suddenly appeared in front of him, and then accelerated towards the stone gate.

  "The same is true for the soul. The total amount remains unchanged and conserved. There is no reincarnation in this world. After all people die, their souls will stay in the world more or less for a period of time." Hearing Fei Yan with relish, Kong Nianzhi cleared his throat and continued speaking.

  "Their memories will also disappear with the passage of time, the soul will be broken little by little and completely disappear, and finally reintegrate... the river of life!" Kong Nianzhi's eyes suddenly deepened.

  "And the river of life is the end of this world, and the starting point of all life. All souls gather here, and then get a new life again. This... is reincarnation." Kong Nianzhi stopped and looked at In front of this is a huge stone gate with a height of dozens of meters.

  The material of this stone gate is special, water and fire are invulnerable, swords cannot be broken, and even the top swordsmen cannot leave a scratch on this stone gate.

  Above the stone gate, iron chains of the thickness of the man's waist were entwined in layers, and they were tightly blocked. Obviously, they did not want anyone to open the stone gate.

  "Husband...then behind this stone gate, is that what you said...the river of life?!" At this moment, Feiyan was a little stunned, she felt that her little head was not enough, even now Fei Yan's mind was completely screened by a bunch of question marks.

  In fact, Feiyan is very smart, definitely not under Tian Yan's ingenuity, but what Kong Nianzhi said is too appalling, Feiyan needs a little time to digest.

  At this time, upon hearing Fei Yan's words, Kong Nianzhi nodded.

  "That's right, the back... must be the river of life!"

  PS: Regarding the next world... The author will send a vote, the webpage can see it, and it should be refreshed on the 1st....

Chapter 474 Pure Soul!

  Soon, Kong Nianzhi and Feiyan stood in front of Shimen.

  The whole body of Shimen is a kind of strange dead gray, with densely packed strange runes engraved on it, forming one after another very mysterious pattern, and in the most central position of Shimen, a huge blue dragon is lifelike, and its two eyes are radiating. With the deep blue light, a very terrifying coercion loomed over this space.

  That's it!

  Kong Nianzhi closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The place behind Shimen exuded a very dull soul fluctuation, which was what Kong Nianzhi felt under Yu Yuan.

  "Let's go take a look." Kong Nianzhi's eyes were deep, and Feiyan slowly walked forward as Kong Nianzhi's words fell.


  Fei Yan frowned slightly, and then the golden flame suddenly began to skyrocket!

  The sleeve embroidered with the three-legged Golden Crow slipped down, revealing a delicate and slender forearm. Fei Yan let out a coquettish drink, and all the flames were instantly condensed in Fei Yan's hands.

  The terrifying temperature seemed to even start to burn the air, and the scalding heat wave spread, and in the blink of an eye, a hazy mist of water rose in the grotto.


  Feiyan's cold eyes stared at the Shimen in front of her, and then all her internal energy poured into her slender palm, and she slammed it on Shimen!


  The dull sound resembling a lightning strike rolled out, and the ground seemed to vibrate, but the gray stone door was completely unaffected by the attack of the red smoke. On the huge stone door, let alone a crack, there was not even a trace of stone chips splashed. .

  "How is this possible?!" Fei Yan was stunned, her eyes widened, and she looked at Shimen, who had nothing at all.

  Feiyan had used all her internal strength just now, even if the iron in front of her was black iron, Feiyan was confident that she could punch a hole in it, and at worst, she could punch a dent.

  But what is in front of him is clearly a stone, but it is even stronger than black iron.

  "The material of this stone gate is a bit special. Internal force, sword energy, water and fire can't destroy it. You can try it with a spirit child." Feiyan's charming and innocent appearance made Kong Nianzhi quite moved, seeing Feiyan's pink and tender appearance. On the flap, Kong Nianzhi had the throbbing of wanting to hold down Fei Yan and savor it, but Kong Nianzhi endured it for the time being.

  Feiyan took a deep breath and mobilized her spirit with Quan Shen, but she was a little angry now.

  Her husband was right in front of her, and this stone gate actually made Feiyan make a joke. Once the woman's anger rose, it was no less than a fire that was extinguished.


  The spirit in the air solidified for a moment, and then quickly rioted. In the blink of an eye, a raging golden flame ignited on the side of Fei Yan. This golden flame seemed to be the same color as the previous flame, but carefully. Observing, you can see a ray of glass-like rainbow light in the flame!

  And... the temperature is even more terrifying!

  In a blink of an eye, the spirits in the cave condensed into a liquid, flowing in Fei Yan's hands, pouring into the burning flame.


  The golden-yellow flame soared for a while, then turned into a three-legged golden crow, made a fierce cry, and dragged a long flame towards the huge stone gate!


  After the impact, a sound like the flow of magma sounded, and billowing smoke was steaming from the stone gate. Through the thick smoke, one could see the place where the three-legged Golden Crow collided, and a huge hole was burned by the high temperature of the flame of the spirit. !

  All around are solidified and baked into glass-like crystals at high temperature. Ordinary people are afraid that they will be burned to death by this high temperature when they are within a distance of tens of meters.

  All around are solidified and baked into glass-like crystals at high temperature. Ordinary people are afraid that they will be burned to death by this high temperature when they are within a distance of tens of meters.

  However, this high temperature is obviously useless to Kong Nianzhi and Fei Yan.

  "Let's go, Feiyan." Kong Nianzhi nodded, directly ignoring the terrifying high temperature, and walking towards the entrance of the cave, Feiyan responded with a coquettish voice and followed Kong Nianzhi's Shen Hou.

  After walking a distance of about ten meters, Kong Nianzhi's eyes suddenly lit up!

  There is a faint transparent river in front of you, exuding green light, this is the river of life!

  Kong Nianzhi could feel that this entire river is made up of souls. This river has no source and no end, and just flows in the deepest part of the planet.

  "Is this... the River of Life?!" Fei Yan was dumbfounded, and suddenly clenched Kong Nianzhi's sleeves tightly, and fine beads of sweat ooze out from the palms of her little hands.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

  "That's right, that's it." Kong Nianzhi responded, and then slowly walked towards the river of life.

  The river in front of you gives people a very clear, pure, transparent, pure feeling.

  All the beautiful words can be used to describe this river of life, and even so, it cannot even be used to describe the perfection of the river of life.


  The footsteps stopped, and a fresh but slightly cool wind blew. Kong Nianzhi stopped by the river of life, then stretched out his hand and slowly squatted down on Shenzi.


  "Husband, wait a minute!" Fei Yan's eyes flashed a trace of nervousness, she trotted all the way to Kong Nianzhi's Shen side and grabbed Kong Nianzhi's big hand.


  Ok? !

  Kong Nianzhi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Feiyan suspiciously, and after seeing the concerned look in Feiyan's beautiful eyes, he smiled at random.

  "Don't worry, it's fine, there won't be any danger for us here." Kong Nianzhi laughed and broke free from Feiyan's little hand, then inserted his hand into the river of life, and gently held a small handful of crystal clear Clear river water.

  "Look, it's alright." Kong Nianzhi smiled softly at Fei Yan, and then tilted his big hand, all the river water suddenly gathered in the river again, leaving no water stains on Kong Nianzhi's hands, not even at all. Wet Kong Nianzhi's hand.

  "It's amazing." Feiyan's eyes flashed with the brilliance of stars, and she looked at the river of life in front of her in surprise.

  Kong Nianzhi smiled, then directly stepped into the river.

  "The river of life cannot hurt Quincy, but if an ordinary person steps into the river of life, his prudence will not be hurt in any way."

  "But... his soul will be gradually assimilated by the river of life, and eventually become part of the river of life."

  Feiyan is very smart, she immediately understood the meaning of Kong Nianzhi's words, and followed Kong Nianzhi into the river of life, and then curiously asked another question that troubled her.

  "What is recorded on the bronze stone wall in the ancient temple...won't be...".

Chapter 475 A drop in the ocean!

  "The record on the bronze stone wall in the ancient temple...isn't the person who built the stone gate below." Feiyan's eyelids jumped, and she suddenly remembered this question.

  "No, they should be two groups of people." After pondering for a while, Kong Nianzhi slowly walked forward and spoke again.

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