Outside Feixue Pavilion, Kong Nianzhi quickly followed Jing Ke's residual internal power fluctuations to find him.

  I saw that Jing Ke and Gao Jianli were being besieged by dozens of good players. None of these people's internal power fluctuations were below second-rate, most of them were first-rate players.

  I saw that Jing Ke and Gao Jianli were being besieged by dozens of good players. None of these people's internal power fluctuations were below second-rate, most of them were first-rate players.


  Kong Nianzhi's figure suddenly appeared on the roof, and he laughed teasingly: "I said you two, what bad things did you do? You were knocked on the door by so many people, do you need my help?"

  During the melee, Jing Ke didn't notice that Kong Nianzhi had come here.

  His expression changed in an instant, not only did he not thank Kong Nianzhi for the sudden appearance, but instead shouted anxiously: "This is the killer of the snare, don't worry about us, hurry up and protect my junior sister, my junior sister will ask you already."


  Kong Nianzhi's face became serious in an instant. This group of people used ruthless tactics to kill them. Even if their companions were injured or died, their expressions remained unchanged, and even their own lives could be trampled on at will, like a group of emotionless machines.

  This style is indeed a net no doubt.This group of trapped people will do whatever they can to complete the task, and maybe they will really take action against Gongsun Li!

  Jing Ke and Gao Jianli don't need to worry about themselves, the two of them join forces, these killers can't help them.

  Kong Nianzhi took a deep breath, sensed Gongsun Li's breath, and instantly disappeared into the field as an afterimage.

  The whistling wind passed by, Kong Nianzhi quickly returned to the private room, and Gongsun Li had disappeared as expected.

  Kong Nianzhi was not panicking. In such a short period of time, with a woman, the enemy would definitely not be able to go far.


  The super-senses belonging to the top masters were completely released. Kong Nianzhi was in control of the entire kilometer. He instantly discovered three sneaky men in black, one of whom was carrying a black sack. , the breath that belongs to Gongsun Li is in this black sack.

  As for the three men in black, Kong Nianyi could see at a glance that they were the three men of Zhao Yang.

  In this way, the mastermind behind the scenes is not the net, but the Yanyang of the Yan family.

  Kong Nianzhi's eyes narrowed, and his murderous aura disappeared in a flash, chasing after the three men in black.

  In an inn near Feixue Pavilion, Yan Yang was sitting alone at the table, drinking the sake slowly one by one, but the fingers he kept tapping on the table showed that his heart was not at peace.


  The sound of the door being pushed open sounded, and three men in black walked into the room carrying sacks.

  Yan Yang's eyes lit up, and she stood up instantly and said excitedly, "Is it her? Have you given the medicine?"

  "...Yes. Already fed"

  "Okay, you did a good job!" Yan Yang laughed, took out a porcelain bottle from his bosom, poured out two red pills and swallowed: "You have done well, come to my house tomorrow to receive the reward. ."

  As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately walked towards the sack on the ground impatiently.

  At this moment, a strange and mocking voice suddenly sounded in the room.

  "No matter how many rewards you have, you will have to spend your life."

Chapter 52 Wait until the chrysanthemum blooms! (new book for support)

  "who is it!"

  Yan Yang's face panicked, she turned around, and found Kong Nianzhi squatting on the window.

  The three subordinates also looked at Kong Nianzhi with amazed expressions, because if Kong Nianzhi didn't speak, they would never have noticed that there was another person in the room.

  "It's you." Yan Yang's face calmed down, and he shouted with gloomy eyes: "In the Feixue Pavilion, I have let you go, but you dare to come to me and kill him."

  These three men in black are all thugs recruited by Zhao Yang. As a son of the royal family who has no real power, he can't recruit any masters that are too powerful at all. All three of them are in their thirties, but they only barely entered The realm of super masters will stop here in this life. When they are disheartened, they also take refuge in Yanyang, and they can be regarded as scumbags.

  They looked at each other and rushed towards Kong Nianzhi.

  One of the skinny men in black was the fastest. He reached in front of Kong Nianzhi first and attacked Kong Nianzhi, who was still squatting on the window. A faint red internal force flashed on his hand, and he waved his fists. , but also with a not weak momentum.

  Kong Nianzhi made a random horizontal jump and stepped on top of the thin man's fist. Substantial internal force was wrapped around his hand, and he patted the thin man's Tianling cover.


  The thin man's eyes flashed coldly, his body seemed to have no bones, like a snake wrapped around Kong Nianzhi's body instantly, locking Kong Nianzhi's limbs tightly.

  "well done!"

  The sturdy black-clothed man who followed closely was immediately overjoyed, and his fists slammed into Kong Nianzhi's chest like a thunderbolt.


  The powerful fist collided with the unguarded chest, and the strong man was thrown out by the shock.

  The remaining short and fat man stopped in an instant and hesitated for a while.

  Kong Nianzhi tilted his head slightly and looked indifferently at the man who locked him: "Bone shrinking skill?

  The sturdy man who was lying on the ground couldn't recover for a while, his face panicked, and he shouted in a voiceless voice: "Old third, let go, the idea is tricky!"

  Of course, the skinny man also saw that this man was not easy to mess with. The strongest and strongest man among the three of them could not even break the man's most basic body-protecting infuriating energy.

  Just when the skinny man wanted to release the hands and feet that locked Kong Nianzhi's limbs, he suddenly found in horror that his hands and feet were stretched a little bit.


  Kong Nianzhi let out a cold snort, his body-protecting qi burst out with all his strength, and instantly set off a strong wind in the room. The wooden room was full of scratches caused by the radiating qi.

  The thin man who bore the brunt was the most miserable. The limbs that had not had time to loosen were stretched by dozens of centimeters in an instant. All the joints were turned into slag under the impact, and he fell limply to the ground. Of course, this time it was true. of no bones.

  The sturdy man's eyes were splitting, and his eyes were red and shouted: "Second child, we are not his opponents, take the third child, let's go."

  Although the strong man wanted to avenge the skinny man who became a cripple, he was more rational!

  The difference in strength is like a world of difference, even if the three of them work together, it is just a man’s arm blocking the car and courting death.

  The difference in strength is like a world of difference, even if the three of them work together, it is just a man’s arm blocking the car and courting death.

  "Want to go now? It's too late."

  Demonic whispers sounded.

  Kong Nianzhi's eyes were cold and cold: "I just saw that you like taking drugs? Then I will fulfill you."




  In the blink of an eye, the two men were also abolished by Kong Nianzhi, and they lay on the ground powerlessly.

  Yan Yang's eyes were red, and she took a few steps back with trembling all over her body. She said intermittently, "Don't come here, don't come here, I'm a son of the royal family of Yan..."

  Kong Nianzhi glanced at something that seemed to react between his retreats in disgust, and threw the three men who were slumped onto the bed, then grabbed the porcelain bottle in Yanyang's hand, and gave all the red pills to him. They were fed.


  He casually threw the empty porcelain bottle in his hand on the ground, and Kong Nianzhi walked towards Zhao Yang step by step with deep eyes.

  "...What do you want to do?"

  For some reason, seeing what this demon did, Yan Yang suddenly had some bad premonitions in his heart.

  "Do what? Do what you like to do, of course."

  Kong Nianyi grabbed Yan Yang's clothes, and the internal energy of his whole body violently poured into his body, sealing all his meridians.

  Yan Yang is just an ordinary person, how can the meridians withstand such a rude perfusion of internal force by Kong Nianzhi, and he screams with blood flowing out of his nostrils.

  But after a while, the whole body meridians of the Yanyang were blocked by Kong Nianzhi's internal force, and the whole person temporarily became paralyzed. Although this state would not last for a long time, it was enough for one night.


  A hand threw the immobilized Yanyang on the bed, and the three men who had the effect of the drug cuddled frantically. . .

  Kong Nianzhi was suddenly shivered by disgust, went to the sack that was twisting on the ground, untied the sack, and released Gongsun Li, but he did not expect that Gongsun Li, who was freed, would instantly entangle him like a water snake. Body.

  Breathing out like a blue orchid, he whispered softly in his ear: "...Kong Nianzhi...want me..."

  PS: The web version of the vote is already available. If you don’t want to go to the web, you can leave a message in the comments. I will count it.

Chapter 53 I'm going to have some pain every month... (new book for support)


  Kong Nianzhi's complexion changed, Yan Yang, a grandson thief, even asked his subordinates to catch Gongsun Li and give her the medicine. It seemed that when she was brought back, the effect of the medicine would just happen.

  The super perception spread completely, Kong Nianzhi quickly found an empty remote guest room, surrounded Gongsun Li, and disappeared into the room in an instant.

  In the other room, Kong Nianzhi also had a headache.

  This girl kept hugging him and shouting for her, which really made Kong Nianzhi a little unbearable.

  Forcibly pressing Gongsun Li on the boat couch, Kong Nianzhi slowly conveyed the gentle internal force into Gongsun Li's body, but what he didn't expect was that this internal force was instantly absorbed by Gongsun Li's body. After the medicine was absorbed, the effect of the medicine increased a little in an instant.


  This is how to do.

  Just when Kong Nianyi was a little flustered and didn't know what to do, he was already attacked by sister Gongsun Li. . .

  The host has changed the trajectory of Gongsun Li's life and obtained Gongsun Li's luck value of 10000 points.


  The early morning sun shone through the gap in the window, and there was a sound of birds chirping outside the window.

  Kong Nianzhi, who was stunned, also woke up.

  What is this TM!Looking at the sleeping girl in his arms, Kong Nianzhi scratched his hair violently. Nima was turned back by a loli last night?

  Kong Nianzhi never expected that he would have no power to turn over in the hands of a young lady.

  He just wants to know one thing now, what kind of medicine is this? It is so powerful that it not only makes Gongsun Li sober all the way, but also makes Gongsun Li a knight for a whole night without giving Kong Nian a minute. After the rest, the sky and the earth were torn apart, the water pierced through the rocks, and even the ship collapsed slightly. . .

  At this moment, Gongsun Li let out a snort, and her red and swollen eyes opened sleepily. She didn't know what was going on for a while, and gently snuggled into Kong Nianzhi's arms, trying to find someone. Sleep in a comfortable position for a while.

  But immediately, Gongsun Li woke up instantly and stared at the man lying beside her with wide eyes.

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