Chapter 511 Do you want to kill me too?

  On the other hand, Hu Hai, although he lost the innocence and kindness of Fusu, had more black belly and fierceness, but this was also a necessary element for a king.

  Ying Zheng is still in his prime, and he can live for a long time. Ying Zheng is confident that he can suppress all the current situation, so Fusu and Hu Hai are currently in Ying Zheng's inspection period. Until the last moment, Ying Zheng will choose to meet Qin. The most suitable heir to the country.

  Don't think that the eldest son has always succeeded the eldest son, so Ying Zheng will definitely let the eldest son succeed the throne.

  Ying Zheng's thoughts are not bound by those ancient laws and unspoken rules. In his eyes, only the rules made by him, not Ying Zheng's to abide by the rules made by others.

  "I don't like this child Hu Hai." Kong Nianzhi scratched his head and said in front of the father that he didn't like his child, which was really strange.

  "Okay, then I ordered Hu Hai not to go to Zilan Xuan to find Fusu in the future." Ying Zheng did not hesitate, and directly banned Hu Hai's feet. In his heart, Hu Hai's weight was obviously not comparable to that of Kong Nianzhi. And not to mention Hu Hai, not even Fusu.


  "Don't you want to know why I don't like him?" Kong Nianzhi's eyelids jumped, Ying Zheng was too decisive, he didn't hesitate at all.

  "If you want to talk, Mr. Ying Zheng will naturally tell Ying Zheng." Ying Zheng was very trustworthy, and did not want to explore why Kong Nianzhi did this, nor was he angry because Kong Nianzhi said he didn't like his children.

  Kong Nianzhi was silent.

  In the dim light flickering, Kong Nianzhi's face was looming, and Ying Zheng didn't say a word, the atmosphere seemed extremely strange.

  "Because Hu Hai will tamper with the will to kill Fusu, who should have succeeded him, and kill all his brothers and sisters, that is, all your children, including Yin Man, all of them will be dismembered and executed by him." After a short silence, Kong Nianzhi's eyes were deep and his voice was quiet.

  "How is this possible, how could Hu Hai do this!!!" Ying Zheng's pupils shrank, and he blurted out in disbelief. Although Hu Hai was surly and very dark-bellied, he kept hiding himself, but he never showed anything out of the ordinary. How could it be possible? to do such monstrous things.

  Fusu is Ying Zheng's favorite among all the sons, and Yin Man is Ying Zheng's favorite among all princesses. How could he allow Hu Hai to hurt them.

  Unless at that time... I was already dead.

  Ying Zheng suddenly thought of this loophole. If he was still alive, absolutely no one would dare to do such a thing. Even Hu Hai would have to live under his shadow. If Hu Hai could do such a thing, it means that at that time, I am no longer there.

  "How could you do this? Oh, and then there are even more extremes. After Hu Hai brutally killed all his brothers and sisters, he killed Zhongliang, killed brothers Meng Tian and Meng Yi, killed Li Si, killed... a large group of loyal People, all kinds of cruel atrocities, the scenes are shocking, and finally led to the death of Qin Ershi." Kong Nianzhi sneered and listed all the atrocities of Hu Hai to Ying Zheng.

  "..." Ying Zheng was silent, it was hard to imagine that Hu Hai would do such a terrifying thing.

  But in the next second, Ying Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up, because from Kong Nianzhi's words, one thing can be clearly sorted out. At that time, Hu Hai was in charge of the Qin state. That is to say, this is what will happen in the future. .

  And how much more than the first and second generation of Qin? !

  And how much more than the first and second generation of Qin? !

  If Hu Hai succeeded to the throne after Ying Zheng's death, Hu Hai should not be the second emperor of Qin. Since Hu Hai is the second emperor of Qin, it means that...

  "Sir, you mean that in the future, Ying Zheng will wipe out the vassal states!" Ying Zheng looked at Kong Nianzhi in surprise.

  If someone else said what happened in the future, Ying Zheng would definitely regard this person as a liar and slap him directly.

  But the person who said this was Kong Nianzhi, not the liars.

  "Who knows what will happen in the future." Kong Nianzhi snorted and waved his hand directly. He was just infected by Ying Zheng's emotions, and he stopped talking for a while, but it was obvious that what he said would not work. May be back again.

  Ying Zheng took a deep breath, and the turbulent emotions gradually calmed down. Although Kong Nianzhi did not answer him, Ying Zheng knew what Kong Nianzhi looked like.

  In the future, he will indeed wipe out the vassal states and establish an unprecedented dynasty!

  "Sir, not only is his knowledge shocking the past, but he is also able to understand the future, and his own strength has long been like an immortal, and he can easily destroy a country with one person's strength. In front of Mr. It's all just a joke."

  "What's more, the invisible empire in the hands of Mr. has already surpassed the national power of the vassal states."

  "As long as Mr. wants to do it, no one can survive under Mr. even if the whole country tries to protect it."

  "That's why the kings of the various vassal states regard the husband as a thorn in the flesh and wish to get rid of the husband, but... they dare not do so because they cannot afford the terrible consequences of failure."

  "Sir is really a genius." Ying Zheng's tone was very emotional.

  200 "Then are you the same as the kings of the vassal kingdoms, wishing you were in addition to me, or I would die suddenly one day." Kong Nianzhi asked suddenly.

  "Of course not, because Mr. Ying Zheng's ambition does not conflict with Mr. Ying Zheng's. Ying Zheng wants to become an unprecedented king and unify the warring states that make the common people suffer and suffer, but Mr. is very elegant and doesn't like to be this kind of worldly world. The rushing king." Ying Zheng smiled very calmly.

  In fact, this is also the reason why Ying Zheng has always believed in Kong Nianzhi. He is an absolute king. If there is a conflict between Kong Nianzhi's ambition and Ying Zheng's ambition, Ying Zheng will definitely choose to be the enemy of Kong Nianzhi.

  The reason why Ying Zheng has always treated Kong Nianzhi with sincerity, never slackens any slack, and does not even allow anyone to slack off Kong Nianzhi is because of this.

  Kong Nianzhi nodded speechlessly, but Ying Zheng saw it very clearly. If he wanted to, Kong Nianzhi could easily become the king of a country, but Kong Nianzhi really didn't like being a king or anything.

  Because it is really tiring, there are endless government affairs to deal with every day, and I don’t even have time for myself. No matter how well you do it or not, someone will stab you in the back and scold you every day. .

Chapter 512 Ying Zheng's Ambition!

  It's fine if you're a stupefied king, you don't care about anything, you can spend all day drinking and drinking, but if you say no, you'll be knocked off one day.

  If it is Mingjun, look at Ying Zheng and you will know that he is dealing with political affairs repeatedly every day, quelling riots or natural and man-made disasters in various places, and then he has to be scolded by the nose before he has a good reputation.

  This is clearly a thankless effort, and Kong Nianzhi would not do such a thing.

  Ying Zheng got up slowly, then came to the pavilion in the main hall, pushed open the window, and saw Genie standing on Wa Shuo.

  A mist of water with a hint of coldness began to fill the room, and entered the house along the window.

  "In the next few years, there will be a steady stream of talented people who will become officials of the Qin state, all thanks to the papermaking skills given by Mr. Ying Zheng." Ying Zheng looked down at the palace, and then his eyes were even more Through the hazy fog, overlooking the entire royal city.

  "This is a good thing." Kong Nianzhi nodded, only by constantly learning knowledge can progress be made, and only by progress can we not be beaten.

  Throughout the ages, China has always been the center of the world. All high-tech technologies are basically spread from China to other places. Whether it is papermaking, compass, or even gunpowder, all kinds of inventions and creations are in China. created.

  And all the inventions of the Central Plains people are for one thing, and that is life, yes, yes, life.

  Think about it carefully, all the inventions of the Central Plains people are for the convenience of life, not for the increase of national strength or other things, so gunpowder will eventually be invented by the West.

  And more importantly, many emperors are disgusted with the emergence of these inventions, because the smarter the people, the less conducive to the emperor's rule, and this is the final seclusion of the country, resulting in a situation of beatings.

  This is exactly what differentiates Ying Zheng from other emperors. Before Ying Zheng acquired the art of making paper, Qin claimed to implement a policy of ignoring the people, preventing the common people from being knowledgeable and literate.

  In addition, a whole set of systems was used to restrain and control the common people. At that time, apart from the nobles and commoners, there were many slaves, migrants and other people of lower status, and the supervision of them was even stricter, so there were very few people in the lower class with culture.

  If the common people want to stand out, they can only join the army, kill the enemy constantly to obtain military merits and then be named military generals, but after Ying Zheng obtained the papermaking skills, he is very decisive to carry out reforms, so that many poor people can afford to go to school and learn some Knowledge.

  Although paper is still a bit expensive now, compared to heavy and expensive bamboo slips, paper is too cheap and can be accepted by many ordinary people, and books can be recycled many times.

  This has greatly increased the talent reserve of the Qin state. Maybe nothing can be seen now, but in one year, two years, three years... [-] years later, a steady stream of talented people will be hired by the Qin state. Greatly enhanced the strength of the Qin state.

  With the support of talents, and learning about the future from Kong Nianzhi, Ying Zheng's heart began to agitate...

  "I want to build something 々ˇ." A fire called ambition flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes.



  "What do you want to build?!" Kong Nianzhi's expression was stunned for a moment, and then he asked Ying Zheng, now that the Huns, that is, the Hu people in the north are gone, Ying Zheng should not need to build the Great Wall.

  "I want to build a Qin Zhi Road. This Qin Zhi Road runs through the entire Qin country. Wherever the territory of the Qin country expands in the future, this Qin Zhi Road will be built wherever, and a water conservancy will be built to connect..." Ying Zheng opened. After talking, he couldn't stop, and began to confide his ambitions to Kong Nianzhi, and Gai Nie, who was standing outside, also listened with relish.


  Kong Nianzhi's scalp was numb. Is this Ying Zheng so ill-tempered? Qin Zhidao and water conservancy projects are all generous. Once completed, it will be very convenient for Qin's troops to go wherever they want.

  Ying Zheng has made his ambitions known to the public. Once he builds the Qin Zhidao and the water conservancy project, he will almost tell the feudal lords directly that he is going to make a big move.

  But... Qin's current national strength should not be able to withstand Ying Zheng's toss.

  The construction of Qin Zhidao and water conservancy all required terrifying financial resources, materials and manpower, and neither of them would work. The reason why Ying Zheng became a tyrant, and the reason why the Qin state died for the second time, was largely because of Ying Zheng's various Tibet construction projects. have to.

  However, when Ying Zheng was alive, he did not dare to jump out and do anything. Ying Zheng directly suppressed everything with his personal domineering. Countless terrible things have been done.

  Ying Zheng's ambition is too big, his steps are too hasty, and he wants to achieve too many things in his lifetime, which will lead to the end of Qin's final demise.

  Thinking about it carefully, when Ying Zheng was in power, he built countless projects, such as the Great Wall of Ten Thousand Miles, Qin Zhidao, Afang Palace, Terracotta Warriors, Emperor Qin's Mausoleum, Lingqu... Then he carried the infamy of a tyrant.

  Among them, Qin Zhidao may not be very famous, but it can be said to be the most important of all the fortifications!

  Qinzhi Road has a total length of more than 700 kilometers and a pavement width of 20-60 meters. This road is very spacious and convenient, and has been used for more than [-] years.

  In history, Qin State was invaded by the Huns. Meng Tian led the cavalry to attack, and in just one day and one night, he rushed from Qin State to Hudi and defeated the Xiongnu. This greatly facilitated Ying Zheng's patrol and coordination Soldier general.

  ".々Then you have to take it easy, don't make trouble to the common people, then the trouble will be angered and resentful." Ying Zheng was determined, and Kong Nianzhi didn't bother to persuade him any more, so he could only ask Ying Zheng to pay attention to the wishes of the people .

  "Ying Zheng understands." Ying Zheng nodded. He had already started planning these things in his heart, and he had already thought about the coolies that would be used to build these fortifications.

  Although the barbarians in the north had been wiped out by Kong Nianzhi, there were still many leftovers, and it was only appropriate to use these barbarians as coolies.

  They are just a group of animals, used for construction, even if they are exhausted, they will not let the people of Qin have any complaints, and maybe they will applaud.

  PS: Today is the last day of National Day, and I have to go to work tomorrow. The fat house is crying... so sad.

Chapter 513 Buy One Get One Free!

  A little bit of cold air entered the room, Ying Zheng felt a chill, and then put on a coat, which made him feel much warmer.

  "As expected, Han Fei should arrive at Qin State in a short period of time and help you realize your grand plan." Kong Nianzhi leaned against the bed and looked at the soldiers patrolling in the palace.

  In the dark night, the torches they held were so conspicuous, but in the hazy fog they looked like ghost fires, and they could only see firelight fluttering one after another, and then a blurry figure walked past.

  "Sir, this is true!" Ying Zheng looked at Kong Nianzhi in surprise, Ying Zheng suddenly felt that Kong Nianzhi became more and more cute, and then he didn't mind that Kong Nianzhi interrupted him to make a villain in the middle of the night. .

  In Ying Zheng's heart, Han Fei's talent is absolutely astounding. Except for Kong Nianzhi, Han Fei can definitely be called the first, and Han Fei's ideas and thoughts are more in line with Ying Zheng's. , At this point, even Li Si, who has become the prime minister of the Qin state, has to stand on the side.

  When he was in Korea at that time, Ying Zheng went to Xinzheng specially for Han Fei, but Han Fei did not agree with Ying Zheng to help him in the end. In the end, after the fall of Korea, he chose to return to the small sage village of Sanghai in Qi State.

  910 This is a regrettable place for Ying Zheng, but it is precisely because of the South Korean team that Ying Zheng met Kong Nianzhi.

  If he had to choose between getting Han Fei and getting to know Kong Nianzhi, Ying Zheng would still choose to know Kong Nianzhi. After all, Han Fei couldn't compare to Kong Nianzhi.

  "Really, I went to Songhai this time, and then I asked Honglian to help me persuade Han Fei. Zhang Liang should come together after studying." Kong Nianzhi smiled and nodded. As for how to convince Han Fei. .. of course, it was persuaded by the violence of the red lotus.

  The current Korea was not destroyed by Qin, so Han Fei and Ying Zheng had nothing to do with them.

  In addition, Han Fei should be worried about Red Lotus. After all, Red Lotus is his compatriot, so Han Fei decided to come to Qin State himself, so that although he does not say that he sees Red Lotus every day, he can see him often. Red lotus.

  Kong Nianzhi's subordinates are not short of Han Fei's suggestions, so he simply threw him to Ying Zheng, which made Han Fei harm Ying Zheng.

  "It's great!" Ying (bdfc) Zheng suddenly felt very happy, and he had heard of Zhang Liang's talent, so it was really not a loss to buy one get one free.


  "I'm gone, don't delay you and continue to make a villain with that concubine." Kong Nianzhi smiled abusively and disappeared directly in front of Ying Zheng, who was a little excited. As for Gai Nie, he had already told Kong Nianzhi. The speed of turning a blind eye is accustomed to.

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