"Why does your room smell of blood!" As the man's words fell, the rich purple internal force began to spread, and locked the little spirit standing in the room.

  The atmosphere has frozen to the extreme, and the scene... is about to explode!

  "Oh, you said this, I accidentally hurt myself when I practiced the exercises today, and all the disciples of Kibu can testify for me." Xiaoling sneered, then rolled off his sleeves.

  There, a wound was wrapped in a long white cloth, and a little blood was oozing out.

  "Hmph, trash." The man sneered disdainfully, waved his hand, and suddenly many people evacuated the courtyard belonging to Xiaoling.

  When everyone disappeared, Xiaoling's slightly ruddy face suddenly turned pale again, and a mouthful of blood sprayed directly to the ground...

Chapter 539 Bronze opens, ask Gongshuo!

  The shadow of the moon is gorgeous, and the bright moonlight falls on the bluestone ground through the crack of the door.

  With the departure of the inspectors, Xiaoling's whole body quickly deteriorated, and the serious injury became more serious in the blink of an eye.

  Just now, he forcibly used the Taoist exercises to reluctantly restore his blood energy, but this is a secret technique that will damage the root, and after the time is over, his Shenshang's injury will become more serious.

  Can't go on like this!

  Xiaoling leaned against the door and watched people coming and going through the gap in the door. His injury is too serious now, and at Yin Yang's house there is not much time for him to slowly recover from his injury.

  I'm afraid... it will be exposed soon!

  Damn, it was almost there, Xiaoyi had already been found!


  Xiaoling angrily hit the ground with a fist, and the knuckles of his fingers suddenly burst into a cloud of blood, but Xiaoling completely ignored it.

  No matter what, there must be a way!

  Time passed little by little, but Xiaoling, who was in a chaotic mind, suddenly lit up, he... Can he help the little uncle? ! 690

  The relationship between Kong Nianzhi and the Yin-Yang family is quite special. Donghuang Taiyi seems to have a plan for Kong Nianzhi and does not allow anyone to be an enemy of Kong Nianzhi.

  If it was Kong Nianzhi, he might be able to help himself!

  Xiaoling's eyes gradually became firmer, and he dragged Shen Kui, who was in pain, onto the wooden couch. He wanted to heal his injuries, and then regained his ability to move to find Kong Nianzhi for help!


  The night is getting deeper.

  This is a somewhat quiet deep valley. It is only spring, but lush vegetation dots every part of this deep valley.

  The sound of insects chirping came and went, and from time to time, various small beasts scurried through the deep grass, and the smell of soil and grass was mixed, and there was a little fragrance.

  The towering trees rose from the ground and looked extraordinarily vibrant. The birds flew between the branches and leaves of the trees, and then stayed on the branches, watching curiously these two uninvited guests who came to this deep valley.


  Two slight air-breaking sounds sounded, and one black and one white shadows appeared in this deep valley at the far end in an instant, as if the space was broken.

  The steps stopped, Mo Crow's expression was flat, and the darkness in front of him did not cause him any trouble. After all, the crow... is a creature that belongs to darkness and death.

  Surrounded by frightened birds and beasts, the instincts of beasts are the most powerful, and they can feel the terrifying aura of death on the man in front of them.


  Another sound of landing sounded, Bai Feng picked up his hands, as if violating gravity, like a feather without the slightest weight, falling to the ground lightly.

  Another sound of landing sounded, Bai Feng picked up his hands, as if violating gravity, like a feather without the slightest weight, falling to the ground lightly.

  "Is that so?" Bai Feng frowned, the environment here made him a little disliked.

  "Yes, according to the information given to us, this is the place." Mo Ya nodded with a smile, then looked at a map in his hand and answered with certainty.

  The two of them have always been on missions together.

  The relationship between Mo Ya and Bai Feng is both a teacher and a friend. Mo Ya is a few years older than Bai Feng. Bai Feng was able to survive among the birds, all relying on Mo Ya's help behind him.

  Bai Feng's martial arts and knowledge are basically all taught by Mo Ya.

  If it follows the trajectory of the original book, Mo Ya will die at the hands of Ji Wuye in order to save Bai Feng, and even with all his strength, Ji Wuye will suffer a lot of damage, but it will not happen now. It's a matter, because Ji Wuye has been chopped off by the sword of Kong Nian, and even his soul has been destroyed.

  Kong Nianzhi has always been very at ease with Mo Ya, Mo Ya is not only like a brother, but also takes care of Bai Feng and his subordinates with all his heart, and Mo Ya is loyal enough to always treat Kong. Think of things done beautifully.

  "But... it's obviously all plants here, so there's nothing else." At this moment, Bai Feng's delicate brows wrinkled, and she looked around suspiciously, and then she became more certain that this place is just an ordinary place. Valley, nothing else.

  "Sometimes, seeing... may not be true." Mo Ya smiled evilly, not forgetting to teach Bai Feng some knowledge.

  "Why?!" Bai Feng wondered.

  "Let go of your spiritual pressure and feel it, and then you'll know everything." Mo Ya shook his head, some things, he still had to let Bai Feng experience it himself, and then he could have some experience.

  whispering sound!

  Bai Feng smiled lightly, being so suspicious, he was ready to mock Mo Ya for a while, but the next second, Bai Feng couldn't laugh anymore.

  boom! ,

  The white spiritual pressure burst open like a beam of light, and in an instant, it spread to an unknown number of miles, and the terrifying soul pressure was swept away in the area shrouded by the white phoenix spiritual pressure.

  Bai Feng's eyes were solemn: "It seems that you are right. Sometimes, seeing... may not be true."

  In Bai Fengling's sense of pressure, there was nothing to hide in front of him.

  Who would have thought that in this lush vegetation, towering trees and deep valleys, there is a unique cave!

  In this underground, there is a terrifying fortress like the Mojia Organ City hidden in it, and everything outside is just to hide the true location of the loser.

  "This is the genius of the Gongshu family. Using these things to confuse everyone's sight, no one can know that the Gongshu family is hiding in this inaccessible valley." It was ordered to find the Gongshu family.

  "I have a question, why did the Mo family and the Gongshu family become mortal enemies. They are both families who study mechanical techniques and should be good friends." Bai Feng was puzzled, and this question has troubled him for a long time. .

  "Even if they are all studying mechanical techniques, it doesn't mean that they will become friends, just like a disciple of a hundred families who will help different countries." Mo Ya smiled bitterly and began to explain to Bai Feng. The ins and outs of the reason why the Mo family and the Gongshu family became mortal enemies.

  In the world of Qin Dynasty, there is a saying, Mo family organs, wood and stone walk; bronze speaks, ask Gongshu.

  The Gongshu family was founded in Luban (Gongshuban), and like the Mo family, it is famous all over the world for being proficient in organ skills. For more than [-] years, it has been fighting with the Mo family. .

Chapter 540 Organization Fortress!

  The flashpoint of the conflict between the Mo family and the Gongshu family was a fight with Gongshuban, the founder of the Gongshu family, and Mozi, the founder of the Mo family.

  Three hundred years ago, among the countries, the state of Chu was very powerful, while the state of Song was very weak.In order to dominate the world, King Hui of Chu decided to attack Song and occupy his territory.

  The King of Chu found Gongshuban, the head of the Gongshu family, and paid a lot of money to ask the Gongshu family to build various weapons for him to siege the city.

  Gongshuban agreed to King Hui of Chu.

  Gongshu Ban, after all, is the first skilled craftsman who claims to be able to make bronzes speak. Using the combination of mechanism and siege killing, he helped the King of Chu create nine terrifying mechanisms. The King of Chu was very happy, rewarded the Gongshu family, and gathered them together. [-] large-army, ready to go to the Song Dynasty.

  The surrounding countries heard that the King of Chu was going to send such a huge army, and that they had the help of the Gongshu family. The relationship between the country and the emperor did not respond to Song Hou Zhaogong's plea for help.

  After Mozi heard the news, he set out from Song State, rested without rest, ate and drank dew, and traveled continuously for ten days and ten nights. Finally, he arrived at Chu State, met the King of Chu, and persuaded the King of Chu to give up attacking Song State.

  There is no reason to give up the delicious meal. Of course, the King of Chu refused to accept it. He showed the organs and weapons of the Gongshu family to the ancestors, saying that the Song Kingdom would be destroyed within three days.

  After Mozi read it, he warned the king of Chu that if he invaded the Song kingdom, his entire army would be wiped out and he would return with a disastrous defeat.

  The King of Chu did not believe it at all.

  Mozi said that he could use the Mojia organization and the Gongshujia organization to confront each other.If it fails, the king of Chu can go and destroy the Song state.

  Therefore, Mozi was in the hall of the King of Chu, in front of the generals of the state of Chu, and demonstrated the mechanical duel with the Gongshu class.

  The public losers attacked, the Mo family defended, and they had a total of nine duels.

  As a result, the Mo family won nine battles in nine battles, completely defeating the Gongshu family, and the Gongshu Ban completely lost to Mozi.

  The King of Chu and his generals were stunned.

  Gong Shuban's face was ugly, and he said insidiously that he had a way to defeat the Mo family and destroy the Song state.

  Mozi smiled slightly and said, "What you said was to kill me, right?"

  Hearing Gongshu's suggestion, the King of Chu immediately became murderous and ordered Mozi to be tied up.

  Mozi laughed loudly and said, "Actually, if you want to kill me, the king does not need to do anything. If the king is willing to retreat, I am willing to give my head and hands to the king."

  The King of Chu smiled sinisterly and said, "If you are willing to give me your head, I will give up attacking Song."

  Mozi looked at the King of Chu and said, "Your Majesty is a prince, so what you say might keep your promise?"

  The King of Chu nodded and said with a smile, "Of course, you have no joking words, and you will never regret it!"

  Afterwards, Mozi chopped off his head with a sword, then grabbed his head in one hand and the sword in the other, and walked in front of the King of Chu.

  Everyone present was completely stunned, and they all stared blankly, speechless.

  Mozi's head suddenly opened and said, "I have already offered my head, may the king keep his promise?"

  The King of Chu was completely taken aback. Looking at Mozi's head, he didn't dare to contact him at all. He nodded again and again: "Sir is really a god, I am willing to withdraw!"

  The King of Chu was completely taken aback. Looking at Mozi's head, he didn't dare to contact him at all. He nodded again and again: "Sir is really a god, I am willing to withdraw!"

  Only Gongshu came over, holding his head in his hands, he found that Mozi was looking at him with piercing eyes.

  Gong Shuo looked at it carefully, and suddenly shouted: "Your Majesty, this is a mechanic, not Mozi himself! His real body must be nearby!"

  Mozi stretched out his hand to retrieve the head, put it back on his neck, looked at Gongshu and said, "This is the non-offensive trick of the Mo family. If the Gongshuo comes, prepare to accept the most tragic failure!" After speaking, Mozi said. He turned around and left calmly, no one dared to stop him.

  The Song Kingdom was saved because of this, and the Gongshujia became mortal enemies with the Mohists from then on.

  "So that's the case." Bai Feng nodded suddenly. Although the Mo family and the Gongshu family were both practicing tactical techniques, their goals were completely different.

  The purpose of the Mo family is to love one's life, while the Gongshu family pursues the overbearing mechanism of slaughter.

  "Let's go, let's go meet the current head of the legendary Gong Loser, Gong loses revenge." Mo Ya smiled, and then found a groove under a big tree according to the records in the paper in his hand. , A gentle case, the ground suddenly began to vibrate.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·


  With a slight tremor, the ground in front of him suddenly cracked, and the grass that had been perfectly spliced ​​together cracked, revealing a continuous downward step.

  Mo Ya took the lead and walked in first, followed by Bai Feng. Just as the two of them went down, a sound of an organ sounded, and the grass was once again perfectly stitched together.

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