Ying Zheng's expression was gloomy, his forehead was slightly low, and the cold sweat was dripping on the ground as if uninterrupted, making a crisp ticking sound.

  The bloodshot in his eyes quickly faded away, and at the same time, branch-like lines seemed to penetrate Ying Zheng's watch, constantly flowing on his Quan Shen, sending out mysterious waves.

  A terrifying spiritual pressure continued to soar on Ying Zheng's Shenxue, spreading in all directions at a very terrifying speed.

  Under this kind of spiritual pressure, everyone just felt that Shen Kui didn't belong to them for a moment, and time and space seemed to be frozen.

  In the room, the tyrannical hurricane ripped apart everything, but after Kong Nianzhi waved his hand, the hurricane that could instantly destroy a house and Ying Zheng's skyrocketing Reiki disappeared instantly.

  This is Zilan Xuan, Kong Nianzhi is absolutely impossible for people to destroy here, and Ying Zheng's spiritual pressure at the moment is completely unbearable for ordinary people.

  If Ying Zheng continues to release his Reiatsu, I am afraid that all the souls of the nearby residents will be shattered.


  Suddenly, traces of silver-white electric arcs flickered continuously in the room, Ying Zheng looked curiously at the burst of electric light in his palm.

  The purple girl frowned, and her beautiful eyes first glanced at Kong Nianzhi softly, and then looked at Ying Zheng curiously.

  Ying Zheng's ability... seems to be somewhat similar to his own? !

  The purple girl was thoughtful.

  On Violet Girl's Shenku, the purple arc also began to jump, and all the flashing silver-white arcs were extinguished in an instant.

  "This...is the pure-blood Quincy?! Is this my power?! It's really a terrible power ¨"!" Although his power was directly crushed by the purple girl, Ying Zheng was still To be able to feel the horror of this developing force.

  Ying Zheng was in his thirties or even close to forty at this time. Due to long-term fatigue, Ying Zheng looked a little old.

  At this moment, the wrinkles from the corners of Ying Zheng's eyes and forehead began to gradually fade away, and at the same time some dry black hair began to become thick like ink.

  Shen Ge's bones made a loud bang, and Ying Zheng's Shen Gao was raised a little bit, and it was like rejuvenation, Ying Zheng's appearance has completely changed into his twenties!

  This is a person's best age, whether it is strength, energy and everything, it is all at the peak of time!

  Ying Zheng, who has been dealing with political affairs for a long time and even staying up late, has caused some problems with his eyes. He feels that his eyes are healthier than ever before.

  The dendritic lines gradually returned to Ying Zheng's body, flowing continuously in the body along with the blood, dispelling all the unfavorable factors in Ying Zheng's prudence and protecting Ying Zheng at the same time.

  Ying Zheng could feel that all hidden diseases and pains disappeared completely, as if they had never existed.

  Ying Zheng could feel that all hidden diseases and pains disappeared completely, as if they had never existed.

  Ying Zheng's eyes were bright, exuding a kind of flame-like light, in which the silver lightning flashed away,

  In the eyes of Ying Zheng, the world has never been so clear, Ying Zheng can even see the dust in the air, the colorful light flutters in the air, the memory of the awakening of the holy text makes Ying Zheng understand that this is the place where the quench master The strength to rely on - the spirit child.

  too strong!

  Ying Zheng's eyes were fiery, and he couldn't help clenching his fists. He couldn't help but start to get excited. He felt the violent power like a volcanic eruption. Ying Zheng even thought that he could destroy a city wall with one punch.

  Stronger than ever!

  This is the power of a pure blood quencher!

  Is this what immortality and immortality feel like? !

  "It's amazing." Nian Duan's beautiful eyes looked at Ying Zheng in a daze, no matter how many times he saw it, Nian Duan felt that the power of Kong Nianzhi was like the power of a god.

  With just a drop of blood, a person who is terminally ill and sentenced to death can be cured at will, and even a person's life and death can be ruled against the rules of nature.

  And most importantly, from now on, Ying Zheng is truly immortal!

  "Brother Ying Zheng, your holy text is called Judgment. I think you will like this power." Kong Nianzhi raised his eyebrows. This ability is considered to be carefully selected by Kong Nianzhi, although It's not the strongest ability, but it's definitely the top ability.

  "I like it, Ying Zheng likes the power of the gentleman very much, the verdict... This is the king's verdict!" Ying Zheng's horn evoked a domineering smile, his fingertips twitched, and a silver thunder flashed in the black sky. flashes, then disappears.

  No one would doubt Ying Zheng's intelligence, but it was only in an instant that Ying Zheng understood why Kong Nianzhi gave him the power of this ruling, and at the same time Ying Zheng directly added two words to this ruling, The verdict of becoming king!

  Judgment, as the name suggests, is the power of judgment, representing the power of judgment from God.

  Under the coverage of Ying Zheng's spiritual pressure, there will be a field that has no influence on everyone, but in the coverage of this field, Ying Zheng can arbitrarily lower the power of thunder and lightning to make judgments.

  As long as Ying Zheng's spiritual pressure is strong enough and can cover a large enough area, theoretically, Ying Zheng can even judge the whole world, but obviously that is not what Ying Zheng, who has just awakened the holy text to become a pure-blooded Quincy, can do. things are up.

  At this time, Ying Zheng, the area that Lingya can cover is probably only a few thousand meters in radius (Zhao Qianhao).

  This era is an era of ignorance, Baixin worships the gods, and the power of Lei is the most worshipped and feared power by the people, so this power is also the most suitable for Ying Zheng.

  As long as Ying Zheng intentionally uses the power that can control thunder and lightning in front of the people, in the hearts of the people, Ying Zheng will be deified and become the spokesperson of God, and Ying Zheng's prestige will be gained under the power of this ruling. Terrible increase.

  However, the power of this ruling is somewhat in conflict with the purple girl's control of Thunder, but Kong Nianzhi is a partial person, so... Ying Zheng's power is a bit more domineering, but it is actually not as good as the purple girl's power.

  Just like upper power and lower power, Purple Girl's thunder control can naturally suppress Ying Zheng's power. To a certain extent, Purple Girl's power can also be called... adjudication. .

Chapter 584 Murderous aura from the two women!

  As long as the place that the purple girl wants to attack is accurate enough, she can also create thunder to attack a certain place at will, even more powerful than Ying Zheng's.

  And as long as the Purple Girl Spiritual Pressure is not much weaker than Ying Zheng, the Purple Girl can even control the Thunder used by Ying Zheng at will.

  Will Purple Girl's Reiatsu be weaker than Ying Zheng's Reiatsu? !

  This is impossible, it will never happen in this life, Ying Zheng wants to catch up with Zi Nu in the intensity of spiritual pressure, I am afraid he will have to practice for a long, long, long, long, long time without eating, drinking, or sleeping. period of time.

  "Mr. Ying Zheng doesn't know how to thank him for his help to Ying Zheng." Until now, Ying Zheng's mood is still inexplicably excited and excited. strength.

  "It's better than this. Although it's a bit out of the way, Ying Zheng still wants to give Mr. money and other common things. I hope Mr. will like it." Ying Zheng thought about it for a while, and then felt that he had to express it a little bit.

  "Forget it, do you have a jade tiger or money? I don't want that little thing from you." Kong Nianzhi looked down at Ying Zheng with contempt, and waved his hand very boringly.

  money? !

  937 Ghosts want these things.

  To be honest, the Emerald Tiger has no idea how rich Confucius is now.

  You must know that before the Jade Tiger joined the invisible empire, when he did things for Ji Wuye, he was known as a rich and enemy country.

  Now the money owned by the Jade Tiger is even more terrifying. I don't know if it is dozens or even hundreds of times. Kong Nianzhi is really indifferent to money.

  "..." Ying Zheng twitched and fell silent.

  What Kong Nianzhi said was a bit troubling, but it was the truth.

  Ying Zheng was rich, very rich, and could even be said to be the richest among the vassal states.

  But to a certain extent, Ying Zheng can also be said to have no money and is the poorest.

  This may seem contradictory, but it becomes clear when you think about it.

  Ying Zheng's money is not only for himself, Ying Zheng's wealth needs to be used to maintain the expenses of the empire, but also to provide the army with weapons and supplies and other messy necessities, and also to build various buildings, At the same time, some money should be left to prevent disasters and use them for disaster relief.

  On the other hand, what about the dabe emerald tiger? !

  Then there is no need to worry about these things at all. All the Jade Tiger needs is to make money and make money again. The invisible empire does not have so many expenses, so the accumulated wealth is terrifying.

  Therefore, Ying Zheng is rich, but he really has no money, and Kong Nianzhi really doesn't look down on Ying Zheng's wealth.

  "That's it, I'll ask Zhao Gao to find some beautiful girls for Mr. I hope that Mr. will be happy..." Ying Zheng thought for a while this time, and then thought that the Zilan Xuan was still relatively empty, so he simply I'm going to find some beauties to fill Kong Nianzhi's house, so that this Zilan Xuan will be more lively.

  However, before Ying Zheng finished his words, he was suddenly interrupted by several consecutive coughs.

  "Cough cough!"

  "Cough cough!"

  "Cough cough!"

  The crisp coughs of the purple girl and the moon god sounded at the same time, and then the two girls looked at each other, nodded at the same time to reach a consensus, and then looked at Ying Zheng with their eyes that did not contain any emotion.

  At this moment, although Zi Nu and Luna were not very familiar with each other, they were both Kong Nianzhi's women, and they immediately cooperated to resist Ying Zheng's conspiracy to give Kong Nianzhi a woman.

  Tick ​​tock!

  A drop of cold sweat dripped down Ying Zheng's face and hit the wooden floor, splashing a patch of water.

  Ying Zheng wiped his cold sweat and felt a very terrifying murderous aura shrouded in his head. The two stunning beauties in front of him seemed to turn into a ghost at any moment and tear him apart, so Ying Zheng immediately changed his words.

  "Cough, I think it's better to forget it. Mr.'s confidantes are all beautiful in the world. If you think about coming, Mr. will look down on those rouge fans. Forget it." Defeated, he waved his hand with a smirk on his face.

  In the next second, the terrifying murderous aura and the biting cold air dissipated, as if it had never appeared before.

  Ying Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, then sat down carefully.

  "Cough cough, it seems to be getting late." At this moment, Kong Nianzhi coughed suddenly, then yawned, his eyes glanced back and forth over Luna and Zi Nushen unconsciously, thinking about the present day in his heart. Who should accompany you at night?

  Ying Zheng was very knowledgeable and knew that Kong Nianzhi had issued an expulsion order. Although he still wanted to communicate with Kong Nianzhi to discuss some things, he could only leave other issues for the next time.

  "Yeah, it's getting late, Ying Zheng is leaving, please rest well, sir." Ying Zheng got up and nodded at Kong Nianzhi, then walked towards the door, just as Ying Zheng was about to open the door When the time came, he stopped: "By the way, sir, you don't need to send it, you..."

  As soon as the words came out, Ying Zheng realized that he was being affectionate, because Kong Nianzhi had no intention of getting up to send him, and even Luna and Zi Nu were sitting on both sides of Kong Nianzhi, and had no intention of sending him off at all. his plan.

  Even if you don't want to send it... Anyway, be polite!

  Ying Zheng roared in his heart, then turned around a little embarrassedly and pushed open the door and walked out. Before taking a few steps, he saw Gai Nie and Zhao Gao who were waiting outside.

  "Your Majesty!" Zhao Gao bowed to Ying Zheng with a smile in his eyes. He could feel the familiar feeling in Ying Zheng's prudence, and as expected, Ying Zheng had become a Quincy.

  "Your Majesty!" Gai Nie also gave Ying Zheng a salute, and his eyes trembled involuntarily.

  This weird feeling...? !

  Since Ying Zheng has just become a pure blood quencher, he cannot control his own momentum and spiritual pressure very well, so at this moment Ying Zheng is like a light bulb, and the terrifying spiritual pressure and momentum have been released unconsciously all the time. .

  Gai Nie looked at Ying Zheng in astonishment. In Ying Zheng's Shen, Gai Nie felt a suffocating fear of death.

  This is impossible!

  Gai Nie shook his head vaguely, just now Ying Zheng was still an ordinary person who couldn't be ordinary, Gai Nie can say that he can beat a hundred people just like Ying Zheng.

  But at this moment, Ying Zheng was able to give Ga Nie a suffocating feeling of death, as if if Ga Nie and Ying Zheng fought, Ying Zheng might kill Ga Nie.

  What happened in this short brief moment? !

  Kong Nianzhi... what did he do to Ying Zheng! .

Chapter 585 This road ends here!

  Countless questions were entrenched in Genie's mind, but Genie couldn't figure it out at all, so he could only press down these questions temporarily, and followed Ying Zheng to the outside of Zilan Xuan.

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