Thinking of this, Han Fei couldn't help but look at the Reverse Scale Sword again, and then slowly opened the wooden scabbard with the Reverse Scale Sword.

  Said to be a scabbard, but in fact this is nothing more than a sword box.


  The moment the sword box was opened, the next second, more terrifying yin and murderous aura skyrocketed!

  A strange cloudy wind hissed, and in a blink of an eye, the dim lights in the room were extinguished.

  A strange cloudy wind hissed, and in a blink of an eye, the dim lights in the room were extinguished.

  Suddenly, the room fell into a terrifying darkness!

  An ancient sword with a blue and black body, which was completely broken, appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The body of the sword was shattered into several segments, and the hilt was in the pattern of a beast. All the yin and murderous aura were constantly rising from the sword!

  The entire room was instantly flooded with a terrifying, icy, piercing ominous aura. In this room filled with yin qi, murderous qi, and ominous qi, everyone felt cold all over their bodies, and their scalps were a little numb.


  A strange sound like a whisper of an evil spirit resounded in all directions, and a strange sound of rustling sounded in the room, and the surrounding environment instantly became eerie and eerie.

  On the surrounding windows, there seemed to be ghosts and ghosts, and they were staring at a few people in the room.

  The scene in front of her was as terrifying as a man-made hell. Although Mu Qing was good at martial arts, she was still a woman. Seeing this, she leaned into Jing Ke's arms with some horror.

  "This anti-scale sword is too vicious. This is a sword that will bring misfortune to the master. Brother Han, it is better to use it sparingly!" Jing Ke's pupils tightened, and then he covered it with a wooden scabbard.

  In an instant, all the strange situations vanished in front of everyone's eyes like hallucinations and disappeared.

  The bright moonlight was reflected on the window paper, and there were no traces of ghosts at all. The warmth in the room returned, and there was no feeling of icy cold.

  Gao Jianli took a deep breath, and then lit the candle again.


  The faint flames flickered, and the dimness of the room returned to its former state.

  "I understand that this is a very dangerous sword." Han Fei smiled wryly, and then spread his hands helplessly: "But this Reverse Scale Sword seems to be relying on me, and this Reverse Scale Sword has always been protecting it. I, just as he resisted Gao Jianli's brother's attack for me before, the Ni scale sword has saved me many times."

  Seeing this, Jing Ke pondered for a while, and then said with some guesses: "Perhaps, Ni Scale Sword really regards Brother Han as its master."

  927 "Maybe." Han Fei nodded, but Han Fei didn't think so in his heart. The Ni Scale Sword should not regard him as the master, but because the Ni Scale Han Fei.

  "Let's not talk about this for now." Han Fei changed the subject, took back the anti-scale sword, and then looked at Gao Jianli: "If I remember correctly, brother Gao Jianli seems to be from the country of Yan."

  Ok? !

  Gao Jianli was stunned when he heard the words, then nodded: "Exactly, do you have any advice from Brother Han?"

  "Since the gentleman is from the country of Yan, why did he leave the country of Yan instead of helping the country of Yan." Han Fei's eyes were bright, and he stared at Gao Jianli's eyes.

  In this regard, Gao Jianli sneered: "The world is not the only country of Yan. Our life and death are not determined by them. The world is huge, and there are many places to go."

  The country of Yan has long been rotten to the core. It is not something he can change as a little swordsman. What Gao Jianli wants to do is to simply live as a swordsman and a violinist in this troubled world.

  He does not have the ability to change the pattern of vassal states like Guigu Zongheng, but Gao Jianli can also protect himself and the people he cares about with one sword, and has a safe corner in this chaotic world. .

Chapter 608 Feelings will only make the sword dull!

  It turned out to be the case.

  Han Fei nodded. Although there was not much communication, Han Fei understood Gao Jianli a little bit, rather than blindly understanding them from their deeds.

  Seeing this, Han Fei suddenly smiled, and then pointed to the sword on Gao Jianli's waist: "This sword of Gao Jianli's brother should be the Shuihan sword ranked seventh in the legend of the sword manual, the ice attribute of this Shuihan sword just now. The sword qi really surprised me."

  "You're wrong, but Brother Han is not a swordsman, so it's understandable if you don't understand." Gao Jianli shook his head.

  "Oh? What's wrong? Isn't Shui Hanjian ranked seventh in the notation?" Han Fei looked blank.

  Han Fei was very stunned. Hearing Gao Jianli's words, Han Fei hurriedly thought about it carefully, and then realized that there seemed to be nothing wrong with what he said.

  The Shuihan Sword, from the Xu family, a family of swordsmen, was cast by Master Xu, and ranked seventh in the "Top Ten Famous Swords" of the Wind Beard Sword Manual.

  The unique stunt is also named "Yi Shuihan".

  As the name suggests, the sword is cold in nature, and is usually hidden in the building of musical instruments by Gao Jianli.

  The sword wind is light and sensitive, the blade is slender and sharp, and it can emit cold air or even freeze. It is a beautiful and practical famous sword.

  "Brother Han is really wrong. For swordsmen, any ranking is ridiculous." Gao Jian said earnestly, and then looked at Jing Ke and Zhang Liang.

  Although Jing Ke and Zhang Liang didn't speak, they just glanced at Gao Jianli, but Gao Jianli understood that these two swordsmen already understood what he meant. Only Han Fei, a swordsman with a sword no less than a famous sword, was not a swordsman. , I still don't understand.

  "How do you say that?" Han Fei still couldn't figure it out.

  Gao Jianli sighed: "There is only life and death under the sword. If you die, even if you are ranked first or second, what's the point?"

  Everyone in the world is crazy about the famous sword based on the ranking of the musical notation, but how many people understand that once the person who uses the sword dies, the ranking of the sword on the musical notation is so high.

  "It turned out to be like this 〃~." Han Fei suddenly realized that he understood what Gao Jianli meant.

  This does not mean that Han Fei is stupid, but Han Fei is not a swordsman at all, so he does not understand the thoughts of the swordsmen at all.

  At this moment, Zhang Liang suddenly coughed lightly, and then motioned Han Fei to look at the moon outside the window with his eyes, reminding Han Fei that it was very late.

  Han Fei understood in an instant, scratched his head and looked at Jing Ke: "Actually, I came here tonight to find Brother Jing Ke."

  "Looking for... me?!" Jing Ke looked at a loss and pointed at himself: "What are you looking for me for?!"

  "Let's talk about it first, I'm already docile, and I will never do anything illegal or chaotic. After all, now...cough...keep it strictly." Jing Ke hurriedly added another sentence, afraid that Han Fei would be Want to get rid of what he does.

  Although Jing Ke is an enthusiastic person, and he is very bored now, if Han Fei opens his mouth, Jing Ke is likely to agree to Han Fei according to the situation, but now Jing Ke has been controlled to death.

  Every day, I have to get permission from Mu Qing to discuss with Xiao Gao. When I go out, I have to ask for instructions and tell Mu Qing where I am going, and even the public food must be handed in on time.

  "Cough cough, of course I won't let Brother Jing Ke do those things, but is there a sentence Brother Jing Ke has heard of?" Han Fei suddenly drank all the tea in the cup, then turned around and pushed open the door, then stopped. The footsteps said something like this.

  "What are you talking about?" Jing Ke's face was stunned, how did he know it was half of what he said.

  "Every husband is innocent and guilty." Han Fei's eyes were slightly dark, and he looked at Jing Ke with a little deep meaning in his words, and his horns evoked a slight arc: "Sometimes, your swordsmanship is too strong, it will become a sin, When you don't expose your weaknesses, many people may have little to do with you, but once you expose your weaknesses, I don't need to say more about the consequences."

  "Every husband is innocent and guilty." Han Fei's eyes were slightly dark, and he looked at Jing Ke with a little deep meaning in his words, and his horns evoked a slight arc: "Sometimes, your swordsmanship is too strong, it will become a sin, When you don't expose your weaknesses, many people may have little to do with you, but once you expose your weaknesses, I don't need to say more about the consequences."

  After speaking, Han Fei nodded directly and turned around, leaving the courtyard of Jing Ke and Gao Jianli with Zhang Liang.

  This meeting will definitely not be our first meeting.

  Standing outside the door, Han Fei looked at Jing Ke's warm little courtyard with a smile in his eyes, then looked at Zhang Liang, turned and walked into the darkness.

  In fact, Wei Zhuang has a saying that Han Fei agrees with.

  That is, exposing what you care about will make the enemy see your weakness. A swordsman does not need emotion, and emotion will only make the sword in the swordsman's hand dull.

  When in South Korea, Han Fei exposed his weaknesses and weaknesses prematurely, that is, his sister, Princess Red Lotus, which caused many things to be restrained and many of Han Fei's plans could not be implemented.

  And Wei Zhuang did much better than Han Fei in this regard.

  Is Wei Zhuang really a cold and emotionless person? !

  The answer is no.

  Although Wei Zhuang is a cold and bitter man with facial paralysis even higher than that of Gao Jianli and Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang has a cold and warm heart.

  Although ruthless, but that is to deal with the enemy.

  Although on the surface he looks unconcerned or even ruthless towards the people he cares about, in fact, Wei Zhuang cares about everyone.

  Han Fei is a very good friend of Wei Zhuang, so Wei Zhuang saved Han Fei's life many times in crisis.

  Gai Nie is an old enemy that Wei Zhuang sees as quick to kill, but Wei Zhuang has many opportunities to kill Gai Nie, but Wei Zhuang never kills Gai Nie.

  Tang Qi, the head of the South Korean killer organization Qijuetang, has reached a cooperative relationship with Wei Zhuang, and is also a friend of Wei Zhuang. He often tells Wei Zhuang some secret information.

  When Tang Qi was dying, Wei Zhuang didn't even look at Tang Qi's body, he turned and left the place.

  Does Wei Zhuang care about Tang Qi? !

  the answer is negative.

  Wei Zhuang cared about Tang Qi very much, but Tang Qi was already dead, and Wei Zhuang did nothing in vain, so he turned around and left, and began to avenge Tang Qi.

  Wei Zhuang hides all his emotions, just like Ying Zheng, never revealing the slightest bit of his personal feelings to everyone's eyes.

  Because the strong can never expose their weaknesses.


  Perhaps no one could provoke Jing Ke in the past, and he was a very terrifying swordsman.

  But at this moment, Jing Ke has exposed his own emotions, and he already has weaknesses and weaknesses.

  PS: Gao Jianli's little eyes... don't be too handsome.

Chapter 609 The pinnacle of assassination swordsmanship!

  The reason why the strong is called the strong is because the strong have no weaknesses, and no one can defeat the strong in any way.

  But when the strong have weaknesses and weaknesses, the strong... they are no longer strong.


  The sound of crisp footsteps came and went in the darkness, and the breeze ruffled the robes of the two of them.

  In the dark night, Zhang Liang's elegant face was looming: "Brother Han, do you think Mu Qing will be hurt?"

  With Zhang Liang's intelligence, it is not difficult to understand what Han Fei just said.

  It was only now that Zhang Liang understood why Han Fei wanted to visit Jing Ke late at night.

  "If Jing Ke continues to act like a loner, it is inevitable that Mu Qing will be hurt. He thinks the world is too good." Han Feigujiao evoked a wry smile: "Even if Jing Ke lives a peaceful life, but this The evil in the world is beyond everyone's imagination, and this kind of peace will never last long."

  "Brother Han thinks someone will use Jing Ke to make some articles?!" Zhang Liang was suddenly surprised.

  Mu Qing is the person Jing Ke cares about most at this moment, once Mu Qing is hurt or held hostage.

  "It's inevitable. Jing Ke is so good, so good that he is known by too many people, but Jing Ke's fault is that he is too obsessed with the word 113 heroes." Han Fei nodded and sighed. : "This world is cruel, the weak eat the strong, and Jing Ke has exposed his weaknesses. Soon, there will be wolves, tigers and leopards who hear the news."

  In fact, Han Fei did the same, revealing that he cared about Red Lotus, and also exposed his weaknesses, but he did not have the ability to protect Red Lotus.

  All of them are due to the lack of their own ability.

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