Zhong Limei stepped on the ground, jumped up, and ran fast. The sweat on his forehead kept dripping on the ground, and his mouth was also rising and falling, panting heavily.

  Zhong Limei's strength may not be as strong as Han Xin's, and Qing Gong is not as good as Han Xin's, but he has been hanging far behind Han Xin's Shen Hou.

  In fact, if it wasn't for Han Xin's scruples about his mother's Shen Ge, I'm afraid he would have been dumped long ago.

  But it was precisely because Han Xin had to take care of his mother that Zhong Limei was given the opportunity to catch up all the way.

  Han Xin's mother actually admired Zhong Limei very much. She was obviously only a childhood playmate and had no friendship between life and death, but Zhong Limei chased Han Xin all the way from Chu State to Qin State.

  Such terrifying perseverance and perseverance are destined for Zhong Limei's future to have some achievements.

  But at this moment, hearing his mother's words, Han Xin shook his head with a cold expression, and looked at Zhong Limei who was still moving towards them: "I can't take Zhong Limei to follow the adults.".

Chapter 618 Absolute right and wrong!

  "Why? Isn't he your good friend?" Han Xin's mother wondered.

  Zhong Limei, actually Han Xin's mother grew up in front of him.

  The two of them have grown up together and played together since they were young. It can be said that they have a very good relationship.

  Moreover, for Han Xin, Zhong Limei chased all the way from Chu State to Xianyang, the capital of Qin State. This friendship is even more precious.

  How many people in this world can do this for friends, Zhong Limei did it.

  "He's my friend, but I can't take him there." Han Xin's eyes were like ink, looking at the figure that kept jumping in the dark night.

  Han Xin's mother was even more puzzled. She asked in confusion, "Why?"

  "My path and his path are destined to be different. I'm not a good person. I can do anything to achieve my goal, but Zhong Limei...is a good person, a stupid good person." Han Xin sighed. tone.

  To be honest, Han Xin actually admires Zhong Limei very much, because Zhong Limei really put chivalry and righteousness in his own heart, he is a real chivalrous man, he can really give up in order to save others. own life.

  It's not the other schools of thought or other chivalrous people who keep talking about the world, but in fact everything he does is for his own interests.

  One side is really taking action and doing it, while the other side is acting hypocritically. In fact, it has not done anything worthy of praise.

  This is the difference between Zhong Limei and other chivalrous men.

  And the reason why Han Xin didn't want to bring Zhong Limei to follow Kong Nianzhi is also very simple.

  There is no need to say more about Han Xin's intelligence. Anyone who knows Han Xin a little understands what a terrifying evildoer this is.

  Although Kong Nianzhi had already told Han Xin his identity when they met for the first time in the state of Chu, Han Xin did not really know Kong Nianzhi very well, and he just heard about Kong Nianzhi's legend.

  On the way to Xianyang of Qin State with his mother, Han Xin has been inquiring about everything about Kong Nianzhi.

  Through all the clues and what Kong Nianzhi has done, Han Xin can infer that the adult he will follow is a very contradictory existence.

  He is neither a good person nor a bad person. As long as he does not oppose Kong Nianzhi, Kong Nianzhi will not hurt anyone.

  But once you stand in the position of being hostile to Kong Nianzhi, then Kong Nianzhi will not have any sympathy, and will clear these obstacles with thunder.

  And although he has a terrifying power and his own terrifying strength, Kong Nianzhi has never done anything to actively harm other people.

  Han Xin knew that Kong Nianzhi, who he was going to follow, was arrogant in his bones, although he was indifferent to the world and looked down on everything indifferently.

  And under the command of Kong Nianzhi, the most intolerant person is Zhong Limei.

  Because in Zhong Limei's heart, sometimes beliefs are more important than anyone's orders. As long as the beliefs held in Zhong Limei's heart are violated, Zhong Limei will even disobey the orders at any cost.

  Such people, if they follow Kong Nianzhi, are destined to be unpleasant, so Han Xin has always ignored Zhong Limei.

  Such people, if they follow Kong Nianzhi, are destined to be unpleasant, so Han Xin has always ignored Zhong Limei.


  Under the mottled moon shadow, a swift Shenying galloped past, and came to Han Xin's not far away in an instant.


  Zhong Limei put his hands on his knees, hunched over Shenzi, and kept breathing heavily.

  He looks very embarrassed now. Shen Shang's cloth is full of dust and has dozens of cracked seams. The cloth shoes under his feet have long been worn out, and his face is black and yellow, and bloodshot eyes are filled with high drums. It looks like he's not resting well.

  Zhong Limei's troubled appearance is in stark contrast to Han Xin's calm and indifferent appearance.

  The dry skin was covered with pieces of dead skin, but there was still a smile on Zhong Limei's horns.

  "Han...Han Xin, come back with...me, as long as...you confess, I can testify for you, and let the village chief... say something nice for you, and you will definitely be dealt with lightly. ' 々." Zhong Li's mouth rose and fell quickly, then slowly straightened up Shenzi and looked directly into Han Xin's eyes.

  What kind of look is this.

  In Zhong Limei's eyes, all Han Xin saw was sunshine, sincerity, without any trace of hypocrisy.

  Han Xin was naturally sensitive, and he could feel that Zhong Limei really cared about him and really regarded him as his best friend.

  It's just... Zhong Limei's idea is still too naive.

  "." Go back? Confess? You testify for me, and then let the village chief speak for me? Zhong Limei, you are still so innocent." Han Xin sneered and shook his head.

  "Am I right?" After resting for a while, Zhong Limei finally calmed down his breathing and walked towards Han Xin's direction.

  "You are very wrong. I didn't do anything wrong, why should I go back and confess my guilt?" Han Xin's eyes were slightly cold: "Also, the village chief is not as amiable as you see, he has always been one of those dog officials. Pawns."

  "I don't believe that the village chief will never be that kind of person." Zhong Limei frowned, still insisting on what he knew about the village chief.

  "Sometimes what you see is not what you think it is. Zhong Limei, you still have a long way to go." Han Xin sneered disdainfully. The reason why their family lived so hard was that their village chief also had Some credit (Li Zhao).

  Han Fei shook his head: "Also, I won't go back anymore."

  "Han Xin, you were not like this before!" Zhong Limei looked at Han Xin in astonishment.

  "It's just that you never really understood me."

  "Your integrity and courage have not changed. This is what I have always admired for you, but this world is not as beautiful as you think. The world is cruel. The strong eat the weak is the main theme of this world. Weakness is sin." Han Xin's expression was calm, and there was no trace of emotion in his eyes.

  "But because of this, do you have to follow the adults you keep saying? Do you think that is the right thing to do?!" Zhong Limei looked at Han Xin angrily.

  Han Xin sighed and turned around: "Zhong Limei, you still don't understand, in this world, there is never absolute right and wrong.".

Chapter 619 Go back, I didn't mean to insult you at all!

  The bright moon hanging high in the sky began to gradually become looming, and a faint light appeared on the horizon.

  The pitch-black darkness began to disappear from east to west at a very fast speed.

  Time, has unknowingly arrived at dawn.

  A few miles away from Xianyang City, the two men were only a few meters apart, staring at each other from a distance.

  "Zhong Limei, there has never been an absolute right or wrong in this world. Everyone has their own standards of judgment in their hearts, so no one insists on a different concept of right and wrong." Han Xin still looked paralyzed. , without any emotion on his face.

  At this moment, Han Xin's words, and Han Xin's bland appearance, made Zhong Limei angrier the more he looked at it.

  Zhong Limei waved his hand angrily and pointed at Han Xin: "How is it possible! Justice is absolute, right is right, wrong is wrong! What you said is nothing but sophistry!"

  "You still don't understand, then let me tell you how ridiculous your so-called absolute right and wrong is." Han Xin sighed, then raised his head slightly, looking directly into Zhong Limei's eyes with cold eyes: "If there is one Personally, I suddenly rushed to the neighbor's house and wanted to kill the neighbor, and then the neighbor had to kill this person in order to protect the 930 people in the family. Then I ask you, is it right or wrong for the neighbor to kill this person? ."

  "That's right!" Zhong Limei said firmly.

  "Very good." Han Xin nodded: "Then let me ask you again, the neighbor killed this person, but there are still orphans and widows in the family, and the couple of orphans and widows want to take revenge on this neighbor, then I ask You, what he did before... was it right or wrong?"

  "Yes... it's wrong! He did it wrong too!" Zhong Limei hesitated for a long time this time, and then gave Han Xin's answer intermittently.

  "But I think he did the right thing." Han Xin sneered.

  "Impossible!" Zhong Limei held his head in pain, Han Xin's questions kept echoing in his mind.

  Seeing this, Han Xin smiled: "As for the neighbors, he killed this person to protect his family, so he didn't do anything wrong."

  "But for the family that was killed, the neighbors were wrong, because they lost their husband and father, so they wanted revenge, and it was right."

  "From the standpoint of the two of them, their actions are not wrong. Each of them has a judgment of right and wrong in their hearts. Therefore, there is no absolute right and wrong in this world."

  "Impossible...impossible...impossible...how could this be?!" Zhong Limei's eyes were dull, and he kept shaking his head.

  What Han Xin said had already had a strong impact on Zhong Limei's beliefs, and Zhong Limei's persistence all along began to slowly collapse.

  "Some things have to be done according to our ability, Zhong Limei, I don't mean to insult you for a long time, Zhong Limei, I will only say this once, go back, Zhong Limei, this is the best ending for you." Han Xin turned around, Without looking back, he walked towards his mother.

  "Stop." Zhong Limei shouted hoarsely, but Han Xin didn't pay any attention to it at all. Instead, he came to his mother's side and slowly squatted down.


  Shuangquan clenched suddenly, and there was a dense bone explosion. Zhong Limei raised his head and looked at Han Fei with red eyes: "I said... you stop for me!"


  When the footsteps stopped, Han Xin turned around with a very flat expression: "Is there anything else?"

  "Han Xin, you've been smart since you were a child. I can't tell you the big truth, and I can't figure out how to refute you. However, I must bring you back to Chu today." Zhong Limei's expression suddenly became very firm.

  Since this journey, the goal that Zhong Limei has insisted on is very clear, that is, to bring Han Xin (bjbb) back to the state of Chu and accept the punishment of the laws of the state of Chu.

  Since this journey, the goal that Zhong Limei has insisted on is very clear, that is, to bring Han Xin (bjbb) back to the state of Chu and accept the punishment of the laws of the state of Chu.

  Because once Han Xin does not go back to accept the punishment of Chu State's laws, because of his involvement in the murder case in the street, as well as attacking and killing officials, and fleeing from Chu State and not accepting the punishment of Chu State's laws, he will be punished by Chu State's laws. Wanted to become a key criminal of Chu State.

  Zhong Limei didn't want Han Xin to become a wanted criminal in Chu State, so he had to take Han Xin back.

  "You are really troublesome." Han Xin sighed helplessly: "What do you want?"

  "You go back with me, or... I defeat you, even if I break your arms and legs, I will take you back!" Zhong Limei looked at Han Xin with bright eyes, full of fighting intent. .

  "Very good fighting spirit, but your strength may not be satisfactory." Han Xin shook his head: "Come on, the gate of Xianyang City is about to open, and your time is running out."

  After speaking, Han Xin waved at Zhong Limei.


  Han Xin this guy!

  Are you looking down on me? !

  Zhong Limei gritted his teeth, and then rushed towards Han Xin!


  The wind was howling, and the distance between the two was only about ten meters. Zhong Limei just rushed to Han Xin's side in an instant, and then slapped Han Xin's cheek with a heavy punch!

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