Everything looks so peaceful. Under the faint sunlight, two confident young people are writing quickly and writing something, and beside them, a woman is quietly reading what they have written. .

  Isn't it, Gongsun Linglong frowned and thought carefully about whether the law they wrote was feasible or not, and how it was stronger than the current law.

  Everything looks so harmonious... Harmony is a ghost!

  The two beautiful young Shenbian are sitting next to a fat and ugly aunt, no matter how you look at it, how strange it is!

  The two beautiful young Shenbian are sitting next to a fat and ugly aunt, no matter how you look at it, how strange it is!

  The current scene is a bit too weird, Kong Nianzhi couldn't sit still, and was ready to take Yan Lingji out.

  Gently holding Yan Lingji's small hand with a hint of coolness, Kong Nianzhi blinked, and then quietly walked towards the gate of Zilan Xuan with Yan Lingji.

  Yan Lingji's beautiful eyes smiled into a crescent moon, letting Kong Nianzhi's scorching big hand grab her own little hand, constantly frivolous and not minding herself, so she quietly leaned against Kong Nianzhi's cautious side.

  Speaking of which, Kong Nianzhi is actually strange, Yan Lingji is a peerless beauty who plays with fire, and she has the ability to scorch, which is close to the temperature of the surface of the sun, but Yan Lingji's Shen Gui is icy cold. Cool, without any hint of flame.

  Yan Lingji is like a perfect intertwined existence of water and fire. She concentrates all the points of the two. She has both the tenderness of water and the enthusiasm of fire. She is a perfect woman.

  In my heart, I was amazed, Kong Nian kept walking, just walked out of the gate of Zilan Xuan, and then saw an expressionless young man carrying a somewhat old woman, standing outside Zilan Xuan, while in Han Xinshu Ten meters away, there is a sneaky shadow shrinking in the darkness of the corner, carefully peeping at the young man carrying the old man.

  The person in front of him was naturally Han Xin, who had already entered the city. After a little inquiries, Han Xin found the very famous Zi Lan Xuan.

  "."Sir, I'm here." Han Xin bowed his head and said respectfully.

  "Your speed is very fast, I thought you would delay for a while." Kong Nianzhi chuckled, and then walked forward.

  Han Xin naturally followed in the footsteps of Kong Nianzhi, and staggered a few positions: "After all, my mother Shen Kui really worries me. If I get to the adults earlier, I can make my mother recover earlier."

  "Yes, very filial." Kong Nianzhi praised.

  The reason why Kong Nianzhi helped Han Xin was because Han Xin was a filial person, otherwise, Kong Nianzhi would not necessarily help Han Xin.

  "Let the adults laugh, this is just what I should do, it's not worthy of praise." Han Xin shook his head.

  In Han Xin's cognition, his parents gave him life and took care of him as an adult, so it is natural for him to take care of his parents.

  "Excuse me sir." Han Xin's mother was in good spirits (Zhao's) and nodded to Kong Nianzhi.

  Kong Nianzhi smiled helplessly: "Old man, don't be polite, let's go, the head of the doctor I mentioned opened a small pharmacy next to me."

  Continue walking along the street outside the Zilanxuan gate, and when I reach the edge of Zilanxuan, I see a prescription.

  This prescription relies on Zilanxuan. It is obvious that it was transformed from Zilanxuan's room. Nian Duan sat in it to diagnose some people, and Duanmurong was also helping in it. Among them, there were A couple of people who hit the ground running.

  Although it has just opened the door, there is already a long queue in Nian Duan's pharmacy at this moment, and it has even been lined up outside the prescription, forming a black mass.

  PS: Congratulations to IG, LPL has finally won the championship, welcome to join the big guys to play together! .

Chapter 624 The Rules of Nian Duan!

  Now, Nian Duan's prescription in Xianyang City is also very famous.

  Here, there are not only Nian Duan master and apprentice with superb medical skills, but it seems that there is no incurable disease in the hands of their master and apprentice.

  And most importantly, it’s cheap to get medical treatment here in Nianduan.

  As the saying goes, don't get sick if you have anything. No matter what era, this sentence is useful.

  Once they get sick, those herbs are simply not affordable for ordinary families, and they simply cannot afford to go to those expensive pharmacies.

  Those pharmacies sell not only expensive medicines, but also cannot cure them at all. In order not to drag their families down, many patients have to stay at home and die.

  But this is completely different in Nian Duan. Nian Duan can not only cure them, but also the cost of Nian Duan is very low.

  For families with some assets, the medicine and diagnosis fees that Nian Duan collects are just the cost of money. For poor families, Nian Duan often does not receive any money at all.

  Now the invisible empire is not short of money at all, and it doesn't cost much to buy this herbal medicine, so Kong Nianzhi just let it go, and he is doing some good things anyway.

  010 Nian Duan's approach undoubtedly cut off some people's way of earning ill-gotten wealth, but they all dared to be angry, because they knew that the owner of this prescription was from Zi Lanxuan, and Zi Lanxuan was not. Its existence they can provoke.


  "Old gentleman, you are basically healed now. I'll give you a medicine. You can go back and drink well and rest for a while." Nian Duan glanced at the old man in front of him, and then he could see the symptoms of the old man.

  This old man has been here a few times and has taken the medicine a few times. Now it seems that he can fully recover after taking this last medicine.

  After becoming a quencher, he acquired the ability of a quencher, and now Nian Duan's medical skills are even more terrifying. For the vast majority of patients, Nian Duan only needs to look at them to know what kind of disease they have.

  This practice has a metaphysical connotation, but all patients believe in Nian Duan.

  Although no one believed in Nianduan at the beginning, thinking that Nianduan was just a liar, but later because of Nianduan here, too many patients have been cured, and no one (bjcd) will question and doubt Nianduan again. end, and everyone will maintain the end of the mind.

  "Thank you, thank you sir, the old man really doesn't know how to thank you." There were tears in the eyes of the old man. He went to many pharmacies for his illness, but no doctor could cure him.

  The money was spent and the house was clean, but the disease was not cured. Fortunately, he came to Nianduan with the idea of ​​giving it a try, and then Nianduan actually cured him, and only accepted him symbolically. some money.

  "You're welcome, old gentleman, the next one." Nian Duan nodded with a smile, then looked back, only to see Kong Nianzhi at a glance, and immediately, Nian Duan's beautiful eyes lit up, directed at Kong Nianzhi Say hello.

  Kong Nianzhi also responded when he saw it, and then walked towards the pharmacy with Yan Lingji and Han Xin.

  "Hey, hey, stop! Who are you, don't you know that you can't cut the queue in Mr. Nian Duan's pharmacy? Stay behind!" Suddenly, a young man stood up and frowned and scolded Kong Nianzhi.

  To be honest, Kong Nianzhi's dress, and looking at Shenbian's female companion, is not a simple character, but the young man is not afraid at all.

  Because here in Nianduan, there is no high or low status, whether it is a prince, aristocrat, or a minister, all have to line up, and all those who cut the line are driven out.

  Because here in Nianduan, there is no high or low status, whether it is a prince, aristocrat, or a minister, all have to line up, and all those who cut the line are driven out.

  And power has no effect here. In Nian Duan's eyes, everyone is equal and everyone is the same.

  There was a minister who made trouble here before, and then the minister was directly beaten out, and that day the minister disappeared in his home as if the world had evaporated. Since then, no one dared to rely on the prescription of Nian Duan. You have the right to be special.

  Even princes and nobles had to line up with the common people.

  "That's right, young man, you have to wait in line, otherwise Mr. Nian Duan won't see a doctor for you." An old lady was kind and explained to Kong Nianzhi.

  Everyone immediately began to discuss, some criticized Kong Nianzhi, and some said some rules.

  They don't know Kong Nianzhi at all, or they can't contact Kong Nianzhi at all because of their class. At most, they only know Kong Nianzhi's name. If they really meet, they really don't know this one Young people are Kong Nianzhi.

  If they knew, even if they were given ten more courage, they would never dare to be rude to Kong Nianzhi.

  Kong Nianzhi couldn't hold back his horns.

  Co-authoring with Lao Tzu around his own house, and still looking for his own person, still have to line up? !


  Seeing this, Yan Lingji laughed outright, fell into Kong Nianzhi's arms, and smiled heartlessly.

  Kong Nianzhi wasn't angry either. After all, these people were trying to protect Nian Duan, but they couldn't just listen to their nonsense.


  With a slight release of momentum, it suddenly burst out like Tianwei, and everyone froze in place for a moment, looking at Kong Nianzhi in horror as if they had been stopped.

  The pharmacy suddenly fell into a strange and silent scene. Following the road in the middle, Kong Nianzhi brought Yan Lingji and Han Xin to Nian Duan: "Is this your rule?!"

  "Well, I set the rules." Nian Duan also had a smile in his eyes, and Duanmu Rong looked at the man who suddenly appeared in their prescription.

  As Nian Duan's words fell, the momentum released by Kong Nianzhi disappeared.

  There was a hint of panic and panic in everyone's eyes, as well as a hint of embarrassment. No matter how stupid they are now, they know that this young man who suddenly appeared in front of them is something they can't afford to offend, and this young man seems to be an acquaintance with Nian Duan. look.

  "Who is this time, the old man beside you?" Nian Duan stood up slowly, walked to Kong Nianzhi's Shen side, and then looked at the old man who was carried by Han Xin on his back.

  With Nian Duan's eyes, it can be seen at a glance that the old woman's prudence has reached the terminal, and Kong Nianzhi will not bring a patient for no reason, which means that the patient this time is probably the old man.

  Han Xin glanced at Kong Nianzhi, and after receiving the gesture from Kong Nianzhi, he said, "Senior Nian Duan, my mother is very ill. The adults told me that Senior Nian Duan is a peerless doctor. Han Xin kindly asks Nian Duan. Senior Duan can save my mother.".

Chapter 625 Mr. Nian Duan, long time no see!

  "Come in with me." Nian Du nodded, then looked at Duanmu Rong: "Rong'er, I'll leave the outside to you for the time being."

  "Yes, master." Duanmurong nodded, then snorted at Kong Nianzhi proudly, and continued to diagnose the patient.

  Although Duanmurong was young, at first glance, she did not look like a reliable doctor, even Nian Duan. After becoming a pure-blood quencher and obtaining the holy text, Nian Duan also recovered his youth. But they all look like [-] years old.

  But medical skills are proven and recognized by all patients.

  At this age, if it is someone else, it is no exaggeration to say that, I am afraid that I am still the most basic apprentice in Chinese medicine, learning some pharmacological knowledge~.

  Why do I usually look for some old doctors when I see Chinese medicine, because compared with Western medicine, Chinese medicine is too broad and profound.

  The pharmacological knowledge in it can be described by Wang Yang, and the consequences of using the wrong medicine, or even one gram of medicine, are completely different.

  Therefore, every person who learns Chinese medicine needs to spend many years to record the pharmacology of each medicinal material in his heart. This process is extremely complicated and long.

  Moreover, Chinese medicine has a door-to-door view, and there is such a sentence, teaching the apprentice to starve the master.

  Therefore, when a general practitioner teaches his apprentice, he will not teach the most valuable things from the very beginning, but after several years of assessment, it is determined that the apprentice is genuinely studying medicine. The core parts are taught to yourself.

  And many doctors died before they even had time to teach the most valuable medical skills, which also caused many valuable medical skills to be lost and disappeared in the long history.

  Therefore, when young doctors have achieved their studies, generally speaking, they will be middle-aged. Therefore, generally speaking, patients will feel that young doctors are unreliable.


  At this moment, in a room of the prescription.

  "Your mother is very ill, if it weren't for Kong Xian... Nianzhi opened up all the stagnant meridians in your mother's scorpion, and kept a strand of true qi in your mother's scorpion to maintain her vitality, I am afraid that the old man would have been early It's gone." Nian Duan pondered for a while, and then opened his mouth. When talking about Kong Nianzhi, he still wanted to call Kong Nianzhi Mr. Kong as usual, but in the end he didn't know why he changed his mouth.

  "Can Senior Nian Duan be saved?!" Han Xin looked at his mother worriedly, and the old man patted the back of Han Xin's hand lightly.

  She has already seen it, it is good to be alive, but if she can't, she is also satisfied to see that Han Xin follows an adult who seems to be very powerful.

  After listening to Han Xin's words, Kong Nianzhi glanced at him: "You shouldn't ask if Nian Duan can cure your mother, the question you should be concerned about now is how long it will take for your mother to fully recover."

  "..." Han Xin was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and looked at Nian Duan with joy: "I'm sorry, Senior Nian Duan, the junior made a slip of the tongue. I don't know how long it will take for the mother of the junior to fully recover?"

  Nian Duan rolled his eyes at Kong Nian, and then looked at Han Xin dignifiedly: "Your mother's illness is not intractable, but the old man is just overworked and robbed, and his injuries have increased over time, which has led to today's situation. I will prescribe a pair of warm tonic medicine for her, coupled with the medicated diet to slowly recuperate, it should take about [-] days to restore the ability of the elderly to move, and then it will depend on the recovery of the elderly."


  Hearing Nian Duan's words, Han Xin knelt down directly at Nian Duan, and even the force was so strong that it directly knocked out cracks on the slate on the ground, and his entire knee sank into the gravel. With the protection of the still blood suit, the stones on the ground would definitely cut a lot of wounds on Han Xin's knees.

  "Thank you, Senior Nian Duan." Han Xin said gratefully, then turned to look at Kong Nianzhi: "From today, Han Xin is the eagle dog in the hands of the adults, and I am willing to remove all obstacles for the adults."

  "Get up." Kong Nianzhi glanced at Han Xin lightly, and then continued: "Don't kneel down in the future."

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