"Compared to the strength you've gained, the pain you've endured is far from nothing." Kong Nianzhi shook his head helplessly, and gently tapped Mei Sanniang's forehead with the knuckle of his index finger.


  The sound of bones colliding, Mei Sanniang's eyes trembled, and she immediately took a breath, her eyelids twitching.

  "Damn it, sir, why are your hands so hard?!" Mei Sanniang's pained face turned green.

  It stands to reason that the hardest bone in the human body is the skull, which is often referred to as the Tianling Gai, and the fingers are relatively fragile bones.

  But just when Kong Nianzhi tapped that with his finger, it caused Mei Sanniang to experience a pain that she had not experienced for countless years.

  To be fair, Mei Sanniang has been practicing horizontal kung fu for many years. Although it is a little bit worse than the grand ceremony, it is not much worse.

  Even if she were to slash at Mei Sanniang with a famous sword, she could only make the sound of metal and iron colliding and not hurt Mei Sanniang in the slightest. It could even be said that Mei Sanniang felt any pain.

  And now Mei Sanniang has become a Quincy, awakening the still-blood outfit that belongs to a pure-blood Quincy.

  That is to say, at this time, Mei Sanniang has the double protection of the horizontal training kung fu and the still blood suit, but Kong Nianzhi knocked this as if he completely ignored the double protection of Mei Sanniang's horizontal training kung fu and the still blood suit. It makes Mei Sanniang feel pained and doubt her life.

  "It's not that my hands are hard, but your defense is still too weak." Kong Nianzhi shook his head boringly, then put his hands behind Shen's back again.

  "Your Excellency is joking, how dare Sanniang compare with the adults? It's because the strength of the adults is too strong, not because the defense of Sanniang is too weak." Mei Sanniang smiled heartily, and then felt a little speechless in her heart.

  You must know that Mei Sanniang is a disciple of Phijiamen. Where is Phijiamen? !

  It is a sect that specializes in practicing horizontal kung fu.

  If Mei Sanniang's defense is called too weak, then there are not many people in this world whose defense can be called not weak.

  After speaking, Mei Sanniang continued with some emotion: "It's hard to imagine how strong your lord is, Sanniang, but with a drop of blood, the strength of Sanniang and senior brother has grown tremendously."

  Following Mei Sanniang's words, a mass of black that could swallow everything suddenly erupted behind Mei Sanniang.

  In front of this darkness, everything is invisible, and even the light is completely swallowed up.

  In front of this darkness, everything is invisible, and even the light is completely swallowed up.

  This darkness continued to twist and skyrocket, exuding a burst of invisible terror, eroding the consciousness of everyone, and finally solidified into the appearance of a beast.

  "Oh?! Is it ready to use?" Kong Nianzhi sighed.

  "Go, black beast!" As if she wanted to prove herself and get the affirmation of Kong Nianzhi, Mei Sanniang smiled complacently, and then ordered at the beast that the darkness turned into.


  The black beast roared silently, and then jumped off the Wa Shuo above the Zilan Xuan, moving at high speed on the street, and it was strange that the newcomers passing by on the street seemed to be watching at all. Not like these galloping black beasts, they walked on the streets as they were.


  In the next second, the black beast that was rushing around slammed into some trust, turned into strange black smoke, and merged into their cautiousness.

  "Junior sister, don't hurt innocent people." Dian Qing was stunned for a moment, and then dissuaded Mei Sanniang.

  Although Dianqing is tall and burly, he looks a little scary because of his excessive height, but in fact Dianqing is a very kind man. He mistakenly thought that Mei Sanniang was using these pedestrians to test her new power, so he wanted to dissuade her. Mei Sanniang.

  Kong Nianzhi understood what Dianqing was worried about, and couldn't help but smile: "Dianqing, you misunderstood, Sanniang didn't mean to hurt these pedestrians, let's see."

  Dianqing may not know what Mei Sanniang's holy text is, and Kong Nianzhi still doesn't know? !

  "That's right, senior brother, do you think I would be the kind of person who hurts innocent people for no reason?" Mei Sanniang grumbled unhappily. Then, under Mei Sanniang's control, all the black beasts entered the pedestrian's way. Inside.


  In the perspective of the three of Kong Nianzhi, the pedestrian Shenshang 417 who was entered by the black beast violently spewed out some dark, faint smoke that could not be seen by the naked eye.

  And the eyes of the pedestrians began to gradually become violent, and the black threads continued to spread in their eyes, as if their minds were affected by other existences!

  The next second, in front of everyone's eyes, these newcomers beat each other up!

  Under the control of Mei Sanniang, they beat each other to death. No one showed mercy. It was as if they treated the other party as an enemy of his wife and beat him to the death.

  "Look, how did they fight?!"

  "I don't know. This group of people was fine just now, and then suddenly they rushed to fight together."

  "Strange things happen every year, especially this year, let them fight, and soon there will be patrolling adults."

  Pedestrians gathered around and pointed at the few people who were still fighting each other. Some people tried to persuade them to fight, but it was useless.

  After a while, the patrolling Qin State officers and soldiers quickly rushed to the side of the group of pedestrians who were still beating.

  PS: The black beast... is an idea given to me by a pervert, not my pot... not my pot... Of course, the holy text must not be called that....

Chapter 648 Rashomon!

  "What's going on with this group of people?!" A seemingly leading Qin Jun asked other passersby.

  "Back to the adults... This... The villain doesn't know either. We just passed by, and then they started fighting." Passersby also shook their heads, expressing that they were also very confused.

  Qin Jun could only give up when he heard it. The most urgent task now is to stop the group of people who are still fighting, so that fighting each other in the street in front of everyone's eyes has violated the laws of Qin.

  "You guys, stop all of you, otherwise I'll be rude!" Qin Jun passed the passers-by in Shenbian and shouted at the passers-by who were still beating in the field.


  But no one answered Qin Jun, all the pedestrians who were possessed by the black beast continued to hug each other and roll around.

  The leader Qin Jun's face immediately turned green, and his horns twitched: "If you don't stop, you will be punished by another class! Did you hear that?!"


  At this time, above the pavilion of Zilan Xuan, Dian Qing also scratched his head in confusion: "Sanniang, what did you do to them?!"

  Kong Nianzhi was amused by the noisy scene below, and explained to Dianqing: "That is Sanniang's holy text, Rashomon. The darkness released by Sanniang will form a black beast, which is very dangerous to the enemy who enters. As long as there are sins with various emotions and six desires, the black beast can judge them, and now this group of people below is completely out of Sanniang's control."

  Sanniang's ability belongs to a kind of causal system.

  Everyone has seven emotions and six desires, and everyone also has their own seven deadly sins.

  The darkness released by Rashomon will judge everything a person has hidden. If there is a sin in this person's heart, then the black beast will turn into karmic fire and become the evil result of punishing these people.

  To put it simply, people who are judged by Rashomon will be controlled by Mei Sanniang if they completely lose their minds, and at this time, due to the fire of karma burning in the interior, their strength will also increase terribly and become A warrior under the control of Mei Sanniang who is not afraid of death, and Mei Sanniang can detonate the karmic fire at any time, so that this group of people who are judged by the karmic fire will be wiped out in an instant.

  The strongest point of Rashomon is that the people who have been successfully tried by Rashomon, the sin and evil in them will become part of Mei Sanniang's strength, bringing Mei Sanniang a permanent increase in strength.

  That is to say, if Mei Sanniang is given time, and even enough people to be tried by Mei Sanniang, Mei Sanniang's strength will continue to improve without limit.

  But this ability is also limited.

  That is, the stronger the soul, the stronger the spirit, the higher the resistance to Rashomon.

  However, under Rashomon's trial, even if he does not completely lose his mind, his strength will be suppressed to a certain extent. This suppression depends on the mental strength of the person being tried by Rashomon and Mei Sanniang's own spiritual pressure. strong or weak.

  Although this is a limitation, it does not mean that Rashomon's abilities are not scary.

  The masters play against each other, and the tricks are fatal!

  Any flaw at any point is likely to lead to different results!

  Any flaw at any point is likely to lead to different results!

  Therefore, when the masters fight, they usually pay full attention, concentrate all their energy, and control their own prudence to fight.

  If there is a master who is fighting against Mei Sanniang, even if the master has a strong soul and spirit, Mei Sanniang cannot use the black beast to control him, but if the enemy's strength is suddenly limited, even if it is a little, the enemy must be It will be distracting, which will make a huge difference in the outcome of the battle. "So it's like this ¨ˇ." After Kong Nianzhi's explanation, Dianqing instantly understood Mei Sanniang's ability. With their strength to the level they are now, they are basically able to master all methods with one law, even if Dianqing can't Mei Sanniang's ability does not affect Dianqing's ability to understand Mei Sanniang.

  It can be said that if Dianqing and Mei Sanniang fight against each other at this moment, Dianqing thinks that he is not necessarily Mei Sanniang's opponent.

  "Sanniang, stop playing, hurry up and release your ability." After thinking about everything, Dianqing instructed Mei Sanniang.

  At this moment, these pedestrians have completely lost their minds, and under the influence of karma, their strength has been greatly increased in a short period of time, so the officers and soldiers of the Qin State patrol have no way to start, and there is no way to subdue this. The group of pedestrians who are still making a fuss can only let them continue to make a fuss.

  "Yeah." Mei Sanniang became familiar with her own abilities and had enough fun. She beckoned to the pedestrians who were still making noises, and suddenly the black anger was slowly peeled off from their souls. , and finally melted back into the shadow under Mei Sanniang's feet.

  At the same time, a small wisp of black-gray gas peeled off and merged into Mei Sanniang's inner body. Mei Sanniang suddenly felt that her strength had slightly improved.

  It's not obvious, but it's definitely an improvement!

  At the same time, the pedestrians who were still making a fuss in the field suddenly lost Quan Shen's strength one by one, fell to the ground with bruised noses and swollen faces, and were then caught by the patrolling Qin Jun.

  "¨¨hi...It hurts! Lord! Lord! Take it easy!"

  "What's wrong with my face?!"

  "My lord, why are you arresting me, my lord, I didn't do anything wrong."

  "That's right, why do you arrest us!"

  The passers-by, who had already woken up at this time, had a confused look on their faces, felt the pain in their sanity, and grinned at Qin Jun who had arrested them.

  They are really innocent, and they haven't even realized what happened (of Zhao Zhao).

  You know, one second they were still walking on the road, but when they woke up the next second, they didn't know their parents who were beaten and had to be arrested by officers and soldiers.

  Right now, Qin's laws haven't been reformed yet. This arrest is what awaits them... How can they not panic.

  "No offense?! Do you still use his words? How many people here can testify to me? You guys gather to fight in front of so many people. Have you put Wang Fa in your eyes?" The leading Qin Jun was quarreled by the group Annoyed, he shouted angrily: "All hands and feet are quick, grab it!"

  Just as the newcomers were crying and calling their mothers to prove their innocence, while Qin Jun was carrying out his mission, a slightly gentle voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

  "Wait a moment!".

Chapter 649 Secret words in the boudoir!

  This tone is very gentle, and it should be inaudible at all in this noisy and noisy environment.

  But the words seemed to hit their hearts, and it seemed that the person who spoke was standing beside them, and was clearly heard by everyone.

  Immediately, the entire street was quiet.

  Looking in the direction where the sound came from, everyone couldn't find who was talking, because in their perception, the sound was ringing on the side of their ears, but they couldn't find who said it. the words.

  "Who called you to wait a moment?!" Qin Jun, who was the leader, was stunned, and kept scanning everyone's faces.

  "It's me, they are all innocent, let them go." Kong Nianzhi spoke again with his hands behind Shen Hou.

  Under the bright moonlight, Kong Nianyi's moon-white robe exuded a faint fluorescence, and his silver eyes flashed with a light that seemed to be all-encompassing, as if even the stars and moonlight were eclipsed by the silver eyes.

  This time, all the people present noticed that there were three other people in the attic of Zilan Xuan, about tens of meters away. They were standing under the soft moonlight, watching them.

  Qin Jun, the leader, rubbed his eyes, looked at Kong Nianzhi carefully, then immediately waved his hand to let his subordinates let go of these pedestrians, and at the same time saluted: "It turns out that it is Mr. Kong, and the subordinates don't even know that Mr. Kong is here. , I'm sorry, Mr. Haihan."

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