The black palm was extremely violent, and the aroused palm wind blew Feiyan's long hair, and even Feiyan's cheeks could feel this chilling energy.

  Feiyan's eyes flashed with cold light, and between the transformation of infuriating, she also went all out to greet the six-fingered black man, and directly confronted him!


  The black inner force let out an angry roar, trying to tear and devour the golden inner force in front of him, but the golden inner force was not to be outdone, and slammed into the black inner force. , stalemate.

  Unlike the last one-sided battle, Concubine Yan, who was at his peak, and the Black Man with Six Fingers, who were forcibly promoted to his peak, were obviously unable to suppress Concubine Yan. Concubine Yan, whose Onmyoji has been greatly improved, is not much worse than his improvement.



  A loud bang resounded like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, like the sound of the sky and the earth collapsing. The person in the shikigami state was hit by this energy, and flew out in an instant, not knowing whether to live or die. The energy was destroyed when it met anything. The first floor of the huge restaurant was destroyed in an instant, and it completely collapsed in a blink of an eye. in ruins.

  In the rubble, the Six Fingers Black Man and Fei Yan were still in a fierce competition. When the collapsed wooden board touched their whole body, it was instantly turned into nothingness by this incomparable internal force.

  A steady stream of wooden boards fell down, and even the entire beam of the house was pressed down toward the two of them. The two who were competing for internal strength frowned, and invariably withdrew their internal strength, and instantly disappeared in place.


  In just a few dozen seconds, the two-story restaurant became a ruin, crushing countless innocent guests inside. Beside the ruins, Fei Yan was facing off against the six-fingered black man.

  The neighborhood was crowded with crowds watching the lively, but because they were afraid of being injured accidentally, the group of people vacated a space of about [-] meters for Fei Yan and the Six Fingers Black Hero to fight.

  Watch the excitement, this is the blood inheritance that the Chinese people have had since ancient times.

  Feiyan stood on top of the ruins, with her hands folded on the flat Xiaoyuefu, her skin was as white as frost and snow, with a hint of pink, and the phoenix eyes on Guazi's face were slightly squinted, and her whole person exuded a noble and elegant temperament.

  The onlookers had never seen such a beautiful woman, and they all talked about this stunning woman.

  Fei Yan's indifferent eyes swept over the group of ants who were talking about her. No one could say how she was, except for Kong Nianzhi.

  The mighty aura like a phoenix descended into the world frantically and violently, the noisy people instantly seemed to be strangling their throats, their breathing stagnated a little, and one by one fell to the ground with their mouths wide open in misery.

  PS: Second more!

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Chapter 71 A Non-Attack Attack! (3/10) (please subscribe for a reward)

  The six-fingered black man frowned, his aura as thick as black ink was released, Yaoyao competed with Feiyan's Fengwei, eased the pain of the onlookers, and said gloomily: "Why do you want to shoot at them, they are just innocent. "

  "Well, they're just innocent." Fei Yan smiled coldly and said, "They're innocent, because you died in this restaurant, aren't you?"

  "Besides, why do I have to endure what they say about me? People have to be self-aware in order to live longer. If the poultry runs to the beasts and screams, they will only end up being bitten to death."

  The six-fingered black man who said these words was speechless. He could only secretly lift his breath and rushed towards Feiyan. The speed was so fast that he left a human-shaped afterimage on the spot, dragging the long black Qiqi Changhong, blinking his eyes Crossed a distance of [-] meters.


  Feiyan's face remained unchanged, her mind rose up in a flash, her graceful figure was walking against the wind, and her movements were graceful like dancing to avoid the attack of the six-fingered black man.

  The attack failed, and the six-fingered black man turned sharply, like a swallow that turned back, and blasted towards Feiyan flying into the air again.

  There was no way to avoid it, Fei Yan did not panic, the slender jade hand swiped lightly in the air, and several blue water attribute onmyo skills flew out from her slender, white jade-like hand, straight towards the flying six fingers. Black man _ attack to go.



  The blue yin-yang technique disappeared, and the screams were endless. This was because most of the qi was attacked by the black man with six fingers, but it was blocked by the black body of the black man with six fingers. Occasionally some sputtered qi, although the power was already strong. It takes seven to eighty-eight, but sputtering on this ordinary person is no less than being punched by an adult with all his strength.


  The six-fingered black man spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was as pale as white paper, and more blood spilled from his nose and mouth. This was not because he was injured by Fei Yan, but his body had reached its limit, and his vitality was about to dissipate. do.

  He took a few deep breaths and said firmly with his eyes: "Your Excellency Dongjun. This old man still has the last trick left, please enlighten me."

  "Unofficial attack!"


  At this time, Kong Nianzhi also encountered an unexpected situation.

  When Kong Nianzhi chased him out of the inn, Master Ban, Thief Zhi, and Yan Dan wisely divided into three parts, and each chose a direction to escape, so that even if Kong Nianzhi caught up with one person, two people could survive. .

  To tell the truth, after thinking about it, Kong Nianzhi chose to chase Yandan. Master Ban and Robber Zhi are not bad people, but Yandan is different. A typical hypocrite, the city is terrible. If this guy didn't die, he would have to be thinking about him every day. Kong Nianzhi didn't want to be thinking about this guy when he hugged Feiyan and did shameful things.

  Under the lock of Kong Nianzhi's super-sensation, Yan Dan was caught up without running very far, but the strange thing is that this guy was not afraid at all when he saw Kong Nianzhi, but showed a look of uncontrollable happy expression.

  Yan Dan laughed frantically and said, "Kong Nianzhi, ah Kong Nianzhi, I didn't expect you to actually come after me. Since you are courting death, I will do it for you. Come out."

  Yan Dan laughed frantically and said, "Kong Nianzhi, ah Kong Nianzhi, I didn't expect you to actually come after me. Since you are courting death, I will do it for you. Come out."

  With the end of the speech, the people in the nearby houses in Kong Nianzhi's super perception broke through the roof windows and surrounded him, but in the blink of an eye, this spacious alley was filled with fifty or sixty people. And some are congested.

  "Kong Nianzhi, I admit that you are very strong and terrifyingly strong. You have become a master at the age of less than [-], and you have stole my Feiyan, but..."

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  Yan Dan stretched out his right hand and laughed loudly: "What I lost will always be taken back by me. My broken right arm has been reborn with the help of Master Class."

  "Although my master, Six Fingers Black Hero, will die today, I will also be blessed by misfortune and become the giant of the Mo family. With the power of the Mo family, the country of Yan will be even stronger."

  "And you, too, will die here! As long as I kill you, Feiyan will be mine."

  "Sorry for interrupting." The sarcasm in Kong Nianzhi's eyes flashed away, and he said slightly mockingly: "Feiyan is already my woman, don't even think about it."



  Yan Dan's fists clenched suddenly and made a loud noise, he gritted his teeth and twitched the corners of his mouth and said: "This bitch! It doesn't matter, I don't love her anyway, as long as I get Fei Yan, even if It doesn't matter if she is not innocent, with her connections and strength, my career is one step closer to success."

  Kong Nianzhi shook his head and sighed, looking at Yan Dan, and then Han Fei, this is the true character of a hero, this is the appearance of an emperor, ruthless enough.

  In his eyes, there are only valuable and worthless people, who can be used or cannot be used.

  Appreciation will be appreciated, but this Yan Dan must still die. He speaks ill of Feiyan in front of his own face. Today is the day King Lao Tzu is here, and he must die too!

  Yan Dan's eyes flashed fiercely, and he asked coldly, "Why are you shaking your head?"

  "You don't think that just with these crooked melons and cracked dates, more people can deal with me."

  PS: The third update!

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Chapter 72 The Three Heroes of Mount Tai! (4/10) (please subscribe for a reward)

  Of course Yan Dan didn't think that Kong Nianzhi could be dealt with by a large number of people. He smiled grimly and retreated behind the crowd.

  The crowd suddenly dispersed into a path, allowing three well-mannered men to enter.

  "Under Du Zhong."

  "Under Du Wen."

  "Under Duwu."

  Kong Nianzhi's pupils shrank, and he blurted out, "You are the three heroes of Mount Tai!"

  "I didn't expect that after so many years, people still remember us."

  Kong Nianzhi snorted coldly: "How could your name be forgotten."

  Before the fifteenth "two eighty-three" years, there was a small sect called Jinjiamen in Taishan, which specialized in horizontal exercises. This small sect suddenly appeared three disciples with a vertical posture. Under the full training of the sect , they have a illustrious name among the hundreds of schools of thought at a young age.

  The three of them are as close as brothers, and they do everything together. It is precisely because they have eliminated countless evil demons and made a big name in the rivers and lakes that they are respected as the three heroes of Mount Tai, and they can be called heroes. .

  But as the saying goes, if the gun hits the first bird, the wood show will be destroyed by the forest wind.In the process of beheading a monster, Taishan Sanxiong was plotted by the monster, and he was poisoned with a special drug, lost his mind, and became promiscuous. The three rushed into a righteous village to kill, and all the men were killed If they were killed, the women were raped to death. In just one night, the thirty-seven people in Yizhuang, the elderly, the weak, women and children, were all wiped out.

  This kind of murderous deed soon spread all over the rivers and lakes and shocked everyone. Although these three people couldn't help themselves, they did make a big mistake. In the end, many chivalrous people came to Jinjiamen, and they were with Jinjia. The door owner discussed this matter, and after repeated persuasion and assurance from the door owner of Jinjiamen, Taishan Sanxiong was saved by the door owner of Jinjiamen.

  They reached an agreement that after punishing the three people, they would be locked up in the back mountain for three years to repent.Three years later, they have washed away this sin, and they are still the three heroes of Mount Tai who are famous.

  But the three heroes of Mount Tai did not know where they heard rumors that they were going to execute the three of them. The three of them were immediately aggrieved, their anger ignited uncontrollably, and they became mad, killing all the way to symbolically imprison them. In the prison cell, the entire Jinjiamen and the chivalrous men who came to the Jinjiamen were slaughtered.

  Overnight, the rising Golden Armor Gate was destroyed.

  One wrong step, one wrong step, since they made this big mistake, they will never be able to look back. With their unparalleled horizontal training skills, they are domineering in the arena, killing people for pleasure, prostituting wives and daughters, and never again. Not the original heroes Taishan Sanxiong.

  One wrong step, one wrong step, since they made this big mistake, they will never be able to look back. With their unparalleled horizontal training skills, they are domineering in the arena, killing people for pleasure, prostituting wives and daughters, and never again. Not the original heroes Taishan Sanxiong.

  These three people are all practicing Jinjiamen's Jinjiagong. Although this is not a very famous practice, but these three people are indeed talented, and they continue to optimize this practice, push the old and innovate, and perfect the new Jinjiagong. .

  This Golden Armor Art was perfected to the ninth-level realm by them, and the boss, Du Zhong, had the most outstanding talent.The second child, Du Wen, was just one step behind, only mastering the Golden Armor Art of the eighth floor, barely entering the realm of the early stage of the ultimate master.Although the eldest Du Wu has a martial character in his name, he is the least talented of the three, only possessing the strength of the seventh level of the Golden Armor Art, and he can be regarded as a super late-stage master.

  Although these three people are in the sky, they are limited by their vision and have no chance to absorb the strengths of other exercises. In the past ten years, they can no longer perfect the golden armor, and they have completely fallen into a bottleneck.

  But just a few years ago, the three heroes of Mount Tai, who could occasionally hear their evil deeds, suddenly disappeared, as if the world had evaporated, but unexpectedly, these three were recruited by Yan Dan.

  If you don't know these three people, you will never think that the three people who look like heroes are three murderers.

  Du Wu was the most irritable, and when he saw Kong Nianzhi recognized him, he immediately scolded: "Miss Rite, after so many years, there are still people who can recognize Lao Tzu, what are you looking at? "

  As soon as Du Wu issued an order, the dozens of people surrounding Kong Nianzhi all took out their weapons and launched an attack on Kong Nianzhi.

  This group of people are all disciples that Taishan Sanxiong has accepted over the years, but what makes Taishan Sanxiong depressed is that the talent of this group of disciples can't be compared with them. However, none of this group of disciples could inherit their mantle and learn their 3.9 skills, and they were all in a state of being half-baked.

  Just this group of people, no matter how many times they are, there is no way they can take Confucius Nianzhi.

  A few random shots, more than a dozen disciples fell to the ground without knowing their life and death. Seeing that these disciples could no longer hold on, Taishan Sanxiong couldn't sit still. Although these disciples were a bit wasteful, it was because of their hard work. 's disciple.

  The three of them looked at each other and nodded, instantly turning into three golden figures and rushing towards Kong Nianzhi. . .

  PS: Fourth more!

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Chapter 73 Three old turtles! (5/10) (please subscribe for a reward)

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