"Mr. Kong, don't lie to me. It won't do you any good. Anyway, I have destroyed the new Qin law. I'm also a dying person. It won't do you any good." Changping Jun sneered: "Of course, if this is Mr. Kong's bad taste, then I don't say it."

  Now Changping-kun has calmed down.

  After careful consideration, Changping-Jun concluded that what he just destroyed must be the new Qin law written by Han Fei and Zhang Liang.

  First of all, Lord Changping knows the handwriting of Han Fei and Zhang Liang, and the handwriting on it is undoubtedly the handwriting of Han Fei and Zhang Liang.

  First of all, Lord Changping knows the handwriting of Han Fei and Zhang Liang, and the handwriting on it is undoubtedly the handwriting of Han Fei and Zhang Liang.

  Secondly, it has taken so long to write a new Qin law, how could they have time to write another appendix.


  Bad taste? !

  I hate you sir!

  Kong Nianzhi twitched his horns and shook his head speechlessly: "What good is it for me to lie to you, this is a copy, if you don't believe it, wait."

  After speaking, Kong Nianzhi nodded to Zhao Gao.

  Zhao Gao hurriedly turned and left the hall in the eyes of everyone. After a while, he ran back with a box in his hand and respectfully handed it into Kong Nianzhi's hand...  

  Kong Nianzhi opened the box, then threw the seemingly precious box aside, then took out the bound book inside and threw it in the direction of Changping-jun: "Hey, see for yourself."


  With a suspicious look on his face, Changping Jun took the book that Kong Nianzhi had thrown and bound into a volume, and then slowly opened the first page.

  Ok? !

  what? !

  It was just a glance, and Changping-Jun's suspicious expression was suddenly replaced by horror, because it was really exactly the same as the new Qin Lu that he shredded and eaten before.

  how can that be!

  Changping-Jun kept flipping in awe, but let him read it, this Qin Lu is exactly the same as the previous one, not even a single word on it.


  I have to destroy it!

  Changping-jun's eyes were slightly cold, and the hand that clenched the booklet in his hand unconsciously increased a bit of strength, and at the same time, there was a slight disdain for Kong Nianzhi in his heart.

  He clearly knew that he had betrayed Ying Zheng, that he was an undercover lurker in Qin, and he had just seen himself destroy the new Qin Lu, and now he even dared to hand this new Qin Lu into his own hands. What is Kong Nianzhi? What do you think? !


  Changping-jun was puzzled in his heart, but his hands kept moving, and in the blink of an eye, he tore all the booklets in his hand into small pieces of paper and covered them all over the stone slabs on 4.9 of the main hall.

  "Even if the previous one is a copy, then this one must be the original. Now I have destroyed this original. I'll see what you guys do!" , and then met Kong Nianzhi's eyes that were looking at an idiot, he suddenly seemed to be strangled by his throat, and stopped halfway through his laughter.

  "You...why do you look at me like that." Changping-Jun swallowed his saliva and shouted in a dry tone. For some reason, a bad premonition rose in Changping-Jun's heart.

  The bad premonition before has come true, and the bad premonition this time...



  Kong Nianzhi sighed helplessly.

  "Didn't I tell you, this is a copy.".

Chapter 696 Dementia should stay at home and don't come out!

  Following Kong Nianzhi's words, Zhao Gao left the hall again under Kong Nianzhi's gesture.

  Soon, Changping-jun's bad premonition came true again, and Zhao Gao walked back holding a box again.

  "I don't believe it... I don't believe it... How could such a thing happen!" Chang Ping-jun's eyes were blank, and his eyes were full of panic.

  What happened in front of him was beyond Changhei-kun's comprehension.

  You must know that the thick stack of new Qin laws cannot be faked. Even if Han Fei and Zhang Liang never sleep, it took so many days to write them.

  But how could there be so many copies one after another? Could it be that Han Fei and Zhang Liang still have eight hands or could they not be able to clone themselves? !

  Changping Jun took the lead, snatched the box in his hand before Kong Nian, then opened the box, and he found a book bound in exactly the same book as before, and when he opened the first page of the book, he was torn apart as expected. The two broken 28s are exactly the same.


  "It's impossible, I don't believe it!" Changping-jun was horrified, and suddenly tore the booklet into pieces again, and flung it in all directions.

  At this time, the expressions of the ministers in the hall didn't need to be where Changping-Jun was, and their hearts also went up and down with Changping-Jun tearing up this new Qin law every time and then a new one appeared.

  To be honest, they were also a little stunned, and couldn't understand what was going on right now.

  He could only watch helplessly as Changping-jun roared like crazy, "I don't believe it, this is impossible", while tearing up the new Qin Lu, and then Zhao Gao brought up a new Qin Lu.

  How could this new Qin Lu suddenly have several more copies? !


  Seeing that Changping-Jun tore up two more new Qin Lu, and there was even a thick layer of scraps of paper on the ground, Kong Nianzhi silently stopped Zhao Gao, who was going to go out: " Zhao Gao, take more this time, do you understand!"

  "Yes." Zhao Gao nodded respectfully, turned and left the hall.

  "Changping-kun, if you like to tear it up, I'll give you more. You can tear it up slowly when you go home. It's not bad for Alzheimer's to tear paper. Just keep it at home." Kong Nianyi looked like an idiot The dazed Changping-kun.

  At this moment, the sound of a wheel sounded, and under the leadership of Zhao Gao, several imperial soldiers came to the hall with a cart of books, and the cart must have at least hundreds of books.

  And looking at the appearance of those books, it is clear that they are all new Qin Lu.

  This turned out to be the new Qin Lu with hundreds of copies!

  "Why is this happening!" Changping-Jun ran from Kong Nianzhi's Shenbian to the forbidden army, picked up the new Qin laws one by one and looked at them, and found that they were all new Qin laws.

  Suddenly, Changping-Jun was even more at a loss, and what happened in front of him really made him a little incomprehensible.

  It should be said that it is not only Lord Changping, but all the ministers present gathered in front of the new Qin Lu, and they all looked at it in astonishment. close up.

  After a long time, a civil servant took the lead: "Your Majesty, what is going on here, how can there be so many new Qin laws?!"

  After a long time, a civil servant took the lead: "Your Majesty, what is going on here, how can there be so many new Qin laws?!"

  For military generals, perhaps they only have some curiosity in their hearts, but for their group of civil servants, this is not just a simple curiosity, but it is completely beyond their imagination.

  It is precisely because they are also literati that they understand how much time and energy it takes to write such a book.

  You must know that it is impossible for all the classics to be written successfully at one time, and there will definitely be typos or wrong places in them, then the classics will be scrapped and need to be rewritten.

  That is to say, writing a book is not as simple as just writing one book, but after writing and scrapping several or even dozens of books, this book can finally be completed.

  However, the hundreds of identical new Qin Statutes in front of them really made the group of civil servants bewildered.

  "You have to ask Mr. Kong about this matter. This is what Mr. Kong came up with." Ying Zheng's anger subsided slightly and replied.

  Mr. Kong? !

  Is this what Kong Nianzhi did again? !

  The civil servants looked at each other and looked at each other: "Mr. Kong, I don't know what's going on?!"

  "Cough cough." Looking at a group of ministers who looked at him eagerly, like a group of elementary school students, Kong Nianzhi coughed lightly, and looked a bit like a teacher: "This is actually movable type printing."


  "What it is?"

  "The old man has never heard of it, and there is no record of this word in the classics."


  Looking at the bewildered crowd, Kong Nianzhi continued to explain: "The so-called movable type printing technique is actually that the engraver uses a carving knife to cut off the part of the layout without writing, which becomes a protruding embossed font, and a concave font. The inscriptions on the stele are completely different. When printing, put ink on the raised font, then put the paper over it, wipe the back of the paper lightly, and the writing will stay on the paper.”

  "And a more convenient method is to use cement to make a blank with a uniform size of 473 squares, engrave a reversed word on one end, and the height of the protuberance is the same as the thickness of the edge of a copper coin, and it is hardened with fire to become a single cement. Movable type. In order to meet the needs of typesetting, there are usually several or even dozens of commonly used words in case they are used repeatedly in the same edition. If you encounter uncommon words that are not commonly used, if you do not prepare them in advance, you can use them as you like. "

  "It is precisely because of this movable type printing technique that the new Qin Lu written by Han Fei and Zhang Liang can be mass-produced. There are as many as you want."

  After speaking, Kong Nianzhi pointed to the car of new Qin Lu.

  There were not a few stupid ministers present, or in other words, no one who could become a politician was stupid. All of them were very smart. After Kong Nianzhi's explanation, they quickly understood what movable type printing was. I understand why so many new Qin laws can appear in such a short period of time.

  "There is still such a wonderful method in the world, this is just in line with the great prosperity of the Qin country, and the king's hegemony can be achieved!"

  "Mr. Kong is really amazing, and there is such a miraculous method of mass-producing ancient books!"


  The ministers were amazed, and they were talking about it. With their eyes, they naturally knew the benefits that the appearance of movable type printing could bring. .

Chapter 697 Crushing Thunder!

  As literati, the ministers understood how terrifying the movable type printing technique was.

  The emergence of movable type printing is not only conducive to saving manpower, material resources and financial resources for printing, facilitating arrangement and modification, greatly improving printing efficiency, conducive to the unification of versions, conducive to the dissemination and retention of culture, and conducive to knowledge and technology. promotion..

  You must know that the classics studied in the school are all hand-written. Students who want to learn can only transcribe a copy slowly. Children from poor families simply do not have the money to transcribe books.

  With this type of movable type printing, there is no need for manual recording of classics in the future, which greatly saves time and is also conducive to the spread of culture.

  Many literati's homes have collections of ancient books or ancient writings. These are the only copies of manual recordings. Once damaged, they will be ripped off and disappear into this world.

  And with this movable type printing, these isolated copies can be better preserved, and at the same time, it is also beneficial for the literati to exchange and learn from each other. This is a great good thing!

  "Sometimes the widow really thinks back, there are things that Mr. Kong can't or can't do." Ying Zheng said with some emotion when he saw the high-spirited ministers.

  "It's a bit too much for you to say that, there are some things I really can't do." Kong Nianzhi rolled his eyes.

  "Oh? The widow really wants to know, there are things that Mr. Kong can't do." Ying Zheng was immediately interested.

  You must know that in Ying Zheng's eyes, Kong Nianzhi is really all-powerful, and there is nothing that Kong Nianzhi cannot solve.

  "I really can't have a baby, but I can let someone else have a baby for me, although it hasn't been born yet." Kong Nianzhi complained indifferently, full of resentment.

  To be honest, Kong Nianzhi has been working hard for a year or two, not to mention the singing every night, it is also a battle and a night, and it is full of crops at one time, but no matter which girl it is, there is no movement in her belly.

  Sure enough, it should be said that the restriction of the strong bloodline is more serious.

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