If it wasn't for Changping Jun who sent her to Zuimenglou, how could she get to know Sister Huaying, who has always taken good care of her and regarded her as her own sister.

  Then, because of this, he met Kong Nianzhi and became Kong Nianzhi's woman.



  "Why are you pulling me?" At this moment, Kong Nianzhi was also dragged to another room by the purple girl.

  "What are you talking about." Zi Nu Wumei rolled her eyes, pinched her waist and said, "Can you have some eyesight, the father and daughter have just met each other, there must be a lot to say, you pester What are you doing there?!"

  "..." Smelling the fragrance of the Purple Girl, Kong Nianzhi suddenly became a little restless, pulled the Purple Girl over, and hugged the Purple Girl in his arms.

  "Don't make trouble." The purple girl's delicate and rugged first froze, and then suddenly softened in Kong Nianzhi's arms, her hands were about to refuse, but they were generally pressed against Kong Nianzhi's mouth, her beautiful eyes seemed to be dripping water. The same barking: "I'm talking to you about serious things."

  "Yeah, I also want to do serious things with you. Isn't it a serious thing to work hard for our children?" Kong Nianzhi gently ignored the tip of Zi Nu's ears, and suddenly, Zi Nu's delicate auricles appeared. There was a swell of red, which was very cute.

  "Okay, I really want to talk about serious things." Purple Girl muttered angrily.

  "You tell me." Kong Nianzhi didn't look like a fake when he saw the purple girl, and he no longer adjusted the purple girl's breath.

  "I've been discussing something with Sister Feiyan for a while now." The purple girl leaned against Kong Nianzhi's mouth with her little face, and wrapped her arms around Kong Nianzhi's waist, listening to Kong Nianzhi's powerful heartbeat. Sniffing Kong Nianzhi's question, he said softly.

  "Negotiate things with Feiyan?!" Kong Nianzhi was puzzled.

  What's the matter? Could it be that you want to come up with something to make you find more girls and sow more seeds? !

  Kong Nianzhi had a strange look on his face, but he remembered how crazy these girls had become during that time, in order to let him have children earlier.

  "Well, Feiyan and I are thinking, although you have established an invisible empire, you, the king, have been acting as a hand-slinger. It's all sister Tian Yan, sister Feiyan and I are responsible for the operation of the invisible empire." , the purple girl gave Kong Nianzhi another look.

  Seeing the look of the purple girl's eyebrows, Kong Nianzhi couldn't help it this time, and directly kissed the purple girl's glittering petals.

  "...you...what are you...well 830..."

  In an instant, a masculine question flowed from Kong Nianzhi's guise into Zi Nu's little guinea. This breath constantly stimulated Zi Nu's taste buds, and Kong Nianzhi's head was even more strongly entangled. After reaching Zi Nu's Xiang She, Zi Nu seemed to have lost Quan Shen's strength, and fell powerlessly into Kong Nianzhi's arms, and her small white jade-like hand slowly encircled Kong Nianzhi's generosity. The moon wants limbs...

  Time, little by little, in the long lingering, the air in Zi Nu's Hungarian voice was squeezed dry by Confucius, until Zi Nu felt that she was suffocated to the point of dizziness, unable to breathe at all. At that time, Kong Nianzhi was able to let her go.

  Immediately, the flaps were separated, and a silver thread was connected between the two of them. The purple girl immediately felt that her double fading softened, and she couldn't help but snuggle into Kong Nianzhi's arms like a pool. middle.

  The dizziness in her mind slowly dissipated, and the purple girl snorted, like a shy ostrich, shyly breathing quickly.

  At the same time, the continuous undulating arc of Ting Lie's breathing was also constantly rubbing against Kong Nianzhi's chest. Be careful with the slight moisturizing feeling, which made the purple girl unable to lift her head ashamed.

  PS: It's still a day when I can't open the fl, okay, I'm going to change the network cable....

Chapter 702 The level of the invisible empire!

  The temperature in the room heated up rapidly, and the purple girl could even feel Kong Nianzhi's eyes constantly moving on her own sanity, and those eyes seemed to be scorching hot and could sting her tender skin.

  "Don't... don't make trouble, I'm talking to you about serious things." Resisting her shyness and the moist feeling, the purple girl looked at Kong Nianzhi angrily.

  "Okay, say it." Kong Nianzhi was really embarrassed when he saw the purple girl, and he stopped teasing the purple girl, but made an appearance that I listened to you seriously.

  Zi Nu was able to open Zi Lan Xuan with the help of a girl, and make it bigger and generate her own intelligence organization, her intelligence and mind are far beyond ordinary people.

  And Fei Yan, as Dongjun of the Yin-Yang family, was able to kill the six-fingered black man in the original work and fool countless people. His ingenuity should not be underestimated.

  As for Tian Yan, it is even more exaggerated, and his IQ has reached a level similar to that of a demon. The terrifying overall situation and IQ directly allow Tian Yan to rely on his own wisdom to suppress too many people from various schools of thought. Everyone played with applause.

  In the original book, Tian Yan's only mistake was not knowing that the heir of the Qinglong project was not only her father Tian Meng, but also a person Tian Yan did not know was also the heir of the Qinglong project, and that was Shengqi , which also paved the way for Tian Yan to finally reveal his identity as a salamander.

  Kong Nianzhi was a little curious about what the three women with terrifying intelligence got together to discuss.

  The purple girl took a few deep breaths, calmed her breathing slowly, and suppressed the same feeling at the same time.

  Rolling her eyes at Kong Nianzhi, the purple girl sighed like blue: "You are too irresponsible as a king, do you know that?"

  "..." Kong Nianzhi's corner twitched, and a black line ran across his face.

  Because Zi Nu was telling the truth, although Kong Nianzhi established an invisible empire, he did not manage it at all, but directly handed it over to Zi Nu, Fei Yan, Tian Yan and others to manage it.

  Thinking of this, Kong Nianzhi smiled embarrassingly: "Isn't it because of you, I naturally don't have to worry about these things~¨."

  "Humph." Zi Nu glanced at Kong Nian with a frown, and then muttered angrily, "I discussed with sister Feiyan and sister Tian Yan, we need to formulate a new rule, so I want to make See if it fits."

  "The new rules? What are they?" Kong Nianzhi said in confusion while holding the hot and delicate purple girl.

  Strictly speaking, the invisible empire is a very loosely managed force, and there are not too many rules in it. Kong Nianzhi, Zi Nu and others explain the task, and then the people led by Liu Jiannu and Xuan Jian complete the task. The task is that simple.

  "Me, Feiyan, and Tian Yan have decided to add a hierarchy to the invisible empire." Purple Girl's purple eyes were full of charm, and the rays of light that bloomed were as dazzling as stars.

  Ok? !


  Kong Nianzhi's silver eyes flashed when he heard the words.

  It might be a good idea to add a hierarchy to the invisible empire, which will not only make the members of the invisible empire more motivated, but also better distinguish the gap between each person's power status.

  "It's a good idea, let's hear what you think." Kong Nianzhi slowly walked to the bedside with the purple girl in his arms, leaning on each other.

  "It's a good idea, let's hear what you think." Kong Nianzhi slowly walked to the bedside with the purple girl in his arms, leaning on each other.

  "A force must have a hierarchy. For example, if something happens, who will have the final say among the few people present?" Zi Nu looked up at Kong Nianzhi and continued, "So a hierarchy must be established. Now, the one at the top is naturally the king of the invisible empire."

  "Well, then." Kong Nianzhi pinched his chin and thought to himself.

  In fact, Kong Nianzhi also thought about the establishment of a hierarchy that Zi Nu, Fei Yan and Tian Yan considered, but later because of various things, plus Kong Nianzhi was lazy, so he didn't put his thoughts on it. All actions have been delayed until now.

  "Under you, we have thought about whether to set up a deputy leader to help you deal with the invisible empire, and you don't care about the development." The purple girl's beautiful eyes plucked out one of Kong Nian's eyes, and then she didn't care. said angrily.

  "Deputy leader?" Kong Nianzhi gently held Zi Nu's little hand, then shook his head: "I don't need that kind of thing."

  The existence of the deputy chief is not necessary at all.

  In terms of strength, Kong Nianzhi is not afraid of any existence and challenge.

  And the ordinary things and the operation of the invisible empire, it is enough to leave them to the purple girl.

  "why? "The purple girl frowned slightly, her beautiful eyes full of doubts.

  Could it be that there is something wrong with the thoughts of yourself, Feiyan and Tian Yan? !

  Zi Nu asked herself, the deputy leader is indeed necessary, because as long as Kong Nianzhi doesn't care about anything when there is no major event, then a deputy leader is needed to stand up and deal with some things in normal times.

  With the deputy leader, the efficiency of the invisible empire's operation can be greatly accelerated.

  Zi Nu couldn't figure out why Kong Nianzhi refused this proposal, but the answer given by Kong Nianzhi in the next second almost didn't make Zi Nu's heart tremble into a jerk, blending into Kong Nianzhi's tenderness. Unable to extricate themselves.

  "I don't need something like a deputy leader at all, I'm enough to have you." Looking at Zi Nu's doubtful eyes, Kong Nianzhi laughed softly: "Anyway, you have always been helping me manage the invisible empire, then Just do it (the king's) and you can manage it all the time."

  Speaking of this, Kong Nianzhi suddenly laughed abusively: "Why, don't you all want to continue to help me manage the invisible empire?"


  This guy always says something inexplicable that makes me want to cry.

  The purple girl's beautiful eyes suddenly had a mist of water, and her eyes began to slowly turn red.

  In the past, no matter how wronged she was, Zi Nu had always carried it alone, resisting all the pressure and danger of Zi Lanxuan on her own weak shoulders.

  But now... but completely different from before.

  I don't know what happened, but I became so fragile and my emotions became so sensitive. Even because of Kong Nianzhi's casual words or some of his casual things, tears began to fall. .

Chapter 703 Kong Nianzhi is a Luo Licon!

  Blame this man in front of you!

  If it weren't for him, I wouldn't cry at all, and I wouldn't be so sentimental.

  Women are unreasonable, Zi Nu pondered for a long time, couldn't figure out why she became so sentimental and actually cried, and directly blamed all the faults on Kong Nianzhi.

  In fact, the reason why the purple girl's character has changed so much is very simple, that is, Kong Nianzhi is her man, and she also has support, so there is no need to worry about the previous kind of fear, and she may die at any time when she walks on the sword. life.

  In the past, Zi Nu had no sense of security. Do you really think that Zi Lan Xuan can be opened casually? !

  It would be naive to think so.

  Even now, if you want to open such a club, you still need backstage support and various relationships, not to mention that it was in the war-torn era, or in the capital of South Korea, Xinzheng, in the center of chaos.

  Zi Nu is just a girl. In order to protect herself and Zi Lan Xuan, she must be strong. If she is not strong, how can Zi Nu protect herself, Zi Lan Xuan, and her sisters.

  Therefore, the purple girl must hide her feelings, hide her fragility, and protect herself by showing a look full of thorns.

  But now that Zi Nu has support and belonging, and feels the gentle sense of security that Kong Nianzhi brought her, everything is different.


  "I suddenly found that you are very good at talking. You must have deceived a lot of little girls." The purple girl also had a lovely blush on her nose, and her charming voice was full of tears, and she muttered jealously. road.

  With Zi Nu's cleverness, she was naturally able to understand what Confucius meant.

  And Kong Nianzhi's meaning is also very simple, that is, he doesn't need the messy stuff like the deputy leader, and the invisible empire is very relieved to hand them over to manage Kong Nianzhi.

  This inadvertent belief moved Zi Nu very much.

  Although Kong Nianzhi has never said anything sweet to them, what Kong Nianzhi does and speaks can make them feel full of warmth and security.

  Purple Girl's current mood is somewhat indescribable. On the one hand, she is full of (ciad) moving, and on the other hand, she is slowly jealous.


  In this regard, Kong Nianzhi's desire to survive is very strong, and he immediately clenched the little hand of the purple girl and assured: "You don't know how I am, I never bother to deceive the little girl."

  In this regard, Kong Nianzhi's desire to survive is very strong, and he immediately clenched the little hand of the purple girl and assured: "You don't know how I am, I never bother to deceive the little girl."

  "Humph." Zi Nu gave a coquettish voice, wanting to draw out her small hand, but Kong Nianzhi's big hand grabbed it tightly and did not give her this chance at all, so she could only secretly mock again with disdain: "I am the person you are. Of course, it's all clear, and I don't care to deceive the little girl? What happened to sister Tian Mi? What about sister Tian Yan? There is also sister Qilin'er, your junior sister Xiaomeng, and the precious pearl of Qin Wangyingzheng, Princess Yinman. , and the Shi Lan you brought back some time ago, what do you say?"

  "..." Kong Nianzhi twitched his eyes and suddenly felt a pain in his head. How did this purple girl find out these old accounts? Kong Nianzhi can pat Hungry and assure him that he really didn't see the pitfalls and abductions. The matter of deceiving little Raleigh, he has always brought it back and raised it slowly.

  Sure enough, every girl is so sensitive in these aspects? !

  Kong Nianzhi guiltily wiped his forehead, which was not sweating coldly, and then pulled Zi Nu's little hand to please him with a smile: "Didn't I pick it up Tian Mi, you know, if I didn't save Tian Mi at that time? , what will happen to Tian Mi?"

  "Tian Yan's father, Tian Meng, as you know, that old man didn't see her as his daughter at all, he just regarded her as a tool. I brought Tian Yan back for Tian Yan's good."

  "As for Qilin'er, it's even simpler. You don't know her situation at the time. If I hadn't rescued her, then Qilin'er's prudence wouldn't last long."

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