"In fact, I not only sympathize with you, but also admire you. You can do this for your own woman." Kong Nianzhi ignored Xiang Ning's eyes that seemed to be capable of killing people: "But have you ever thought about it? Why is your woman still alive?!"

  Why is it still alive?because of what?because of what?


  Kong Nianzhi's words slammed into Xiang Ning's mind like a heavy hammer, causing Xiang Ning to fall into a brief state of absentmindedness.

  Kong Nianzhi's words slammed into Xiang Ning's mind like a heavy hammer, causing Xiang Ning to fall into a brief state of absentmindedness.

  What is the use of Xiang Ning to the Xiang family? !

  That is to lead the killers in the shadow blade and become the daggers in their hands to perform one task after another. This is the meaning of Xiang Ning's existence.

  The only function of Xiang Ning's woman is to limit Xiang Ning's life for the Xiang family. Once Xiang Ning dies, this woman who belongs to the Xiang family's mortal enemy will naturally be useless.

  Xiang Ning didn't dare to think about how his woman would be dealt with.

  "No, no! I can't die, I absolutely can't die!" Soon, Xiang Ning figured out everything and began to have a strong fear of death.

  Xiang Ning is a person who is not afraid of death, but if he dies, then his woman will also die, a price that Xiang Ning is absolutely unwilling to pay.


  Kong Nianzhi clapped his hands gently, then said with a smile, "Very good, it seems that we can continue to communicate."

  "Master, are you crazy, you actually want to betray Master Xiang Yan?"

  "Do you know what you are doing, don't you know the price of betraying Lord Xiang Yan?!"

  "Sir, you can't do this!"

  The killers looked at Xiang Ning in disbelief. As a member of the Shadow Blade, they had already dedicated everything to their organization...  

  "I can tell you why I came to Xianyang, what our purpose is, and why we attacked Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang, but before that, I still have some things to do." After speaking, Xiang Ning completely ignored Shen In pain, he pulled out the long sword stuck on the ground and slowly walked towards the killers.

  Since it has been decided to tell Kong Nianzhi and Wei Zhuang these things, the group of killers in front of them cannot stay.

  They witnessed that they betrayed Xiang Yan and the Xiang clan. Once the information was passed back to the Xiang clan, the Xiang clan would definitely threaten themselves with their women, or even hurt her directly.

  In order to prevent this from happening, the group of killers in front of them must not leave any alive.

  The miserable cry quickly sounded.

  In a blink of an eye, the corpses of the killers were lying on the ground.

  In front of Xiang Ning, although the strength of this group of killers is good, the gap between their strengths is too great. It is simply not enough to make up for it with such a small number of people. under the sword.

  Xiang Ning dragged the long sword with a strong bloody smell and walked back to Wei Zhuang and Kong Nianzhi with a heavy pace. In order to show his sincerity, he even inserted the long sword into the ground.

  "The existence of the eyes has been eliminated, you can ask what you want to know." Xiang Ning's expression was flat, as if he had already recognized the reality.

  Wei Zhuang narrowed his eyes slightly, and stood the shark tooth sword on the ground: "Why did the shadow blade of your Chu country suddenly appear in Xianyang, your purpose, mission, why did you attack me and my brother Gai Nie, all this , I want to know all about it."

  Xiang Ning stared deeply at Wei Zhuang and Kong Nian, then took a deep breath and calmed down: "As you think, behind the Shadow Blade is General Xiang Yan of Chu State, and we are coming to Qin this time. The primary purpose of the state of Xianyang is to... get rid of the Confucian Han Fei and Zhang Liang who can reform the law for the Qin state!".

Chapter 730 Xiang Yan's wild vision, the upcoming assassination!

  Did it come to Han Fei and Zhang Liang? !

  The expressions of Kong Nianzhi and Wei Zhuang suddenly became strange.

  It seemed that the appearance of the new Qin Lu would pose a considerable threat to other vassal states. The Chu state was the first to sit still and directly dispatched a group of ace killers to assassinate Han Fei and Zhang Liang.

  In other words, the old man who has been placed under house arrest, Changping-Jun's plan succeeded. He successfully sent the information of Han Fei and Zhang Liang back to Chu. Yan must have paid attention to it, otherwise it would not have been possible to send a shadow blade.

  Moreover, Lord Changping also passed the information of Han Fei and Zhang Liang to other vassal states, I am afraid that the killers of other vassal states are already ready to move.

  Xiang Ning paused for a moment, then sighed with a complicated expression: "We know that Han Fei and Zhang Liang have been staying in Zilan Xuan for the time being, so we have been waiting for the best time to take action and start other tasks."

  Oh? !

  other tasks!

  A gleam of light flashed in Wei Zhuang's eyes, and then he said thoughtfully: "The so-called other task you said is to attack my brother, and send someone to invite me to meet you, and if I refuse it, he will do it again. Do these things to me."

  "That's right, assassinating Han Fei and Zhang Liang is our top priority, and our secondary task is to meet the Sword Saints Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang of Guigu, which is you." Xiang Ning nodded, "Since you are here , it means that the Five Swordsmanship mission has also failed."

  "Are you talking about those five wastes?" Wei Zhuang snorted coldly, with a hint of disdain in his cold tone: "Their sword intent is too weak to make me feel like fighting. ."

  "Are they rubbish?!" Xiang Ning gave a wry smile, and the scars across his face became even more sinister because of this wry smile: "Perhaps, but just like your Qin State's net has a first-class killer, the five swordsman's corresponding It's just a killer, and I'm also a killer."

  "Interesting." There was a smile in Kong Nianzhi's eyes: "Then what is the purpose of your meeting with Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang? You want to win over these two descendants of Guigu?!"

  "That's right, that's what they originally thought. Let's get to know the two descendants of Guigu, Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang. After all, the strength of the descendants of Guigu is really strong, and they are still at an age where their strength is improving rapidly. The future is absolutely limitless, not to mention that the strongest of the Guigu descendants is not force, but strategy." Xiang Ning nodded palely.

  "They know that with the help of Gai Nie and you, Qin's strength will be greatly enhanced, and Gai Nie has always been in charge of protecting Ying Zheng closely. If he wants to assassinate Ying Zheng, Gai Nie will definitely win over or eliminate him." Xiang Ning Go on.

  "You actually want to assassinate Ying Zheng?" Kong Nianzhi muttered while pinching his chin.

  "They? Who are they?" Wei Zhuang narrowed his eyes.

  "Xiang Yan, the person behind the shadow blade, and Su Mi, the strongest killer in the shadow blade!" Xiang Ning's expression suddenly changed, becoming extraordinarily serious, but just mentioning this name made Xiang Ning feel some lingering fears. It can be seen that Xiang Ning is very afraid of this killer named Su Mi.

  "Xiang Yan, the person behind the shadow blade, and Su Mi, the strongest killer in the shadow blade!" Xiang Ning's expression suddenly changed, becoming extraordinarily serious, but just mentioning this name made Xiang Ning feel some lingering fears. It can be seen that Xiang Ning is very afraid of this killer named Su Mi.

  "Su Mi! That old guy didn't die!" Wei Zhuang's pupils shrank suddenly, and his tone became solemn, full of vigilance.

  "That's right, he is still alive, and has been hiding in the shadow blade of Qin State, responsible for doing something for Xiang Yan, I have no right to order him to do anything at all, and even to a certain extent, Su Mi's status is still Be far above me." Xiang Ning was as deep as a wolf, and his eyes were full of fear for Su Mi.

  "Su Mi, who is that?!" Kong Nianzhi looked at Wei Zhuang suspiciously, the name Kong Nianzhi had never even heard of.

  "That's all from the previous era." Wei Zhuang's tone was slightly solemn, and he seemed to be in a heavy heart: "My master Guiguzi told my brother and me that he once fought a swordsman and was seriously injured in the end. Next, he barely defeated the swordsman by half a move and achieved a tragic victory, and the swordsman also paid the price with his life."

  "I still remember the serious look on the master's face when he talked about Su Mi, and the expression of sympathy in his sigh. He was a terrifying swordsman whose strength was absolutely on par with his master, and his name was... .Su Mi!"

  Wei Zhuang's face was extremely cold, exuding a suffocating chill like a piece of ice!

  It is precisely because he knows Guiguzi and is a direct disciple of Guiguzi that Wei Zhuang knows more clearly how terrifying the strength of Guiguzi is.

  To be honest, if it was before going down the mountain, even if Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang joined forces, they probably wouldn't be able to survive three or two moves in Guiguzi's hands.

  Even now, Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie's strength has been turned upside down, but Wei Zhuang dare not say how many moves he can hold in Guiguzi's hands when he joins forces with Gai Nie, Guiguzi's strength It's so terrifying, so terrifying that it has reached the limit of what humans can achieve. 357

  A swordsman who was able to compete with such a Guiguzi, or even a swordsman who lost only half a move in the end, the horror of his swordsmanship is absolutely beyond everyone's imagination.

  "It turns out that Su Mi still has such a Warring States period." After speaking, Xiang Ning sighed and looked at Kong Nianzhi: "To be honest, we don't actually have any hope of succeeding in assassinating Ying Zheng, after all Ying Zheng has always been in Shenbian. The shadow guards are heavily guarded and the swordsman Genie is protected, but this time it is Su Mi who has taken the shot himself, so the probability of success is definitely high!"

  "In the years when Su Mi stayed in the Shadow Blade, the tasks he performed have never failed, and all of them have been completed perfectly. He is a killing machine!"

  As a member of Shadow Blade, Xiang Ning deeply understands the meaning of the word Su Mi.

  As long as Su Mi shoots, it means that the task will definitely be completed, and it will never be dragged on if it is done beautifully. He is such a person.

  It is precisely because of this that Xiang Ning feels that there is still more hope in assassinating Ying Zheng.

  Otherwise, do you really think Ying Zheng is so easy to assassinate? !

  If it was so easy to assassinate, the feudal lords would be in chaos sooner rather than later, and the king would be replaced every three days, and then he would be killed and then replaced, and it wouldn't be a mess. .

Chapter 731 Sitting on the ground waiting to die?

  The yellow sand filled the air, and the air seemed a little turbid. It made people feel very suffocated and uncomfortable when breathing, and quickly took away the moisture in the human body. In such an environment, if there is no support from water sources, I am afraid Ordinary people will never last three or two hours before losing consciousness due to dehydration.

  However, in such an environment, there were three figures standing in the sand and talking.

  The scene was very strange. The ground was full of tragic corpses. Most of them were killed by a sword. The blood was flowing down the throat and merging with the sand on the ground. It was especially scarlet and bloody. It had froze for a long time and was even covered by wind and sand, and was about to be buried in this uninhabited desert.

  Because it was buried by the wind and sand, the bloody smell in the air quickly dissipated with the wind and was basically negligible.

  "That is to say, the shadow blade first killer Su Mi you said is now staying in Xianyang City, waiting for the opportunity to assassinate Ying Zheng?" Kong Nianzhi said thoughtfully.

  "That's right, he is now hiding in a dark corner of Xianyang City, waiting for the chance to give Ying Zheng a fatal blow." Xiang Ning nodded: "And I can't contact him at all, only Xiang Yan can contact him. He, or I won't see him until he finishes his mission and comes to me."

  Hearing Xiang Ning's words, Kong Nianzhi pondered for a while: "It seems that Su Mi is quite vigilant."


  Wei Zhuang snorted coldly, his face cold: "Of course he is very vigilant, otherwise it is impossible for him to hide his whereabouts for so many years without revealing it at all. It seems that he must have some ulterior plan, otherwise why is he clearly alive? But suspended animation disappears from everyone's sight."

  "Okay, I've told you everything you want to know. Now, it's up to you whether you want to kill me or what to do with me". Xiang Ning sighed, then closed his eyes with a complicated expression, waiting for death to come or to live on.

  Although Xiang Ning didn't want to die, the person in front of him had promised Xiang Ning that as long as he told everything he knew, he would spare Xiang Ning's life.

  But Xiang Ning knew that even if he wanted to live on his own, he was still a prisoner, not to mention the enemy of Kong Nianzhi and Wei Zhuang. Even if he lied to him and killed him after asking questions, it was normal. .

  Xiang Ning has done everything according to Kong Nianzhi's words, and the rest is to see what Kong Nianzhi thinks.

  "I'll never lie, I'll let you go if I let you go, don't worry." Kong Nianzhi patted Xiang Ning's shoulder lightly, then moved his palm away. The strange thing was that Xiang Ning's Shen Shang was covered in blood, but Kong Nianzhi's slender palm was not stained with any blood.

  Kong Nianzhi glanced at Xiang Ning admiringly. In fact, if Kong Nianzhi wanted to know what the purpose of Xiang Ning and the others in Qin was, it was very simple. As long as he killed him and absorbed Xiang Ning's soul, he could read the items at will. Ning's memory.

  But just like Han Xin's filial piety, Kong Nianzhi does not lack his subordinates, and can quickly gather a group of powerful subordinates, but Han Xin's filial piety makes Kong Nianzhi feel a little emotional, so he saved Han Xin's mother and let him Han Xin became a pure-blooded Quincy who awakened the holy text.

  Xiang Ning's infatuation also moved Kong Nianzhi a little, so he left Xiang Ning alive.



  won't you kill me? !

  Looks like he barely saved his life.

  Looks like he barely saved his life.

  Xiang Ning breathed a sigh of relief, and then his face was still a little ugly.

  Although Kong Nianzhi spared his life, and Wei Zhuang did not kill him with a traversing sword, Wei Zhuang's traversing Bafang left countless wounds on his heart.

  In this sandstorm, the speed of water loss was astonishingly fast. Now coupled with the rapid loss of blood, if the bleeding is not stopped quickly, it will not be long before Xiang Ning will be taken away by blood and blood. moisture and shock.

  That is to say, if Xiang Ning wants to survive, he must leave this desert boundary, but if he wants to leave this desert, it will take at least several hours.

  However, once light energy and internal strength are used, the rate of blood loss will definitely accelerate. With Xiang Ning's prudence, he will definitely not be able to leave the desert, and he will definitely pass out in the desert. I know better than anyone what's going to happen.

  This is an endless cycle. If you want to live, you have to leave this desert first, but leaving this desert will make Xiang Ning die faster.

  After thinking about it all, Xiang Ning's eyes suddenly became desperate.

  Obviously, Wei Zhuang and Kong Nianzhi have decided to let him go. Obviously, he has seen the hope of living, but now he has cruelly deprived this hope.

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