The increase in this power is absolutely geometric!

  It turns out that this is the Quincy!

  Is this the power that Kong Nianzhi said he gave himself!

  In this world, the weak can only be deprived of existence.

  Only the power is the most real, the strong are respected, only the strong have the right to speak, can make rules, can be free and protect what they want to protect!

  All you have to pay is your loyalty to Kong Nianzhi and your life is controlled by Kong Nianzhi, you can get this kind of power and have the ability and background that rivals the Xiang family. This is an absolutely cost-effective deal! .

Chapter 736 You made it clear that you want to cheat Yingzheng!

  Or... this should be the mercy of Kong Nianzhi.

  Because of Xiang Ning's determination and infatuation, Kong Nianzhi gave Xiang Ning such a chance.

  Thinking of this, Xiang Ning's eyes became solemn, he kneeled on one knee respectfully, and lowered his proud head towards Kong Nianzhi: "From today onwards, Xiang Ning is a vicious dog in the hands of adults, willing to tear up all enemies for the adults. !"

  "Get up." Kong Nianzhi waved his hand indifferently.


  Xiang Ning felt that a force that he could not resist was overtaking his Shen and helped him up. Immediately, Xiang Ning was even more in awe of Kong Nianzhi. With such strength, he was still under Kong Nianzhi's hands. Like a baby, how strong is Kong Nianzhi?

  "You should feel it, this is the power I gave you, holy text, zombie." Kong Nian's eyes were as dark as night.

  Sacred Words, Zombies, in fact, strictly speaking, it is not a power that directly increases Xiang Ning's prudence, but a trigger-type ability.

  This is a passive ability that Xiang Ning cannot directly exert. When Xiang Ning is attacked by the enemy and injured and bleeds, or when he oozes blood by hurting himself, any object contaminated with his blood will become a corpse and become a dead body. Under his control, and the object that becomes a zombie can still use the abilities and moves before his death; while Xiang Ning himself will not die, and at the same time, he can activate the extraordinary regeneration and recovery ability to quickly heal his injuries.

  In addition, Xiang Ning can use this ability to transplant the body of the deceased into the body of the wounded Quincy, thereby healing the Quincy's injuries, and can also repair the body of the zombie.

  However, this ability is also limited to a certain extent.

  Although this ability can turn most objects into zombies, it has no effect on a still-living quencher, so it can only be turned into a zombie and controlled if the designated quencher dies; When it is on an enemy other than the Quincy, there is no need to kill the other party, and it only needs to be contaminated with Xiang Ning's blood to turn it into a zombie.

  As for the amount of blood used, it depends on the strength level of the object, that is to say, if Xiang Ning wants to turn the stronger person into a zombie under his control, he needs to pay more blood, and vice versa.

  At the same time, Xiang Ning can also retrieve his own blood by hurting the zombie's body to supplement his own loss.

  And the stronger the object, after turning into a zombie, the dark red and black on the body will become more and more deep, even if it suffers an injury that is fatal to a living person, it can immediately get up and fight again.

  And if it is an object that was turned into a zombie before death, it will retain better mobility and obedience.

  However, when the zombie is destroyed to a certain extent and has not been repaired by Xiang Ning, it will lose its ability to move. Only by completely destroying the body of the object that has turned into a zombie into ashes or counter-controlling the zombie can Xiang Ning's control of the zombie be released. .

  Xiang Ning's non-high-level ability, although the explosive combat power is not ranked in the invisible empire, and the level of its holy characters is not the ability of the top causal rule system or upper element system, but it also belongs to the weird system. It can definitely cause terrifying damage in a large-scale war.

  Just imagine, in a battle, the more the number of enemies killed, the less, but Xiang Ning's zombies continue to increase with the death of the enemy, what a frightening thing this is.

  Compared with Xiang Ning's ability, the Xiang family will definitely be pleasantly surprised.

  Thinking of this, Kong Nianzhi showed a playful smile, and then glanced at Xiang Ning and Wei Zhuang lightly: "We can't stay here anymore, let's go back to Xianyang City."

  Thinking of this, Kong Nianzhi showed a playful smile, and then glanced at Xiang Ning and Wei Zhuang lightly: "We can't stay here anymore, let's go back to Xianyang City."


  After speaking, Kong Nianzhi disappeared in place.

  A faint spiritual pressure appeared under Xiang Ning's feet, and he caught up with Kong Nianzhi in an instant, followed by Kong Nianzhi's Shen Hou: "Sir, what about Su Mi?"

  Now that he has decided to become Kong Nianzhi's vicious dog, Xiang Ning will naturally think about Kong Nianzhi.

  So Su Mi's existence is a bit annoying.

  Xiang Ning knew that although Kong Nianzhi did not stand up to support Ying Zheng, there was actually a shadow of Kong Nianzhi behind Ying Zheng. Su Mi was going to assassinate Ying Zheng, which meant that Su Mi was touching Kong. Mindful eyebrows.

  Wei Zhuang also looked at Kong Nianzhi's back, ready to hear how Kong Nianzhi would deal with Su Mi's affairs.

  Kong Nianzhi pondered for a while, then kept walking and asked without looking back, "Xiang Ning, don't you have any way to contact him?"

  "There is no way." Xiang Ning shook his head: "¨"Su Mi can only be contacted by Xiang Yan, or wait until Su Mi completes the task and come to see me. Other than that, he seems to be transparent and has never existed. Traces, it is impossible to contact him. "

  "Then don't contact, let him assassinate Ying Zheng." Kong Nianzhi raised his brows: "Not only that, isn't Su Mi waiting for the best chance to assassinate Ying Zheng, so you have to give him Create an opportunity to create a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to assassinate Ying Zheng."


  Wei Zhuang and Xiang Ning were immediately stunned with question marks on their faces.

  Isn't Ying Zheng from the same camp as you? !

  And for a long time, it was not because of your help that Ying Zheng was able to get to this point, and then you told us today that Su Mi would assassinate Ying Zheng? !

  And not only that, but also take the initiative to create an opportunity for people to assassinate and put Ying Zheng in a desperate situation. How did Ying Zheng provoke it?

  That's Su Mi, a terrifying killer who was able to face Guiguzi hard steel, and finally lost half a move!

  If Ying Zheng was really slaughtered, what would he do!

  The wind whistled in his ears, as if he could see Wei Zhuang and Xiang Ning's ignorance, Kong Nianzhi looked away and said disdainfully, "Don't worry, if Ying Zheng is so easy to kill, he won't be Ying Zheng, then Su Mi is impossible to succeed."

  To be honest, the scope of Xianyang City is really not small, and Kong Nianzhi has never seen Su Mi. Even if the spiritual pressure completely covers Xianyang City, Su Mi’s hiding place cannot be found immediately, and Kong Nianzhi also There is no such leisurely way to slowly find a mouse hiding in a dark corner.

  That's right, Su Mi, who made Wei Zhuang extremely vigilant and made Xiang Ning tremble, was just a mouse that only hides its head and shows its tail in Kong Nianzhi's eyes. .

Chapter 737 What do you want, if you want a woman, there is a woman!

  With the terrifying level of Kong Nianzhi's spiritual pressure, although it is very easy to fully cover Xianyang City, and everything in Xianyang City cannot be concealed from Kong Nianzhi's eyes, but Kong Nianzhi is really too lazy to be vigilant against a mouse all the time. .

  This Su Mi and Guiguzi belonged to a generation. As the saying goes, if you are old and don't die, you are a thief. There is such a small group of people that the more they live, the more they become thieves. Su Mi is such a person.

  Su Mi's purpose is very clear, that is to assassinate Ying Zheng, so there is only one way to get Su Mi to jump out on the initiative. Will seize this opportunity to launch an assassination attempt on Ying Zheng.

  But Ying Zheng is really not that easy to kill. In other words, every king of a vassal state is not so easy to kill. Their Shenbian has a defense without dead ends, and they will never let any suspicious people approach them. Just as Ying Zheng's Shenbian was heavily protected by shadowy guards and imperial guards, the kings of other vassal kingdoms were in almost the same situation.

  You must know that all the meals eaten by the kings of the feudal lords must be tested by the eunuchs and palace maids first. Only after the drug test is carried out, and then the eunuchs and palace maids have tasted it and then they are fine, they will eat, so there is basically no need to think about poisoning. .

  To put it mildly, even if the kings of these vassal kingdoms go to the latrine, they are heavily protected by guards and the Imperial Army, and even if they make a villain, there are countless people listening to the foot of the bed outside, and there is not much privacy at all. Under the protection of countless people, assassinating the king of the vassal kingdom is as difficult as going to the sky.

  This is also the reason why very few emperors have died because of assassination since ancient times, not none, but very few.

  Not to mention that Ying Zheng has now become a pure-blood Quincy, awakened the Holy Word, and controlled the power of Thunder, and it has not been exposed.

  In other words, Ying Zheng now has the power of a pure-blooded Quincy. No one knows about it except for Kong Nianzhi, and other vassal states, Chu and Su Mi naturally don't know.

  Once Su Mi goes to assassinate Ying Zheng, I am afraid that Ying Zheng's head will be shattered. Whether he can stay half-life under Thunder's ruling is a question of suspense.

  At that time, Su Mi will definitely feel extremely surprised, but it is estimated that Su Mi will not like this surprise.

  "Yes, my lord, I understand." Xiang Ning nodded.

  "Su Mi wants this opportunity, we will give him this opportunity." Kong Nianzhi's horn evoked a radian: "Find a way to lead Ga Nie away and cause some turmoil in the palace, I think... As a Old fox, Su Mi will seize this opportunity."

  To tell the truth, there is a big gap between Gai Nie's strength and Su Mi's. Su Mi can easily defeat Gai Nie, but it is impossible for Su Mi to win Gai Nie silently. The title of Nie Jiansheng was not blown out.

  Once there is a disturbance, Ying Zheng is heavily protected and his existence is exposed, so naturally there will never be another chance to assassinate Ying Zheng, so Su Mi will definitely wait until Gai Nie is not at Ying Zheng's side. will choose to do it.

  "Yes." Xiang Ning replied.


  Unconsciously, the time has come to close to dusk, and the glow of the sky is particularly dazzling and magnificent, but it gives people a particularly bloody feeling.

  Unconsciously, the time has come to close to dusk, and the glow of the sky is particularly dazzling and magnificent, but it gives people a particularly bloody feeling.

  At this moment, in a remote corner of Xianyang City.

  This is a somewhat quiet courtyard with lush plants and various precious flowers everywhere. It looks like this is a wealthy family.

  But the strange thing is that the people nearby have never seen the owner of this room come out. They only see that there are often all kinds of people who don't look like ordinary people coming to this small courtyard.

  Among them, there are men who walk in a hurry, with a face full of I'm not a good person, please don't provoke me, and there are beautiful girls (cicf) who are not like women in the world.

  The owner of this small courtyard is naturally Tian Meng, who was placed under house arrest in this Xianyang city and was lucky enough to survive. However, Tian Meng has recently had another playmate, because Changping-Jun was also sent here to retire...

  The two people who came to see Tian Meng were naturally Tian Meng's younger brother Tian Hu and his daughter Tian Yan. In the entire Zilan Xuan, only Tian Meng and Tian Yan would occasionally visit Tian Meng. Besides, No one would be free to see him again.

  Tian Yan looked indifferent, walked to the door of the small courtyard very gently, took a deep breath, and then gently opened the door and walked in.

  Then Mei Mu glanced to see Tian Mengzheng and Changping Jun standing together, judging the precious flowers and plants in front of him, looking very energetic.

  Tian Meng was placed under house arrest in this small courtyard, doing nothing all day. In order to avoid boredom, he was also entertaining himself, so he asked for these flowers and plants. Naturally, Tian Yan would not veto this request. After all, he just paid a little money. .

  At this moment, Tian Meng heard the sound of the door opening, saw Tian Yan coming, and said with a complicated expression, "You are here."

  "Well, let's see you." Tian Yan nodded and looked directly into Tian Meng's eyes.

  "You know, I don't lack anything here. All day long, I eat and drink a lot, and I have a lot of things to do. Even if I'm lonely, I can have women to play with. Apart from no freedom, I can say that I want something. What kind of life, the so-called prince's life is nothing more than that." Tian Meng took a deep breath, his fists clenched suddenly: "So, you don't have to come here to see me, just do what you have to do. I know you have a lot of things to do, and you are basically managing the invisible empire."

  From Tian Meng's words, one can clearly feel the deep resentment and dissatisfaction with Tian Yan.

  To be honest, Tian Meng does have resentment towards Tian Yan.

  Tian Meng knew that with Tian Yan's status, as long as Tian Yan could say a good word in front of Kong Nianzhi, he could be released without even talking to Kong Nianzhi at all, but Tian Yan was always "ruthless". Put him under house arrest here, don't release him and set him free.

  Hearing Tian Meng's words, Tian Yan was still indifferent, and her mood didn't seem to fluctuate at all. She had already completely returned to Kong Nianzhi, and gave up on Tian Meng's father, so that Tian Meng could take care of the sky here. Years is already Tian Yan's greatest forgiveness to Tian Meng.

  "Don't you want freedom, I'm here this time... just to give you freedom!".

Chapter 738 This is a deal you can't refuse!

  Ok? !


  set me free? !

  Tian Meng's pupils shrank, his fingertips trembled and clenched into fists, and his breathing began to become fast!

  Freedom, this is definitely a fatal attraction for Tian Meng-.

  Tian Meng has been locked in this small courtyard for nearly a year. He has no idea of ​​time, and only knows the passing of day and night.

  When he was placed under house arrest in this small courtyard at first, Tian Meng actually tried to run away. After all, for a master like him, let alone this kind of small courtyard, he could escape even if it was a death row. The city walls were so high that they could go up, so Tian Meng could not be trapped in this small courtyard.

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