Especially smelling the smell of Kong Nianzhi, Bai Qianhong's little face looked even more red, and looking up at Kong Nianzhi's beautiful eyes began to appear blurred, and even that little cherry girl seemed to be praying for pity and love. Consciously open, exhale like blue.


  A playful look flashed in Kong Nianzhi's eyes, and then he slowly rolled over to Bai Qianhong, who was holding his head up and begging.

  next second!

  Kong Nianzhi's Shen Kui suddenly froze there, with a dull look on his face, because from Kong Nianzhi's perspective, looking down the line of sight of Kong Nianzhi, he could see the horse flat, with only two small arcs. , Especially since the two are so close now, Kong Nianzhi can't even feel the soft existence of Bai Qianhong.


  The crashed brain slowly began to rework the new work, and the detached color in Bai Qianhong's eyes began to slowly disappear, and then Bai Qianhong found out what she was doing.

  This...this is just like courting!

  Bai Qianhong Yingning let out a cry, and in addition to being ashamed and annoyed, she also raised a strong complaint against Kong Nianzhi.

  What's the situation now, even a big girl has done it to such an extent, you guy actually stopped! ! !

  Can this kind of thing be stopped? !

  Bai Qianhong felt that she had been humiliated, so she immediately pouted and glared at Kong Nianzhi.

  "Why are you like this!" The more Bai Qianhong thought about it, the more angry she became.

  "What's wrong with me?" Kong Nianzhi let go of Bai Qianhong's slender wrist, with a helpless look on his face: "Don't tell me I just did those things and you won't be angry anymore?"

  "You...I...If you did it, I'd be even more angry!" Bai Qianhong felt uncomfortable when she thought about it. She was still a big girl. If the guy in front of her was frivolous, how would she meet anyone in the future? .

  And if Kong Nianzhi really did something like that, he would definitely suffer.

  But thinking of Kong Nianzhi's disgusting appearance, as if she didn't want to do anything with her at all, Bai Qianhong felt an uncomfortable panic in her heart, as if she was hoping that Kong Nianzhi would do something indescribable to her.

  Hearing Bai Qianhong's words, Kong Nianzhi smiled innocently: "Look, no matter what I do, you will be angry, and if I do that, I'm afraid you will be even more angry, so I don't do it."



  Looking at Kong Nianzhi's smile, Bai Qianhong couldn't help but secretly swallowed her saliva again. At the same time, she warned herself that she must not be deceived by the pale face in front of her, but Bai Qianhong gradually realized that she was wrong, and she still couldn't help it. I was obsessed with Kong Nianzhi's face.

  "Hey...Wake up?!" Kong Nianzhi waved in front of Bai Qianhong speechlessly, only to continue after realizing that Bai Qianhong had recovered, "How old are you this year."

  "Hey...Wake up?!" Kong Nianzhi waved in front of Bai Qianhong speechlessly, only to continue after realizing that Bai Qianhong had recovered, "How old are you this year."

  "Ah?!" Bai Qianhong was stunned for a moment, then her face flushed red, but a hint of joy flashed in her eyes: "Fourteen years old, not married, the birth date is..."

  Bai Qianhong thought that Kong Nianzhi was inquiring about her age, and wanted to ask about her birth date and whether she was married.

  "Okay, I didn't ask you if your marriage is related to your birthday." Kong Nianzhi took the initiative to say that he didn't have a marriage and a birthday. Are you in a hurry to marry her.

  And it really should be said that girls develop early, and they have such a height at the age of fourteen. Does that mean that Bai Qianhong is expected to grow a little taller, and the pair of big fading can be longer.

  "Oh..." Bai Qianhong squinted and lowered her head in despair. Obviously, she also knew that she had misunderstood Kong Nianzhi's meaning, which made her quite devastated.

  The next second, Kong Nianzhi's gentle voice came with a hint of helplessness, causing Bai Qianhong to raise her head again in surprise, feeling that her calm heart began to throb again.

  "You're still a little young, let's wait for two years." Kong Nianzhi said with a bit of a toothache, why does he feel like there are a bunch of Lori around him.

  "I'm not young at all. Many girls my age have become mothers of children, okay?" Bai Qianhong stomped her feet shyly, trying to justify herself.

  "I don't like this, at least you have to wait two years." Kong Nianzhi was too lazy to tell Bai Qianhong about the dangers of early pregnancy and early birth of a villain: "And I'm not just talking about this little."

  "Then why am I so young!" Bai Qianhong looked suspicious, then suddenly showed a look of surprise, and glanced at her Hungarian with a sad face: "Okay... It seems that it is... It's a little bit small."

  "It's good that you know." Kong Nianzhi nodded and put his arms around each other.

  "But it's nothing!" Bai Qianhong snorted softly, and said surprisingly: "I heard them say that as long as you become a mother, you can grow 170 very quickly, and as long as you become a parent, you will also grow fast."

  "..." Kong Nianzhi's eyelids jumped, and a black line suddenly appeared on his forehead: "Where did you hear this from?"

  Kong Nianzhi was speechless.

  That's right, if you have children, out of instinct and nature, you will indeed grow rapidly, or you will become a parent, and you will really use it a little bit. After all, massage all day must be of some use.

  "I... I heard what some of the dancing girls and sisters in Zilan Xuan said." Bai Qianhong blushed, her little hands tangled together, and stammered in a low voice.


  Kong Nianzhi silently patted his forehead, how do those dead girls teach other little girls? Isn't this to teach bad people?


  next second!

  The expression of Kong Nianzhi, who was speechless, suddenly became serious, and there was an unexplained charm in his eyes.

  Bai Qianhong looked curiously at Kong Nianzhi's sudden seriousness. Although this look was also very handsome, Bai Qianhong was still very curious, why did Kong Nianzhi show such an expression of clothes.

  "what's going on?"

  "It's nothing." Kong Nianzhi shook his head and said with a deep smile: "It's just... a few little mice got in.".

Chapter 746 It's time to pay for nothing!

  "Little mouse?" Bai Qianhong's eyes widened, and then she wanted to jump to Kong Nianzhi's side, but the next second she stopped her behavior.

  After all, they are children of Jianghu who have practiced martial arts for many years. Unlike ordinary ladies, although Bai Qianhong is still a little disgusted by instinct, it is not afraid of it.

  Let alone a mouse, even if it is a snake, it is estimated that Bai Qianhong will not be able to raise much fear. This kind of thing Bai Qianhong will be sliced ​​casually.

  "There's no mouse." Bai Qianhong's little face was full of suspicion, and she walked around the room several times, not even letting Kong Nianzhi's Shen Bian let go, and even pouting her little skin drum and not letting go of the bottom of the bed , but did not find the existence of any mice.

  "The mouse I'm talking about is not this mouse." Kong Nianzhi rubbed his temples with a headache. He was talking about Tian Zhong's group.

  Under the cover of Kong Nianzhi's spiritual pressure, their behavior of sneaking in is naturally invisible, and it is impossible to hide from Kong Nianzhi.

  Generally speaking, Kong Nianzhi would not cover the spiritual pressure at all times, because it would be too noisy.

  Yep, it's just too noisy.

  The entire Xianyang City and even further distances are covered by Kong Nianzhi's spiritual pressure, everything that happens in it is perceived by Kong Nianzhi, and even what everyone is talking and doing will be transmitted to Kong Nianzhi. ears, received by Kong Nianzhi's brain.

  Not to mention the intensity of Kong Nianzhi's prudence now, such a huge amount of information will not affect Kong Nianzhi, but it will also make Kong Nianzhi feel upset and unexpected.

  At the same time, because of this perception, Kong Nianzhi can also see all the darkness and filth in this world more clearly. In this darkness, countless sins and killings are taking place, degenerate and rotten.


  Anyone who heard countless voices and messy things at the same time would have been hit by the amount of terrifying information to become an idiot.

  Therefore, in order to avoid this feeling of irritability, Kong Nianzhi usually just covers the spiritual pressure, and then blocks all information, and only receives information when he feels abnormal.

  "Oh, so you're not talking about the mouse...¨." Bai Qianhong snorted and nodded her head. Although she was a bit stupid, she wasn't a fool, so she naturally understood what Confucius said. The mouse is not the kind of mouse she thought. Thinking of this, Bai Qianhong continued to ask curiously: "Is there a mouse in the Zilan Xuan?"

  From Bai Qianhong's point of view, Kong Nianzhi's white robe flutters, and his long gray hair exudes a chaotic and inexplicable aura. Coupled with his excellent appearance and dusty temperament, he has the feeling of a prince like jade. , Bai Qianhong couldn't help but be a little crazy.

  Kong Nianzhi's eyelids twitched when Bai Qianhong looked at him, and then he stretched out his hand and opened Bai Qianhong's small head that was close at hand: "It's not Zilan Xuan, it's at the gate of Xianyang City."

  what? !

  The gate of Xianyang City! ! !

  The gate of Xianyang City! ! !

  Bai Qianhong was originally broken by Kong Nianzhi's small head, disturbed to see Kong Nianzhi's prosperous beauty and wanted to get angry, but when she heard Kong Nianzhi's words, she suddenly showed a look of horror.

  "This is impossible. It is thousands of miles away from the city gate of Xianyang City. You have been standing here, how could you know that little mice have entered the city gate of Xianyang City? How could this be something that humans can do. "Bai Qianhong said the doubts in her heart in one breath, and at the same time, the shock in her beautiful eyes could not be dispelled.

  What Kong Nianzhi said was really terrifying.

  You must know that this is Xianyang City. Nearby is the Xianyang Palace, which is in the center of Xianyang City, and Zilan Xuan is in an excellent location adjacent to the palace. The distance from the city gate in either direction is far beyond everyone's imagination. .

  And if what Kong Nianzhi said was true, wouldn't that mean that Kong Nianzhi could perceive what happened thousands of miles away? !

  This kind of joke is not funny at all, at least Bai Qianhong can't laugh, you know that with her strength, she can only sense the wind and grass within about [-] meters, no matter how far away she is, she is powerless.

  As for Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie, the limit distance that they can perceive is only in the range of about one kilometer. Kong Nianzhi can actually perceive places thousands of miles away? ! ! !

  Can humans really do such a thing? ! !

  "How can you be so sure that I can't perceive what's happening at the Xianyang city gate when I stand here, and how can you be sure that this is the limit of what I can do." Kong Nianzhi smiled gently, gently She rubbed Bai Qianhong's head, rubbed her hair a little loosely, and said with a smile: "¨"There are many things, it's not impossible, but your strength is too weak, so you would think it was impossible.”

  "When you are strong to a certain level, there is no such thing as impossible."

  "As for saying that humans can't do this kind of thing." Kong Nianzhi smiled lightly: "It's just that you don't know me yet."

  Don't understand? !

  Bai Qianhong was stunned for a moment, her eyes suddenly became complicated, maybe she had never really understood the man in front of her, but... Bai Qianhong's heart couldn't help but suddenly had a feeling of wanting to explore him. idea.

  This kind of thought continues to spread and takes root in a place that Bai Qianhong does not know in her heart, but Bai Qianhong has not felt it at all, and when a woman is curious about a man and wants to find out, it often also represents this woman (Li Qian Zhao) is not far from the complete fall.

  "Why don't you talk, don't think that you can fool you if you don't talk." Kong Nianzhi cast aside his face, then continued: "You can go if you don't want to, but first settle the account for this period of time, you have already After eating and drinking for free for so long, this is not a small amount of money owed."

  "Ah, why are you like this, do you remember the money so clearly?!!!" Bai Qianhong suddenly felt like she wanted to cry without tears.

  "Of course I remember it clearly, nothing is missing." Kong Nianzhi's face was as it should be.

  "..." Bai Qianhong stared dumbfounded at the stingy soul in front of her. She had already stayed in Zilan Xuan. She knew how terrible Kong Nianzhi's financial resources were, let alone eating and drinking for free. At this time, even if she was allowed to eat and drink for free, it would be a drizzle for Kong Nianzhi. .

Chapter 747 The dark, desperate woman of the world!

  Bai Qianhong is about to go crazy, how can this person be so shameless, obviously so rich, yet so stingy, and she is still a big beauty like her.

  Generally speaking, shouldn't Kong Nianzhi look like I don't want your money in a big way, and show that you can live here as long as you want in a very graceful manner.

  Not to mention others, at least, in Bai Qianhong's impression, that group of sons and sons of aristocratic families did this.


  "court death!"

  Looking at the silent Bai Qianhong, Kong Nianzhi's silver eyes suddenly flashed a stern look, and an untraceable cold snort sounded, and then directly turned into a gust of wind and disappeared into the room.

  Bai Qianhong stared at Kong Nianzhi who was suddenly angry, and then lay down on the bed in despair, muttering words that others couldn't understand at all: "Ahhh~! It's so annoying, I must have made that guy angry. !"

  "What can I do, do I really want to pay back all the money for this time?!" Bai Qianhong bit her chin, then pulled her little hand and started to count 360, but after a long time of calculation, she found her sad discovery. Even if I sold her, I couldn't pay for her food and drink in Zilan Xuan during this time.

  During this period of time, Bai Qianhong can be considered to have tasted the delicacies of mountains and seas in Zilan Xuan. After all, Paoding's cooking skills are not blown out, and coupled with the improved seasonings of Kong Nianzhi, the taste is naturally in this world. Unrivaled.

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