Kong Nianzhi's Shen Xia has long been dead and bloody, the throne of dry bones!

  Evolution is accompanied by fear and plunder, and in the end, becoming a king is bound to be filled with countless.

  Following Kong Nianzhi's words, Hei Tian, ​​who had been retching all the time, slowly stopped, looked up at Kong Nianyi with a firm look, then turned his head stubbornly to look directly at the miserable dead Shen Kui, and at the same time forcibly suppressed With Shen Xue's discomfort and disgusting feeling, she will never expose her weak side again.

  Seeing Hei Tian's stubborn appearance and the stubborn appearance of holding back a slight trembling, Kong Nianzhi sighed.

  "Looks like this is the only way..."

  PS: Qingdao is too cold, everyone must pay attention to keep warm. .

Chapter 758 The consequence of failure is death!

  The black hair is like a waterfall, exuding a little fragrance, and the weak face is a pair of very determined and beautiful eyes, which are trembling in this hell-like situation.

  Her mental state was no longer very good. For the past two days, she hadn't eaten to replenish Shen Ge's energy. She fled everywhere with her sister, and was frightened one after another, especially the stabbing in front of her.

  It is already a very strong will that Hei Tian hasn't fainted now, and an ordinary woman can't do it to such an extent.


  To die...to die...-.to die!

  If you don't run away, you will surely die here!

  Can Wolf's pupils trembled, looking at Kong Nianzhi's back, Shen Xue was trembling, he was a desperado, and he would allegiance to Zhao Ying simply because Zhao Ying's status was high enough to give him glory and wealth and at the same time. Give him an identity to walk in the sun.

  Therefore, Can Wolf was naturally not loyal to Zhao Ying, and they were just an exchange of interests.

  Seeing that all the guards were killed by Kong Nianzhi, although Kong Nianzhi didn't kill himself just now, the wolf didn't think that Kong Nianzhi would only let him go, so running away now is the best choice.


  Thinking of this, Can Wolf's eyes narrowed slightly, he took a few deep breaths and forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart, turned around and ran towards the dark place.

  He is a desperado, and the deepest darkness is his world. As long as he enters the darkness, Can Lang is confident that even if Kong Nianzhi wants to catch up with him, it will definitely not be easy, let alone Kong Nian. Zhi's Shenbian also has a "cadre" who doesn't seem to be in a good situation!

  The gust of wind whistled in his ears, and the extremely fast speed and the friction of the air made a series of harsh sounds. With a happy face on the face of the wolf, the wolf rushed into the dark alley that was close at hand.

  Hope is right in front of you, as long as you enter the darkness, the wolf is like a duck in water, and can survive the catastrophe!

  But the next second!

  The cautious wolf froze there!

  "Damn it! Move me! Hurry up! It's just one step away!" The wolf roared in his heart, his face quickly congested and turned purple, urging Quan Shen's strength to run further and enter the darkness .

  But no matter how he used all his strength, he couldn't take a single step forward, as if there was an invisible big hand that bound him firmly.

  "I really think I didn't allow you to go." Kong Nianzhi glanced at the back of the wolf, and the next second, the wolf was dragged back to the place.

  "Stand there obediently and don't move." With a disdainful snort, Kong Nianzhi slowly turned around and looked at Hei Tian.

  And as Kong Nianzhi's words fell, the wolf also felt that the feeling of being bound by the big hand suddenly disappeared, but there was another kind of oppression. Kong was just a sentence, like a rule. Suppressing everything about the wolf, the wolf was frozen there, and there was nowhere to move except for his eyes.

  "Even if your will is firm, but now you can't adapt to this scene and killing at all, drink this drop of blood." Kong Nianzhi sighed lightly, then slowly opened his fingertips, and a drop exuded a dense breath. crystal blood.

  Kong Nianzhi's original intention was not to make Hei Tian a Quincy now, because Hei Tian's situation is completely different from other people. Other people, not just Kong Nianzhi's women or other people, have martial arts and inner strength. They are not ordinary people after training.

  Kong Nianzhi's original intention was not to make Hei Tian a Quincy now, because Hei Tian's situation is completely different from other people. Other people, not just Kong Nianzhi's women or other people, have martial arts and inner strength. They are not ordinary people after training.

  It is extremely difficult for an ordinary person to survive in such pain, which does not mean that ordinary people are bad.

  It's because their will and the lower limit of caution are too low, even if their upper limit is very high, no matter how strong their potential is, but at this time they are just ordinary people, and they can bear the pain and inner strength. Compared with the people who protect the body, it is really too much.

  Moreover, they have never experienced the experience and cultivation between life and death, and their lower limit of soul is also extremely low, so the endurance of the soul is also not too strong, so it is extremely difficult to survive in the process of evolution.

  At the moment, Hei Tian’s quality and mental state of Shen Kui are also very poor. Even if she has a firm will, Shen Kui has restrained Hei Tian, ​​and it is probably impossible to persevere in the pain of flesh and soul evolution and soul reorganization. There is only one result that comes down, and that is death.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  At the beginning, Kong Nianzhi wanted to let Hei Tian recuperate his prudence, or simply practice, and then become a quencher.

  But now it seems that she can only awaken the bloodline of the holy text and the pure blood quencher in advance.

  Although the possibility of failure and death is high, Kong Nianzhi also has a way to deal with it.

  That is... all-knowing and all-powerful!


  The mysterious aura that seemed to contain everything was suddenly surrounded by Kong Nianzhi, and a silver heavy pupil appeared in Kong Nianzhi's pupil abruptly but as a matter of course.

  With the appearance of this heavy pupil, the feeling of controlling everything and knowing everything has returned, and after the evolution of Bengyu and the enhancement of Kong Nian's spiritual pressure, the omnipotence and omnipotence at this moment has become more powerful!


  "Hmm." Kong Nianzhi raised his fingertips lightly and sent them to the corner of Hei Tian.


  Hei Tian hesitated for a moment, because she didn't know why Kong Nianzhi wanted to hurt himself, and she didn't know why Kong Nianzhi wanted to drink his blood, but her belief in Kong Nianzhi overcame the doubts in her heart. Tian slowly stretched out the tip of his tender pink tongue, as gentle and docile as a cat, sucking up this drop of Kong Nianzhi's blood.

  I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Heitian always feels that Kong Nianzhi doesn’t have any feelings at the moment, especially when staring at Kong Nianzhi’s eyes, Hei Tian’s Quan Shen has a tingling feeling, and it seems that As if he was not wearing clothes, the feeling of eating naked made Hei Tian feel inexplicably embarrassed and uncomfortable.

  Everything is invisible, there seems to be no secrets and privacy in front of those eyes, and everything about myself is known by those eyes.

  This embarrassing and uncomfortable feeling didn't last too long, as the blood entered Hei Tian's throat, it turned into lava and melted into her mind.

  next second!

  Along with the evolution and the awakening of the holy text, it seems that the pain of tearing everything apart and destroying its flesh slams down on this delicate scorpion! .

Chapter 759 The Guardian of the King!

  The full moon hangs high, and there are faint dark clouds shrouded in it, and it looks a little cloudy tonight.

  Under the cold moonlight.

  It is the brightly lit appearance of Xianyang City.

  There is such a big noise here, and Xianyang City is the king of the Qin Kingdom, and its guards are naturally the elite of the elite, and they are definitely not waste. Naturally, they have heard the movement here.

  All of them gathered in groups from all directions, and in an instant they were integrated into a group of small-scale defenders with a number of about a thousand people.

  Most of them were warriors holding bronze long swords and halberds, and a few were bowmen and shield soldiers, standing neatly in line, exuding a serious chill.

  "What's the matter with the deep pit here!"

  "It's not just the deep pit, haven't you smelled it, the strong bloody smell of "Nine Six Seven" and the corpses here, is the murderer the young man?!",

  "What young man, you can't be blind if you are blind, he is the adult from Zi Lanxuan, be careful when the commander hears your words and pulls out your tongue!"

  "What?! This year... is that adult?!"

  "But what the hell is that adult doing, and why does the woman's expression seem to be in pain."

  "Hey, what the lord did is something you can figure out? If you can figure out that you are not the guard of this Xianyang City."


  Residents also fled from their houses in groups. Even better than panic, they could see a lot of people who were naked and fled in light clothes.

  It's summer now, and it's still a little hot at night, so they wear very thin clothes.

  There are many women who are also wearing very cool clothes. Maybe they didn't feel anything when they just fled, but now they are all gathered together with big eyes and small eyes, and they are suddenly embarrassed.

  I directly grabbed the clothes of my man or relatives and covered myself a little, and then I felt the shyness in my heart dissipated.

  The men in this scene were basically slaughtered. Looking around, I could see many men smiling wryly with their bare spines.

  At this moment, at the very center of everyone's focus, there was a faint and seductive cry that made people think.

  "Uh... it hurts... so uncomfortable!" Hei Tian's face was pale, his pupils were full of pain, and the lush fingertips were tightly trapped in the palm of his hand, and drops of dark red blood ran down his fingers. The lines dripped onto the ground, making a ticking sound.

  "Hold on, you said that the pain you suffered is completely incomparable to what you have gained. At that time, you will be glad that you have endured such pain." Kong Nianzhi comforted Hei Tian, ​​while constantly paying attention to Hei Tian's future.

  Suddenly, Kong Nianzhi's eyes narrowed.

  Are you going to fail? !

  Are you going to fail? !

  Looking at Hei Tian's pupils that were gradually becoming godless, the silver light in Kong Nianzhi's eyes became stronger, and the two pupils seemed to emit a dreamlike brilliance, directly choosing Hei Tian's future to what he wanted to see. to the development direction.

  next second!

  Hei Tian Wushen's pupils gradually became more energetic. Although they were still full of pain and fatigue, it was much better than the previous appearance of losing consciousness and dying.

  Soon, the pain slowly dissipated, and Hei Tian, ​​whose consciousness had gradually become blurred, felt a sudden burst of warmth from the deepest part of Shen Kui. This warmth constantly repaired her prudence and spirit. Dispel all tiredness.

  At the same time, something called power continued to emerge in her mind, a steady stream!

  At this moment, Hei Tian was reborn as a pure-blood Quincy!

  The faint soul split from Kong Nianzhi's soul, poured into Hei Tian's prudence, and formed a mysterious sacred text, which gradually condensed.

  At the same time, familiar and unfamiliar terms slowly emerged from Hei Tian's mind, as if instinctively, they were understood and mastered by Hei Tian.

  She is completely different from before. At this moment, Hei Tian is a symbiotic twin!

  "Very well, although there was a little change in the process, it did not affect the final result." Kong Nianzhi nodded with satisfaction, the invisible empire added another member of combat power, and Hei Tian's ability It is the ability of the top-level department, and its combat power is absolutely terrifying...  

  "This is... a still blood outfit... I'm a Quincy...!" Hei Tian's eyes were confused, looking at the faint tree-like patterns on his palms, like blood that kept going with Shen Gui. Flowing, repairing his own Shenxue while protecting his own Shenxue, feeling that he can destroy everything and protect all the power in the wave of his hand, Hei Tian is even more confused.

  After being hungry for a long time, Shen Ge, who had already been exhausted for a long time, was replenished and recovered by the spiritual child, and began to slowly become stronger.

  At the same time, the blood and stumps flowing on the ground no longer seem to be dazzling.

  At the moment Hei Tian, ​​although her appearance has not changed in any way, her life form is completely different, and her life level has evolved to a very high level.

  And Hei Tian exudes an indescribable temperament, that kind of temperament seems to be attached to her soul, even though she is wearing very crude clothes at the moment, but she looks unattainable like a goddess.

  "That's right, from today you are the symbiotic twins of the invisible empire, and your holy text is called the guardian of the king." Kong Nianzhi has a smile in his eyes. The birth of the black sky holy text can be said to be Kong Nian. One of the tallest masterpieces.

  Regarding the abilities of Hei Tian and Bai Ye, Kong Nian had already considered them for a long time ago. The power possessed by elder sister Hei Tian is the 4.0 power called guardian, and the power that younger sister Bai Ye will soon possess is the power called destruction.

  Hei Tian and Bai Ye are Kong Nianzhi's relatives and guards. Although they will not be cadres in the future, they will also be among the cadres.

  And the guardian of the king of Hei Tian, ​​as the name suggests, is a protective force.

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