After looking at Kong Nianzhi for a few times, Mrs. Pearl suddenly felt as if she was about to melt, and wished that she would all be integrated into the scoundrel of the villain in front of her, and never distinguish each other again.

  As for helping her... forget it.

  Which of the sisters in Zilan Xuan does not love and hate Kong Nianzhi, everyone knows what it is like to be tossed by Kong Nianzhi for a day, how could they come to help her.

  "Husband came to see me so early in the morning, what's the matter?" Mrs. Mingzhu changed a comfortable posture in Kong Nianzhi's arms, then raised her head to look at Kong Nianzhi, so she revealed a large area Astonishingly white and soft, Kong Nianzhi reached over and grasped it.

  "I want your help with something." Kong Nianzhi nodded.

  "Husband, this is not an attitude of helping people... Ah!" Mrs. Mingzhu covered her face with a small smile, but suddenly let out an exclamation, because Kong Nianzhi suddenly increased his strength at that point.

  Immediately, Mrs. Pearl seemed to have been emptied of all her strength, and looked even more embarrassed.

  Kong Nianzhi raised his eyebrows, and his silver eyes stared into Mrs. Mingzhu's eyes: "You are all mine, what else do you want me to do?"

  "Although all of my people belong to my husband, shouldn't it be beneficial for people to do things? Even my husband can't be an exception." Mrs. Mingzhu looked back at Kong Nianzhi, not to be outdone when she was under control. However, his face gradually turned crimson, and a faint blush began to appear on Shen Kui.

  After looking at each other for a long time, Kong Nianzhi was defeated, and he drew his horns: "Okay, then what benefits do you want."

  Hearing this, Mrs. Mingzhu smiled proudly like a little fox, and then gently swiped her fingertips across Kong Nianzhi's mouth: "It's nothing, it's just that the little girl has learned something new recently. The moves, so I want to ask my husband to give some advice to see who is stronger and who is weaker."

  Oh, woman.

  Oh, woman.

  Kong Nianzhi's eyes suddenly turned cold, it turned out to be an invitation to fight.

  It seems that Mrs. Pearl is very dissatisfied with her defeats to herself every time, so this time she has learned some new tricks and is ready to find a place.

  But in this regard, Kong Nianzhi has never been afraid of anyone.

  "Okay, I can't ask for it." There was a smile in Kong Nianzhi's eyes, and then the white robe slowly fell off, revealing the smooth muscles of the golden ratio, which was extremely beautiful and full of strength. Bloated.

  There was a hint of charm in Mrs. Pearl's eyes, her little hand increased a bit of strength, and she immediately turned Shen and pressed Kong Nianzhi under her own.

  "That husband... The little girl is here..." Mrs. Pearl's brown eyes were filled with lightning, she leaned against Kong Nianzhi's ear and exhaled like a blue orchid, and her small jade-like hand ran along Kong Nianzhi's Muscles are slowly falling...


  The morning light of the daybreak is gradually setting in the west, and the time has come to the evening...  

  The dim yellow sunset with a little light dyed the clouds in the sky red, the blood-colored setting sun penetrated the thin clouds, standing like a strange beam of light between the sky and the earth, the sky seemed to be divided into several different areas.

  There was a little bit of heat in the air, and with the arrival of summer, it began to become a bit unbearable again.

  Especially in this season of mosquitoes, no matter what era it is, the participation of mosquitoes is always indispensable. Even if you are the emperor, I am sorry, you have to donate blood like the commoners in summer, and at most, the amount of donation is much less.

  However, the masters who have practiced are somewhat beneficial. They have the protection and protection of internal strength. Mosquitoes cannot bite them, so they can only bite ordinary people.

  As for Zilan Xuan, there will be no such thing as mosquitoes and flies, and even such things as mice and cockroaches will never appear in Zilan Xuan. Animals have the strongest instincts, even if the people in Zilan Xuan will be imposing. He Ling pressure has converged to the extreme, but in the senses of animals, Zi Lan Xuan is invincible like a god's domain.

  Zilan Xuan at this time.

  In the dark room, the blood-colored setting sun shines through the hazy window paper, bringing only a little bit of light that can almost be ignored, but it is also enough for people to see the scene in the room clearly.

  The small boat collapsed, and two breaths were sounding from time to time, one of which was extremely gentle, and 3.1 seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

  The air is filled with a strange smell that makes people blush, but it is rich but people can't help but imagine what a fierce battle this is.

  On the gorgeous chair, in front of the bronze mirror, and even on the ground in front of the window, there are indescribable stains left, exuding a little peculiar smell.

  And the place where the smell was most intense, where the battle lasted the longest and most intense, was naturally above the ship.

  Mrs. Pearl had a red glow on her face, obviously she hadn't recovered from the aftertaste, her two lotus arms dangled weakly to one side, and the two long black silk stockings had long since become tattered. , revealing holes, especially in the center......

Chapter 765 Mrs. Pearl is a cocoon!

  It was directly torn into a large piece, and Kong Nianzhi was even connected with Mrs. Pearl, and pieces of white seeds were still attached to it, and Kong Nianzhi couldn't help but think again.

  However, feeling the already drowsy sky, Kong Nianzhi took a deep breath, controlled himself, and slowly faded out.

  "Well... husband... no..." It was originally connected, so Kong Nianzhi's actions could naturally be felt by Mrs. Pearl.

  But maybe she was too tired. Madam Mingzhu, who was curled up in Kong Nianzhi's arms, frowned slightly. She didn't mean to wake up at all. She just lightly lifted the red robe and murmured a few beggings for mercy.

  Even though she has become a Quincy and is protected by a still blood suit, Mrs. Mingzhu has not recovered until now. Her sweat has beaten her Shenxue, and Hun Shen has revealed a very seductive blush.

  The faint scent of perspiration permeates the air, this is because Mrs. Pearl has had too much perspiration, and even now there are still a lot of perspiration left on Mrs. Pearl's mind.

  The whole day today has exhausted Mrs. Pearl.

  Although Mrs. Ming 25 Zhu was full of hope that she could win against Kong Nianzhi, it is clear that under Kong Nianzhi's ultra-high-intensity attack, she was the one who lost in the end, and was completely occupied by Kong Nianzhi. Shen or his heart was completely absorbed in it.

  Kong Nianzhi smiled lightly, and the white robe that fell on the ground flew over and was slowly put on by Kong Nianzhi.

  There is still some time now, so Kong Nianzhi is not going to wake up Mrs. Mingzhu, but is going to let Mrs. Mingzhu rest for a while. After all, Kong Nianzhi also knows that he was really a beast of Qin before, and it is not easy to toss Mrs. Mingzhu. light.

  If this is an ordinary woman, without the protection of the still blood suit, I am afraid that she will be tossed to death if she can't even bear a round of attacks from Kong Nianzhi. Even a powerful woman like Mrs. Pearl will be tossed extremely miserably. , between the two fades, it was already in the middle of the month, and then continued to bear under the repair and protection of the still blood suit.

  Constantly repeating the process of repairing being destroyed, I experienced the feeling of extreme coolness.

  Opening the window, fresh air came in, and the smell of silver powder in the house also dissipated slightly.

  Kong Nianzhi leaned in front of the window, looking down at Xianyang City, his right hand resting on his chin, not knowing what he was thinking.


  Darkness invades.

  Soon, the world was swallowed by darkness.

  The last light was also dispelled by the darkness, ushering in the time when the darkest sins breed and the blood spreads.

  "Hmm... I'm so tired..." Mrs. Pearl murmured for a while, and then slowly opened a pair of beautiful eyes that were still blank, feeling that her Shenxue, who had not fully recovered, suddenly disappeared without a trace. He frowned slightly.

  Especially when I feel the burning pain between the two fades, even if she is as strong as Mrs. Pearl, she can't help but let out a light hum. It is conceivable that Luna was tossed by Kong Nianzhi all night before he became a Quincy. What kind of pain.

  "Awake?" Kong Nianzhi, who was stunned, heard Mrs. Pearl's voice, and immediately turned to look at her.

  Mrs. Pearl wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then nodded softly: "Wake up, what time is it now, how can I see that it's already dark."

  There is no shame or shame on this day, Shen Lun is completely in the process of creating villains, and Mrs. Pearl doesn't even have a sense of time.

  "The genius just got dark." Kong Nianzhi walked towards Mrs. Mingzhu and said with a mocking smile, "How about it, are you satisfied with my advice?"

  "Bah, what are you talking about! Husband, are you trying to toss me to death and then give other sisters a position!"

  "Bah, what are you talking about! Husband, are you trying to toss me to death and then give other sisters a position!"

  Kong Nianzhi didn't say this, but the mention of this Mrs. Pearl made me angry. She had already admitted her mistake very, very sincerely today. She shouldn't think about challenging Kong Nianzhi, and begged for mercy countless times. But Kong Nianzhi was tossing her again and again. The feeling of being at the peak and unable to wake up almost made Mrs. Pearl almost die in it.

  It is obvious that he is tossed to death or alive, but he loves and hates this guy in front of him, or can't hate him at all. He is really an irresistible enemy.

  "This is what you asked me to teach you, and you took the initiative to start the war." Kong Nianzhi spread his hands, and then approached: "How is it, can you still move?"

  Mrs. Pearl nodded, and in a awake state, she accelerated the absorption of the spiritual child, and the speed of Shen Ge's recovery suddenly increased a bit: "Listen to your husband, do you want me to do something now?"

  Kong Nianzhi's silver eyes suddenly became deep, and many mysteries continued to emerge, and then collapsed and annihilated and re-deduced: "Yeah, if it is your ability, tonight... Maybe it will be interesting."


  At the same time, in a small courtyard in Xianyang City, a group of men who were teasing and meditating opened their eyes at the same time and disappeared into the room.

  The wind howled.

  Every step you take is like a bird disappearing in place, leaping to another building, constantly shuttle.

  Soon I came to a warm courtyard like a farmyard. Of course, this courtyard was very special compared to other courtyards around it.

  The melodious sound of 383 is like a bell cast, melodious and melodious, and it sounds extraordinarily pleasing to the ear, like hitting the heart, making people intoxicated.

  This is the sound of Gao Jianli.

  The residents in the vicinity can also experience the treatment of princes and nobles for free. You must know that Gao Jianli's piano skills can be called a must.

  Fortunately, Gao Jianli's piano skills are high enough, and he didn't play it when others were resting, otherwise the people around him would have come to the door long ago.


  For a long time, the sound of the piano suddenly stopped, and Gao Jianli, who had been keeping his eyes closed, burst out with a terrifying sword intent. The last wave of the sound of the piano spread like sword energy, cutting off a piece of grass and flowing down a piece of sword on the wall. mark.

  "It's all coming, so why hide your head and show your tail?"

  Staring at the deepest dark shadow, Gao Jianli was keenly aware of the abnormal place, even though he hid his breath extraordinarily.

  It seems that it is not a good guest who came.

  Gao Jianli's already paralyzed cheek became a bit colder.

  next second!

  The Water Cold Sword unsheathed!

  Gao Jianli's slender Shen Ying also disappeared in place! .

Chapter 766 Yi Shuihan!

  Got it!

  Looking at Gao Jianli who disappeared in an instant, although the masters of the farm family did not see how Gao Jianli disappeared and where it moved, it was certain that Gao Jianli must have come to them!

  Thinking of this, they looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes. This was their plan. Since Gao Jianli came to them, it means that their plan has been successful. Then we will continue step by step. Implement the plan!

  The gust of wind whipped up the dust on the ground, obscuring the hazy vision.

  The terrifying cold air spreads violently like absolute zero, leaving a layer of smooth ice crystals on the ground, spreading for dozens of meters. This is Gao Jianli's unique water-cold sword energy, which has always been able to generate ice out of thin air. gas!


  The icicles kept rising, and in the blink of an eye, they surrounded the masters of the farmhouse like a cage. Gao Jianli did not keep his hands, but moved the real thing. This group of people came uninvited in the dark night, and they were hiding their heads and showing their tails. At first glance, it was nothing. A good person also has no good intentions, so naturally he doesn't need to keep his hand! ,

  In a few breaths, the clothes of the farm master were covered with a layer of ice crystals, and even a faint layer of white ice crystals began to appear on his face and hair, as if they were about to be frozen into ice sculptures.


  The farmer's master looked at each other, nodded, and rushed towards Gao Jianli!


  The sound of sword qi and internal force colliding sounded!

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