In other words, the guy in front of him who doesn't seem to be a good thing, is the dead child of Tian Zhong who is calculating on himself? !

  "How did you know what happened last night?" Jing Ke was calm on the surface, but he had already scolded Tian Zhong ten thousand times in his heart, and had variously whipped the corpse to arrange his death.

  This Lao Yinbi wanted to destroy his family, but now he dared to appear in front of his eyes in such an upright manner. There was a saying in Jing Ke's heart that he didn't know if he should talk about it or not.

  "Don't worry about how I know about it, brother Jing Ke, I'll just ask you a question, do you want to know where your wife Mu Qing is now?" As if feeling Jing Ke's resentment, Tian Zhong shuddered suddenly , and then walked to Jing Ke's Shen front and put on a very enthusiastic look.

  "My wife, Mu Qing?!" Jing Ke's eyes widened, scolding inwardly about drafting.

  Jing Ke suddenly couldn't bear it any longer. He wanted to pull out his sword and smash the seemingly unbeatable goods in front of him.

  Where is Lao Tzu's wife, can Lao Tzu know?

  Mu Qing is now safely staying in Zilan Xuan to raise her baby, which is very safe.

  If Mu Qing can still disappear in Zilan Xuan, then Jing Ke will recognize it.

  But the guy in front of him was clearly the one who planned all this, including destroying his own courtyard, then running away with an old sow, and now he pretended to be concerned about himself, Jing Ke had never seen him before. Such a good acting person.

  However, he thought of uprooting the farmhouse, and at the same time, Jing Ke also wanted to follow Tian Zhong to the farmhouse with the idea of ​​not giving up the benefits for free.

  Of course, Jing Ke would never admit that he was interested in that sword.

  The thoughts in his mind flashed through like lightning, Jing Ke took a deep breath, and instantly entered the state of actor, looking at Tian Zhong with tears in his eyes with a pleading expression: "¨"Brother, you know my wife is now Where are you?!"

  If Kong Nianzhi was here now, he would definitely be taken aback by Jing Ke's acting skills. This guy really showed an infatuated man who was worried about his missing wife to the extreme, and his concern, fear, panic, etc., were completely mixed. The complex eyes together, it seems that people have a kind of tear-jerking look.

  But this is not a romantic drama, but two men who have their own goals in their hearts are fighting each other's acting skills.

  Tian Zhongsi (Zhao Nuohao) has no doubts that Jing Ke is acting in a rush. After all, this is what a man who loves her should behave after his wife disappears. If Jing Ke shows a very bland and completely indifferent look, then Tian Zhong feels in his heart. Gotta murmur.

  Tian Zhong patted Jing Ke on the shoulder lightly, and then sighed as if he was very tangled. He didn't know if he should say such words to Jing Ke.

  In the end, ruthless, Tian Zhong gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "Brother Jing Ke, you... mourn, your wife Mu Qing is dead!"

  Deng deng pedal!

  Jing Ke's eyes widened, and he took a few steps back. The bloodshot in his eyes skyrocketed for a few breaths, and he looked like a fierce beast. You are alive and well, why did you die today?"

  "I don't believe it, you must be lying to me!".

Chapter 807 I believe in you!

  Jing Ke looked desperate, and there were even a few tears squeezed out of his eyes as he spoke.

  This is not what Jing Ke pretended to do, but it really hurts. Jing Ke's hand hidden behind Shen Hou ruthlessly rested on the soft flesh around his waist, making a [-]-degree rotation without any dead ends. Yes, at that time, Jing Ke's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but let out a few whimpering sounds like weeping.

  You must know that even Mu Qing, who is a female man, has never been so cruel to Jing Ke.

  As a man, there are not many people who can cry casually. In order to make himself act like a Jing Ke, he also tried his best to show himself a heartbroken look through Shen Ge's pain.

  Tian Zhong didn't see Jing Ke's small movements, but when he saw Jing Ke's appearance, Tian Zhong suddenly felt that a major event had been accomplished, because the more affectionate and righteous Jing Ke behaved now, the more he learned the "truth" of the matter. "After that, Jing Ke's anger will become more and more terrifying.

  At that time, Jing Ke will be the most perfect weapon to obtain and become a sharp blade in Tian Zhong's hands.

  "Brother Jing Ke, what you said below is absolutely true without the slightest falsehood. Your wife Mu Qing died last night." Tian Zhong's expression was solemn and sincere: "Brother Jing Ke, let me ask you a question first, do you still remember yesterday? What happened last night?"

  Hearing this, Jing Ke, who was in "sadness", came back to his senses: "Remember, Kong Nianzhi suddenly appeared at my home last night and took my wife Mu Qing away, saying that Ying Zheng took a fancy to Mu Qing. green."

  Just remember!

  Tian Zhong was overjoyed when he heard Jing Ke's words, but he was calm on the surface, and even made a heavy and sad look: "That's right, Ying Zheng, the tyrant, fell in love with your wife, Mu Qing, so please ask Kong Nianzhi. Take Mu Qing into the palace."

  "It's just that Ying Zheng didn't expect that Mu Qing had such a strong temperament. After entering the palace, he took the sword from the forbidden army and killed himself in front of everyone."

  "The furious Ying Zheng immediately ordered to separate your wife's body and cut off the fetus in her womb. Such a cruel act is really outrageous!"

  "My!" Jing Ke's eyes narrowed slightly, and the next second he made an icy look, as if boundless anger had already set off: "Who are you, I am absolutely certain I don’t believe Brother Kong would do such a thing to me, if you continue to talk nonsense here, don’t blame me for being rude!”


  After finishing speaking, the long sword in Jing Ke's hand was unsheathed in an instant and pointed at Tian Zhong's throat.

  Even if he didn't come into contact with these sword qi, Tian Zhong could still feel the pain of the skin being torn apart and the feeling of being surrounded by death. Tian Zhong had no doubt that at this distance, if Jing Ke used the five-step magic weapon. If you kill him, he will definitely die.

  "I definitely didn't tell any lies." Tian Zhong's expression was sincere: "If Brother Jing Ke thinks what I said is a lie, then even though Brother Jing Ke can kill me now, I will not have any resistance, but since Brother Jing Ke does not If you kill me immediately, it means that Brother Jing Ke's heart has been shaken, you have already believed what I said in your heart, so you will be shaken."

  "I definitely didn't tell any lies." Tian Zhong's expression was sincere: "If Brother Jing Ke thinks what I said is a lie, then even though Brother Jing Ke can kill me now, I will not have any resistance, but since Brother Jing Ke does not If you kill me immediately, it means that Brother Jing Ke's heart has been shaken, you have already believed what I said in your heart, so you will be shaken."

  Shake your paralysis!

  I believe you a ghost!You dog is so bad!

  Jing Ke's horns twitched, and then "shivered" withdrew the long sword: "Who are you, and why do you know these things, and tell me these things."

  "I'm the same person as you, both people who were persecuted by the tyranny of Ying Zheng until their homes were broken, and they were both poor people who were oppressed by Confucius Nianzhi." Seeing that Jing Ke has completely entered the "state" he wanted (cjcg) state", Tian Zhong's angle evoked an untraceable arc.

  "Our group of poor people are united to overthrow Ying Zheng's tyranny and Confucius' oppression, and give the people of the world a better future for the people and everyone in the world."

  "And I, the current hero of the farm, Tian Zhong, after the farm was destroyed by Confucius' violence, I led the farm to continue to find a better future for the people."

  "As for why I know these things, it's even simpler. Our peasant family has hundreds of thousands of disciples all over the country, and nothing happens anywhere that can hide from our peasant family's eyes."

  "What happened last night was seen by our farmer's disciples. At the same time, there were also our farmer's disciples lurking in the palace, so I also knew what happened in the palace but was blocked."

  "I will tell you all these things because I don't want Brother Jing Ke to be used by others in a daze, but I don't know who my real enemy is. Your real enemy is the sum of Confucius that you have always believed in. King of Qin."

  "I want to help you, and I also want to ask Brother Jing Ke to help me. Let's get rid of these guys who make people suffer and give people a better life."

  "..." Jing Ke was silent. On the surface, he looked like he was thinking, but he complained disdainfully about the hundreds of thousands of peasant disciples. There were no leaders in the crowd, and no matter how many people they were, they were nothing but a mob.

  After pondering for a while, Jing Ke seemed to have made a decision: "What should I do? With our strength, there is absolutely no way for the Qin country to compete, let alone the invisible empire that has always been invisible over the vassal states."

  "If we only rely on our strength to confront Qin and Kong Nianzhi head-on, of course we are not their opponents." Tian Zhong showed a weird smile and patted Jing Ke's shoulder lightly: "So we need to hide in the dark, Planning step by step, waiting for the moment to give them a fatal blow."

  "With Brother Jing Ke's swordsmanship, as long as we find the right time, we will be able to kill Ying Zheng and Kong Nianzhi. Without Ying Zheng and Kong Nianzhi, no matter how strong the Qin state and the invisible empire are, they will still be able to kill Ying Zheng and Kong Nianzhi. But like a grasshopper without a head, it won't be able to jump for long."

  Tian Zhong was completely caught up in his own reverie, but he didn't notice Jing Ke's playful eyes and look of disgust, and kept slapping the spot where Tian Zhong lightly patted Jing Ke's shoulder just now.

  "Okay, I agree with you, just do as you say!".

Chapter 808 Master?What the hell is that!

  Jing Ke seemed to have completely believed Tian Zhong, looked at Tian Zhong firmly, "agreed" with Tian Zhong's statement, and waited for the opportunity of "revenge".

  Tian Zhong suddenly showed a satisfied smile, but he didn't notice that in the dark corner, the black crow feathers slowly drifting by, the dark and terrifying death, closely followed his Shenbian.



  Xianyang City is still as prosperous as before, but after Han Fei became the new prime minister and promulgated the new Qin law, the Qin state seems to be more prosperous than before.

  The smiles on the faces of the people of the Qin country also increased. The reduction of various taxes and the policies that benefited the people made them feel that their lives were full of hope, and they were more motivated.

  Invisibly, Ying Zheng has won the hearts and minds of countless Qin people. If Ying Zheng issued a military order now, a large number of young people would sign up enthusiastically and do their part for the empire.

  Purple Orchid.

  Kong Nianzhi sat in the hall and drank the medicinal porridge made by Pao Ding. Even Kong Nianzhi, who had tasted countless delicacies from mountains and seas, couldn't help but praise it for its sweet and delicious taste.

  Although Kong Nianzhi will not starve to death if he does not eat, he does still feel hungry if he does not eat. Therefore, Kong Nianzhi usually eats something like ordinary people.


  Putting the bowl in his hand on the table, Kong Nianzhi wiped his horn: "So, has Jing Ke followed Tian Zhong to the Mojia Office City?"

  "Yes, Jing Ke's performance was so perfect, Tian Zhong didn't notice anything unusual at all." Speaking of Jing Ke, Mo Ya couldn't help laughing, but he saw all Jing Ke's acting skills at that time, and even Mo Ya was a little taken aback. Jing Ke's acting is amazing.

  "Don't underestimate Jing Ke too much, no one who can get such nourishment is easy." Kong Nianzhi glanced at Mo Ya, then stood up and walked to the window, staring condescendingly at the busy living beings outside the window: "Jing Ke, this People seem to be sloppy and unruly, but in fact he is very smart."

  "That's true." Mo Ya nodded in agreement, he admitted that he had underestimated Jing Ke before.

  "Is Qilin'er still in the office city?" Kong Nianzhi didn't turn his head back, he just half leaned against the window and asked casually, bathed in the pale golden sunlight, no one could think that this one looked very strange. An easy-going young man would be the king of an invisible empire.

  "Well, she's been in the Mo Family Office City. Do I want to send a message to get her back?" Mo Ya said.

  Kong Nianzhi was silent for a while, then shook his head: "No need, just let Qilin'er be there, anyway, we will go to meet her soon."

  With Qilin'er's stubborn temper, she wants to do things for Kong Nianzhi, even if Kong Nianzhi doesn't need it, Qilin'er will take the initiative to do it.

  Such abrupt recall of her will only make Qilin'er unhappy.

  "Where is Gongshuqiu, have firearms been developed?" Kong Nianzhi continued to ask, Mo Ya and Bai Feng were originally sent by Kong Nianzhi to Gongshujia's fortress to send drawings of various agencies, and they were also supervising Gong loses revenge.

  However, Mo Ya later left the Gongshujia fortress, and only Bai Feng remained in the fortress. Then this time, along with Gongshuyi and some Gongshujia staff, they came to Xianyang to teach the Qin people how to use them. war machine.

  However, Mo Ya later left the Gongshujia fortress, and only Bai Feng remained in the fortress. Then this time, along with Gongshuyi and some Gongshujia staff, they came to Xianyang to teach the Qin people how to use them. war machine.

  It stands to reason that this kind of thing should be asked about Bai Feng who just came back, but with the relationship between Mo Ya and Bai Feng, it is not wrong to ask Mo Ya.

  "It has basically been completed, and only some small details are still being improved. It is estimated that it will not be long before large-scale production can be used to equip the army of Qin State." Sure enough, Mo Ya is also like Kong Nian. As he thought, he knew the progress of firearm development.

  "Not only Qin's army, but also equipment for our ordinary members." Kong Nianzhi turned his head to look at Mo Ya: "Tell Gong Shuqiu to speed up the progress."

  Hearing this, Mo Ya suddenly smiled bitterly: "The progress of Gongshuoqiu has been very happy, the old gentleman saw our blueprints, as if he had obtained the supreme treasure. Will he die suddenly one day?"

  "Yeah, that's right." Kong Nianzhi nodded thoughtfully. In terms of his temperament, he can really do such a thing, so he doesn't have to worry about being lazy at all, he will take care of the drawings. The things above are created, and you just have to wait and accept the results.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????

  Suddenly, Mo Ya's expression became extremely strange, and he leaned over to Kong Nianzhi's side: "Your Majesty, if there is nothing else, I will take a step first."

  After finishing speaking, Mo Ya winked at Kong Nianzhi evilly, pointed at Kong Nianzhi's Shen Hou, and then turned into a black crow feather and disappeared in front of Kong Nianzhi's eyes.

  Following the direction Mo Ya pointed, Kong Nianzhi immediately understood why Mo Ya showed that expression, because Hei Tian, ​​who was adopted by Kong Nianzhi a few days ago, was walking towards him with her younger sister Bai Ye. Misunderstood that Hei Tian was his own woman.

  0 ........ 0

  A little bit of sunlight shone into the corridor, and Hei Tian’s face held Bai Ye with a smile. Bai Ye was still a child after all, and suddenly he was in such an unfamiliar environment. Even after a few days, he was still a little scared. He pulled Hei Tian's dress and shrank back.

  Compared with the previous days, whether it is dark or white, the complexion is much better.

  Especially Bai Ye, when Kong Nianzhi saw her for the first time, the little girl still had a high fever, as if she would fall asleep forever at any time.

  Although Bai Ye still looks very thin and weak now, it is only because of malnutrition. As long as he receives nutritional supplements, he will soon recover completely.

  "Master." Across the distance, Hei Tian greeted Kong Nianzhi with a low attitude.

  "Lord...Master?! What the hell is that!"

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