"Who would have thought that such a terrifying black jade unicorn would turn out to be a delicate little girl, and also a person of Kong Nianzhi."

  "There is a black unicorn in our Mojia government city. It seems that everything we planned has long been under Kong Nianzhi's control." Having said this, Master Class couldn't help but glance at Kong Nianzhi, his eyes Full of panic and fear.

  The truth of the matter is in front of us, and many things in the past have become clear.

  There had been a strange incident in the Mojia government city before, that is, Tian Zhong said that he had been assassinated by Robber Zhi, and Robber Zhi said that he had been assassinated by Tian Zhong.

  The two sides didn't look like they were cheating, and there were witnesses who witnessed everything, so they didn't give in.

  Since Master Xu and Master Ban also witnessed Tian Zhong fleeing from Roi Zhi, they believed that Tian Zhong assassinated Roi Zhi, and almost fell out with the farmer because of it. In exchange for Tian Zhong's forgiveness, the failure of the Xu family to cast swords for generations, the matter finally came to an end.

  But this is not the end, because this incident has torn a huge crack in the relationship between the farmers and the Mo family, and it is still a crack that cannot be healed.

  And there have been many inexplicable incidents since then, the purpose of which is to constantly provoke the anger between the farmers and the Mo family, and the relationship between the farmers and the Mo family continues to deteriorate.

  Now it seems that all of this is clearly because Moyu Qilin played a very key role in it, and I am afraid that all these things are done by Moyu Qilin.

  This terrifying man had already known everything and played them with applause.


  "Tian Yao, Mo Yu Qilin, a good method, really a good method." 217 Tian Zhong's expression was extremely distorted, there was no human form at all, and he kept repeating the names of Tian Yao and Mo Yu Qilin.

  The situation in front of him is already obvious. Now Tian Zhong is a killer, and he should figure it out. The real Tian Yao has died in the hands of Mo Yu Qilin, and Mo Yu Qilin has easily become Tian Yao's. It looks like, hiding in the farmhouse and watching over him.

  And because of Mo Yu Qilin's ability to disguise, there is really no information in this world that Mo Yu Qilin can't find out, so Tian Zhong also understands why his plan was leaked.

  "I really didn't expect that such a precise plan would go wrong in this." Tian Zhong looked like a ghost, his bloodshot eyes staring at the unicorn in Kong Nianzhi's arms: "I didn't expect it, no? I think, Kong Nianzhi, you are hiding so deeply, and you have a trump card like the black unicorn in your hand, breaking all my plans."

  When Kong Nianzhi heard the words, he slowly raised his head and looked at Tian Zhong with a flat gaze.

  "Hidden trump card?!"

  "You seem to have made something wrong."

  "I have never hidden Qilin'er's identity. In the final analysis, it's just that you are too hot to know about Qilin'er.".

Chapter 871 You can't bear the anger of honest people!

  As the saying goes, hitting people doesn't slap in the face, but Kong Nianzhi didn't mean to save face for Tian Zhong at all.


  Hearing the strong disdain in Kong Nianzhi's words, Tian Zhong couldn't hold back, his face changed from red to black, and finally he spit out a mouthful of black blood, and he felt that Xiongkou's stagnation was much better.

  "Even if you already knew about my plan, why didn't you kill me? Jing Ke has to follow me back to the Mo family." Tian Zhong's eyes were vicious.

  Jing Ke narrowed his eyes slightly, resisting the pain like tearing his muscles and stood up: "Won't I kill you?!"

  "Do you know how hard I endure, all the time! I'm enduring myself all the time, because I'm afraid I can't help but kill you with a sword!"

  "But it's too happy for you to die like that, so I'll let you experience it too, and lose the taste of valuing everything!"

  "So, if I didn't want you to lose your cherished rights, status, and everything, and finally die, I would have sent you to hell with a sword!" Jing Ke's face was gloomy and uncertain, and the anger in his eyes was burning.

  Jing Ke's expression and tone at the moment are unprecedentedly terrifying, and it can even be said that no matter what happened in Jing Ke's life, he has never shown such an expression and tone.

  As a chivalrous person, although not a hero, Jing Ke is actually a good person.

  Jing Ke never kills innocent people indiscriminately, nor does he use his own strength to do evil, but will help some people as much as possible.

  But what Tian Zhong and Mrs. Xu planned really angered the good man Jing Ke.

  Everyone has anger, a good old man who is usually not angry, but when he gets angry, his anger is even more terrifying than most people.

  Master Xu's face was also dark.

  His mother Mrs. Xu's original intention was to let Canhong be born. Jing Ke held this dragon-slaying sword to kill Kong Nianzhi and Ying Zheng. Of course, the most important thing was to kill Kong Nianzhi.

  In the end, after a long time of trouble, Jing Ke was still a member of Kong Nianzhi. The purpose of the people coming to the Mo family was not only to make Tian Zhongshen lose his reputation and die, but also to have this residual rainbow.

  Not only did the Mo family lose the Cannibal Sword, but Master Xu's mother, Madam Xu, cast the sword in vain and lost her life.

  "Jing Ke, since you're not going to assassinate Kong Nianzhi and Ying Zheng as we agreed, then you must return this residual rainbow to us."

  Master Xu's face was a little red and ashamed, but thinking that this was his mother's last wish and will, he continued: "This is the masterpiece of my mother's life, Mrs. Xu, and my mother made a sword for you because of this. Since you have lived up to your mother's wishes, I hope you can return Can Hong to us and let us find another owner for her."

  "Hehe, Mrs. Xu." A flash of sword light flashed in Jing Ke's eyes, stinging Master Xu's eyes and making Master Xu a little afraid to look at each other: "Your mother is not a good person, you think these things are planned by Tian Zhong himself. ?!"

  "Master Xu, you are wrong, I tell you, one of them made the plan to capture my wife Mu Qing, kill her and carve out the unborn fetus, and then put the blame on Brother Kong and Ying Zheng. , it is your mother, Madam Xu!"

  "Master Xu, you are wrong, I tell you, one of them made the plan to capture my wife Mu Qing, kill her and carve out the unborn fetus, and then put the blame on Brother Kong and Ying Zheng. , it is your mother, Madam Xu!"

  "It's your mother, who, together with Tian Zhong, came up with such a sinister and vicious plan to destroy an innocent family and hurt a pregnant woman and an unborn child for her own selfish interests."

  "Although I, Jing Ke, are not a person with profound sense of righteousness, I also know that the reason why people are people is because people have a bottom line. Some things can be done, and some things must not be done!"

  "Once you do, you can't be called a human anymore!"

  "Give it back to you? Oh, this stubborn rainbow is already mine, even if it is Madam Xu's compensation for me."

  Jing Ke sneered disdainfully, and then lowered his head as if stroking his lover, gently stroking Canhong's sword.

  The current Can Rainbow Sword has recognized the master Jing Ke. This does not mean that other people cannot use the Can Rainbow Sword, but only Jing Ke can exert the greatest power of the Can Rainbow Sword, because this Can Rainbow Sword has the blood of Jing Ke. Therefore, only Jing Ke can use the Canning Rainbow Sword perfectly.

  Moreover, under the suppression before Confucius, coupled with the Cross Huo Xingjian, the high-level oppression was exuding all the time, and Jing Ke was now in a sober state.

  Can Hongjian was too obedient, and didn't dare to try to control Jing Ke at all. With Jing Ke's stroking, a faint blood-colored halo continued to light up where Jing Ke's fingertips crossed, and it looked really beautiful.

  If you ignore the suffocating and fierce aura attached to the Canning Rainbow Sword, the Canning Rainbow Sword can indeed be called beautiful.

  "¨"No...it's impossible, how could my mother do such a thing, I don't believe it."

  Jing Ke's words were no less than a bolt from the blue for Master Xu, he staggered back a few steps, his face was pale, and he was trembling: "Jing Ke, you must be lying to me, right, you must be lying to me. of?!"

  I don't know if it's an illusion, but at this moment, Master Xu seems to have aged a lot in an instant, and he looks like an old man who is dying.

  With a look of pleading and despair on Xu's face, he looked into Jing Ke's eyes and wanted to get a different answer from Jing Ke. Even if the answer was false, Xu Confucius could deceive himself. The mother is still the old lady Xu who carried out the Mo family's Jane Eyre non-gong, not the vicious woman in Jing Ke's mouth.


  Jing Ke pondered for a long time, and finally (Nuo Lihao) sighed: "I'm sorry, Master Xu, what I said is true, and you should know in your heart now what is the truth."

  Although Jing Ke also wanted to deceive Master Xu so that Master Xu could comfort himself, it was just a fake, not a real thing at all.

  Self-deception will only make people immersed in falsehood and cannot extricate themselves. Only by facing the truth can people become stronger.

  "No...no...no, absolutely not, how could a mother do that."

  "Also love and non-attack is a belief that my mother has implemented throughout her life. How could my mother discard the belief that she has adhered to her whole life in the last time. It is impossible, impossible..."

  Master Xu knelt on the ground decadently, his eyes became completely dull, and his spirit had collapsed. .

Chapter 872 exists but does not exist

  Master Xu's mind is now in a state of war between heaven and man.

  One is the core idea of ​​the Mohist school, and it is also the idea that everyone in the Mohist family has adhered to and realized throughout their lives, Jane Eyre is not attacking.

  The other side is his mother, who in the entire Mo family can be said to be the closest to Jane Aifeigong, who abandoned the Mo family's universal love and nongong, and swung the slaughtering knife at ordinary people.

  Such contradictory thoughts flooded Master Xu's mind, almost driving him crazy.

  "Old man Xu...you...see the beginning." Robber Zhi's expression was a little tangled, and he patted Master Xu's shoulder lightly and sighed, but Master Xu had already fallen into his own thoughts. Robber Zhi's movements didn't bother him at all.

  "Old man Xu?! Old man Xu?!" Roof Zhi was stunned when he saw this, because he was worried about Master Xu, so he pushed Master Xu a few times.

  "Little Zhi." Master Class frowned and gently pulled Roof Zhi: "Let him think about it for himself, now, apart from himself, I am afraid no one can help him."

  "Hey, okay." Robber Zhi sighed when he saw this.


  "Invisible and invisible, Kong Nianzhi, you are really all-pervasive. It's a pity that you didn't succeed in killing Mu Qing. Let's see what your angry face, Jing Ke, looks like. Will it change?" I'm just as unscrupulous." Tian Zhong laughed, staring at Jing Ke with a gloomy tone.

  Everyone was silent.

  They understand Tian Zhong's madness now, because whether it is a farmer or a Mo family, they all feel like they are puppets, and Kong Nianzhi is the one who controls the puppet. As long as Kong Nianzhi pulls the thread, they will about to... dance.

  Go down step by step according to the already doomed ending, until you fall into the abyss.

  And the saddest thing is that neither the farmers nor the Mo family knew that they had already become a puppet and a part of the dance.

  "Tian Zhong...you are courting death!"

  Jing Ke's eyelids twitched frantically, and the terrifying killing intent made everyone tremble with fear. The blue inner strength that had been exhausted a long time ago was inexplicably reborn from the inner circle, mixed with the blood-colored murderous aura and the scarlet suffocating aura. Jing Ke surrounds it.

  Jing Ke held the sword in his left hand and walked towards Tian Zhong step by step. The tip of Canhong Sword gently touched the ground, igniting a path of (cjbc) flames.


  At this moment, a somewhat urgent voice suddenly sounded, and quickly approached the crowd, and rushed into the sword pool in a blink of an eye.

  Everyone looked in the direction from which the voice came. It turned out that the person who came was a Mohist disciple.

  "Aqingqing?! What are you doing in such a panic, what happened?" Master Class recognized the Mo family disciple in front of him, and couldn't help asking.

  "Aqingqing?! What are you doing in such a panic, what happened?" Master Class recognized the Mo family disciple in front of him, and couldn't help asking.

  The disciple called Ah Qing resisted the high temperature, rushed into the sword pool and was stunned by the strange state of the sword pool.

  The people left in the Jianchi by the farmhouse died in seven or eighty-eight ways. Master Xu knelt on the ground, his eyes were blank, and he looked like he had lost his mind. Jing Ke was burning with terrifying arrogance.

  There was a large group of people who looked very strange. They were people that Ah Qing had never seen before, but looking at their momentum and the kind of instinctual oppression, Ah Qing knew that this group of people must not be simple.

  Especially the young man in the lead holding a girl in black gauze. Although he didn't exude any imposing manner, it was this young man who gave Ah Qing the most terrifying feeling.

  Because Ah Qing clearly saw this young man, but if Ah Qing closed his eyes, he would not feel that there was someone there.

  That young man was there, but he didn't seem to exist. He couldn't feel any breath of Kong Nianzhi at all. This strange feeling made Ah Qing's scalp numb and sluggish for a while, and some dared not move. , Ah Qing didn't come back to his senses until Master Class called him out.

  "Master Class, our Organ City has been invaded by unknown people!"

  After sorting out his uneasiness, Aqing peeked at Kong Nianzhi again, and found that Kong Nianzhi was looking at him with a half-smile, Aqing hurriedly turned his head away, not daring to look at Kong Nianzhi again.


  Class Master Gu Jiao slammed it hard. You reported being invaded by unknown people a little late. It's been a long time here, and I almost demolished this sword pool. Come back and say that someone has invaded , It's a bit like taking off your pants and farting.

  "Cough cough." With a light cough, Master Class gestured to Kong Nianzhi's side with his eyes: "Okay, I know someone invaded, they are here now, you should step back first."

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