"No, it's impossible, how could the master do this." Mei Sanniang's face was extremely ugly. She obviously didn't expect her master to tell King Wei about the weakness of the armored man before she died.

  "But the fact is that he did it, otherwise I really can't hurt you." Zhang Jingchen laughed softly, and staggered again involuntarily: "Your defense really surprised me. "

  "I thought it would be easy to solve your weaknesses because of your weaknesses, but in your scorpion, there is an extra ability that is not the ability to practice kung fu."

  "The defense of this ability is far more powerful than the horizontal training of the armored door. It really gives me a headache."

  "After using a steady stream of crowd tactics a few times, and paying tens of thousands of lives, I finally figured out some of the context of your abilities. After enduring thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times After the attack, your defensive ability will have a cooldown time, and this time is my best chance to shoot."

  "Otherwise, until your defense ability recovers, even my strongest sword will not be able to leave any scars on your gully."

  To be fair, Mei Sanniang and Dianqing are not the kind of people who can be dealt with with a sea of ​​​​tactics.

  Before becoming a Quincy Master and awakening the holy text, the strength of Mei Sanniang and Dianqing could not be limited by the number of people. Maybe they could not fight against a thousand with one because of the limitation of their strength, but if they wanted to leave, no one could. stop them.

  And now that Mei Sanniang and Dian Qing have become Quincy Masters, there is no need to say more. If they want to leave the battlefield for a short rest, absolutely no one can stop them.

  And now that Mei Sanniang and Dian Qing have become Quincy Masters, there is no need to say more. If they want to leave the battlefield for a short rest, absolutely no one can stop them.

  The reason why Mei Sanniang and Dian Qinghui were successfully attacked was because their strength was almost exhausted in order to block the endless Wei army and warriors in front of them, and the still blood was still in the cooling time.

  Inadvertently, this gave Zhang Jingchen a chance to succeed, and then Mei Sanniang fell into a state of absent-mindedness, which gave Zhang Jingchen a second chance, which led to Dianqing's serious injuries and dying.

  "Zhang Jingchen!"

  "Your eyesight is really amazing, but don't underestimate me too much. Even if I have no defense ability for the time being, it doesn't mean that I have lost other powers!"

  "Holy Lost!"


  The blue spiritual pressure was like a mist at first, and quickly condensed into a azure blue light. The spiritual child in the air stagnated for a while, and then rushed towards Mei Sanniang's cautiousness at an extremely terrifying speed, causing Mei Sanniang to The momentum began to skyrocket wildly.

  "Zhang Jingchen, die for my mother!"

  Mei Sanniang clenched her silver teeth and threw her scythe sharply, and then a tens of meters of spiritual pressure quickly condensed into the shape of a bow and arrow, rushing towards the front at an unknown speed that exceeded the speed of sound!

  "What the hell is this, and how could Sanniang Mei have such a terrifying anger!"

  Seeing the long arrow of Lingzi rushing towards him like a galloping cannonball, Zhang Jingchen looked horrified and disbelieving, just because Mei Sanniang, who was almost hit or killed by himself, was able to launch such an attack ? !

  "What a joke!"

  "Break me!" 017

  Zhang Jingchen roared angrily and poured all the internal power into the long sword in his hand, enduring the pain of tearing through the meridians, he swung a sword qi that was ten meters long, in front of Zhang Jingchen's terrifying sword qi. , the long sword in his hand collapsed directly after this slash, turning into fragments and falling to the ground.


  Sword Qi and Sacred Destruction collided violently, but the sword that Zhang Jingchen infused with all his hope and inner strength had no effect at all. In the face of Sacred Destruction, a sword Qi was like a fragile piece of paper, just touching it. It was smashed like a smash.

  In the eyes of everyone, this slash, which was enough to smash the house, was completely wiped out at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the sacred destruction seemed to have no loss, and continued to attack Zhang Jingchen in a straight and stubborn manner. go!

  "Damn it, damn it! You have to dodge! Otherwise...you will die!"

  Adrenaline was secreted frantically, the heart began to beat violently, the sixth sense began to wailing, and even every pore was trembling. In front of this strong death breath, Zhang Jingchen's eyes instantly turned red, and his eyes were indifferent. Also began to rapidly engorgement. .

Chapter 916 Accept the Sanction of Divine Destruction


  Zhang Jingchen squatted down slightly, curled up twice, then stomped the ground ruthlessly, and fled to the right at the fastest speed. This is already the fastest and most effective way to avoid, but the speed of sacred destruction is still Far beyond Zhang Jingchen's imagination.

  Even though Mei Sanniang was using it for the first time, her speed had already exceeded the speed of sound.

  To know what the speed of sound is, it means that in a normal environment, sound can travel to a distance of about [-] meters in one second, and supersonic speed means that the speed of propagation in one second exceeds the distance of [-] meters. , can be called supersonic.

  This speed has far exceeded the range that humans can respond to. In the eyes of ordinary people, the picture may still stay in the scene left by the retina, and the attack has long been flying.

  And a master like Zhang Jingchen, even if his reaction ability has been developed to the limit of human beings, but at this supersonic speed, which exceeds the speed of sound by an unknown number of times, it is not enough to watch.

  Just as Zhang Jingchen flung his arms and tried to escape, the galloping Divine Destruction brushed past him, and his swaying left arm was nothing but the long tail flame dragged by the Divine Destruction. Gently wiped it, and then disappeared directly in front of everyone's eyes.

  Yes, just disappear.

  Without leaving any traces, not even a drop of blood, Zhang Jingchen's right arm disappeared directly from the upper half of the arm, Zhang Jingchen let out a lifelong pained scream, but where did he dare to pause, and his head was just as desperate. Without turning back, he ran to the right.

  Even if he had escaped this sacred loss, the danger of death was still condensed in his heart, so Zhang Jingchen did not dare to relax, and could only continue to run away desperately.

  In an instant, the giant spirit bow and long arrow in the air instantly turned into a spirit lightsaber and sent down the ruling, hitting the position where Zhang Jingchen had stood before.


  As if it was an earthquake, everyone hadn't reacted to what happened, and the dazzling blue and white light had already filled their eyes.

  With Zhang Jingchen's location as the center, everything within a radius of [-] meters, whether it was the earth, the corpse as high as a hill left on the ground, or the long sword and armor stuck on the ground, were all exploded by this explosion. The energy evaporated into nothingness and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the [-] meters directly turned into a flat ground, leaving a huge deep pit.


  Above the sky, a blue energy-like mushroom cloud surged, and the terrifying shock wave swept through everything like a level [-] tornado. As long as it was within a kilometer of the energy center that erupted, everyone would be directly hit by the shock wave.

  This huge abnormal noise and vibration directly caused the golden fire cavalry and Wei army in front to stop fighting at the same time.

  And those who were within a few hundred meters of the center of the energy explosion were directly shocked to death by the energy carried by the sacred destruction explosion.

  When the smoke and dust dissipated, all that remained was the ground that had turned into a piece of ruins, and the crowd within a few hundred meters was completely evaporated, leaving no human figure behind.

  And with these hundreds of meters as a clear boundary, the Wei army was densely packed outside, all of them were paralyzed on the ground, looking at the huge abyss left in front of them in horror.

  And with these hundreds of meters as a clear boundary, the Wei army was densely packed outside, all of them were paralyzed on the ground, looking at the huge abyss left in front of them in horror.

  This is a huge oval deep pit with a length of nearly a few hundred meters, and the depth is even more ignorant. Visual inspection must be at least tens of meters above a huge oval deep pit. Ordinary people may fall to their death if they fall into it!

  Just one blow, not only did it forcefully change the landscape of the earth with manpower, leaving behind such a huge amount of damage, it even wiped out thousands of them in an instant. This god-like attack directly lost all Wei troops. Fighting spirit.

  Now they don't have any bounty, [-] taels or any other titles, and there is only one thought in their minds, that is, the Mei Sanniang in front of them is a monster!

  "Crazy, crazy, Lord Xinling actually asked us to deal with such a monster, he must be crazy, I won't fight, I won't fight~'!"

  "Help, who can help us, what the hell is going on!"

  "God, is she an immortal? How can humans have such power!"

  The hearts of all Wei Jun who witnessed Mei Sanniang's destruction had already collapsed. They kept retreating, not daring to approach the most central position. It was also Mei Sanniang who was on the only stone platform left within a few hundred meters. .

  "々' This... how is that possible!"

  "There is still such power!"

  Seeing Zhang Jingchen, who had fled and returned and fell unconscious, Lord Xinling swallowed hard, and then stared at the damage caused by Mei Sanniang.

  With just one blow, he wiped out thousands of his army. Even because the diners kept by Xinling Jun were the main force in attacking Mei Sanniang and Dianqing, they all gathered on Mei Sanniang and Dianqing's side, and suffered the heaviest losses. It is also this army of warriors that is close to ten thousand.

  In just a short moment, he directly crippled the warrior army of Lord Xinling.

  In the last moment, Lord Xinling was still surprised that Zhang Jingchen had solved Dianqing, leaving only Mei Sanniang.

  The next moment, the remaining Mei Sanniang gave him such a terrifying surprise.

  "Husband, are you alright!"

  Chu Mengyan's face was full of worry (promise good), she didn't care about the dirt and blood on Zhang Jingchen's gully, she bent over and took Zhang Jingchen in her arms, shaking him constantly, but Zhang Jingchen had already passed out. In the past, there was no consciousness at all.

  He had already consumed too much, and in the end, he fought overdraft and divine destruction, and then lost an arm. Zhang Jingchen did not fall to the ground on the spot, it was already a very strong will.

  After seeing Zhang Jingchen's lost left arm, a hint of distress flashed in Chu Mengyan's eyes, and then a deep hatred filled her eyes, staring at Mei. Sanniang, as if she wanted to kill Mei Sanniang with her eyes.

  Standing by Chu Mengyan's side, Zhu Hai frowned, checked Zhang Jingchen's pulse, and said, "Don't worry, there is still anger, he is not dead yet, but his injuries are a little heavy and the consumption is too great, so he needs to take care of himself. take a rest.".

Chapter 917 The King of the Invisible Empire

  "Get away from me, of course my husband is still alive, I don't need you to be shy here!"

  Chu Mengyan's eyes were full of anger, and she looked at Zhu Hai and Xinling-Jun in front of her angrily. It was to help them do things that her husband suffered such a huge trauma.

  Chu Mengyan, who has practiced poison attack, naturally has some medical skills. She can see Zhang Jingchen's condition by herself, and she doesn't need anyone else to remind her.


  Zhu Hai's horns twitched, and he wanted to scold him several times, but he forcibly endured it after taking a few glances at Lord Xinling.

  This woman is still useful, at least for the time being. Don't offend her, otherwise, with Zhang Jingchen's relationship with Chu Mengyan, he will definitely tear his face off because of his abuse, which is not good for Xinling-Jun.

  Zhu Hai would not do anything unfavorable to Lord Xinling.

  "Master, we...what should we do now, should we...now send someone to rush over and kill Mei Sanniang." Zhu Hai walked to Jun Xinling's side, gently awakened, still in a state of amazement Lord Xinling in the.

  "Kill, how to kill, you see, just one blow has already destroyed nearly 383 of my diners. If we do it a few more times, then we won't have to fight this time." Lord Xinling looked on his face. After fear and sadness, he was worried about this battle again.

  "Master, don't be afraid, take a closer look, Mei Sanniang has absolutely not much energy left at this time." A gleam of light flashed in Zhu Hai's eyes.

  "What?!" Lord Xinling exclaimed in surprise, looking at Mei Sanniang, who was looming in the smoke, and saw that Mei Sanniang's mouth was rising and falling quickly, as if she was already very tired.

  After thinking for a moment, a firm look flashed in Jun Xinling's eyes: "Call the army immediately, tell all the generals to stabilize their morale, and take advantage of Mei Sanniang's weakness to rush over to kill Dian Qing and Mei Sanniang."

  "No." Just as Zhu Hai was about to retreat, Lord Xinling waved his hand to stop him, looked at the doubtful Zhu Hai and said with cold eyes: "Not only to kill, but to tell the army to break them both to me. A thousand corpses!"

  "I'm not at ease if they don't die!"



  at the same time.

  Mei Sanniang was also taking a deep breath, and looked at her hands blankly, unable to believe what was happening in front of her. She did the terrifying destruction that was caused.

  To be honest, this is also the first time that Mei Sanniang has used the advanced attack skills of the Quincy. As usual, although Mei Sanniang and Dianqing have awakened to become the Quincy.

  However, they are used to fighting with scorpions, so they usually use their scorpions to fight. They have never used the skills that these Quincy Masters can use, and naturally they don't know that these skills can cause such amazing damage.

  And because it was the first time to use it, Mei Sanniang couldn't control her strength at all, so she directly gathered all her spiritual pressure in this attack and fired it out, which also caused Mei Sanniang to be temporarily exhausted.

  After being stunned for a few seconds, Mei Sanniang stopped thinking about these things, but looked at the ceremony lying on the ground. The blood on the ground had already flowed out into a large pool, thick and ferocious, and it had already solidified. sign.

  If it was an ordinary person, this amount of bleeding would have killed him long ago. Even for a strong scorpion like Dian Qing, after losing the protection of his blood suit, this amount of bleeding would almost kill him.

  If it was an ordinary person, this amount of bleeding would have killed him long ago. Even for a strong scorpion like Dian Qing, after losing the protection of his blood suit, this amount of bleeding would almost kill him.

  "Senior brother, wake up, don't fall asleep!"

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