"You came."

  "You are here too."

  "Yeah, I'm here too, you shouldn't be here."

  Especially when I make up the scene of their meeting, it is quite a blockbuster picture. .

Chapter 946 Return to the Blade!

  "Bai Yifei, let me tell you, your speed is definitely not as fast as mine!"

  Ten thousand meters away, Tian Ze sneered, the snake pupils erected were full of disdain, and he ran towards the front without looking back.

  Following Tian Ze's footsteps, darkness began to descend.

  The black mist continued to spread like a bone-eroding poison, devouring everything, setting off Tian Ze's demeanor to the extreme, and also in line with Tian Ze's character that he would die if he didn't pretend to be a force.

  The snake skull with chains hissed, turned into a big snake and attacked the gully of Tianze, waiting for the opportunity to choose someone to devour.

  The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the pretense can't stop.

  "Tianze, it seems that you have forgotten." Bai Yifei glanced at Tianze lightly, and the blood-colored corners opened slightly: "I bring fear, and you, or whoever it is, can only kneel and pray."

  "Your speed just gave me a little surprise. This surprise is beyond the scope of "surprise"."

  "Hey, pretend." Tian Ze snorted coldly and accelerated again.


  The blood-red light and shadow dragged a long stream of light, and the air was torn into two parts that were visible to the naked eye.

  The two were running wildly and talking to each other at the same time, but they sounded extremely middle-aged.

  But whether it is Tian Ze or Bai Yifei, they all know in their hearts that the speed of the two of them is actually half a catty, and their strength is similar.

  But it's just that the battle can't tell the winner. In terms of pretending to force, you must score a winner. As a coercive king, the most invisible thing is that there are other people pretending to be in front of you.

  "Bai Yifei, you lost, it seems that my speed is even better"!"

  The speed of the two of them is extremely fast. In this unbridled straight-line sprint, the speed can exceed the speed of sound, which means that the distance of [-] meters is like walking a few steps in the eyes of Tian Ze and Bai Yifei. Simple, and soon arrived near the battlefield.

  Seeing that there was still the last kilometer or so of distance left, Tian Ze's red snake pupils flashed a gleam of light, and the six big snakes behind the gully slammed the snake's head deeply into the ground, and then burst out with the help of reaction force. , the speed of the rush has soared again obviously.

  "It's too early to say this! The small gift is ready. How will you admit defeat to me in a while?"

  "Virtual Flash!"

  Bai Yifei slammed onto the ground and jumped into the air. After turning around and pressing his right hand against the gully, a red shimmer first appeared in the palm of his hand.

  The next moment!

  This gleam suddenly burst into a burst of crimson light, and then turned into a flashing red streamer and disappeared in Bai Yifei's hands.

  Bai Yifei completely gave up the resistance of the squat, and with the help of the virtual flash, he fell directly in the direction of Kong Nianzhi in the sky.




  Two loud bangs rang out, setting off a cloud of sand and leaving large cracks on the ground.

  "It's just a piece of trash who has died once, can't you just die obediently!"

  Tian Ze sneered, seeing Bai Yifei arriving at the same time as him, very upset.

  "Interesting, blood is no longer boiling, and youth is like a winter stream, frozen by frost. But if you put your ear close to the ice, guess what you will hear?"

  "Under the thick freezing, spring is still flowing. Like under your skin, I can hear the blood running full of life."

  "But don't forget, Tian Ze, you are just a bereaved dog who has lost his home. The old prince who is Baiyue has been imprisoned by me for so long, it seems... you can't be stronger. "

  Bai Yifei stood up gracefully, looked at Tian Ze with a leisurely look, and directly exposed Tian Ze's shortcomings on the spot.

  As the saying goes, you don't slap in the face, but for the king, this method is not easy to use. If you hit someone, you have to slap in the face, and you have to slap in front of everyone, and it's the kind of slap.

  "Some people always think that he controls everything, but they don't know that he is just a clown who jumps on the beam. Today, I must get through you!"

  Tian Ze's left eye was tightly closed, and his right eye was slightly squinted. The fierce red light flashed away, and the snake-skull-mounted chains that fluttered behind the gully began to show an inexplicable dim light.

  Tianze's holy text is called the penetration of all things, and its meaning is that after the power of the holy text is activated, everything touched on the forward track of the attack and the target will be penetrated, and there is no way to counteract or defend against this. strength.

  Using the opponent's underestimation of the enemy, like hitting a target, it can easily penetrate the designated target.If it is penetrated, it will definitely be seriously injured and will leave a hole-like scar.

  During the period of time he was with Bai Yifei, Tianze always slapped each other with Bai Yifei like this every day, and every little thing was scored, and he even fought each other at every turn. It's almost fun to play, and then throw two harsh words and fight again the next day.

  But now hearing Bai Yifei's provocation, Tianze couldn't sit still. He was going to release all the power of his holy text, and let Bai Yifei, a tyrant, experience what it means to be penetrated.

  Anyway, Bai Yifei's skin is extremely strong. As a broken skin, the steel skin has a very strong defense, and it has super-speed regeneration. Even if he lacks arms and legs, he can grow out quickly. (Did Zhao)

  "々' Oh, yes. You've forgotten what it feels like to be dominated by fear, I need to help you remember, and being old is a good virtue, but it doesn't look like you have that."

  Bai Yifei laughed lightly, and his pale, bloodless slender palm stroked his blood-colored blade. In terms of words and momentum, Bai Yifei would despise Tianze, but in battle, Bai Yifei would never have any contempt.

  As Tian Ze's old opponent, the two have competed for the position of the king for so long. Bai Yifei knows Tian Ze's strength very well.

  Once Tian Ze completely liberates the power of his Quincy and the power of the Holy Word, then I am afraid that Bai Yifei must also return to the blade and release all his power to match Tian Ze.

  "Everything is connected!"

  "Return to the blade! Sprinkle blood, gore demon kills the sky!".

Chapter 947 It depends on how hard you are!


  The dark-colored Reiatsu and the blood-red surge skyrocketed into the sky!

  The spiritual pressure above the sky quickly gathered, forming a continuous cloud of spiritual children as if it were materialized. Drops of spiritual pressure fell downwards like raindrops, but they fell on the ground without splashing any water.

  A terrifying aura filled Tian Ze and Bai Yifei's bodies, and even under the collision of the momentum, a shock wave like a typhoon began to spread violently.

  The black dim light on the Tianze gully became stronger and stronger, and even the tightly closed left eye began to slowly open, and a god-like momentum began to slowly brew.

  On Bai Yifei's side, the blood-red light is also not bad. Even Bai Yifei's watch has begun to appear blood-colored patterns, and Bai Yifei's Shenhui has also begun to show some strange changes.

  At this moment, no one can approach within [-] meters of the two of them. If they approach rashly, they will only be killed instantly by the collision energy of the two.

  But at this moment, an unbearable voice suddenly sounded, and then a shadowy shadow 170 ignored the collision energy field between Tian Ze and Bai Yifei, forcibly rushed in and stood in the middle of the two.

  "Through your uncle, it's yours, let me die!"

  Kong Nianzhi's face turned a little dark, and he rushed directly to the middle of the two with his horns, and kicked them out one by one.

  These two scumbags actually regarded themselves as transparent, as if they did not see themselves at all. They had been arguing for a long time here, and they had been making a lot of noise for a long time. Now they are going to fight like this in front of Kong Nianzhi. Where is Kong Nianzhi? Can bear it.

  One person directly gave them a set meal to calm them down.

  call out!call out!


  Two streams of light, one black and one red, flew in opposite directions, and after flying for hundreds of meters, they hit the ground heavily before they stopped, causing waves of air.

  Because of Kong Nianzhi's two feet, the colliding force field between Tian Ze and Bai Yifei instantly dissipated and disappeared.

  "Hey... it hurts, hurts, hurts!"

  In the center of the deep pit, Tian Ze kept rubbing his head as if scratching his cheeks. The way he jumped up and down was extraordinarily funny. Now Tian Ze only felt his head hurt.

  Obviously, he has the protection of the still blood suit, and his quality is also extremely terrifying, but in front of Kong Nianzhi's kick, Tianze only feels that his defense is fully effective, and the pain will not go away for a long time. .

  After rubbing for a while, Tian Ze found that everyone's eyes were all focused on his gully, and Gu Jiao quickly stopped his movements with a slap in the face.

  Black mist spreads.

  After the gully, the six castrated snake skulls in chains also fluttered again, cruising around Tian Ze, completely restoring the aura of the king.

  "What are you looking at! Look at killing you all one by one!"

  Tian Ze turned around and stared coldly at those who were looking at him. Under the eyes of the snake pupils without any temperature, those who were looking at Tian Ze suddenly lowered their heads and did not dare to look any further.



  The black afterimage and the red afterimage disappeared in a flash, and Tian Ze and Bai Yifei returned to Kong Nianzhi's side again.

  "Why did you kick me? I have been disliked by this guy for a long time, and I think he must have disliked me for a long time." Tian Ze sneered at Bai Yifei in front of him: "Anyway, you already have a hole, so I will simply I'll open another hole for you."

  "If you want to make a hole for me, it depends on whether you are hard enough, but don't be like some soft-footed shrimp."

  Bai Yifei was not to be outdone, and after speaking, he glanced at Tian Ze with extreme contempt, showing his true nature.

  Bai Yifei was not to be outdone, and after speaking, he glanced at Tian Ze with extreme contempt, showing his true nature.

  (dabd) But... Kong Nianzhi suddenly thought wrong.

  Make a hole? !

  hard? !

  soft? !

  What the hell is this!

  When did Tian Ze and Bai Yifei have such a close relationship? !

  Kong Nianzhi suddenly felt a little inexplicable horror. Could these two guys have a tendency to develop in that direction? !

  "You two are finished!"

  Kong Nianzhi coughed lightly, took two steps back without a trace, and was a little farther away from the two of them. After all, these two guys are now in a little danger.

  "It's not over!" Tian Ze snorted coldly and looked at Kong Nianzhi: "Kong Nianzhi, I enshrine you as king and am willing to be your mount, but that doesn't mean that I sincerely surrender to you, if one day you are like this The strength of the king is not enough to match the strength of my mount, so I will... become the king!"


  "speak politely!"

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