"What about the generals of Zhao State?"

  Zhang Han's words changed, and he no longer focused on Li Mu's gully. An old Li Mu was not worthy of his attention now.

  "As the lord said, they were all killed, leaving no one alive.",

  Shadow Secret Guard replied respectfully.

  "Very good, this will definitely hurt Zhao Guo's vitality, and Zhao Guo's army."

  Zhang Han nodded with a light smile, losing so many generals must be a heavy blow to Zhao Guo.

  If the [-] Zhao army is also folded here, then the Zhao country can basically be declared dead.

  You must know that even the most powerful state of Qin, the real army is only in the hundreds of thousands, and the rest of the army is only some old and weak soldiers who are unable to form combat effectiveness.

  At this time, the Zhao Kingdom, after suffering the killing of the god Baiqi and killing [-] troops, was directly stunned, and the national strength could not be recovered at all. Now the army that can really be pulled out is even [-] or [-]. What's more, this army still has to It is used to arm, and it is impossible to mobilize all of them.

  At this time, the Zhao Kingdom, after suffering the killing of the god Baiqi and killing [-] troops, was directly stunned, and the national strength could not be recovered at all. Now the army that can really be pulled out is even [-] or [-]. What's more, this army still has to It is used to arm, and it is impossible to mobilize all of them.

  That is to say, after the [-]-strong Zhao army with combat power was annihilated, there would be absolutely not many troops left in the Zhao country.

  "The resistance of Zhao Guo's army is gradually weakening, and it should be over in some time." The shadow guard immediately replied.

  The real war is not as simple as playing a family, and it will end soon.

  This (daej) is a collision between a hundred thousand troops and a hundred tens of thousands of troops, even if it lasts for a whole number of months, it is possible.

  The reason why the soldiers of the Baijia Army and Baiyue were able to establish an advantage so quickly, and to shorten the time to destroy the Zhao army by dozens of times, was all because of the huge gap in combat power between the two sides, and the fact that the Zhao army did not have a leader. The command of Zhao State made Zhao's army defeated so quickly.

  "Very well, the combat effectiveness of this group of White Armored Army and Baiyue soldiers is too strong. Fortunately, we are not enemies with them."

  Zhang Han suddenly felt inexplicably grateful that his great king, Ying Zheng, had always been on good terms with Confucius, and even treated each other with courtesy, and he would not be disrespectful to Confucius at all, or even disrespectful. Allowing someone to be disrespectful to Kong Nianzhi made Kong Nianzhi feel good about Qin Guo.

  If Kong Nianzhi was their Qin country's enemy, Zhang Han couldn't imagine what their fate would be like.

  After seeing the fighting power of Mo Ya and others, Zhang Han had no doubt that if Mo Ya carried out a beheading assassination, none of them would be able to survive the attack of Mo Ya.

  The superhuman strength and the power that can destroy everything makes Mo Ya's group a nightmare for everyone.

  That kind of power is simply not something that humans can match, nor is it a gap that can be filled by numbers. Just the strength of one person is enough to match an army.

  And how many people are there under Kong Nianzhi's command? !

  If one man is an army, how many troops are so many? !

  What's more, there is the strongest among them, and Kong Nianzhi, whose strength has always been unknown, has never shown the strongest state!

  Thinking of the terrifying power of the invisible empire, Zhang Han suddenly shuddered: "Cough, let's go back, quickly end the battle here and join the golden fire cavalry led by Lord Mengwu to completely defeat the Wei state."

  "Tell the soldiers of the Baijia Army and Baiyue, except for those innocent people, don't move, the rest of the spoils are theirs, I think... they will like it!"


  At this moment, the plain on the border of Qin and Wei is the center of the battlefield.

  "Okay, don't ask the two of you, and I don't know where you two got these questions."

  Interrupting Tian Ze and Bai Yifei's questions, Kong Nianzhi looked to another place with a smile, and the silver eyes seemed to have pierced through the space and landed in an unknown place.

  "Let the two of you continue to ask this question, and these two little mice will really run away."

  PS: I... let me ask a question, is it better to kill Zhang Jingchen, or accept his subordinates, I hope to see the opinions of the readers! .

Chapter 958 The realm of pretending is endless!


  "What mouse?"

  Tian Ze and Bai Yifei were confused and didn't know what Kong Nianzhi meant. When they turned around and wanted to ask what Kong Nianzhi meant, they found that Kong Nianzhi had disappeared for a long time~ .

  Kong Nianzhi's speed was so fast that even Tian Ze and Bai Yefei couldn't perceive it.

  "Is this guy so fast?!"

  Tian Ze was stunned.

  "Well, it's that fast, and compared to before, his speed is even faster."

  Bai Yifei sighed helplessly.

  "It seems that our level of pretence is far from his."

  Tian Ze looked resentful, and the awe-inspiring six snake skulls in chains behind the gully also began to fall.

  "Then do you still want to compete with me for the king?" Bai Yifei glanced at Tian Ze.

  "Of course, there can only be one forced king, and it is destined that only I can become the forced king. Don't talk nonsense, look at the tricks!" Tian Ze's eyes flashed a fierce light, and the six snake skulls in chains flew again. .


  "Hu! Hu! Hu!"

  Under the moonlight, hurried footsteps and sighs continued to sound, and from time to time, Chu Mengyan would turn her head to look at the back of the gully, as if some beast would rush out at any time in the thick darkness. .

  "Damn it, what kind of monsters are Mei Sanniang and Dianqing? They actually have the power here." Zhang Jingchen's eyes suddenly became extremely embarrassing when he looked at his broken arm, which was still bleeding.

  Zhang Jingchen really didn't expect that Mei Sanniang, who seemed to be exhausted, still had such amazing power, and looking at Mei Sanniang's surprised look, it was clear that even she herself knew about her power.

  Fortunately, Mei Sanniang couldn't control that kind of power and released all the power at one time. If Mei Sanniang had a little control to reduce the release of her power and attacked multiple times, he would definitely not be able to escape alive.

  "Stop talking, husband. Your injury is too serious. I can only try to stop the bleeding. What you need now is rest."

  Chu Mengyan looked at the dense wounds on Zhang Jingchen's gully and the directly broken arm.

  If you think about it with your toes, you will know how important the arm is to a swordsman. Although the loss of the left arm is not the dominant right arm, it is still no less than a blow to a swordsman.

  Without an arm, not to mention that there are many moves that cannot be used, and there is no way to use the left-handed sword, the balance of the scorpion alone can make Zhang Jingchen's strength drop by more than half.

  "Let's go, don't worry about me, my injury is too serious, you can't escape very far with me."

  Zhang Jingchen, who was supported by Chu Mengyan, took a few deep breaths and pushed Chu Mengyan away. Without her support, Zhang Jingchen collapsed to the ground.

  "Husband, what are you talking about? If we want to leave, let's go together. How can I leave my husband and run away alone?"

  Chu Mengyan shook her head, stubbornly wanting to go over to help Zhang Jingchen.

  Chu Mengyan shook her head, stubbornly wanting to go over to help Zhang Jingchen.

  "Meng Yan! Look at my current situation, you should understand that now I can't escape at all, and they will catch up with us soon!"

  "That kind of power, you also saw that the huge mushroom cloud and the earth within a few thousand meters were all turned into fly ash in an instant!"

  "And there are tens of thousands, or even more Wei troops, who were wiped out in an instant!"

  "That's not a power that humans can have at all, do you understand!"

  "If that guy comes to chase us, I'm afraid it won't take long to catch up with us, and taking me will only make you catch up too!"

  Zhang Jingchen suddenly remembered a scene that he would never forget in his life. The memory of that moment seemed to be directly engraved on his soul, so he could not forget it at all, and even now it was completely flooded in Zhang Jingchen's mind.

  An astonishing energy explosion followed by a tornado-like storm. Above the head was a huge mushroom cloud. Under the energy explosion, a strong light like the sun even rose.

  Then... it's all gone.

  Zhang Jingchen, who was running away, glanced back in a hurry, and he could never forget all of this. Whenever he thought of Kong Nianzhi's power and this kind of destruction, a trace of fear appeared in his heart. This is for a swordsman. is fatal.

  0 ask for flowers    

  "I don't want, I will never leave my husband, either we go together or we die together."

  Chu Mengyan shook her head, walked towards Zhang Jingchen again, and slowly helped Zhang Jingchen up.

  "Meng Yan, listen to me." Zhang Jingchen stretched out his bandaged right hand and gently brushed away the messy hair on the woman's forehead: "With your light work, it won't take long to get out of here."

  "You go now, and rush towards the territory of Qin without looking back, they will only think that Qin is the most dangerous place, you should stay away from Qin, and you will never think that you will escape there. "

  .. ......  

  "As for me, you don't have to worry. I will find a place to hide and recuperate from the injury. When my injury is fully recovered, I will go to Qin State to join you."

  An inexplicable light flashed in Zhang Jingchen's eyes, he was not going to escape, Zhang Jingchen wanted to delay time for her here.

  The defeat of the Wei army has become an established fact. I am afraid that it will not be long before the two of them disappear. If Mei Sanniang and Dian Qing can't find him, it is absolutely impossible to give up.

  So in order for Chu Mengyan to escape, he can't go, absolutely can't go!

  "You are obedient, now..."

  Zhang Jingchen wanted to continue talking, but suddenly his face became extremely stiff, and he had some very bad premonitions in his heart, and the instinct belonging to the swordsman turned his head as if he felt something.

  The next moment, Zhang Jingchen saw a man in a white robe standing on a high slope more than ten meters away from them, with his hands behind the gully facing them.

  The silvery-white moonlight was slowly distorted when it fell on the man's side, and I don't know if it was an illusion, Zhang Jingchen felt that the moon's light even began to dim gradually, as if he was afraid of something.

  This illusory and unreal feeling made Zhang Jingchen extremely uncomfortable. He couldn't help but vomited a mouthful of blood again, and then he felt a lot better inside. .

Chapter 959 Confucius Nianzhi who protects the calf!

  "Damn, when did you find and catch up with us so quickly!"

  Zhang Jingchen stopped Chu Mengyan behind the gully, and a deep shock flashed in his eyes. He didn't know when Kong Nianzhi appeared here, nor how Kong Nianzhi appeared here. .

  I don't even know how long Kong Nianzhi has been here and how long they have been talking!

  "Quack! quack! quack!"

  The crow's cry suddenly sounded, and it seemed so abrupt and desolate in this dark night. This kind of creature chasing death spread all over the border of Qin and Wei.

  They landed on the branches of the big tree, and from time to time they crooked their necks and looked at a few people under the tree, waiting for the strange creatures in front of them to die, and then it was time for them to eat. ,

  "Zero Three Three"

  "Not surprised, not surprised."

  Kong Nianzhi looked at Zhang Jingchen, who had fearful eyes in front of him, and suddenly opened his mouth to reveal a gentle smile, but this gentle smile seemed to Zhang Jingchen to be as terrifying as the King of Hell.

  "Xi didn't feel it, but I'll be there for surprises and surprises."

  Zhang Jingchen suppressed the fear in his heart and tried his best to be as calm as possible: "We don't seem to have done anything to enmity against Your Excellency, why did Your Excellency stop us?"

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