Chapter 967 Have you mastered the Tao!

  Also, is that stuff really edible?What should I eat?

  bake it?How big of a shelf is needed to put that giant beast on it, I'm afraid I can't find a shelf that can put down that giant beast all over the world.

  cooking?Don't think about this, there is no such a big pot.

  What should I do? Feiyan's thoughts have been distorted by Yan Lingji, and she even started to think about these things, and she and Yan Lingji began to actively discuss things about the giant beast.

  Time passed quickly in the conversation between the girls, and seeing their charming laughter from time to time, it could be seen that Fei Yan, Yan Lingji and Tian Yan were very happy chatting.

  Later, Feiyan and Yanlingji didn't know what they were talking about, but Tian Yan's little face suddenly had a faint red mist, as if he was about to drip blood from embarrassment.

  But even so, Tian Yan pricked up his ears secretly and refused to let go of any words from Fei Yan and Yan Lingji, which looked extremely cute.

  And at this time.

  Just when Yanlingji, Feiyan, and Tian Yanchao were in full swing, there was another scene in Mojia 487.

  All the Mohist disciples gathered together and talked in a low voice. Their faces were extremely ugly, and they had no fighting spirit at all, because they already knew that they had temporarily lost their freedom and were in a state of captivity.

  However, compared with losing their lives and the complete destruction of the Mo family, this result is probably the best, and they can only comfort themselves like this.

  When they saw the power of the invisible empire, and when they saw the Taoist clan, the Tianzong and the Yin-Yang clan all gathered here, the Mo clan's disciples had no doubt that as long as this group of people wanted to, they could directly destroy the Mo clan at any time, and it was a chicken The kind that dogs don't stay.

  However, Kong Nianzhi no longer cares about this group of people from the Mo family. He is ready to take Qilin'er back to Zilan Xuan. Qilin'er has been away from Zilan Xuan for too long, and it is time to go home.

  Wanting to stay in Zilan Xuan can make Qilin'er, the extremely insecure little girl, slowly feel a sense of security.

  But just when Kong Nianzhi was about to open the space channel, Bei Mingzi ran over to stop him, and Guiguzi on the side was also cheeky and followed with an old face.

  "Nianzhi, don't rush to leave."

  When Bei Mingzi saw that Kong Nianzhi was about to leave, he was in a hurry, and stepped directly across the space and came to Kong Nianzhi's gully.

  "Is there anything else? If you want to ask when, master, it's okay to create a child to play with, then I'm still working on it."

  Looking at the old man who was blocking him, Kong Nian was confused and thought that the old man Bei Mingzi was urging him to hurry up and bring a child to him.

  After all, Bei Mingzi had mentioned this matter a few times before, and even urged Kong Nianzhi in front of Fei Yan and other women when he helped Kong Nianzhi cast a sword.

  "No...that's not the problem this time."

  Bei Mingzi smiled awkwardly when he heard Kong Nianzhi's words, because after listening to Kong Nianzhi's words, everyone around him turned their attention to his gully, and Bei Mingzi suddenly felt the halo of his worldly master. It is quickly fading, and it is replaced by another title that has risen in the hearts of everyone, the old man who is not serious.

  Especially Guiguzi, his eyes narrowed into a slit, and he looked at him scrutinizingly, as if saying, "You old boy has a good calculus, and you have already put your careful thoughts on Kong Nianzhi's child. ."

  Especially Guiguzi, his eyes narrowed into a slit, and he looked at him scrutinizingly, as if saying, "You old boy has a good calculus, and you have already put your careful thoughts on Kong Nianzhi's child. ."

  "It's not that, what's that?"

  Kong Nianzhi was very puzzled, but he was too lazy to use omniscience and omnipotence to see the future for this trivial matter.

  But in the next second, Kong Nianzhi suddenly muttered, "Dao?!"



  Bei Mingzi and Guiguzi changed their expressions at the same time, and made a subtle gesture towards Kong Nianzhi to silence him, because what Kong Nianzhi said was exactly what they thought, about making their cultivation even further, they could perceive it. The two of them have coveted for a long time the way to the deeper Dao.

  It stands to reason that when Kong Nianzhi mentions it now, they should be excited, but the fact is not.

  As the saying goes, the law is not passed on to the six ears. It is impossible to spread the real good things. There are too many outsiders present. How can Bei Mingzi let these outsiders hear this kind of things related to the Tao.

  That's why Bei Mingzi didn't say it directly.

  "Nianzhi, you come with me, we'll talk here."

  Bei Mingzi and Guiguzi glanced at each other, then dragged Kong Nianzhi to the direction away from the crowd, and stopped until they found a place with no one within a few hundred meters.

  "Nianzhi, based on our relationship, I'll have something to say." Bei Mingzi glanced at Kong Nianzhi and continued, "You should also know that with Guiguzi and I's age and talent, I'm afraid we'll never be the same in this life. That's the limit."

  "We have long passed the golden stage of explosive growth in strength, and now it is only because of our health preservation skills that we can try our best to keep our strength from declining too seriously."

  "Guguzi and I can feel that we don't have much time, so I want to ask you."

  "Nianzhi, have you mastered the Tao, the Tao in the true sense?"

  Bei Mingzi looked at Kong Nianzhi eagerly. If everything is as he thought, then I am afraid that he has now approached Dao like never before.

  In fact, it is reasonable to say that the real things are realized by yourself, because only what you understand is your own. Sometimes it is not good for others to tell you how to do it, and even make you go more. detour.

  But Beimingzi and Guiguzi are different. They have been stuck in this realm for too long, and they have accumulated enough information. The only thing left is the last step, so that they can step over and see to something new.

  As long as they can learn something from Kong Nianzhi and break the restriction of this bottleneck, Bei Mingzi and Guiguzi can find a way to move forward again and continue to practice.

  "Master really wanted to ask this question. It seems that Senior Guiguzi is also very interested."

  Confucius is clear, he is not surprised by the question asked by Bei Mingzi. As a Taoist, Taoism is his lifelong pursuit. This pursuit has even surpassed the limitations of life and death. It is the highest spiritual pursuit. sustenance. .

Chapter 968 The world outside the world!

  "Ahem, I'm a little bit interested. You know, your master Bei Mingzi and I have known each other for a long time. Since he's interested, then I'm also very interested."

  "My two apprentices, Wei Zhuang is now hanging out with you in Zilan Xuan, and Gai Nie is in charge of protecting Ying Zheng in the Qin Palace. We should be considered our own, right?"

  "Of course, if I need to avoid suspicion, I can leave right now, leaving enough space for the two of you~."

  Guiguzi looked righteous and dignified, and he almost wrote on his face that I don't want to hear what you have to say, but Guiguzi's feet didn't move at all, and he didn't mean to leave at all-.

  Not only that, Guiguzi even took two steps closer to Beimingzi, as if he was telling Kong Nianzhi that he and Beimingzi had a very good relationship, so that Kong Nianzhi should treat him as an outsider.

  "Forget it, there's no need for that. Let me first ask the master and senior Guiguzi, what do you think is the Tao?"

  Kong Nianzhi could see Guiguzi's careful thinking, but his appearance made Kong Nianzhi unable to hold back a smile.

  "Tao, nature. Nature is the Tao. The natural, self, oneself. Of course, this, this, that."

  Speaking of this, Bei Mingzi's face immediately turned positive. As a Taoist, he is naturally clearer than Guiguzi's thoughts on the Tao: "Everything is not what it is, the sun and the moon are self-evident without burning, and the stars are not listed. Animals and animals grow by themselves without man-made, wind without fans and move on their own, water without pushing and flowing by themselves, plants and trees without seeds and grow by themselves, breathing without breathing, beating without beating heart, and so on. "

  "The "Dao" is loosely shaped as Qi, and aggregated as "Tai Shang Lao Jun"."

  "The undecided, the gods are not planted, but the root of the mystery. "Dao" is also, so it is called "Tai Shang"."

  Bei Mingzi's expression was sincere, and he described the Tao he understood, which sounded extremely mysterious.

  But to put it simply, the Dao understood by Bei Mingzi is that Dao is nature.

  "It's not like that." In the doubtful eyes of Bei Mingzi and Guiguzi, Kong Nianzhi smiled lightly: "Master's statement is a bit biased, although it is naturally the Tao, the Tao is everywhere, not only limited to the natural world. middle."

  "The Tao is just a concept. Everything can be the Tao. No matter how it is used, the final end is the same. That is the Tao."

  "I don't agree with the so-called too ruthless. If it is really too ruthless and cuts off all my feelings, what if I get the Tao."

  Kong Nianzhi said with a disdainful smile, the way he walks is definitely not too ruthless, the kind of way that can only be achieved by cutting off the attachment to the mundane and mundane things, cutting off all his feelings, Kong Nianzhi is Absolutely won't do it.

  In fact, think about it, there are a few people in this world who can be truly too ruthless.

  No matter who it is, there will be joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. Even immortals will have their own emotions. They will be angry, happy, and have feelings.

  Even the person who is closest to the Tao in this world, that is, the saint who has been sanctified, the Lao Tzu who proposed the too ruthless and ruthless world, can't really be without any feelings.

  He will also plan, deduce, and formulate huge plans for the sake of profit.

  Therefore, the real ruthlessness does not exist at all. Unless it is the real way of heaven, there is no real ruthlessness at all.

  "What Nianzhi said is reasonable, can Nianzhi tell you if you have attained the Tao, otherwise I can't understand why you have such amazing power, that is definitely not the category of internal power, and it is definitely not human power. It can be called the power of the gods.”

  "What Nianzhi said is reasonable, can Nianzhi tell you if you have attained the Tao, otherwise I can't understand why you have such amazing power, that is definitely not the category of internal power, and it is definitely not human power. It can be called the power of the gods.”

  "And not only that, among the invisible empires you built, almost all of them have such a powerful force that they can be said to be non-human, and they are extremely terrifying."

  "There are many people among them. Even I can feel an inexplicable heart palpitations and a breath of death. Especially today's Mo Ya, I can feel that if I fight him, I will definitely lose in the end."

  "I want to know, what exactly did you teach them about Nianzhi, which can make the strength change earth-shakingly."

  Bei Mingzi looked at Kong Nianzhi and asked anxiously, the answer was already in front of him, even Bei Mingzi couldn't calm down.

  ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

  "What I have mastered can indeed be called the Tao, but it is not the Tao of the concept that you think, Master, nor the Tao of this world."

  Under Bei Mingzi's doubtful eyes, Kong Nianzhi thought for a moment and then replied.

  Strictly speaking, Kong Nianzhi has indeed mastered the Tao, but it is not the Tao of this world. To be precise, it should be the Tao of the world of death, or the power of rules.

  The power of omniscience and omnipotence, that is, the power of Habach, is actually obtained from the King of Spirit, and the King of Spirit is the god who created the world of death. The Spirit King fell asleep completely and was in a state of suspended animation, as if he had lost consciousness.

  .. . 0

  Kong Nianzhi, who perfectly inherited the power of omniscience and omnipotence, can actually be said to have completely copied the power of Habach, but he will not be limited by the power of the Spirit King like Habach. This is exactly the same, but it is not. Again the same power.

  "Not the way of this world? What is that? Are there other worlds?"

  Bei Mingzi and Guiguzi were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly their pupils shrank, because they heard Kong Nianzhi's subtext, and the Tao they mastered was not from this world. Does that mean that there are other worlds besides this world? !

  what is that? !

  The legendary fairy world or the god world?

  Or is it the devil world or other worlds that Bei Mingzi and Guiguzi cannot understand?

  In addition to this world, there really are other worlds, and things like immortals also exist? !

  Bei Mingzi had a horrified expression on his face, if there really were other worlds, then what was their world!

  Somehow, Bei Mingzi suddenly remembered that the day when the natural vision found Kong Nianzhi, the black mist that appeared on Kong Nianzhi's gully was constantly merging with Kong Nianzhi.

  This scene hovered in Bei Mingzi's heart for a long time, so that Bei Mingzi could not forget it. .

Chapter 969 Kong Nianzhi said don't be too happy!

  "The world outside the world, of course, exists. I can even feel the barrier of the world now. As long as I gently tear it, the space in front of me will be shattered."

  Kong Nianzhi's eyes narrowed slightly, and a silver light flashed across.

  In fact, now, Kong Nianzhi can also forcibly break the space, but the consequences of breaking the space are still unpredictable, and he does not know where the world is outside, so Kong Nianzhi will not go to such a place for the time being. made.

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