Although there are grades of holy characters, it is not that the weaker the power, the weaker the power. The lethality and destructive power of the ability of the element system and the ability of the strange system are definitely not under the ability of the causal system and the rule system, just because of the causal system. The abilities of the system and the rule system are closer to the essence and cause and effect of the world, so they are ranked above the abilities of the element system and the ability of the weird system.

  Only the ability of the simplest power augmentation system can be said to be the weakest power, and the typical representative is the sledgehammer.

  Although the power of the sledgehammer is beyond everyone's imagination, and it can even cause the mountain to collapse under full force, such power is enough to become a nightmare for everyone, but it is not enough in front of people with other holy texts.

  Although the power of the sledgehammer is beyond everyone's imagination, and it can even cause the mountain to collapse under full force, such power is enough to become a nightmare for everyone, but it is not enough in front of people with other holy texts.

  Not to mention anything else, as long as Yan Lingji emits a flame of up to [-] degrees, and even allows the temperature to continue to rise, she can burn everything close to her, and in an instant, she can trap the big hammer in the flame. and eventually burned to death.

  The purple girl with the power of thunder or other people can easily defeat the sledgehammer. Compared with their strength, pure strength is too weak. As long as they are not hit by the sledgehammer, everything is simple. too much.

  And now, the holy text that Guiguzi has awakened now is the holy text of the weird type, and it can even be said that the abilities of the weird type are extremely weird.

  Hidden swords, as the name suggests, are hidden swords.

  Usually, Guiguzi's power is in a state of "¨" being sealed. This seal is the power limit given by Guiguzi himself. When it exceeds the upper limit of this limit, the overflowing power will flow into the seal. store it up.

  Then a sword will be formed in the seal. This sword is formed by those forces that are higher than the limit. It is a sword formed by the spiritual pressure of Guiguzi. It is usually hidden in the spiritual pressure of Guiguzi. When it is released, it is when Guiguzi liberates all his strength.

  At the same time, because the power has been poured into it, the stored power is far more than the upper limit of the spiritual pressure that Guiguzi can usually accommodate, so the power of Guiguzi will get a terrifying increase during liberation. This growth The magnitude can definitely shock everyone's attention.

  To put it simply, it means that Guiguzi uses self-limitation of the power that he usually does not use, that is, saves the overflowing power of this part that will not be used, and uses it to raise and hide swords.

  When the need arises, as long as the Holy Word is liberated, the strength will be greatly increased.

  "々' I really didn't expect that this Guiguzi has the potential to be a sword idiot, and actually uses his own scorpion as a container for hiding and raising swords."

  Kong Nianzhi looked at Guiguzi with admiration, obviously not expecting that Guiguzi would awaken such an ability.

  To know that Guiguzi awakened such a holy text, it means that his strength in the initial stage will be much lower than that of other pure-blooded Quincy masters.

  The power of the Quincy can be divided into three stages in simple terms, the normal stage, which is the form of power that is usually resident, ( Zhao Hao ) This form is the state where the holy text is not activated, that is, the pure-blooded Quincy weakest state.

  And the second state is the state of opening the holy text, and this time is also the state in which the Quincy annihilates all his power.

  And the final third state, the ultimate form of the Quincy who fully awakens the holy text, in this state the power of the holy text will be completely released, destroying everything.

  The difference between Guiguzi and other pure-blood Quincy masters is the strength of this first stage. Although he also has the power of blood equipment, many of Guiguzi's spiritual pressure will be diverted to raise swords.

  That is to say, in the normal state, the power of Guiguzi will never get a terrifying increase like other Quincy masters.

  It looks like a fake pure blood quencher.

  Even... it can be said to be the weakest pure-blood quencher at present. .

Chapter 972 The attacking Donghuang Taiyi!

  The sun gradually became hotter.

  A faint layer of moisture pervaded the lush woods, which was left on the vegetation in the early morning, but was soon completely evaporated under the high temperature.

  Gradually, even the air began to be filled with a layer of rolling heat, and it seemed that the line of sight had been completely distorted, giving people a visually strange feeling.

  Everyone's forehead was constantly dripping with hot sweat, and it was as if they were soaking wet, completely wet with sweat.

  At this hottest time, the farmers who had been cultivating for a while in the morning also wiped their sweat and found the shade of a tree to rest for a while. Only the cattle were left by the farmers to eat the grass and rest.

  Just when everyone was suffering from the scorching summer sun, somewhere in the Qin country, it was as shady as autumn, giving people a cool and refreshing feeling. If you stay here for a long time, , I can even feel the slightest coolness.

  Here... is the home of Yin and Yang.

  At this moment, all the disciples of the Yin-Yang family had basically been sent out by Dong Huangtai, and there were only a few disciples who were watching the house in twos and threes, so the entire Yin-Yang family looked very empty.

  Even if this is the core stronghold of the Yin and Yang family, it seems to have a desolate feeling for a while. Coupled with the unique decoration and atmosphere of the Yin and Yang family, it gives people a gloomy feeling.

  Forbidden land, this is a place that only the upper echelons of the Yin Yang family can step into.

  And the corner of this forbidden area is the place where the Yin-Yang family used to collect some classics. All the classics recorded by the Yin-Yang family, or the onmyoji and even all kinds of things were placed here.

  Through the thin curtain on the window, a figure can be seen walking around constantly, stopping sometimes, as if looking for something.

  "No, not this one."

  "Not this one either."

  "It seems that there is no record of those things in the Yin Yang family, and no clues can be found."

  Donghuang Taiyi casually threw a bamboo tube in his hand towards the back of the gully, and then the bamboo tube seemed to be pulled by some kind of force, so it flew back to its original position, placed there neatly, look at It looked like it had never moved.

  "No, the Yin-Yang family is a part of the Taoist family. There are many books about the Taoist family, and there are many hidden things about the Taoist family. It is reasonable to say that there should be some useful things. of."

  "At least, there should be a little clue."

  Dong Huangtai pondered for a while, then picked up a bamboo tube again, looked at it a few times, then shook his head and put it down.

  At the beginning, Donghuang Taiyi was actually not sure whether there was any record of the Chiyou family in the Yinyang family, but he heard about Li Er, the Laozi who founded Taoism, at Nanzheng, so Donghuang Taiyi was very talented. I realized that Taoism might be hiding something.

  On the other hand, the Yin-Yang family was a part of the Taoist family that split off five hundred years ago, and even many lost Taoist things can be found in the Yin-Yang family, so there must be some Taoist books and records in the Yin-Yang family. local records.

  However, Donghuang Taiyi has already searched through all the classics, and found nothing. I am afraid that there is really no record of those things in the Yin Yang family.

  However, Donghuang Taiyi has already searched through all the classics, and found nothing. I am afraid that there is really no record of those things in the Yin Yang family.

  "It seems that it is impossible to find some clues from this direction."

  Dong Huangtai shook his head slightly, turned and walked towards the door, slowly closing the wooden door.

  "Huh?! Wait a minute!"

  Just as the wooden door was about to close, Dong Huangtai narrowed his eyes, disappeared directly beside the wooden door, re-entered the room, and stood in front of a shelf that he had already seen.

  "what is this?"

  Donghuang Taiyi looked at the bamboo tube in front of him suspiciously, pushed them all aside, and then revealed a dusty box at the bottom. It seemed that no one had seen this box for a long time, and it had not even been opened at all. That's why so much dust accumulates.

  "No wonder, there are some anecdotes recorded here, so no disciples read these books, and no one is even interested in these things."

  Dong Huangtai waved his sleeves one by one, and the terrifying internal force suddenly came out, forming a strong wind, blowing away all the dust on the box, and then took out a bamboo tube and looked at the things recorded on it, all of which were like Something like wild history.

  In normal times, the disciples of the Yin Yang family are not qualified to enter this place at all. Even if they are able to enter, they are accompanied by someone to choose the exercises to practice. Qualified to learn all the Onmyoji and forbidden techniques of the Onmyoji family.

  Therefore, all the disciples of the Yin-Yang family cherished the opportunity to enter here, and would never waste this precious opportunity on things that recorded that they could not increase their strength. This is also the appearance of this box that no one cares about.

  "Hmph, it's interesting, as expected, as long as it's what happened, then no matter how you erase it, it's impossible to completely erase all traces."

  After looking through all the bamboo tubes in the box, Donghuang Taiyi held one of the bamboo tubes, and the corners of the box gradually evoked a cold arc.

  This bamboo tube is no different from those bamboo tubes, and it also records some anecdotes.

  In the bamboo tube, there is generally such a thing. According to legend, there is an old man riding a green bull who has become a land immortal. He has seen everything in the world and read the rules of heaven and earth.

  But one day, the old man riding the old ox discovered the traces of immortals, so in order to find these immortals, the old man riding on the green ox began to track the traces of these immortals, and finally found the immortal mountain.

  This Gonzo ends here, there is no record of what happened after that, it seems like it has no beginning and no end.

  But after encountering Nanzheng, especially after learning something about what happened in the first place, Donghuang Taiyi didn't think this anecdote was completely useless!

  This old man riding a green bull is obviously Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism, that is, Li Er!

  And that legendary fairy mountain!

  I'm afraid it's also... Haishan Sanxianshan! .

Chapter 973 Terrifying Li Er!

  In fact, there is no need to record anything after that. According to what Nanzheng described and what was recorded in this anecdote, it is not difficult to speculate that after Lao Tzu first rode a bull to the west out of Hangu Pass, he pursued the Chiyou family all the way. After following the trail, I finally found Haishan Sanxianshan!

  That is to say, most of the Chiyou clan are definitely hidden on the sea mountain Sanxian Mountain, and the Chiyou clan hidden in Loulan is probably only a small part, that is, the clansmen of Nanzheng and the others.

  They stayed here in order to find a way to invade Loulan, and to capture Chiyou's Demon God of Soldiers and Chiyou Sword from Loulan.

  "Li Er, I really should have seen you back then. It's really hard to imagine how powerful you are."

  "Dare to forcibly invade the Three Immortal Mountains at sea with the strength of one person, collide with the Chiyou clan head-on, and finally make the Chiyou clan pay a very heavy price~"

  "Nanzheng's expression of fear and the emotion of fear at the time are absolutely real. It is an extremely heavy loss to be admitted by him, and how strong are you, a feared human being?"

  "And what happened after you entered Sanxian Mountain in the sea? Why is Nanzheng reluctant to mention that you have been killed by the Chiyou clan? Or did you find a way to survive."

  "It's really interesting, and I suddenly have some interest."

  Dong Huangtai's glazed eyes flickered, and then the image of the gully slowly shattered and disappeared. Even the wooden door did not know when it was closed. Only the opened box on the ground proved that someone had come here. .

  Donghuang Taiyi has already decided that she will go to Kong Nianzhi now, and then go to the Taoist Tianzong together to see if she can find more clues.

  Although it is now known that the Chiyou family is located in Sanxian Mountain, the exact location of Sanxian Mountain in Haishan is still a mystery. The Sanxian Mountain on the sea that I saw on the coast of the East China Sea was just a mirage, not the real location of Sanxian Mountain on the sea at all.

  Moreover, the location of the ancient country of Loulan is currently unknown, which is also what Donghuang Taiyi wants to find a solution to Kong Nianzhi.


  And at this moment.

  In the Mojia Organ City.

  "Okay, since the master and senior Guiguzi have already obtained what you want, then I'll leave first. It's time to go back after I've been out for so long."

  Kong Nianzhi waved at Bei Mingzi and Guiguzi and was about to run away.

  "Then... what about us?"

  "Yeah, what about us, and our Daoist disciples?"

  Bei Mingzi and Guiguzi were immediately stunned. The two of them thought that Kong Nianzhi would let them experience it once, the feeling of traveling from one place to another.

  "You... do it yourself!"

  Kong Nianzhi didn't bother to care about them, so he left Bei Mingzi and Guiguzi standing here in a mess, laughing and walking towards Mo Ya and the others.

  Although I know clearly in my heart that the girls like Zi Nu, Yan Lingji, Fei Yan, Tian Yan, etc. are definitely impossible to miss him, after all, this is just not a home, and they haven't been away for too long, but Kong Nianzhi still misses them a little bit. .

  After all, Kong Nianzhi has not been active for a long time. He sleeps with a soft girl every day. It's not like today, he has not slept all night.



  The two white afterimages disappeared in a flash, and they rushed in front of Bei Mingzi and Guiguzi in the blink of an eye. Chi Songzi saw that Kong Nianzhi had returned from whispering with Beimingzi and Guiguzi, and he couldn't sit still. He rushed over directly from Bei Mingzi, ready to ask what Bei Mingzi asked about from Kong Nianzhi.

  On the other side, Xiaoyaozi glanced at him and stared at him unwillingly. He was a Taoist anyway. When he saw that he was a fart, he followed Chisongzi's back and ran over.

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