The King of the Quincy who was sealed took nine hundred years to regain his heartbeat, another ninety years to regain his consciousness, another nine years to regain his strength, and only nine days to take back the world.

  This is the prophecy left by Youhabah, through which in the last nine years, Youhabah will take back all the power of the Quincy who thought it was useless.

  And Chiyou's suspended animation state is probably somewhat similar to Kong Nianzhi's ability.

  The difference is that Kong Nianzhi's ability can be activated actively, and can even be resurrected from the dead, while Chi You can only accept it passively, and if he is dead, he is really dead.

  The difference is that Kong Nianzhi's ability can be activated actively, and can even be resurrected from the dead, while Chi You can only accept it passively, and if he is dead, he is really dead.

  "If you don't want to say it, forget it."

  "And now, Chiyou's squat has probably recovered, so the people of Chiyou's clan have become active."

  "At the same time, in order to allow Chiyou to wake up with the strongest attitude, the Chiyou clan left a small part of the seal left in the ancient Loulan country, and wanted to find a way to break the seal and enter the ancient country of Loulan, so as to regain Chiyou's soldiers and demons and Chiyou Sword."

  (agbf) The reason why Donghuang Taiyi didn't delve into what Confucius knew about Confucius, everyone has their own secrets.

  "They really want to get the Demon God of War and Chi You Sword."

  "Thousands of years ago, people from the Chiyou family wanted to kill me. Interesting."

  Kong Nianzhi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he began to have some interest in this Chiyou clan.

  If the Chiyou clan lurked honestly and didn't do anything, Kong Nianzhi would never have noticed their existence. After all, in Kong Nianzhi's eyes, even the Chiyou clan were only part of the ants. That's it.

  But now these Chiyou clan people couldn't help but jumped out on their own initiative, and even wanted to kill Kong Nianzhi, and found Zilan Xuan here.

  It is conceivable that if the Chiyou family was noticed by Kong Nianzhi, there would be absolutely no good end.

  "Now this group of people from the Chiyou clan who want to kill you are hiding near the ancient country of Loulan. The location you just mentioned, if this seat is good, it should be the ancient country of Loulan."

  Dong Huangtai nodded a little. Since he already knew the location of the ancient Loulan country, the rest was much easier. As long as he found that desolate place, he would also find the location of this part of the Chiyou family.

  "By the way, what does this have to do with what you said about Li Er?"

  Kong Nianzhi chuckled, and then returned to the topic at the beginning. Although Dong Huangtai and the Chiyou clan's origin and purpose were all told, they did not say why Li Er was mentioned.

  "Before answering this question, I would like to ask you, how many records of Li Er are there in Taoism?"

  Donghuang Taiyi did not return to Kong Nianzhi, but asked another question.

  "Interesting question." Kong Nianzhi pondered for a second and then said with a chuckle: "In the Taoist Tianzong, there are absolutely not too many records about Li Er, most of them are just about the Tao left behind. expositions and personal doctrines and the like."

  "As expected, almost all of Li Er's news has been wiped out."

  Dong Huangtai nodded with a sneer. Even the Taoist school that Li Er belongs to has not recorded much about Li Er. It is conceivable that the existence and things about Li Er must have been erased artificially.

  "Erased? Was it done by the Chiyou family?"

  Han Xin sensitively grasped the word that Dong Huang Taiyi said.

  "In addition to the Chiyou family, who else would do such a thing, in order to conceal the original truth and everything, I am afraid that the Chiyou family will destroy all the information left by Li Er as much as possible."

  Donghuang Taiyi's black robe fluttered, and the words of the Chiyou family began to become cold, and the murderous aura that filled everyone couldn't help but look sideways. .

Chapter 988 This is a fierce man!

  "In the legend, didn't Li Er disappear from Hangu Pass on the west side of a blue ox?"

  "There are rumors that Li Er has already attained enlightenment, and there are also rumors that Li Er is wandering around."

  "Could it be that what happened after leaving Hangu Pass in the west~ Love?"

  "What did Li Er do to let the Chiyou clan erase all his information?"

  Han Xin pondered for a while, and continued to speculate.

  "I also used the mind-reading technique to get some incomplete information from the minds of the Chiyou clan. Then I rummaged through all the ancient books and only found a strange legend, and then I roughly figured out what happened at the beginning."

  "For thousands of years, the Chiyou family has been dormant, hiding in the dark and constantly planning."

  "No vassal state, not even anyone noticed their existence, they are constantly breeding like a plague."

  "But at this moment, Li Er appeared."

  "He is the only person who has penetrated and knew everything for thousands of years."

  "I'm afraid the Chiyou family would not have thought that they destroyed all the information left by Li Er, but they didn't know that this story would be recorded in the form of a legend."

  Donghuang Taiyi did not reveal her existence. After all, strictly speaking, she was actually the first person to know the existence of the Chiyou clan.

  But Donghuang Taiyi didn't want to reveal his existence, and Donghuang Taiyi was not really a human being, so Li Er was the first to discover the Chiyou family.

  "What did Li Er do to allow the Chiyou family to erase all his information."

  Kong Nianzhi also became interested. As a Taoist, how could he not know Li Er.

  And Li Er's prestige is so powerful that there is no need to repeat it. You must know that in the legend, Li Er is the avatar of the saint in the sky.

  "This is also the place where I feel surprised. Li Er didn't disappear after riding the Qingniu west out of Hangu Pass."

  Dong Huangtai said in a deep voice.

  "Where did he go?!"

  Han Xin couldn't help but asked first.

  "I don't know the specific process, but what is clear is that Li Er was aware of the existence of the Chiyou family and knew about the conspiracy of the Chiyou family."

  "So after Li Er rode the Qingniu west out of Hangu Pass, he followed the trail of the Chiyou clan all the way, and finally got into the Chiyou clan!"

  Donghuang Taiyi continued.

  "Hey... rely on me, this is a fierce guy!"

  Han Xin sucked in a breath of cold air, and couldn't help but let out a foul language.

  Everyone's pupils shrank immediately, and even Xuan Jian, who had been expressionless, couldn't help showing a look of horror.

  Don't think that the Chiyou clan members were killed so easily, and then think that they are all weak, that's because Kong Nianzhi and others are too strong.

  Xuan Jian could clearly feel the power possessed by those few people. It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of those few Chiyou clan members definitely belongs to the ranks of the masters among the entire sects and hundreds of families. Too many super masters.

  Xuan Jian could clearly feel the power possessed by those few people. It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of those few Chiyou clan members definitely belongs to the ranks of the masters among the entire sects and hundreds of families. Too many super masters.

  And such a master is only a relatively common existence in the Chiyou clan, not to mention that they have not used the most skilled sorcery and intoxication.

  People from the outside world don't understand witchcraft and gushu at all. I am afraid that if they fight against the Chiyou clan, they will definitely suffer a big loss.

  But with such a terrifying Chiyou clan, Li Er actually rode a green ox to his hometown!

  The rest of the family are still fighting to the death, busy with fame and fortune, and looking at the Taoist Laozi, he has already seen through the nature of the world and the truth of everything, and even in order to destroy the Chiyou family, he even resorted to With his own strength, he killed the Chiyou clan.

  "And then, what happened, did Li Er die?"

  Kong Nianzhi touched his chin and asked softly.

  "I don't know what happened later. This part of the memory is damaged, so I can't see it, I can't know what happened at the beginning, and I don't know if Li Er died in the hands of the Chiyou family. ."

  "But what is certain is that the Chiyou family has suffered great losses due to Li Er's attack, so the Chiyou family is worried that Li Er will leave something behind to let others know of their existence, and there will be a second person with this kind of power. people."

  0・・・For flowers・・・

  "So the Chiyou family erased all the information about Li Er."

  Donghuang Taiyi looked at everyone who was still digesting what he said.

  "The location of the Chiyou family is there."

  Kong Nianzhi tapped his fingers lightly, becoming more interested.

  "The location you know is... Sanxian Mountain at sea!"

  Dong Huangtai stared at Kong Nianzhi and said word by word.

  "Sure enough, it is Haishan Sanxianshan, I knew it was unusual, it turned out to be the hiding place of the Chiyou family." Kong Nianzhi sneered.

  .... 0

  According to legend, on the surface of the Songhai Sea, there are huge boulders looming like a mirage from time to time.

  One way of saying it is Xianshan: There are three Xianshan Mountains in the east of the sea: Penglai, Abbot and Yingzhou.There lived immortals, both men and women, who were unbelievably beautiful, and had lived for thousands of years.The mountain is full of exotic flowers and plants, and there is a tree that blooms every three hundred years and bears fruit every three hundred years.

  If mortals drink the immortal wine brewed from this fruit, they can live forever.Mortals can only see from a distance, but can never get close to it.

  It is said that only those who have the fate of immortality have the opportunity to climb the immortal mountain and meet immortals.Those who have gone to Xianshan will naturally stay in Xianshan and will never return to the mortal world.

  Another way of saying it is the illusion formed by a huge monster called a mirage on the sea: a mirage is a kind of dragon, and it controls the storms at sea.

  The mirage usually absorbs clouds, fog, wind and rain, and when the weather is fine, it spit out from the body, turning into a mountain, or the entire prosperous city floating in the air, attracting ships or tourists from all sides.

  The mirage hides behind the illusion formed by the cloud and mist, waiting for its prey, so the ship that encounters the mirage will never return, and the people on the ship will disappear forever.

  Some people have been shipwrecked and the ship was completely destroyed. Although people fled back, they were crazy every day, saying that "there are monsters at sea, and their mouths are bigger than a ship." .

Chapter 989 The limit of the human body!

  But now I can figure it out after what Dong Huangtai said. The so-called huge monster in the sea called a mirage is probably the deep-sea giant beast.

  As for the crazy fisherman who said that "there are monsters on the sea, and their mouths are bigger than a boat", he is not talking nonsense. , I am afraid it is almost a building.

  As for the legend of the immortals on the Sanxian Mountain in Haishan, it does not exist at all. I am afraid that some people from the Chiyou family have occasionally seen activities on the Sanxian Mountain in the sea, and then mistakenly thought that they were immortals living on the immortal mountains. after the legend.

  Kong Nianzhi suddenly sneered, and suddenly remembered what happened on the coast of the East China Sea when he was in Qi State, like a Hollywood blockbuster.

  "[-]" is full of lightning and thunder, the sea is constantly rolling and roaring, monstrous waves and huge whirlpools are flowing, one of the [-]-meter deep-sea giants is constantly moving its squat, towards the sea. Climb up to the legendary Three Immortal Mountains in the depths of the sea.

  To be able to produce such a terrifying giant beast, all this shows the extraordinaryness of the Three Immortals of the Sea Mountain.

  "But how did Li Er do it? Even if he is in the realm of the unity of heaven and man, I am afraid that he will never be able to rely on the strength of one person to cause the Chiyou family to suffer heavy losses. Could it be that his strength has broken through the human beings? Restrictions, have you entered a higher realm?"

  Kong Nianzhi is still a little puzzled, after all, in terms of the power of the Qin world, the peerless realm is the pinnacle that human beings can reach.

  There is a limit to human beings. Because of the problem of talent and blood, it is almost impossible to progress after reaching the limit of the scorpion, because their scorpion is not allowed to continue to be strong.

  The consequences of continuing to be strong will only make their scorpion collapse, so the peerless realm is the limit that the human scorpion in the world of Qin can achieve.

  Therefore, even if Li Er is in a peerless realm, he has developed the human five senses and gluttony to the limit, and his perception of all things in the world has reached a very deep level. very smart.

  And the body is self-contained, echoing with the universe, and completely reaching the supreme state of "all things are me, and I am all things".

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